The Poetical Works of Edmund SpenserHenry Frowde, Oxford University Press, 1916 - 736 pages |
From inside the book
Results 6-10 of 94
Page 27
... yron wheeles did them affray , And her darkegriesly looke them much dismay ; The messenger of death , the ghastly Owle With drearie shriekes did also her bewray ; And hungry Wolues continually did howle , At her abhorred face , so ...
... yron wheeles did them affray , And her darkegriesly looke them much dismay ; The messenger of death , the ghastly Owle With drearie shriekes did also her bewray ; And hungry Wolues continually did howle , At her abhorred face , so ...
Page 32
... yron yokes he would compell ; The spotted Panther , and the tusked Bore , The Pardale swift , and the Tigre cruell ; The Antelope , and Wolfe both fierce and fell ; And them constraine in equall teme to draw . Such ioy he had , their ...
... yron yokes he would compell ; The spotted Panther , and the tusked Bore , The Pardale swift , and the Tigre cruell ; The Antelope , and Wolfe both fierce and fell ; And them constraine in equall teme to draw . Such ioy he had , their ...
Page 34
... yron - coted Plate , And by his side his steed the grassy forage ate . 3 He feedes vpon the cooling shade , and bayes / Which through the trembling leaues full gently But that false Pilgrim , which that leasing told , His sweatie ...
... yron - coted Plate , And by his side his steed the grassy forage ate . 3 He feedes vpon the cooling shade , and bayes / Which through the trembling leaues full gently But that false Pilgrim , which that leasing told , His sweatie ...
Page 35
... yron Engin wrought In deepest Hell , and framd by Furies skill , With windy Nitre and quick Sulphur fraught , And ramd with bullet round , ordaind to kill , Conceiueth fire , the heauens it doth fill With thundring noyse , and all the ...
... yron Engin wrought In deepest Hell , and framd by Furies skill , With windy Nitre and quick Sulphur fraught , And ramd with bullet round , ordaind to kill , Conceiueth fire , the heauens it doth fill With thundring noyse , and all the ...
Page 36
... yron brest , and backe of scaly bras , And all embrewd in bloud , his eyes did shine as glas . 18 His tayle was stretched out in wondrous length , That to the house of heauenly gods it raught , And with extorted powre , and borrow'd ...
... yron brest , and backe of scaly bras , And all embrewd in bloud , his eyes did shine as glas . 18 His tayle was stretched out in wondrous length , That to the house of heauenly gods it raught , And with extorted powre , and borrow'd ...
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aboue aduenture Archimago armes Artegall beast beautie behold bloud braue brest Britomart brought Calidore chaunce cruell Dame daunger dayes deare death delight despight dight doest doth dreadfull Eftsoones enuie euen euer euermore euery euill eyes Faerie Faerie knight Faerie Queene faire faire Ladies farre fayre feare flowre gaue gentle giue goodly grace grone Guyon hand hart hast hath haue hauing heauen heauenly hight himselfe honour knight Lady leaue light litle liue liuing Lord loue louely mightie Mongst mote neuer nigh noble nought ouer paine powre prayse Prince quoth rest saue sayd seem'd selfe shame Shepheardes Calender shepheards shew sight Sith skie sonne sore Spenser spide spright Squire streight Sunne sweet thee themselues thereof theyr things thou vaine vertue vnder vnto vpon waues weene whilest wight wize wont wound wretched wyde yron