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Resolved, That the common practice of build. ing school-houses in the corners, and at the sides of streets, without play-grounds, shade or shrubbery, is prejudicial to health, improvement of the mind, and the attainment of a correct taste and calls loudly for reform.

Resolved, That we regard the District School Journal as an invaluable medium of information on the subject of popular education, richly mer. iting the patronage of superintendents, teachers, and friends of education; and we pledge our selves to do all in our power to extend its circulation, especially among teachers:

Resolved, That teachers' institutes are well calculated to improve our common school system, and that we should exert ourselves to secure a general attendance of teachers.

R. H. SPENCER, Ch'n.

M. H. WYGANT, Sec'y.


Mr. DWIGHT-Dear Sir: Before commencing the visitation of the summer schools of Chautauque, I take an opportunity of giving you a hint of what we have been doing in this county, the past winter, in the great and good cause of education. In endeavoring to perform the many and arduous duties, connected with my large field of labor, I have not found leisure to write as much as I have desired for your excellent Journal; but I ask pardon for what may seem a neglect, and promise that you shall hear from me more frequently in the future.

The celebrations as a whole, have been such as to furnish the clearest proof that Chautauque county is moving onward, right onward in the education of the youth. Many good teachers and excellent schools, from various causes, were not able to attend them. It is confidently hoped that doubts are now so far removed, as to the utility of town celebrations, that no teacher nor parent will withhold his influence from this great' means of speeding the cause of Universal education. The town superintendents have done good and faithful services in, and in preparations for these celebrations. The celebrations themselves have testified strongly to their credit. The teachers and other active and excellent friends to education, in the several towns, have contributed largely to the extensive preparations made for the "Celebration Day." In behalf of the schools of this county, the writer tenders grateful thanks to the clergymen, parents and gentlemen in attendance upon the interesting occasions.

Nearly all of the towns at the celebrations passed a resolution, (the schools, teachers and parents voting,) that that town should be the best in the county for good common schools.

The scholars at each celebration, by way of challenge, resolved to try to beat some other town, in "learning fast and remembering well; in good deportment, in and out of school; in reading the most library books, and in remembering what they read the best." These challenges were returned by that other town, and also sent to another, in a friendly spirit of good humored firmness.

At the opening of the winter visitation, I gave notice that I should not attempt to reach any more schools than I could visit thoroughly, and The writer has endeavored in these celebrathat I would devote my time, night and day, tions to impress upon the parent, and the public to the advancement of the cause of education mind, the absolute necessity of a moral, intellecin the county. My plan was, that after the daily tual and physical education of the youth. He visitation of the schools, to address parents, has endeavored to give the faithful and successteachers and scholars in the evening. Accor- ful teacher that standing in society which has too dingly, I gave notice daily that I would spend long been denied him, and to make the scholar the evening at the school-house, and talk to the wiser and happier, by pointing him up the "Hill public upon the subject of common schools. of Science" to the "Temple of Fame." ParticDetermined as I was, to use my whole time, and ular encouragement and approbation have been embrace every opportunity in endeavoring to do given to the small and hitherto backward school, good in the great work, I advertised in dis- that appeared at the celebration, and struggled tricts where little interest was felt, that if to compete with the school of greater opportumy audience consisted of one child only, Inities. In short, the writer has tried to do his would try to make that child wiser and better; and if not one person attended as a hearer, I would lecture to myself for my own improvement. But I am happy to say that the teachers and scholars attended always, and the parents generally; the districts manifesting an interest, during the winter visitation, in the cause of intellectual improvement, cordial and heartcheering to every true friend of education.

The month of February was devoted by the writer to holding town celebrations throughout the county. Although very many doubted their utility, and strongly opposed the idea, yet it was believed that the celebration needed only to be tested to be approved; and accordingly they were appointed in the twenty-four towns, and held in nearly all. The impulse they have given to the cause of common school education in Chautauque, the parent, the teacher and scholar can bear witness. A detailed account of them, as held in the several towns, and published in the Fredonia Censor, I have already forwarded you.

duty as county superintendent, nor will he fail to try, while the youth of Chautauque county are his charge, education his cause, and human improvement the end to be attained. Will not the county adopt for its motto—“Chautauque will educate all her youth!"


