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$2,118.52 in payment of bill rendered by the New York Railways Company for 196,986 Municipal Ferry transfers at 3c lifted by it during the month of May, 1916 ($5,909.58), less 189,553 New York Railways transfers lifted on Municipal Ferry for same period at 2c ($3,791.06), leaving balance due to New York Railways Company $2,118.52.

The report was accepted and the resolution adopted, all the members present voting in the affirmative.

Bill of George R. Read & Co. for Appraisals.

The Deputy and Acting Comptroller presented the following report and offered the following resolution:

July 22, 1916. Gentlemen-Pursuant to a resolution adopted by the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund on March 10, 1915, I designated George R. Reed & Company as appraisers to represent the City in the matter of the rental of the leases of premises 97-99 Park Row, 103 Park Row and 24-26 Peck Slip, Borough of Manhattan.

To the Honorable the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund:

I present herewith bill submitted by George R. Read & Company in the sum of $250, for their services in connection therewith, which amount I deem to be fair and reasonable.

I therefore respectfully recommend that the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund authorize the Comptroller to pay from the account known as "Sinking Fund Appropriation" the sum of $250 to George R. Read & Company, for services rendered, as shown on bill submitted by them. Respectfully.

ALBERT E. HADLOCK, Deputy and Acting Comptroller. Resolved, That the Comptroller be and is hereby authorized to pay to George R. Read and Co. the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars ($250), being amount of bill for services as Appraiser in the matter of the rental to be fixed in connection with the renewal of the leases of premises Nos. 97-99 Park Row, 103 Park Row and 24-26 Peck Slip. Borough of Manhattan-said payment to be made from the appropriation made to the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, for the year 1915 for Contingencies. The report was accepted and the resolution adopted, all the members present voting in the affirmative. President, Borough of Manhattan-Communication from, in Regard to the Free Floating Baths Stored in Roger's Basin.

At meeting held July 13. 1916, a suggestion was made by a representative of the Bureau of Municipal Research that these baths be either sold or destroved, in view of the fact that they were not being used because of the action of the Health Department in ordering the discontinuance of use of such baths. The Secretary was thereupon directed to submit the question of the sale or destruction of the baths to the President of the Borough.

The following communication was received.

July 19, 1916.

MR. JOHN KORB. JR., Secretary, Sinking Fund Commission, Municipal Building, N. Y.: My dear Mr. Korb-This is in response to your recent communication relative to the storage of floating baths. I am informed that the two baths in question cost about $30,000, and that the expenditure of some $8,000 would make them serviceable for several years.

In view of the fact that the floating Laths are so widely patronized, and so necessary in a congested Borough like Manhattan, it would seem to me to be unwise to destroy them. There is a possibility that private parties may finance this repair in case the City should decline. We therefore deem it inadvisable to make any disposition of the baths at the present time.

With best wishes. vours verv sincerely,

RALPH FOLKS, Acting President, Borough of Manhattan. Which was ordered filed.

The Following Matters Not on the Calendar Were Brought Up by Unani. mous Consent:

Street Cleaning Department-Communication from. Withdrawing Request for the Assignment of Plot of Land Situated at the Intersection of the Northerly Line of Neptune Avenue with the Westerly Line of West 12th Street, Borough of Brooklyn, Turned Over by the President of the Borough as No Longer Required.

At meeting held July 13, 1916, the matter of this proposed assignment was referred to the Commissioner of Street Cleaning for consideration, in view of the objections raised to the proposed assignment.

The following communication was received:

July 21, 1916. Hon. JOHN PURROY MITCHEL, Mayor and Chairman of the Sinking Fund Commission, City of New York:

Dear Sir-On May 25, 1916, request was made for the transfer to this department, for use as a garbage dumping board and relay station, the following described property, viz.:

"Beginning at the intersection of the northerly line of Neptune Avenue with the westerly line of West 12th Street; running thence northerly along the westerly line of West 12th Street to the southerly line of Coney Island Creek; running thence southeasterly along the southerly line of Coney Island Creek to its intersection with the center of a small creek that formed part of boundary line of the former town of Gravesend; running thence southwesterly along the center of said creek to the northerly line of Neptune Avenue produced; running thence westerly along said northerly line of Neptune Avenue produced to the point or place of beginning."

