An act for granting unto his Majefty an additional duty on beer, ale, strong waters, wine, tobacco, hides, and other goods and merchandizes therein mentioned; and for prohibiting the importation of all gold and filver lace, and of all cambricks and lawns, except of the manufacture of Great Britain. Page 3 CHA P. II. An act for granting unto his majesty the several duties, rates, impofitions and taxes therein particularly expreffed, to be applied to the payment of the intereft of the fums therein provided for, and towards the discharge of the faid principal fums, in fuch manner as therein is directed, and for * fuch other Purposes as are therein mentioned. CHA P. IIL 13 An act for granting to his Majefty, his heirs and fucceffors, feveral duties upon ftamped vellum, parchment, and paper. 29 CHA P. IV. An act for granting to his Majefty an additional duty upon the feveral goods and merchandizes therein mentioned. CHAP. V. ⠀ An act for allowing further time to perfons in offices or employments to qualify themselves purfuant to an act, intitled, An act to prevent the further growth of popery. Page 46 CH A P. VI An act for licenfing hawkers and pedlars, and for the encou ragement of English protestant schools. CHAP. VII. 47 An act to continue an act, intitled, An act to amend an act passed in the third year of his prefent Majefty, intitled, An act for continuing the encouragement given by former acts of parliament to the flaxen and hempen manufactures. An act for the improvement of his Majefty's revenue, and the more effectually preventing of frauds therein; and for continuing and amending feveral laws heretofore made and now in force relative thereto. CHA P. IX. 53 An act to authorize for a limited time the punishment by hard labour of offenders, who for certain crimes are or Thall become liable to be tranfported to any of his Majefty's colonies and plantations. 73 CHA P. An act for continuing and amending an act paffed in the fourteenth year of his prefent Majefty's reign, intitled, An An act for incorporating the charitable musical society for |