Sinclearville, March, 1845.


Co. Supt.

The county of Cattaraugus is hereby challenged to compete with Chautauque, particularly in neatly made writing books and in penmanship, in good reading, composition and declamation, and in a good knowledge of the sciences gene rally. Teachers and scholars of Chautauque, do you hear that? Your motto is, "We'll Try." W. PUTNAM, Co. Supt.


Mr. DWIGHT:-Believing that the friends of education should make each other acquainted,


through the Journal, with the progress of the cause in the various sections of the state, I send you a brief sketch for publication. You are aware that in Dutchess county we have been somewhat tardy in getting up meetings of the THESE celebrations have been held in every schools, or "school celebrations." Last winter part of the state and have attracted great attenit was determined to make the attempt, in a few tion. A journal might be filled with the descripof the towns. So far as my information extends, the results have been most happy. The "ice" is now broken; and if we only exhibit a little perseverance and firmness, the common school cause will receive a powerful impulse from the continuance of such meetings.

tions of the brilliant scenes and eloquent addresses which fill the columns of the county papers. From Baldwinsville, Onondaga county; New Fane, Niagara ; and Westchester, we have received interesting notices of the day, which we hope to find room for in a future number. ESSEX.


It is my province to speak more particularly of the celebration in this town; leaving to others the pleasing task of publishing, if they are so disposed, notices of those meetings in which they were more immediately interested. Our meeting was held on the 5th of March. But The late anniversary of our national independence four schools, numbering in all about eighty pu- was celebrated in Westport village by the friends of edpils, joined in the celebration. The early part ral districts in the Baptist church, for the purpose of an ucation, in assembling the common schools of the seve of the day was rainy, which made it late before examination, to listen to an address and other exerthe exercises commenced. Half an hour was al- cises appropriate for the day and occasion. lotted to the examination of each school, by its At half-past 10, the different schools, preceded by their own teacher. Teachers and scholars acquitted entered the church and occupied the body slips, while teachers, and with appropriate and ingenious banners, themselves well. Declamation and singing, by the remainder were filled by their parents and friends. the children, formed part of the exercises. The After the singing of a patriotic ode by the children, county superintendent, H. H. Ingraham, deliv. and prayer, together with the reading of the Declaration ered a good address. The audience were grati- livered by President WHEELER, of the University of Verof Independence by Judge AIKENS, an address was defied with the performances; and the hope was mont. The speaker, though evidently unprepared for expressed that, although this meeting was the the occasion, and wholly ignorant of the character of first, it might not be the last of the kind held in the assemblage he was to address, entered fully into the feelings the occasion was calculated to inspire, and rivthis place. We think of making another at-eted the attention of his audience for the period of an tempt next fall; and it is hoped that a larger num. ber of schools will be in attendance.

Teachers in this town have often been urged to close their terms with public examinations, held in the school-house. The practice is gaining ground. I have attended two such examinations this spring, and both of them passed off well. The first was that of Morgan Washburn, teacher in district No. 10. Besides examination in the usual branches, the children gave us a specimen of their attainments in vocal music. Several pieces of prose, poetry and dialogue were spoken in good style. Parents and the inhabitants of the district generally were present, and were delighted with the performances of the children. Indeed the room was a little crowded. But that difficulty would be obviated if the good people would tear down the old house and build a new one, a little larger. They will do it before long; though, to tell the truth, the house is as good as thousands of others in different parts of the state.

The other examination was that of Levi Hub. bell, teacher in No. 8. The rain fell freely in the afternoon and evening; but the undaunted scholars were at their posts. The evening was devoted to public speaking, by the pupils; and a considerable audience, particularly ladies, came to hear the young orators. So large an assemblage, on such a night, was proof that the common school cause has some spirited friends in that vicinity. I regretted that it was not conve nient for the trustees to attend.

