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T. D. HURLEY, Editor.

79 Dearborn Street, Chicago, Ill.


Hon. B. B. Lindsey, Judge Juvenile Court, Denver, Colorado. Thomas D. Walsh, Asst. Secretary, New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, 297 4th Ave., New York.

J. L. Clark, Business Manager, 79 Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill. Eastern Office, 53 W. 24th Street, New York City. Boston Office, 71 Kilby Street, Boston, Mass.

The Juvenile Court Record is published monthly except in the month of July. Single copies, 10 cents. Subscription price, $1 per year. Entered at Postoffice, Chicago, as secondclass matter.

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Attention is called to an article appearing in this issue, relating to an order entered by Judge Richard S. Tuthill, presiding judge of the Juvenile Court of (Chicago) Cook County, Illinois, wherein the court orders that hereafter the commitments to the various institutions existing under, and governed by the Manual Traning and Industrial School laws of Illinois, shall be pursuant to these particular laws.

This is a very important ruling as it involves the existence and future of four of the largest institutions to which the Juvenile Court commits children. The statistics show that there are more dependent children committed to these institutions than all others.

Efforts were put forth from time to time before the enactment of the Juvenile Court Law, to bring the above

institutions under that Law. These efforts were resisted successfully as appears by section 20 of the Act of the Illinois Juvenile Court Law, which preserves these laws and declares that the Juvenile Court Law shall in no wise apply to these Institutions.

Since the enactment of the Juvenile Court Law, the court and the probation officers have insisted that all children appearing in the Juvenile Court, should, if made wards of the court, whether committed to an institution,

and subsequently released therefrom, be subjected to visitation of probation officers, not only while in the institution, but when returned home or placed in foster homes. This contention is in clear violation of the laws governing the above institutions, and if such a rule was enforced, it would virtually amount to an annulment of the laws governing these intstitutions, and result in making the institutions mere boarding-houses and destroy their highest efficiency.

The laws govering the Manual Training and Industrial Schools have been in existence for some thirty years; have been held constitutional repeatedly by the supreme court of Illinois. The court has gone to the extent of holding that the constitution of the state must be construed in the light of the paramount duty of the state to care for that class of children in such institutions. These Illinois cases have blazed the way for the Juvenile courts throughout the country.

The recent recruits in the Juvenile court are instisting that the Juvenile court should be considered as enforcing the Juvenile Court Law only, and that this law supercedes all other existing laws. The fact is that the Juvenile court exists in name only. It is a branch of the circuit court, bound to enforce all statute laws, as well as the law of the land. There are more than one hundred pages of statutes in force in Illinois to-day, applying to children, which the court is bound to enforce. Is it not time for the original framers of the Juvenile Court Law, and friends of the movement to again interest themselves actively, and save the Juvenile court from immediate disintegration? Any thoughtful person upon a slight investigation, can satisfy himself that the probation system is being carried far beyond what the framers. of the law contemplated, and in many cases passes probationary care and becomes meddlesome. Wise supervision is helpful, but surveillance amounts to op


When the day arrives that the Juvenile court will supercede the home, and probation becomes dictatorial and not helpful, the people will rise up in their might and Probation should demand the repeal of the law. supplement the home and not supplant it. We should heed the warning of the late illustrious and lamented Judge Murray F. Tuley, who during the first year of the Juvenile court warned the probation officers, and those connected with the court, "to be careful and not make probation too common or to persistent, and to never forget that it is the court that should at all times be in full charge of the work, and not the probation officers". It was in this light that the institutions appealed to Judge Tuthill to protect them in their rights. The JUVENILE COURT RECORD heartily endorsed the action of the Judge, and hereafter hopes there will be no more clashing of the institution with the court and that all laws will be as they should be; properly enforced by the court.

HOW PETER PAN BROUGHT A and what to quarrel about is one of
the duties of parents.



The New York Sun tells at some length the story of a seventeen year old girl brought into Juvenile Court on the charge of waywardness. The investigation brought out the fact that the girl had been kept hard at work as a slave knowing nothing outside the four walls of the boarding house and the neighboring market. But the door opened at last for Mag, into the great beautiful world of light and color and joy. A new boarder, a young idealist from a settlement house near by, obtained reluctant permission to take Margaret to see Peter Pan. After that Mag was caught playing with a doll, and poring over story books for children of ten or twelve. And after that Mag ran away.

