Hello Friend We Missed You

Front Cover
Parthian, 2020 - Fiction - 185 pages
HELLO FRIEND WE MISSED YOU is a deeply poignantand bleakly comic debut novel about loneliness, the 'violentrevenge thriller' category on Netflix, solipsism, ruralgentrification, Jack Black, and learning to exist in the leastexcruciating way possible.Its story of depression and death on the small Welsh islandof Môn, of people armed with every social media completelyfailing to communicate, is far, far funnier than it has anyright to be. It's also, ultimately, extremely moving. Anincredible debut novel from a truly unique prose stylist.

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About the author (2020)

An English Literature graduate ofManchester University and LJMU's WritingMA, Richard's debut short fiction collection,All The Places We Lived, was publishedby Parthian Books in 2015 and he is thesubject of the forthcoming film ULTRA:a documentary covering the promotionaltour for the collection's Serbian translation.Born and raised on Ynys Môn, Richard livesin Cardiff with his wife, daughters, and cat,Abi The God. He recently won the PENfroShort Story Prize 2019, judged by Niall Griffiths. HELLO FRIEND WEMISSED YOU is Richard's debut novel.

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