Front cover image for The reluctant sheriff : the United States after the Cold War

The reluctant sheriff : the United States after the Cold War

The Cold War came to an end in 1989 - and still there is no name for the present era, much less an American foreign policy to replace the now obsolete doctrine of containment. The Reluctant Sheriff by foreign policy expert Richard Haass fills this void. It is the first book both to provide a comprehensive understanding of the post-Cold War world and a compass to help the United States navigate it. The author proposes that the United States adopt a new foreign policy - "regulation" - and work to promote order in an often unruly world. To do this, the United States will frequently need to assume the role of global sheriff, one who forges coalitions or posses of states and other entities for specific tasks, much as was done during Operation Desert Storm. American unilateral action will rarely be a viable option; alliances and international organizations will be able to play a useful but limited role
Print Book, English, ©1997
Council on Foreign Relations Press ; Distributed by Brookings Institution Press, New York, NY, [Washington, DC], ©1997
148 pages ; 24 cm
9780876091982, 9780876092019, 0876091982, 0876092016
The Cold War and its demise
The age of deregulation
A doctrine of regulation
Foreign policy by posse
The tools of foreign policy
"A Council on Foreign Relations book."