A. R. M'CORD, Town Superintendent. La Grange, Dutchess Co., April 22d, 1845.

hour and a half by a chaste and eloquent appeal in behalf of rational liberty and the general diffusion of knowledge, as the best human means for securing and perpetuating it-as the only means for sustaining those civil and political institutions which are at once the ground of our individual happiness and national glory. After an exordium, fraught with strikingly forcible remarks on the importance of, and the difficulties in the way of informing the common mind, particularly of a want of intelligent co-operation on the part of parents and others in withholding fostering influences from the seminaries of learning in the land, he announced his subject to be education, as the rest and basis of our free institutions, and both as the common offspring of Protestant christianity. His theme was a noble one, and well worthy the attention of an enlightened and free people, on a day which, while it comes and goes, as an index of the intellectual power of the fathers of our country, should also be viewed by them as the periodical return of the genius of liberty, with the expectation that each of its successive visits should find this great people one step farther forward in the great scheme of moral culture and political progress. By a variety of facts shown from our national history, the learning and piety of the puritan fathers, and from the lives of the prominent characters of the great religious reformation, such as Martin Luther, Wickliff, Reuchlin, Huss, Erasmus and others, who, three centuries ago, origina ted and achieved one of the greatest revolutions ever effected in human affairs-by commenting upon the extraordinary intellectual attainments of these distinguished actors, and those of many others, whose influ ence has been most felt in giving a higher tone of morals and manners to the age in which they lived-the or intelligence, but of that exalted culture which has renator sought to enforce not only the necessity of general dered the distinguished reformers, both in religion and politics, sufficient for the great work allotted themthat of combating and overthrowing the false philosophy of the times, and of re-organizing society by means of a more perfect arrangement, under higher institutions. While on this part of the subject, a fact was stated, which is certainly worthy of notice, especially by those who unwisely oppose the interests of the higher institutions of learning in our country. It was this: That with hardly an individual exception, those distinguished leaders of the Protestant reformation, whose names I have given, together with others who acted a no less conspicuous part, were men who had availed themselves


usefulness, and have exerted an extended influence for good and not for evil.

In view of this, there are those in this community, as well as in all others, to whom it might be proper to repeat the advice once given by a clergyman of our day: "Look to it that thou doest thy duty to those thou seekest to direct; for remember-the manners, minds and hearts of deathless beings are invaluable materials.”


of the advantages afforded in the highest universities of Europe; as the result of which, and their own untiring efforts, many of them arose to be the brightest stars in the galaxy of European scholars and divines. Reuchlin, for instance, was hardly twenty when he taught Philosophy and Greek and Latin at Bale, at a time too (says D'Aubigne, in his inimitable history of the reformation) when it was accounted almost a miracle that a German should speak Greek. Erasmus too, who, (as the same historian informs us) although he "never was, nor never could be a reformer, still prepared the way for others, and that too by a life of the severest study, occupying successively the position of teacher in the university at Oxford and at Bale, preferring always a livelihood obtained by literary and scientific ef fort, to a life of luxury and favor in the splendid courts of Charles V., of Henry VIII. and Francis I., or even to encircling his head with the cardinal's hat, which was offered him." The great maxim of Erasmus was, "Give light, and the darkness will disperse of itself." Upon this principle he acted, and in view of this he lived and labored. We might speak also of the scholastic attainments of Wickliffe and Huss, and of that greatest of all reformers, Martin Luther; but our limits will not admit. Suffice it to say, that a sufficient number of such examples were referred to in the address, to establish fully the position, that all the great schemes of social and political advancement must rely mainly for their consummation upon the efforts of those, who, by a long and rigid course of mental training, are prepared to see the future in the present and past, and by thus "look-determining, with any accuracy, the progress ing through the vicissitudes of coming years, be the wise men of their times."

GENTLEMEN.-I have just finished an inspection tour through the county: and though I was unable, even with the co-operation of the town superintendents to assemble more than twothirds of the number of teachers to be licensed for the ensuing term-yet the effect of bringing sixty together, and of considering, in connection with the examination on different branches, the improved methods of instruction, the evils to be remedied, the obstacles to be overcome, and the true objects of pursuit by the district school teacher, will, I trust, be clearly perceptible in the increased assiduity, and in the systematic and well directed efforts of the summer teachers.

