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Modernism : an anthology of sources and documents

Publisher description: From Bauhaus to Dada, from Virginia Woolf to John Dos Passos, the Modernist movement revolutionized the way we perceive, portray, and participate in the world. This landmark anthology is a comprehensive documentary resource for the study of Modernism, bringing together more than 150 key essays, articles, manifestos, and other writings of the political and aesthetic avant-garde between 1840 and 1950
Print Book, English, 1998
University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1998
xx, 632 pages ; 26 cm
9780226450735, 9780226450742, 0226450732, 0226450740
From letter to Ruge, September 1843 / Karl Marx
From The communist manifesto 1848 / Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
From 'Art and revolution' 1849 / Richard Wilhelm Wagner
From The origin of species by means of natural selection 1859 / Charles Darwin
From Mother right 1861 / Johann Jakob Bachofen
From preface to Human, all too human 1878 / Friedrich Nietzsche
From Degeneration 1883 / Max Nordau
From 'Useful work versus useless toil' 1884 / William Morris
From The secret doctrine 1888 / H.P.B. (Helena Petrova Blavatsky)
From The golden bough 1890-1915 / J.G. Frazer
From The crowd: a study of the popular mind 1895 / Gustave Le Bon
From The theory of the leisure class 1899 / Thorstein Veblen
From The education of Henry Adams 1907 / Henry Adams
From The interpretation of dreams 1900 / Sigmund Freud
From 'The metropolis and mental life' 1903 / Georg Simmel
From Woman under socialism 1904 / August Bebel
From The souls of black folk 1903 / W.E.B. Du Bois
From Creative evolution 1907 / Henri Bergson
From Abstraction and empathy 1908 / Wilhelm Worringer
From 'Ornament and crime' 1908 / Adolf Loos
'The good conduct medal' 1909 / Karl Kraus
From 'Women's suffrage' 1911 / Millicent Garret Fawcett
From The Freud journal of Lou Andreas-Salomé 1912, 1913 / Lou Andreas-Salomé
From The decline of the west 1918-22 / Oswald Spengler. From review of Nathaniel Hawthorne's Twice-told tales 1842 / Edgar Allan Poe
From preface to Leaves of grass 1855 / Walt Whitman
From letter to Mlle Leroyer de Chantepie, 18 March 1857 / Gustave Flaubert
From 'On the modern element in literature' 1857 / Matthew Arnold
From 'The painter of modern life' 1859-60 / Charles Baudelaire
From letter to Paul Demeny, 15 May 1871 / Arthur Rimbaud
From Lectures on art 1870 ; From Arartra Pentelici 1872 / John Ruskin
From conclusion to The renaissance (1873) 1893 / Walter Pater
From preface to Miss Julie 1888 / August Stringberg
Preface to The picture of Dorian Gray 1890 / Oscar Wilde
'The science of fiction' 1891 / Thomas Hardy
From 'Crisis in poetry' 1886-95 / Stéphane Mallarmé
From 'Introduction to the method of Leonardo da Vinci' 1895 / Paul Valéry
'Prelimary address at the first performance of Ubu Roi, 10 December 1896' / Alfred Jarry
From preface to The nigger of the 'Narcissus' 1897 / Joseph Conrad
From The symbolist movement in literature 1899 / Arthur Symons
From 'The symbolism of poetry' 1900 / W.B. Yeats
From 'Days of reading: I' 1905 / Marcel Proust
From 'Henrik Ibsen: philosopher or poet' 1905 / William Archer
From 'The art of fiction' 1894 ; From preface to The Princess Casamassima 1906 / Henry James
From 'The actor and the Über-marionette' 1907 / Edward Gordon Craig
From My life 1927 / Isadora Duncan
From The sanity of art 1908 / George Bernard Shaw. From Realist manifesto 1855 / Gustave Courbet
From 'Naturalism on the stage' 1880 / Émile Zola
'The post-impressionists' 1910 / Desmond MacCarthy
From 'Romaniticism and classicism' 1911 / T.E. Hulme
From The man-made world or our androcentric culture 1911 / Charlotte Perkins Gilman