"It was that play did it, Judge," Mag said. "That play that Mr. Briggs took me to. It was a nice play, oh, such a nice play, full of a lot o' kids and fairies and the funniest big brown dog you ever see, and a feller by the name of Peter Pan-say, he was great. I just shined t' him the minute he came on. That's the way I wanted to be-play and play and never grow up. That was the trouble with me I knew. They had what they was always talking about. And no wonder Peter Pan never growed up there, with all that. I guess I was born growed up. I never had a chance even to play. Fairies? Not for me, Judge-not down there at Mrs. Uffington's.

"And when I went out on Broadway with Mr. Briggs again I knew it never would be the same for I know I couldn't go back and wash and scrub mornin' and night like before for that old thing. I just couldn't.

"And that's why I went away. I knew it couldn't be so bad outside. I just had to get out of that dreary old place."

The outraged Mrs. Uffington was present at court. demanding that the girl be returned to her. But whatever the court should decide was best to do. Mag was assured that she need never go back to the dungeon of her lost childhood.

CHILDREN'S QUARRELS. In a series of entertaining papers now running in the Outlook on "The Training of Parents," Ernest Hamlin Abbott makes the following pertinent


"To teach children how to quarrel

"An only child has one indisputable misfortune: there is no one in the family he can really quarrel with. All his quarreling he must do outside his home. Consequently he cannot receive from his parents all the attention that he might receive if he were, say, one of six.

"One question has precedence of all others: Shall I interfere or not? To allow children some chance to settle their own differences is as certainly an act of discipline as to settle every difference for them. How can children experiment with the principles with which their elder have tried to endow endow them except upon those occasions when those didactic elders do not interfere?

"But then there is no vocation more exciting than parenthood.

"It is one of the annoyances in the training of children that if we are to be honest with them. we must be honest with ourselves. I do not see how that can be helped."


In the United States there are now existing nearly 400 societies and abroad nearly 100, and for the prevention of cruelty to children, they have become governmental agencies for the enforcement of the criminal law for the protection of children. In forty-four States of the Union they have been recognized as such.

The New York Society has been at work 33 years, during which time it has prosecuted more than 100,000 cases, involving 144,000 children.


The first annual convention of the National Society for the Promotion of Industrial Education was held recently in Chicago. Among the startling stae

ments at the Convention was one to the

effect that fifty-five per cent of the boys in Berlin between the ages of fourteen und sixteen are in industrial schools, while in Chicago less than onetenth of one per cent are being so so trained. "Germany," it was said, "trains its youth for a vocation: the United States trains its youth for a job." Bavaria, with a population not much greater than that of New York City, has 290 trade schools, giving instruction night and day in 28 trades and crafts. This is a larger number of trade schools, than is to be found throughout the whole United States.

Brother and Sister once homeless, now in a foster home.


Bureau of Charities, Co-operation, The weekly organ of the Chicago

comments in a recent issue on the great progress made in the last few years in Chicago and throughout the United States in the care of delinquent children.

Young offenders have been dealt. with more and more on the theory that adverse social conditions are largely responsible for their wrong doings and that the spark of manhood and womanhood within each child will eventually in most cases assert itself, if the child is given a reasonable chance. The results in nearly all cases have been gratifying, especially where young children have been placed under the supervision of kind

but firm friends who have had the child's welfare sincerely at heart. Churches, schools and benevolent societies of all descriptions have been induced to co-operate in order

bring about community efforts for the alleviation of unfortunate childhood.

Place of the Juvenile Court.

The work of the Juvenile Court spread rapidly, revolutionizing the method of handling children's cases. But it has soon realized that the Court was not an end in itself and that a child should be subjected to its influence only as a matter as last resort. It came to be realized that the biological unit of the family should be kept intact as long as possible to the end that children might grow up under normal conditions and parents be made to discharge their obligations to the fullest possible extent. It also became apparent that positive measures for good of a constructive character were

not in all cases sufficient to offset the evil tendencies of bad environment with negative influences. Degrading pastimes, immoral surroundings, vicious companions frequently lured and tempted those who under ordinary circumstances would have been kept upon the straight and narrow road of decency.