This is the first opportunity afforded me for

of our teaahers: It is the first time they have appeared before me for a second examination, President Wheeler investigated with clearness also and I am happy to say that the evidences which the various conditions which governments must observe, to the end that peace, prosperity and order may many gave of marked improvement, increased result, and abide with those over whom they are insti- confidence and determination, and strengthened tuted. The secret springs of society were disclosed, hope were highly credi'able to them, and encourand the audience were made to see and appreciate more fully the causes and processes by which and aging to the friends of education. Many have through which nations arise to the possession of sub-expended their earnings in attending the acade stantial wisdom, and consequently to true, rational my or select school, while others have applied freedom, or sink by becoming the slaves of tyrants and themselves with singular devotion and great suc the victims of superstition. The bearings and relations of the several professions cess to self-instruction; and the increased dewere detailed with a master hand, and their existence mand for good teachers, the numerous applicashown to be indispensable to the well being of society. tions made to those of reputed excellence, and The higher branches of education were introduced, as the general advance of wages, seem to presage exercising a progressive and conservative influence on the mass, and to this and not to the misdirected efforts the speedy advent of a time, when the worth of an accomplished and devoted teacher, shall be of an ignorant populace (it was shown) are we indebted for all that we possess of national importance and ra- appreciated and acknowledged, and his services requited by an adequate reward.

tional freedom.

Throughout the whole the importance of vital religion was urged, and its existence proved to be the condition of all substantial, moral or mental progress in the race.

This position was illustrated and enforced by the high position which New-England sustains in her rapid growth in all the arts of civilized life, in industry, science and letters-all of which results were justly referred to the perpetual possession of the spirit of that sublime piety, and to the continued observance of the simple rites of that holy religion which the pilgrim fathers brought from a foreign shore-which they held as their richest treasure in life, and the choicest legacy they had to leave to their children that were to come after them.

In conclusion, the speaker directed our attention to the feelings we ought to exercise towards God, in view of the exalted position we occupy, and for the peculiar privileges we enjoy in this age and country; and urged upon all the necessity of continuing faithfully to instruct the rising generation, as the only hope of our country and the world.

An enlarged and liberal view was this; and how widely different from that contracted and false philosophy, which would tell the man of years that schemes-any schemes for the training up of the children about him in knowledge and virtue-detract from that dignity which he should maintain! For the "child" is truly and emphatically "the father of the man" The acorn that withered and died in the crevice of a barren rock, had it only found an early lodgment in a deep and fruitful soil might have struck its roots into the earth and sent forth a shoot, whose branches the tempests of heaven for ages afterward would assail, only to wave them into beauty, or rock them into strength. So the child, who, for want of proper training, is growing up to dishonor his Maker and contaminate society, under other influences might have arisen to occupy posts of eminent

There is a class of teachers, however, that seems to shun, most studiously, the appointed days of inspection. Last spring the drills were held earlier in the season, and many teachers urged as an excuse for non-attendance, that they had not taken schools. This spring reveals a great revolution of sentiment in this respect, the same teachers seeming deeply impressed with the necessity of having certificates before engaging schools, and have prevailed on the superinten dents in some instances to anticipate the concerted examinations. Whether it is aversion to the county superintendent or consciousness of incompetency, or fear of being required to depart from some of the usages of their grandfathers, in teaching, which they seem pertinaciously to follow, I will not presume to say; but I think they incur suspicion of indifference to the welfare of our schools, in thus refusing to aid in a plan where economy and usefulness are so manifestly combined. In some of the towns, the su. perintendents refused to grant licences before the appointed day, and made most commendable ex. ertions to secure at that time a general attendance.

This was the case in Martinsburgh, West-Turin, Watson, Croghan, and Denmark. With a little perseverance and harmonious efforts among the superintendents, I believe the teachers of a town may be assembled, on a given day, for inspection; and it will be much more beneficial,

[blocks in formation]



The Association of Teachers and friends of education met pursuant to adjournment, at Albion, Orleans county, March 1st, 1845. N. W Butts was appointed chairman. A committee on resolutions was then appointed, consisting of E. K. Gardner, Abel R. Stitson, John P. Church, Jay Smith and O. D. Griswold.

The convention then adjourned to 1 o'clock. ONE O'CLOCK P. M. Convention was called to order by the chair. E. K. Gardner, chairman of the committee on resolutions, reported. The report was accepted, and the following resolutions were adopted, after they were ably discussed.

1st. Resolved, That we consider the Town and County Associations one of the most effective means of creating an interest among schools and teachers.

2d. Resolved, That it is the imperative duty of the town superintendents to attend all meetings of town associations, and to sustain them as far as it is in their power.

