Sometimes My Friends Don't Look Like Me... Sometimes They Don't Look Like You

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CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Apr 5, 2014 - Juvenile Fiction - 30 pages
From the author of 'I Don't Like Spiders, But They Seem to Like Me!', 'Because I Can Read' and 'A Reflection of We', comes the charming story which proudly reminds children and adults how friendships can grow when minds and hearts are open to others who may look or seem "different". It may be their hair style, skin colour, clothing, body shape, mental or physical ability. This book celebrates inclusion and diversity in friendship. Your friends/families don't always have to look the same as you or I do. A timeless message which is increasingly relevant.Characters are multiracial and inclusive (including a child in a wheelchair, senior citizens, twins, child with a hijab, child with a yarmulke, child with different hair colours, children wearing glasses, etc.).A wonderful way to continue the discussion when children begin to ask questions about differences!Disponible en français: 'Parfois mes amis ne me ressemblent pas...parfois ils ne te ressemblent pas aussi!'

About the author (2014)

Whether touching on subjects such as learning to read and write, the celebration of inclusion and diversity (our size, hair, teeth, clothing, skin colour, abilities), friendship and families (adoptive, one-parent, two-dads, step-parent, biracial,multiracial) and bullying (the power to choose kindness over hurtful words and actions), Pat's books will elicit great discussions about your child's world...including spiders!!All 4 titles are now available in French and are reaching audiences worldwide!Pat's books follow the developmental pattern of most children. Some parents and teachers have also used these books for children who might be considered to have developmental challenges.

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