The Juvenile Protective League. It became necessary to organize for the purpose of successfully coping with the influences that made the Juvenile Court a necessity and which brought children there in constantly increasing numbers. The Juvenile Protective League was formed for the purpose of enforcing the laws for the protection of childhood and to devise new methods and schemes whereby constructive welfare work might be promoted. At least four such centres are now in active operation in Chicago and their extension and efficient administration under the leadership of the Juvenile Court Committee will do much to bring about a solution of the all important subject of moulding and remoulding the lives of our delinquent boys and girls.


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dislikes; identify yourself with those interests.

See that your ward is kept in school as long as the law requires (14 years); longer if possible.

If he is in school, use the report blanks; visit the school in person; co-operate with the teacher.

Qualification of a Juvenile Court

The success and usefulness of the

juvenile court depends chiefly upon the individuality of the man that presides over it. The successful judge of such a court should be doubly grounded in the knowledge of human nature; he should be able to command and to instill affection,

If not in school, see that he is steadily employed. Insist that the employment shall esteem, confidence and fear in both the delinquent and the parent; he lead to skilled workmanship. should possess great power under the law, but should hold it in reserve; he should establish a personal relation with each delinquent. To sit simply as a judge to ascertain the fact of delinquency and to apply the law thereto, means failure from the out

Know how he spends his money: see that he starts a bank account. If living at home, when practicable, insist that he pay a regular sum for board; in return, insist that he be given a regular sum for spending money.

Find out how he amuses himself; discover what he reads; secure him a library card; help him to select the proper books; talk them over with him.

Question him as to his friends; invite them to see you.

Encourage him to establish some church relationship, and to attend Sunday-school.

If however, you find he is not to be trusted, verify his statement through parents, neighbors, employer or patrolman.


The judge should be patient, sympathetic, discreet and firm; he should be able to estimate human weakness as well as human strength; he should be able to point out the futility of a life of idleness, of vice, of immorality and of crime; he should be able to set a new standard of humanity and of citizenship, and to make way for a new and grander opportunity for the delinquent.

Lastly, don't become discouraged. self-honor. Visit the home at least once month.

The court should show the way for the juvenile to overcome his weakness and to instill in him a feeling of self-reliance, of of independence, of It is not sufficient that a the judge should be kind and lenient and tell the delinquent to go home instead of sending him to a training school, but he should take the delinquent in hand and see to it that he is shown the way to live, and should encourage him in that way. He must not be weary in well-doing, but should encourage and encourage and encourage again.

Explain to the parents your relation to the child; gain their confidence and co-operation; give them yours.

Make a careful study of the home conditions; inform yourself as to the number of the family, their habits, earning capacity, etc.

If necessary for the child's good, insist on possible changes, such as moving into a better neighborhood,


Above all, keep your relationship to the home a friendly one.

Report all irregularities of conduct at once, but as far as possible adjust those difficulties nonofficially, using the Court only as a last resort.

If, after a fair trial for any reason, you find it impossible to become interested in the particular child assigned you, ask to have him transferred; done without a mutual liking. no creative probation work can be

Don't be in a hurry to sever the relation between the probationer and the Court; few wards should be discharged within a year.

Work of the Probation Officer.

The probation officer should under no circumstances become a detective or spy upon delinquents. He should make no arrests; he should be the friend and the representative of the delinquent. The probation officer represents the interest of the child in court and the friendly side of his work is the most important. It is not expected that he is to obtain all information concerning the delinquency of a youth, but it is expected that he will do what lies within his power to secure reformation of the delinquent. ---Judge Grier M. Orr, St. Paul.

The Washington Juvenile Court.

Judge Wm. H. DeLacy of the Washington Juvenile Court possesses in large measure the qualities desirable and even necessary for the success of his work.

