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high. The Emperor, as a mark of his royal favor, presented her

At the departure of Madame Catalani from St. Petersburgh,

with a superb ornamental of opal, the Empress embraced her in enriched with diamonds. Here the most affectionate manner, her benevolence and liberality to and the reigning Empress prethe poor, who always participated sented her with a pair of beauin her success, displayed itself as tiful gold ear-rings, and a diausual. Every mouth resounded mond necklace. The Emperor her praise, and the magistracy of Alexander, not less sensible of her the city, to testify the high sense virtues, kissed her hands at her which they entertained of her cha- departure, and made her a present racter, caused a medal to be struck of a magnificent girdle of brilliwhich bears an inscription highly ants. flattering to her.

guineas. When she went from Moscow to Warsaw, she was presented on her arrival with a letter from the Muscovite nobility, offering her, as we have already ob

She remained four months in Russia, during which time she Madame Catalani had long che-gave concerts at St. Petersburgh, rished a wish to visit Russia, from Riga, Moscow, and Wilna, which which she received many invitati-produced her, exclusive of all exons. On leaving Austria, therefore, penses and the sums she bestowed she proceeded to St. Petersburgh, on charity, upwards of 15,000 where she commenced with a concert, the tickets for which were fixed at twenty-five roubles. The success which attended her performance the first night was so great, that several hundred per-served, 240,000 roubles, if she sons were disappointed of seats each succeeding night. She was persuaded to give her concluding concert at the public exchange, where she was honoured with the presence of 4,000 individuals. The receipts of this concert she devoted to the relief of two hundred She made her second appeardistressed families in St. Peters-ance in England in July 1822, and burgh. Such is the illustrious character who has been charged with avarice in the metropolis of the British empire! These plain with the most enthusiastic apstatements, we trust, will total-plause. Nothing could equal the ly efface from the mind of the Public, the ill-grounded conceptions of her character.

would come and give ten concerts at their ancient capital during the winter. Apprehending her health would not endure the severity of the climate, she declined the flattering and advantageous invitation.

gave a concert at the Argyle Rooms on the Sixteenth of that month, where she was received

effect which she produced in singing Rode's violin variations. In this extraordinary exercise of her

vocal powers, she displayed at once her surprising rapidity, strength, and sweetness. She gave another concert on the 30th of July, the profits of which amounted to upwards of £300, and which she devoted to the funds of the Westminster General Infirmary; and, indeed, the whole tenor of her life shews the mistaken prejudice, which had been at one time excited against her in this country.

We are sorry our limits will not allow us to follow her, we must therefore conclude by mentioning her late return to London, where her success is without example. At this, however, we feel no surprise; for since she first commenced her musical career, to the present moment, she has been not only the first singer in Europe, but in fact the only singer who may be truly said to have had no From London, Madame Catala- competitor. The public mind neni proceeded to Glasgow; and af- ver hesitated for a moment between terwards visited Edinburgh, New- the comparative merits of her and castle, York, and Liverpool: here any other performer; and when she was joined by Mr. Yaniewicz, we say the public mind, we do who became the sole director of not mean the English public alone, her concerts. From Liverpool but that public of which all the she proceeded to Leeds, and nations in Europe are composed. next visited Sheffield, where she No country could produce a sewas suddenly taken ill while cond to her, though Ily, France, the audience were assembling, or and England have produced singrather after the greater part of ers of whom, perhaps, it would them had assembled. The effect have been said, "the force of naof her illness produced a tempo- ture could no farther go," if the rary suspension of her vocal pow-illustrious Angelica Catalani had ers; and she continued three days been silently immured in a nunin this alarming state. She left nery, and her transcendent powSheffield without a concert, pro-ers known only to her cloistered mising to return shortly, which sisters, whose innocence or credushe did after visiting Birmingham, lity would, in all probability, have Bath, and Clifton. From Shef-deemed them rather the work of field she proceeded to Notting-inspiration, than one of those unham, and from thence to London. attainable gifts, which nature beDuring this excursion she cleared stows on her own peculiar favoua' ove £6,000 over and above the rites. heavy expenses, which she must have necessarily incurred. After some stay in the Metropolis she proceeded to the Continent, where she met with her usual encouragement.


THERE is not, we feel assured, a single reader of this Work who does

not participate in that feeling of beauty and tenderness, profusely scattered through his poems, all of which show that he was (how painfully, for the first time, we speak of him in the past tense!) a perfect master of the art. His character produced his poems, and it cannot be doubted that his poems are adapted to produce such a character. The desolate misanthrophy of his mind, rose and threw its dark shade over his poetry like one of his own ruined castles; we feel it to be sublime, and are sometimes lost in admiration un

regret, which the death of LORD BYRON has oocasioned. Born to rank and affluence, and possessing a genius of the highest order, his Lordship was, by domestic circumstances, driven from his home and family, and has died an alien to the country his talents have so much adorned: for, much as the world may differ as to the motive or tendency of some of his recent works, no person can deny that he was the first poet of his age; and his death, at an early age, and in a distant land, would of itself dis

arm every ingenuous mind, had he not perished in the most sacred of all causes, that of assisting a brave and oppressed people to shake off the yoke, and to rescue a christian people from the dominion of the infidel Turks.

