The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare, Volume 3Routledge, Warne, & Routledge, 1862 |
From inside the book
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Page 275
... Eliz . Brother of Gloster , you mistake the matter : The king , of his own royal disposition , And not provoked by any suitor else ; Aiming , belike , at your interior hatred , That in your outward action shows itself , Against my ...
... Eliz . Brother of Gloster , you mistake the matter : The king , of his own royal disposition , And not provoked by any suitor else ; Aiming , belike , at your interior hatred , That in your outward action shows itself , Against my ...
Page 276
... Eliz . My lord of Gloster , I have too long borne Your blunt upbraidings , and your bitter scoffs : By heaven , I will acquaint his majesty , Of these gross taunts I often have endured . I had rather be a country servant - maid , Than a ...
... Eliz . My lord of Gloster , I have too long borne Your blunt upbraidings , and your bitter scoffs : By heaven , I will acquaint his majesty , Of these gross taunts I often have endured . I had rather be a country servant - maid , Than a ...
Page 277
... Eliz . As little joy , my lord , as you suppose , You should enjoy , were you this country's king ; As little joy you may suppose in me , That I enjoy , being the queen thereof . a pedlar ; Q. Mar. [ aside ] . A little joy enjoys the ...
... Eliz . As little joy , my lord , as you suppose , You should enjoy , were you this country's king ; As little joy you may suppose in me , That I enjoy , being the queen thereof . a pedlar ; Q. Mar. [ aside ] . A little joy enjoys the ...
Page 279
... Eliz . Thus have you breath'd your curse against yourself . Q. Mar. Poor painted queen , vain flourish of my fortune ! Why strew'st thou sugar on that bottled spider , Whose deadly web ensnareth thee about ? Fool , fool ! thou whet'st a ...
... Eliz . Thus have you breath'd your curse against yourself . Q. Mar. Poor painted queen , vain flourish of my fortune ! Why strew'st thou sugar on that bottled spider , Whose deadly web ensnareth thee about ? Fool , fool ! thou whet'st a ...
Page 280
... Eliz . I never did her any , to my knowledge . Glo . Yet you have all the ' vantage of her wrong . I was too hot to do somebody good , That is too cold in thinking of it now . Marry , as for Clarence , he is well repaid ; He is frank'd ...
... Eliz . I never did her any , to my knowledge . Glo . Yet you have all the ' vantage of her wrong . I was too hot to do somebody good , That is too cold in thinking of it now . Marry , as for Clarence , he is well repaid ; He is frank'd ...
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Achilles Agamemnon Ajax Alarum Alençon arms Aufidius bear blood brother Buck Buckingham Cade cardinal Clar Clarence Clif Clifford COMINIUS Coriolanus Cres crown death Diomed doth Duch duke duke of York earl Edward Eliz England Enter KING Exeunt Exit eyes fair farewell father fear fight France friends Gent gentle give Gloster grace hand hath hear heart heaven Hect Hector honour house of Lancaster Jack Cade Kath KING HENRY lady live look lord LORD CHAMBERLAIN Madam majesty Marcius Murd ne'er never noble PANDARUS Patroclus peace Pist pray prince queen Reignier Rich Richard RICHARD PLANTAGENET Rome Saint Albans SCENE shalt shame soldiers Somerset soul speak Suff Suffolk sweet sword Talbot tell thee Ther thine thou art thou hast tongue traitor Troilus Ulyss uncle unto Warwick York