Judge DeLacy's courtroom is sunny and cheerful. The judge talks in a quiet tone to the witness and every care is taken to make the scene as little disgraceful as possible. This restores the tone of the children's confidence in themselves, and they tell their own stories of wrongdoing in a straightforward manner, persuaded by by the coaxing attitude of the judge that it will be best for them. The court officers are kind and the children to be tried are allowed to play on a big porch at the back before their cases are called, and are not allowed to hear other cases on trial. The judge always insists on the parents or guardians being in court, and will suspend a case rather than have a child appear without feeling that he has friends present to help him bear the ordeal.

When a father weakly says he never goes anywhere with his boy, who has been accused of stealing a horse and buggy, and he a youngster of eleven or twelve only, "I tell you, sir," the judge informs the recreant father, "there is no one in the community whose acquaintance will do you more good than your son's. It will pay you to establish intimate re

lations with him."

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ciation now numbers 30 on its force. The Chicago Visiting Nurse AssoIn the year just closed they cared for nearly 15,000 patients, making 99,500 visits. The Association is actively interested in the improvement of living conditions, believing that sanitary housing would make two thirds of the nursing work unnecessary. They also urge the immediate establishment of a Children's Hospital for contagious diseases.

A family squabble which bristled with brickbats thrown at each other by two rival neighborhood families was edifying the spectators the other day. The principals were an irate old maid on one side and three small frightened children, who had been throwing things at her, on the other. A fussy lawyer, with his blustering Police Court tactics, appeared, but he was outgeneraled by the crafty judge, A paragraph taken from the diary who was determined to get the children's story from them at first hand. of one of the nurses gives an idea of One small boy, when asked if he the daily work. "Bathed, dressed had helped his big brother, responded: and cared for a mother and new born "No, I looked over the fence and saw babe. Bathed, dressed and cared for he was getting the best of it, so I a last stage case of tuberculosis. went back to picking peas." Dressed a severe burn on a child's back. Gave baths and clean linen to two typhoids. Called Health Department ambulance for 4 diptheria cases. Cleaned up four children with skin four telephone messages. Reported disease, excluded from school. Sent at office, wrote daily report, worked eleven hours. Went home tired, but happy and thankful for my privileges."

The father had been involved in the fracas, and Judge DeLacy promptly fined him $20, as he said, "putting the blame where it belonged," and dismissed the children, the victims of their family pride, "which is a very good thing, children," he continued, but you must also remember you are citizens, even as Washington and Lincoln were citizens, and it is the supreme duty of the state to preserve


In an article on the work of the visiting nurses in New York in Charities and the Commons is told the following tale:

"And what does the baby eat?" the district nurse asked of the mother of a ten months old child found in a big tenement sick with summer complaint.

"Oh, ice cream sandwiches, and potatoes, and little bits of beefsteak, and-"

"And mostly always bananas," prompted the small sister.

"And some soda water and pretzels and sometimes milk," continued the mother, with manifest pride in her infant's accomplishments.

"And watermelon, nurse! He can eat watermelon!" chimed in the little sister again, determined that no one of her brother's gastronomical feats should be omitted.

The nurse lifted the baby and loosened his warm clothing. She explained to the mother why the child. was ill, why he must not be fed any but liquid food, why he must be kept cool and given plenty of air. Gerty was sent to buy castor oil and barley and directions for administering the oil and making the barley water were given patiently and repeatedly.

"I shall be here to-morrow morn

ing about 10 o'clock, and if you do just as I have said, the baby will be ded a serious assent. much better," was the parting injunction, to which the mother nod

The father who feeds onions to his



child of nine months, because he thinks "strong food makes strong baby;" the mother who gives her little daughter sips of wine to "make red blood" are both found to be disturbed over their mistakes and quick to accept suggestions. time is ripe for educating the tenement dwellers in the care of their own children; there is awakening in them a sense of the value of a baby's life, of a child's life. Every dollar spent in educating them will bring sure returns.



