Front cover image for Contemporary Sociological Theory

Contemporary Sociological Theory

Written by award-winning scholar Jonathan H Turner, this is a comprehensive, in-depth and detailed review of present-day theory in sociology.
eBook, English, 2012
SAGE Publications, Thousand Oaks, 2012
1 online resource (769 pages)
9781452203447, 9781483307206, 145220344X, 1483307204
The nature of sociological theory
Functional theorizing
The rise of functional theorizing
Talcott Parsons' analytical functionalism
The systems functionalism of Niklas Luhmann
Efforts to revitalize functionalism
Evolutionary and ecological theories
The rise of evolutionary and ecological theorizing
Ecological theories
Stage theories of societal evolution
Darwinian-inspired evolutionary theories
Conflict theorizing
The rise of conflict theorizing
Early analytical conflict theories
Randall Collins' analytical conflict theory
Marxian conflict theories
Conflict theories in historical-comparative sociology
Interactionist theorizing
The rise of interactionist and phenomenological theorizing
Symbolic interactionist theories of identity
Roles theories
Status theories
Dramaturgical theories
Ethnomethological theories
Exchange theorizing
The rise of exchange theorizing
Early exchange theorizing
Rational choice theories
Exchange-network theories
Structuralist and cultural theorizing
The rise of structuralist and cultural theorizing
Early structural and cultural theories
Cultural theories
Structuration theory
Network analysis
The challenge of critical theorizing
The rise of critical theorizing
Critical theorizing in the Frankfurt school
American-style critical theory
Written by award-winning scholar Jonathan H Turner, this is a comprehensive, in-depth and detailed review of present-day theory in sociology