Front cover image for Cahokia : a world renewal cult heterarchy

Cahokia : a world renewal cult heterarchy

Cahokia is located in the northern expanse of American Bottom the largest of the Mississippian flood plains, and opposite St Louis, Missouri. This book argues that Cahokia must be given a religious characterization as a world renewal cult centre
Print Book, English, 2006
University Press of Florida, Gainesville, FL, 2006
xiv, 599 pages : illustrations, maps ; 25 cm
9780813029580, 0813029589
The Deontic ecological perspective
Cultural traditions and prehistoric archaeology
Deontic ecology, cultural traditions, and social systems
Mortuary practices, cults, and social systems
The sacred maize model and the Sponemann Site
The early Terminal Late Woodland Period Sponemann community development
The development of Terminal Late Woodland Period American Bottom settlement: the Range Site
Cahokia as a world renewal cult hierarchy
Cahokia as a hierarchical monistic modular policy: a critical view
The "rural" settlement pattern
Cahokian mortuary practices: the media of world renewal ritual
Mound 72: funerary monument or world renewal ritual?
Integrating the floodplain and upland mortuary records
The Terminal Late Woodland-Mississippian transition: alternative accounts
The organizational principles of multiple-mound locales
The layout of Cahokia: the material media and outcome of factionalism
The history and outcome of factional competition in Cahokia
Appendix A: Sponemann Site, Sponemann Phase, sitewide ubiquity, and exclusivity indices
Appendix B: Sponemann Site, Sponemann Phase, Community 3 ubiquity, and exclusivity indices