'The French group' 1912 / Roger Fry
'The English group' 1912 / Clive Bell
'Light' 1912 ; 'Notes on the construction of the reality of pure painting' 1912 / Robert Delaunay
'The musician's day' 1913 ; 'Some notes on modern music' 1919 / Erik Satie
From 'The cubist room ' 1914 / Wyndham Lewis
From 'In these great times' 1914 / Karl Kraus
From 'Zurich 1916, as it really was' 1928 / Richard Huelsenbeck
'Art and the war: concerning an allied exhibition' 1916 ; Programme for Parade, 18 May 1917 / Guillaume Apollinaire
'Marinetti the revolutionary' 1916 ; 'Theatre and cinema' 1921 / Antonio Gramsci
From 'Art as technique' 1917 / Victor Shklovsky
From Ten days that shook the world 1919 / John Reed
'A member of the audience: storming the Winter Palace' 1920
From The theory of the novel 1920 / Georg Lukács
From Literature and revolution 1923 / LeonTrotsky
From 'Make way for the winged Eros' 1923 / Alexandra Kollontai
From 'A Kino-eyed discussion' 1924 / Dziga Vertov
'Suburbs' 1923 / Luis Buñuel
From 'The reconstruction of the theatre' 1929 / Vsevolod Meyerhold
From 'Basic principles of sociological drama' 1929 / Erwin Piscator. Futurism. 'The founding and manifesto of futurism 1909' ; 'The variety theatre; 1913 / Filippo Tommaso Marinetti
'Why we paint ourselves: a futurist manifesto' 1913 / Ilya Zdanevich and Mikhail Larionov
'Feiminist manifesto' 1914 / Mina Loy
Cubism. From The cubist painter 1913 / Guillaume Apollinaire
Imagism. Preface to Some imagist poets 1915
Expressionism. From 'The problem of form' 1912 / Wassily Kandinsky
Dada. From 'Dada manifesto, 1918' ; 'Note on art' 1917 ; 'Note on Negro art' 1917 / Tristan Tzara
From Merz 1921 ; From 'Consistent poetry' 1924 ; 'To all the theatres of the world' 1926 / Kurt Schwitters
From 'Art is in danger' 1925 / George Grosz with Wieland Hezfelde
Vorticism. From Blast 1914
Eccentricism. The eccentric manifesto 1922
Constructivism. From Constructivism 1922 / Aleksei Gan
'Constructivism and the proletariat' 1922 / László Moholy-Nagy
Bauhaus. 'Manifesto of the Bauhaus, April 1919' / Walter Gropius
From 'Economic living' 1924 / Annelise Fleischmann
'The new typography; 1923 / László Moholy-Nagy
Diary extract 1927 / Oscar Schlemmer
Manifesto issued by the Syndicate of technical workers, painters and sculptors, Mexico City, 1922
LEF manifesto 1923
Surrealism. From The first manifesto of surrealism 1924 / André Breton
Transition. 'Suggestions for a new magic' 1927 ; 'Proclamation' 1929 / Eugene Jolas
Anarchism. From The ABC of anarchism 1929 / Alexander Berkman. From 'England's nest of singing birds' 1915 / (Margaret) Storm Jameson
From 'On impressionism' 1914 / Ford Madox Ford
From 'I am.' 1915 / Dora Marsden
From 'Notes on sensationism' 1916 / Fernando Pessoa
From 'Against American literature ' 1916 / John Dos Passos
From 'Anima hominis' 1917 / W.B. Yeats
From preface to Tendencies in modernist poetry 1917 / Amy Lowell
From prologue to Kora in hell 1918 / William Calos Williams
From a review of Pilgrimage 1918 / May Sinclair
From 'What is modern?' 1918 / Edwin Muir
From 'The poetry of C.P. Cavafy' 1919 / E.M. Forster
From reviews for the Athenaeum 1919 ; From letters to John Middleton Murry 1919 / Katherine Mansfield
From Diaries 1918, 1919, 1920 / Thomas Mann
From 'Tradition and the individual talent' 1919 ; From 'Ulysses, order, and myth' 1923 / T.S. Eliot
From 'A retrospect' 1918 ; From preface to Rémy de Gourmont's The natural philosophy of love 1926 / Ezra Pound
From 'Notes on thought and vision' 1919 / H.D. (Hilda Doolittle)
From 'Warsaw' 1922 / Alfred Döblin
'Recent German poetry' 1922 / Herman Hesse
'The moment: summer's night' 1927 ; From 'Mr. Bennett and Mrs. Brown' 1924 ; From 'Modern fiction' 1919 / Virginia Woolf