This transfer was approved by the Comptroller and appeared on the Calendar on Thursday, June 15, 1916, when objection was made by a representative of property owners in the vicinity of this land, that its use as a garbage dump would inconvenience them and be detrimental to their business.

Upon further investigation it appeared desirable to secure a site which would be less objectionable to the residents of the locality.

On July 13, 1916, the matter again appeared on the Calendar and was referred to me for report. In view of the circumstances, I desire to withdraw the request. Yours truly. J. T. FETHERSTON, Commissioner.

Which was ordered filed.

Dock Department-Issue of $9,703.27 of Corporate Stock to Pay Awards, Etc.,
Recommended to the Board of Estimate and Apportionment.
The following communication was received from the Commissioner of Docks:
Pier A, North River, July 21, 1916.
Hon. JOHN PURROY MITCHEL, Mayor and Chairman, Commissioners of the Sinking

Dear Sir-The Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment in the proceeding for the acquisition of wharf property, between 18th and 23d Streets, North River, have awarded the Erie Railroad Company damages to the amount of.. With interest at the rate of 6% from October 17, 1902..

Total for Railroad Company.

-which award was duly taxed by the Supreme Court.

Fees of Commissioners and other expenses in same proceeding taxed by
Supreme Court July 13, 1916..

Making the total amount for which the issue of corporate
stock is requested

$5,000 00

4,144 17

$9,144 17

559 10

$9,703 27

I request that a resolution be adopted recommending to the Board of Estimate and Apportionment that corporate stock be issued to meet the above payment. Respectfully, R. A. C. SMITH, Commissioner of Docks.

The following resolution was offered for adoption. Resolved, That, pursuant to the provisions of section 180 of the Greater New York Charter, the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund hereby recommend to the Board of Estimate and Apportionment that the Comptroller be authorized to issue corporate stock of The City of New York to the amount of nine thousand seven hundred and three dollars and twenty-seven cents ($9,703.27), the proceeds to the amount of the par value thereof to be used by the Department of Docks and Ferries for the purpose of paying an award of five thousand dollars ($5,000) made by the Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment to the Erie Railroad Company on account of damages sustained in connection with the proceeding for the acquisition of wharf property between 18th and 23d streets, North River, in the City of New York, together with interest thereon from October 17, 1902, to August 10, 1916, amounting to four thousand one hundred and forty-four dollars and seventeen cents ($4,144.17), and fees and other expenses taxed by the Supreme Court July 13, 1916, amounting to five hundred and fifty-nine dollars and ten cents ($559.10), or if the Board of Estimate and Apportionment elect to treat either of the two last mentioned items as an operating expense to be met by the issue of special revenue bonds, that the Comptroller

be authorized to issue corporate stock in the amount required to pay the balance of the above claim.

Which resolution was adopted, all the members present voting in the affirmative. Armory Board-Issue of $9,900 of Corporate Stock for Furnishings, Supplies, Etc., for the Temporary Headquarters of the Fifteenth Infantry, N. G. N. Y., Recommended to the Board of Estimate and Apportionment. The following was received from the Armory Board:

July 26, 1916. JOHN KORB, JR., Esq., Secretary, Commissioner of the Sinking Fund: Dear Sir-The following is a copy of resolution adopted by the Armory Board July 26, 1916:

"Resolved, That the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund be requested to authorize the Comptroller, pursuant to the provisions of chapter 36 of the Consolidated Laws, to issue corporate stock of The City of New York to the amount of nine thousand nine hundred dollars ($9,900), the proceeds whereof to be used for furnishings, supplies, etc., for the temporary headquarters of the Fifteenth Infantry, N. G., N. Y." C. D. RHINEHART, Secretary.

