The Poetical Works of Edmund SpenserHenry Frowde, Oxford University Press, 1916 - 736 pages |
From inside the book
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Page 28
... aboue all in pride , That name of natiue syre did fowle vpbrayd , And would as Ammons sonne be magnifide , be donne . 44 Her words preuaild : And then the learned leach His cunning hand gan to his wounds to lay , And all things else ...
... aboue all in pride , That name of natiue syre did fowle vpbrayd , And would as Ammons sonne be magnifide , be donne . 44 Her words preuaild : And then the learned leach His cunning hand gan to his wounds to lay , And all things else ...
Page 31
... aboue all worldly blisse ; For griefe whereof the lad n'ould after ioy , But pynd away in anguish and selfe - wild annoy . 18 The wooddy Nymphes , faire Hamadryades Her to behold do thither runne apace , And all the troupe of light ...
... aboue all worldly blisse ; For griefe whereof the lad n'ould after ioy , But pynd away in anguish and selfe - wild annoy . 18 The wooddy Nymphes , faire Hamadryades Her to behold do thither runne apace , And all the troupe of light ...
Page 57
... Aboue all knights on earth , that batteill vndertake . 3 And pointing forth , lo yonder is ( said she ) The brasen towre in which my parents deare For dread of that huge feend emprisond be , Whom I from far see on the walles appeare ...
... Aboue all knights on earth , that batteill vndertake . 3 And pointing forth , lo yonder is ( said she ) The brasen towre in which my parents deare For dread of that huge feend emprisond be , Whom I from far see on the walles appeare ...
Page 59
... aboue the subiect plaine , So farre as Ewghen bow a shaft may send , Till struggling strong did him at last con- straine , To let them downe before his flightes end : As hagard hauke presuming to contend With hardie fowle , aboue his ...
... aboue the subiect plaine , So farre as Ewghen bow a shaft may send , Till struggling strong did him at last con- straine , To let them downe before his flightes end : As hagard hauke presuming to contend With hardie fowle , aboue his ...
Page 60
... aboue the ground ; But his late wounded wing vnseruiceable found . 26 Then full of griefe and anguish vehement , He lowdly brayd , that like was neuer heard , And from his wide deuouring ouen sent A flake of fire , that flashing in his ...
... aboue the ground ; But his late wounded wing vnseruiceable found . 26 Then full of griefe and anguish vehement , He lowdly brayd , that like was neuer heard , And from his wide deuouring ouen sent A flake of fire , that flashing in his ...
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aboue aduenture Archimago armes Artegall beast beautie behold bloud braue brest Britomart brought Calidore chaunce cruell Dame daunger dayes deare death delight despight dight doest doth dreadfull Eftsoones enuie euen euer euermore euery euill eyes Faerie Faerie knight Faerie Queene faire faire Ladies farre fayre feare flowre gaue gentle giue goodly grace grone Guyon hand hart hast hath haue hauing heauen heauenly hight himselfe honour knight Lady leaue light litle liue liuing Lord loue louely mightie Mongst mote neuer nigh noble nought ouer paine powre prayse Prince quoth rest saue sayd seem'd selfe shame Shepheardes Calender shepheards shew sight Sith skie sonne sore Spenser spide spright Squire streight Sunne sweet thee themselues thereof theyr things thou vaine vertue vnder vnto vpon waues weene whilest wight wize wont wound wretched wyde yron