Nate Haut Et Fort

Front Cover
Scholastic Canada, Limited, 2013 - Juvenile Fiction - 224 pages
Nate Wright, 11 ans, est une superstar et il ne saurait en être autrement!

Et tant pis si ses amis n'en veulent pas comme chanteur vedette de leur groupe! Nate demeure numéro 1. Il est LA superstar de cette bande dessinée adorée de tous les jeunes de la planète!

Ce livre fabuleux est un recueil des BD parues en semaine et le dimanche dans de nombreux journaux bien connus.

Eleven-year-old Nate Wright is living OUT LOUD and he wouldn't have it any other way!

Even though his friends won't let him be the lead singer in their band, Nate continues to rock. He's a superstar of the comicspages and of the best-selling series of Big Nate books and he's a big hit with kids everywhere. This collection features daily and Sunday strips that originally appeared in newspapers.

Original Title: Big Nate Out Loud

About the author (2013)

Lincoln Peirce was born in Iowa on October 23, 1963. He studied art at Colby College and the Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture. He taught art and coached baseball for three years at a New York high school. He is a cartoonist/writer and the creator of the comic strip Big Nate, which appears in more than 200 U.S. newspapers. Lincoln's titles are fixtures on the bestseller lists. Big Nate Doodlepalooza and Big Nate: I Can't Take It! made The New York Times Best Seller List for 2013. Big Nate in the Zone and Big Nate: Great Minds Think Alike made The New York Times Best Seller List for 2014. His title, Big Nate's Greatest Hits, Big Nate Lives It Up and Big Nate - Say Good-Bye to Dork City made the list in 2015.

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