There has recently been put upon

exhibition in the British Museum a case showing toys that belonged to Greek and Roman children 2000 years horses an inch and a half high, a ago. It is a facinating exhibit. Here are a chariot with two prancing leaden horseman, a Pomeranian dog, a fox-terrier with a collar, and also a fine long tail,-a monkey eating a


Here are tiny mechanical toys, a doll's chair and a sofa of some brown glazed ware with imitation rolled back and arms. There are also mugs painted with figures of children, and here, too, are the dolls. Most of them are carved, many with beautiful jointed legs and arms, and plainly very expensive. These dolls were never played with-they were discovered, nearly all of them, in funeral


But among them there is one that no doll-loving little girl could fail to

housekeeping, and the doing or not doing of these is what tries our nerves and our tempers. Without in Without in the least overworking the child, its little hands and feet can yet be made of great help to us, and even a very young child will save many steps if properly set about it. The tiny feet must trot and they will cross the room many times joyously if the little one can feel that he is working for mamma."

leaves the line to appoint two of the players as "guards," and then walks away on tiptoe."

The whole line, excepting the guards, follow in single file, also on tiptoe, the leader gradually increasing her speed until all are running, but still on tiptoe. Any player discovered by the guards touching the ground flatfooted is "sent to prison," which is some chosen corner of the playground, and the last one left on tiptoe is declared the new Princess, when the game begins as before.Doors, by Lilian M. Heath.

recognize a little rag doll, faded and A BOY'S DEVICE FOR MEASUR- From Eighty Good Times Out of

yellow and worn. That, there is no question, was loved and cherished by some child twenty centuries ago.

There are other things in the collection. Rattles of strange shapes, with glorious possibilities of noise, more soldiers, fish-hooks which the wise declare, save for a little rust, might have been made last year. All the libraries of the world could not prove so clearly the eternal kinship of childhood as this one case of battered toys.

But as a writer in the London Spectator reminds us, although the children two thousand years ago were playing the same games as the children of to-day, childhood itself now holds a very different place in the world. It was only their own children whom the Greeks and Romans loved and protected-the children of other nations, the poor and the outcast, were either neglected or put to violent death. Children's homes, children's hospitals, children's courts, vacation societies of all kinds, free kindergartens, these and uncounted. other places and organizations are caring for the children


The boy in the following story, borrowed from Bright Jewels, is described as never saying anything remarkable, as eating oatmeal in large quantities, chasing the cat, slamming the door, and otherwise conducting himself after the manner of boys, with the exception that he asks few questions and does much thinking. If he does not understand a thing, he whistles, which is not a bad habiton some occasions.

There was much whistling in our yard one summer. It seemed to be an all-summer performance. Near the end of the season, however, our boy announced the height of our tall maple to be thirty-three feet.

"Why, how do you know?" was the general question. "Measured it." "How?"

"Foot-rule and yardstick." "You didn't climb that tall tree?" his mother asked, anxiously.

"No 'm; I just found the length of the shadow, and measured that." of the "But the length of the shadow changes."


twentieth century as they have never, in the history of the world, been cared. for before.

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"Yes 'm, but twice a day the shadows are just as long as things themselves. I've been trying it all sumTEACHING THE CHILDREN TO mer. I drove a stick into the ground


when the shadow was just as long as the tree and that's thirtythree feet."

"So that is what you have been whistling about all summer?" "Did I whistle?" asked Tom.


A writer in Housewife says "Many mothers, overworked and longing for relief, do not realize that at hand they have a large reserve force of unskilled, but willing and affectionate labor. The little ones who add so largely to our duties are THE GAME OF PRINCESS TIPthe very ones who, if directed rightly, will spring to our relief and ease the heat and burden of our day wonderfully. It is the 'step, step' about the housework that is so fatiguing; the larger tasks, gone systematically about, are not so exhausting; but the various little, uncounted things which, if not done, show so blackly on a background of otherwise good.

Standing in a line, the children preserve perfect silence, while the leader says in an impressive whisper:

"Hark, here comes the Princess Tip-toe."

"Where?" asks the next player, also in a whisper.

"Here." answers the first one, and

All he asks is a fair chance.

The Industrial School at Lan-
caster, Ohio.

In the Boys' Industrial School Journal for May 24 appeared the article given below, about the work of that excellent school.

The National Stockman and Farmer, in the issue dated May 9th, contains an illustrated article about the Boy's Industrial School at Lancaster, Ohio, by Alva Agee, who visited the institution a short time ago for the purpose of gathering data for a write-up in this enterprising publication. The following is part of the article as it ap peared in the National Stockman and Farmer :

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