3d. Resolved, That each school is deserving an equal share of attention from the school officers, and any one who neglects to do so, deserves the disapprobation of community.

4th. Resolved, That the present system of training pursued by parents and guardians, renders it inexpedient to dispense with corporeal punishment in our common schools.

5th. Resolved, That parents, by neglecting to secure the regular attendance of their scholars at school render it impossible for a teacher, however qualified, to instruct them in a regular and thorough system of education.

6th. Resolved, That hourly recesses are better calculated to advance scholars in their studies, than the former method which has been practised.

7th. Resolved, That visitations on the part of parents and guardians have a greater influence to accelerate scholars in their studies, than any principle that can be introduced by the teacher. 8th. Resolved, That all young men in qualifying themselves for district school teachers, should feel it their indispensable duty to quali. fy themselves to speak well in public.

9th. Resolved, That in the discharge of the duties of State Superintendent of Common Schools, the Hon. Samuel Young, late Secretary of State, has effected great good in the community, and so served his generation as to secure to himself the high respect and deep gratitude of every good citizen and patriot.

10th. Resolved, That the proceedings of this convention be published in both of the county papers and District School Journal.

On motion, the convention adjourned until the second Saturday in October next.

N. W. BUTTS, Chairman.

E. D. BACON, Secretary.

[For the District School Journal.] RENSSELAER.


At a meeting of the Troy Teachers' Association, held May 10th, 1845, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted; and, on motion, it was resolved that they be published in the District School Journal.

Resolved, That the profession of teaching is one of great responsibility, and second to none in the amount of its influence on society.

be such as to secure as much as possible ability Resolved, That its pecuniary rewards should and permanency in the profession, and entire devotedness to the work.

Resolved, That parents and the friends of edu. cation can greatly increase the teacher's usefulness by their aid and co-operation.

Resolved, That so far as pupils fail of selfcontrol, the authority to control rests with the teacher, and he is guilty of high dereliction of duty if he fail to exercise it. That while he should maintain order with all possible mildness, there are cases in which the judicious or proper use of the rod is consistent with real kindness to the scholar, with the best interests of society, with the strictest principles of rational nature, and, above all, with the immutable dictates of the law and procedure of God.

Resolved, That while we do not mean to impugn the motives of those who would altogether banish the rod from the school-room, it is the sense of this Association, that however amiable the theory may appear, and however well it may work in a state or county convention, its practical tendency is injurious to evil-doers, and unjust to them that do well-opposed to the accumulated experience of preceding ages, and sadly ominous of mischief for the future.



OWEGO, April 5, 1845. I take the liberty to furnish for publication in your valuable journal a synopsis of the efforts of the friends of popular education in the county of Tioga, during the year 1844.

Pursuant to a call made by the county superintendent, a convention was held at the court house in Owego, January 13th, 1844. After the meeting was organized, it was resolved to form a county common school association. A constitution was adopted, and the following officers were chosen for the ensuing year: J. M. Parker, President; W. B. Green, 1st Vice President; Rev. J. Elwell, 2d Vice President; Charles R. Coburn, Cor. Secretary; John Petts, Rec. Secretary.

The leading objects of the association were to bring together the teachers and others interested in the subject, for the purpose of conferring upon and devising means to elevate the standard of common school education in this county.

FEB. 10th, 1844-The association met agree. ably to adjournment. Isaac B. Headly, Esq. having been previously selected by the executive board, ably addressed the association; after which a spirited set of resolutions were adopted, recommending that teachers should be thoroughly qualified for their stations, the importance of uniformity in text-books, and the propriety of read

ing the Scriptures daily in all our schools. An efficient committee was then chosen to examine all new books designed for the use of common schools, with a view to the adoption of those only possessing the greatest excellence.

FEB. 25th, 1844-The association convened at Candor, Tioga co. An interesting discussion was held among the members upon the right of teachers to exercise authority over their pupils going to and returning from school. The importance of encouraging common schools in preference to select or private schools, and the impropriety of granting certificates of qualification to any but those who are thoroughly qualified.

JUNE 8th, 1844-The association met agreea. bly to adjournment, at Owego. The morning session was occupied by the town superinten. dents, who gave an account of the state of the schools in their respective towns, and of their own views and efforts in the cause of popular education. The afternoon session was opened with prayer by the Rev. Mr. Stanton. The association was then entertained by a very able address by the Rev. Mr. Barker, of Binghampton, Broome co.