Very truly yours,

The following resolution was offered for adoption: Whereas, The Armory Board, on July 26, 1916, adopted the following resolution: "Resolved, That the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund be requested to authorize the Comptroller, pursuant to the provisions of chapter 36 of the Consolidated Laws, to issue corporate stock of The City of New York to the amount of nine thousand nine hundred dollars ($9,900), the proceeds whereof to be used for furnishings, supplies, etc., for the temporary headquarters of the Fifteenth Infantry, N. G. N. Y.”

-therefore, be it

Resolved, That the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund hereby concur in said resolution in so far as to approve of the appropriation of nine thousand nine hundred dollars ($9,900), and that, when approved by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, the sum of nine thousand nine hundred dollars ($9,900) is hereby appropriated, pursuant to the provisions of chapter 231 of the Laws of 1908 and section 169 of the Greater New York Charter, for the purposes set forth in said resolution of the Armory Board, and that the Comptroller be and hereby is authorized to issue, pursuant to the provisions of section 169 of the Greater New York Charter, serial bonds of The City of New York to the amount of four thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars ($4,950), redeemable in fifteen equal annual installments, being one-half of such total authorization, and that the remaining one-half thereof, viz., four thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars ($4,950), shall be included in annual tax levies in the manner provided by section 189 of the Greater New York Charter.

Which resolution was adopted, all the members present voting in the affirmative.

Department of Correction-Proposed Assignment to, of Space at 49 Lafayette Street, Borough of Manhattan.

A communication was received from the Commissioner of Accounts recommending the assignment to the Department of Correction, for use as a House of Dentention, of certain space in the building No. 49 Lafayette Street, Borough of Manhattan. Which was referred to the Comptroller.


JOHN KORB, JR., Secretary.

720-H-250-16 (B)


Proceedings of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund at a Meeting Held in Room 16, City Hall, at 11 o'Clock a. m., on Thursday, August 3, 1916.

Present at roll call: Frank L. Dowling, President, Board of Aldermen; Albert E. Hadlock, Deputy and Acting Comptroller; Milo R. Maltbie, Chamberlain; Francis P. Kenney, Chairman Finance Committee, Board of Aldermen.

His Honor the Mayor arrived later. See note.

The minutes of the meeting held July 26, 1916, were approved as printed.

Dock Department-Institution of Condemnation Proceedings for the Acquisition of Title to Property Between 43d and 51st Sts., North River, Borough of Manhattan.

The Chair called for a hearing in the matter of the request of the Commissioner of Docks that the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund adopt a resolution authorizing and assenting to the institution of condemnation proceedings for the acquisition of title to property between West 43d and West 51st streets, North River, Borough of Manhattan.

(Affidavit as to publication of notice of hearing in the CITY RECORD on file with the papers.)

Pier A. North River, July 11, 1916. Hon. JOHN PURROY MITCHEL, Mayor, and Chairman of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund:

Sir-I beg to request that a resolution be adopted by the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund authorizing and assenting to the institution of condemnation proceedings for the acquisition of title to the property described in the annexed memorandum entitled "Technical Description of Property to be Acquired for Improving the Waterfront Between West 43d Street and West 51st Street, North River, Borough of Manhattan." This property is required for the improvement of the waterfront under the New Plan adopted by the Commissioner of Docks on April 4, 1916, and approved by the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund on May 4, 1916.

Under date of May 22, 1916, the Department of Taxes and Assessments has furnished this Department with the following schedules showing the land, improvement and total assessed valuations, approximated for the year 1916:

[blocks in formation]

A similar letter has this day been sent to the Board of Estimate and Apportionment. Yours respectfully. R. A. C. SMITH, Commissioner of Docks.

Mr. Van Rensellaer, representing the Randolph and Veronica Corporation, and Mrs. Kerr, representing the Woman's League for the protection of Riverside Park, appeared before the Board and requested an adjournment of the hearing.

