Front cover image for American popular music : from minstrelsy to MTV

American popular music : from minstrelsy to MTV

Print Book, English, 2003
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Oxford University Press, New York, 2003
Criticism, interpretation, etc
xii, 498 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm ;+ 2 compact discs
9780195108545, 019510854X
Themes and streams in American popular music
"After the ball" : popular music of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries
"Catching as the small-pox" : social dance and jazz, 1917-1935
"I got rhythm" : the golden age of Tin Pan Alley song
"St. Louis blues" : race records and hillbilly music
"In the mood" : the swing era, 1935-1945
"Choo choo ch' boogie" : the postwar era, 1946-1954
"Rock around the clock" : rock 'n' roll, 1954-1959
"Good vibrations" : American pop and the British invasion, 1960s
"Papa's got a brand new bag" : country, soul, urban folk, and the rise of rock, 1960s
The 1970s : rock music and the popular mainstream
Outsiders' music : progressive country, reggae, punk, funk, and disco, 1970s
The 1980s : digital technology, MTV, and the popular mainstream
"Smells like teen spirit" : hip-hop, "alternative" music, and the entertainment business
At head of title: I.A. Lamykin, A.L. Sheremet