Letter to Harriet Shaw Weaver, 15 August 1925 / James Joyce
From 'The influence of Mr. James Joyce' 1921 / Richard Aldington
From 'Ulysses: ein monolog' 1932 / Carl Jung
From James Joyce and the making of 'Ulysses' 1934 / Frank Budgen
Letter to A.W. McLeod, 2 June 1914 ; From letter to Edward Garnett, 5 June 1914 ; From preface to the American edition of New poems 1929 / D.H. Lawrence
From introduction to The new Negro 1925 / Alain Locke
From 'The Negro artist and the racial mountain' 1926 / Langston Hughes
From 'Composition as explanation' 1926 / Gertrude Stein
From 'English ascendancy in British literature' 1931 / Hugh MacDiarmid
'New poetry since 1912' 1926 / Marianne Moore
From Modernist poetry 1926 / Robert Graves and Laura (Riding) Jackson
From 'Echoes of the Jazz age' 1931 / F. Scott Fitzgerald
From Being Geniuses together 1920-1930 1938 / Robert McAlmon
'A litter to Mr. James Joyce' 1929 / Vladimir Dixon
From 'Dante ... Bruno . Vico . . Joyce' 1929 ; From Proust 1931 / Samuel Beckett. From 'The mass ornament' 1927 / Siegfried Kracauer
From 'The state of contemporary social philosophy and the tasks of an institute for social research' 1931 / Max Horkheimer
From 'The modern theatre is the epic theatre' 1930 / Bertolt Brecht
'Theater and cruelty' 1933 / Antonin Artaud
From 'The dissection of the psychical personality' 1933 / Sigmund Freud
'Some notes on violence' 1932 ; 'Some notes on Miss L.' 1933 / Nathanael West
From The word 'woman' 1934-35 / Laura (Riding) Jackson
Foreword to Pilgrimage 1938 / Dorothy M. Richardson
From A hope for poetry 1934 / Cecil Day Lewis
From The use of poetry and the use of criticism 1933 / T.S. Eliot
From 'Prefatio aut cimicium tumulus' 1933 / Ezra Pound
From New bearings in English poetry 1932 / F.R. Leavis
Review of Leavis et al. 1933 ; From introduction to The poet's tongue 1935 / W.H. Auden
From introduction to The Oxford book of modern verse 1892-1935 1936 / W.B. Yeats
From introduction to The Faber book of modern verse 1936 / Michael Roberts
From 'The irrational element in poetry' 1936 / Wallace Stevens
From The strange death of liberal England 1935 / George Dangerfield
From speech at the first all-union congress of Soviet writers 1934 / Andrei Zhdanov
From 'What is revolutionary art?' 1935 / Herbert Read
'All art is propanganda' 1935 / Eric Gill
From 'The writers take sides' 1935 / Christina Stead
'Note', A Scots quair 1932-34 / Lewis Grassic Gibbon
From 'Lewis Grassic Gibbon' 1935-36 / James Barke
'Scotland a nation' 1935-36 / Neil M. Gunn
From 'Recent problems of revolutonary literature' 1935 / William Phillips and Philip Rahv
'The writer as technician' 1935 / John Dos Passos
From 'Left?' 1933-34 / John Cornford
From 'A dialectic approach to film form' 1929 / Sergei Eisensein
From 'Documents' 1937 / Storm Jameson
From speech inaugurating the 'Great exhibition of German art', Munich 1937 / Adolf Hitler
From 'Surrealism: the last snapshot of the European intelligentsia' 1929 ; From 'The work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction' 1936 / Walter Benjamin
From letter to Walter Benjamin, 18 March 1936 ; From 'On the fetish character in music and the regression of listening' 1938 / Theodor Adorno
From 'Realism in the balance ' 1938 / Georg Lukács
From The principle of hope 1938-47 / Ernst Bloch
From 'Letter from the front line in Spain' 1938 / David Alfaro Siqueiros
'Manifesto: towards a free revolutionary art' 1938 / André Breton, Leon Trotsky and Diego Rivera
From 'Inquiry into the spirit and language of the night' 1938 / Eugene Jolas et al
From 'Inside the whale' 1933 / George Orwell
From 'The leaning tower' 1940 / Virginia Woolf
From 'How "Bigger" was born' 1940 / Richard Wright
Includes index