La princesse dans un sac

Front Cover
Ed. Scholastic, 2008 - Juvenile Fiction - 32 pages

See below for English description.

Apr's avoir perdu tous ses biens, incluant son prince charmant ador?, enlev? par un m'chant dragon, une princesse, v'tue d'un vulgaire sac en papier, part ? la recherche de son amoureux. ? coups de ruses et d'astuces, la princesse r'ussit ? neutraliser le dragon, mais elle retrouve un prince hautain qui lui reproche sa tenue. Pas si charmant et bien arrogant, le prince ador'... Franchement, la princesse pr'f're la libert?

Robert Munsch est l'auteur pour enfants qui vend le plus de livres au pays. Les jeunes adorent ses histoires et les illustrations humoristiques de Michael Martchenko. La princesse dans un sac est le r'sultat de la toute premi're association Munsch-Martchenko et il figure parmi les plus grands succ's du tandem.

Elizabeth, a beautiful princess, is all set to marry Prince Ronald until a dragon smashes her castle, burns her clothes with his fiery breath and prince-naps her beloved Ronald. She throws on a large paper bag and sets off to find the dragon and rescue her cherished prince. But it turns out he may not be the right guy for her.

Original title: The Paper Bag Princess

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About the author (2008)

Robert Munsch was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on June 11, 1945. He received an undergraduate degree in history and a master's degree in anthropology. While studying to be a Jesuit priest, he worked part-time at an orphanage. He decided he liked working with children and left the Jesuits after 7 years to work in a daycare center. He studied for a year at the Elliot Pearson School of Child Studies at Tufts University. He ended up at a lab preschool at the University of Guelph in Guelph, Ontario and eventually became a Canadian citizen. While working at a daycare center and telling stories to children, he realized that storytelling was what he loved to do and eventually he started writing the stories down. His first published title was Mud Puddle. He has written over 50 books including Love You Forever, Mortimer, Angela's Airplane, Andrew's Loose Tooth, Stephanie's Ponytail, Moira's Birthday, and Put Me in a Book.

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