Discussion followed.

No others appearing in opposition, the Deputy and Acting Comptroller presented the following report and offered the following resolution:

To the Honorable the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund:

July 28, 1916.

Gentlemen-In communication, dated July 11, 1916, the Commissioner of Docks requested the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund to authorize the institution of condemnation proceedings for the acquisition of private wharf property described in the accompanying memorandum entitled "Technical Description of Property to be acquired for Improving Waterfront Between West 43d Street and West 51st Street, North River, Borough of Manhattan."

The wharf property between West 44th and West 47th Streets has been acquired by the City and 1,000-foot pier at the foot of West 46th Street is 90 per cent. completed.

In order to continue the development of the 1,000-foot piers in this section which the City has committed itself to, it is necessary to acquire the remainder of the privately owned wharf property between West 43d Street and West 51st Street.

By resolution adopted by the Board of Estimate ond Apportionment on July 7, 1916 (Cal. No. 173), the Board fixed July 27, 1916, as a date for a hearing to change the lines and grades of 12th Avenue between West 42d Street and West 51st Street, Borough of Manhattan. At the same meeting, the Board (Cal. No. 175), fixed July 27, 1916, as a date for a hearing for the institution of condemnation proceedings to acquire title to the real property acquired for the opening of 12th Avenue between West 42d Street and West 51st Street.

At the adjourned hearing held on July 27, 1916, the Board of Estimate and Apportionment fixed the lines and established the grades of 12th Avenue between West 42d Street and West 51st Street. The Board also at the same meeting adopted resolutions (1) instituting condemnation proceedings for the acquisition of the property for the physical opening of 12th Avenue between West 42d Street and West 51st Street (2) that the compensation to be made to the owners of the property to be acquired shall be ascertained and determined by the Supreme Court without a jury (3) Corporation Counsel was requested to make application to a special term of the Supreme Court to have the compensation which should be made to the respective owners of the property proposed to be taken, ascertained and determined by the Supreme Court without a jury.

The Board of Estimate and Apportionment having determined to acquire 12th Avenue between West 42d and West 51st Streets, therefore, in order to eliminate consequential damages and that the City may receive the benefit and that one proceeding may reflect on the other, in my opinion, as recommended by the Commissioner of Docks the proceeding for the acquisition of 12th Avenue and the proceeding for the wharf property between West 43d and West 51st Streets should be conducted at the same time, also the two proceedings, if possible, should be conducted by the same Justice of the Supreme Court.

I advise the request be granted, and recommend if the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund at the public hearing approve of the acquisition of the property by codemnation proceedings, the adoption of the attached resolution.


ALBERT E. HADLOCK, Deputy and Acting Comptroller. Resolved, That the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund hereby approve of and consent to the institution of condemnation proceedings for the acquisition of title to the real property hereinafter described as parcels "A," "B," "C," "D," "E," "F" "G," "H," "I" and "J," for the improvement of the waterfront between West 43rd and West 51st Streets, North River, Borough of Manhattan:

All those certain lots, pieces or parcels of land, land under water and land under water filled in, situate, lying and being in the Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, bounded and described as follows, to wit:

Parcel "A."

Beginning at a point formed by the intersection of the easterly side of 12th Avenue and the northerly side of West 50th Street, thence northerly and along the easterly side of 12th Avenue a distance of 45.55 feet to a point in said easterly side of 12th Avenue, thence southerly and along a line deflecting 151 degrees 30 minutes 34 seconds to the right a distance of 51.82 feet to its intersection with the northerly side of West 50th Street, said point being distant 24.72 feet east of the easterly side of 12th Avenue, thence westerly and along the northerly side of West 50th Street a distance of 24.72 feet to the point or place of beginning.

Parcel "B."

Beginning at the point formed by the intersection of the easterly side of 12th Avenue and the northerly side of West 49th Street; thence northerly and along

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