JULY 20th-Association met at Owego. The day was very pleasantly and profitably spent in the discussion of subjects having reference to the instruction and government of common schools. SEPT. 14th-The annual meeting of the Tioga county common school association was held in Owego village. J. M. Parker was chosen President, C. H. Cole and Carmine Penton were chosen Vice-Presidents, Charles R. Coburn was chosen Cor. Sect., and Dr. J. L. Corbin, Rec'g. Secy. The day was spent in hearing addresses, and in discussions, &c.

On the 15th day of Oct., one hundred and twenty-five teachers assembled preliminary to the opening of the teachers' institute on the following day, and I am happy in being able to say, that it was a profitable and interesting day for

us all.

Our institute was ably conducted by M. G. McKoon, A. M., as principal, being assisted by Wm. R. Childs and Albert D. Wright. During the institute we were favored with very able and instructive lectures from Charles Davies, L. L. D., John M. Banks, Esq. and J. H. Mather, Esq. The good influence which that teachers' drill has exerted, and will continue to exert, upon our common schools, is already to be seen by those who at first were opposers.

The number of pupils in attendance was one hundred and twenty-five. I will only add in conclusion, that in addition to my other labors, I have held town examinations or celebrations in all but one of the towns of the county during the summer terms of school. They were all well attended and were creditable to the teachers and pupils of the several towns, and I think that town celebrations and examinations in some of the largest schools in the several towns, have done as much, or perhaps more, than any other one thing, to call the attention of the community to common schools in this county.

Our institute closed our efforts for the year 1844. Something has been done, while much more remains to be done.

Yours, very respectfully,

Sup't. Tioga Co.


Middle Granville, 12 July, 1845. ON the 26th ult. we had a grand celebration of the common schools in the old "town of Hebron." A sight that would have cheered the heart of every friend of common schools, or of his country and kind. About 10 o'clock the schools were all assembled, formed on the green by the town superintendent and Dr. Mattison, and marched in procession to the sound of music to the church. Nearly three hundred children were present, and after they were seated the large church was filled to overflowing with the principal inhabitants of the town.

The exercises were opened with prayer by the Rev. Mr. Anderson.

The schools were then examined by their respective teachers, each having fifteen minutes for the exercise. The examinations proved highly interesting, and showed conclusively, that the teachers (or most of them) had felt the responsibility of their stations, and had discharged the duties they owed to their scholars, with fidelity. Where all did so well, it would not be best to particularize. The schools were questioned upon all the primary branches, and also upon Astronomy, Chemistry, Natural and Moral Philosophy.

The scholars answered promptly, and evidently understood what they were about. The exercises were interspersed with music by the band and by singing by the schools. Nearly all the teachers had taught vocal music in their schools, and their performances on this occasion were admirable. Some of the pieces drew tears from the eyes of the audience.

Mr. John Armitage acted as chairman of the meeting, and addresses were delivered during the day, by the Rev. Mr. Anderson, Rev. Mr. Stower and the county superintendents, both of whom were present.

The interest of the large audience was kept up to the close: None left the house, although many had to stand during the whole time.

This was indeed a glorious day for the schools of Hebron; and the cause of common school education has received an impetus in this town, that will not cease to operate till these schools become all that they should be. Opposition to our present admirable school system has died out. The people see the results and cheerfully attribute the improvement to the right cause. This in some respects, has been the best celebration we have had in this county, and its influence will be for good.

This town is rapidly improving in many rospects. The people are mostly farmers, and they are improving their methods of farming, putting up more convenient and tasteful buildings, and with all this, are not neglecting the common school. Several new school-houses are building this year. There is one thing that must be done in this town yet, before all the schools can flourish; and that is, several of the very small districts must be dissolved and the inhabitants attached to others. Nos. nineteen, eight, nine, six, five, four and twelve are all too small. Some of them can hardly continue a teacher at the cheapest rate, four months in the year. Let the inhabitants and town superintendent remedy this evil, and the schools of Hebron would soon rank first in the county.

Respectfully yours,

A. WRIGHT, Co. Supt.

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