The annals of literature do not furnish a similar instance of extensive literary fame as that of Lord Byron. The distinguishing feature of his Lordship's poetry is eloquence, and that of the most vehement character. His verse rushes on with the rapidity of a cataract, carrying our ideas impetuously along in such a manner as to prevent any thing like repose or steady contemplation.


George Gordon, Lord Byron, had not only his own talents, but the pride of illustrious ancestry to boast; for even so early as the conquest his family was distinguished not merely for their extensive manors in Lancashire and other parts, but for their prowess in arms.

His Lordship spent a consider able portion of his early life in Scotland, where it is supposed the wild and mountainous scenes which surrounded him, contributed not a little to elicit and strengthen the mighty energies of his mind, and to imprint on his vivid imagination those powerful and beautiful images of natural grandeur and amidst the wild variety of objects wildness which are so observable and obscure disquisitions which in the whole of his writings. At this magical genius contrives to times his Lordship would exclude bring together, without any regard himself from his ordinary comto appropriate selection or lucid panions, and wander alone amidst arrangement, there are descrip- the majestic and sublime scenery tions and sentiments of exquisite of the highlands, until his soul


seemed tinged with those elements In the course of his Lordship's of real sublimity, and drank a amour with Miss C. and particuspecies of inspiration from the larly towards its termination, he mists of the mountains, the wild addressed some beautiful lines to waves of the ocean, and the black the fair, wayward object of his afadamant of its terrific boundaries. fections. Many of those amatory The celebrated school at Har-morceaux display considerable row, and the University of Cam-poetical excellence, mingled with bridge, had the honour of adding much richness and tenderness of the polish of education to the in- feeling. The following stanzas nate powers of his mind, and are taken from Hours of Idleness, several of his academic compa- and although they are not clothed nions can relate not a few instances in that glittering drapery of lanof the precocious talent and guage and imagery with which strange eccentricities, which even his Lordship's subsequent pieces then characterised his Lordship. are adorned, we think they display much of talent, and we know they contain much of truth :"Oh! had my fate been joined with thine,

Among the early amusements of his Lordship, were swimming and managing a boat, in both of which he is said to have acquired a great dexterity even in his childhood. In his equatic excursions near Newstead Abbey, he had seldom any other companion than a large Newfoundland dog, to try whose sagacity and fidelity he would sometimes fall out of the boat, as if by accident, when the dog would seize him and drag him ashore. On losing this dog, in the autumn of 1808, his Lordship caused a monument to be erected, commemorative of his attachment, with an inscription, from which we extract the following lines :

"Ye who, perchance, behold this simple urn,

Pass on----it honours none you wish to

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[blocks in formation]

Nor hope, nor memory yield their aid, But pride may teach me to forget thee.

To be continued in our next.


masses of timber and coals. The provisions collected here are the To strangers, unaccustomed to product of countries many thouthe various changes produced in sand wersts beyond Moscow, Simen and things by the influence of beria, Archangel, and still remointense frost, nothing appears more ter provinces, furnish the merchanwonderful than that part of the city dise which, during the frost's sevededicated to the sale of frozen pro-rity, is conveyed thither on sledgvisions. The astonished sight is es. In consequence of the vast there arrested by a vast open square quantities of these commodities, containing the bodies of many and the short period allowed for the thousand animals, piled in pyra-existence of the market, they are midical heaps, on all sides; cows, cheaper than at any other part of sheep, hogs, fowls, butter, eggs, the year, and are therefore bought fish, all are stiffened into granite. eagerly to be laid up as winter The fish are attractively beautiful; stock. When deposited in cellars, possessing the vividness of their they keep good for a length of time. living colour, with the transparent At certain hours every day, the clearness of wax imitations. The market, while it lasts, is a fashionbeasts present a far less pleasing able lounge. There you meet all spectacle. Most of the larger sort the beauty and gaiety of St. Peters< being skinned, and classed accor-burgh; even from the imperial ding to their species; groups of family down to the Russian merchant's wife. Incredible crowds of sledges, carriages, and pedestrians throng the place; the different groups of spectators, purchasers, venders, and commodities, form such an extraordinary tout ensem4 ble as no other city in the world is known to equal. During this mart of congealed merchandise, affecting scenes often occur. The provisions are exported from the most remote provinces of this vast empire, and the infinitude of sledg, es necessary for their conveyance, are accompanied by boors." It is not often the case, that for more than one season, the same persons travel with them; and this change of conductors is produced


hundreds are seen piled up on their hind legs against one another, as if each were making an effort to climb over the back of its neighbour. The apparent animation of their seemingly struggling attitudes (as if suddenly seized in moving, and petrified by frost) gives a horrid life to this dead scene. Had an enchanter's wand been instantaneously. waved over this sea of animals, during their different actions, they could not have been fixed more decidedly. Their hardness, too, is so extreme, that the natives chop them up for the purchasers like wood, and the chips of their carcasses fly off in the same way as splinters do from


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