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The articles relative to the S., P. W. &c., were also unanimously adopted. P. G's Solomon Winchester, of Washington Lodge, No. 1, and Ezekiel Wilson, of Franklin Lodge, No. 2, were elected and admitted to membership, and took the fourth (G. R.) degree.

after its date. If the certificate is satisfactory, the P. G. desiring admittance must work his way with the Grand Conductor through the first, second and third degrees, and by the sign of a P. G., and after due examination, shall be conducted to the G. M. and take the obligation-then to the G. W., who, with, the assistance of the G. C., instructs him in the signs, etc., and explains the situation of the officers; after which he takes his situation as a member of the Grand Lodge.

Art. 6. The Grand Lodge shall meet annually on February 22d; and quarterly from that date, on general business, and the G. M. and his Deputy have power to call a special committee at their discretion, on extraordinary business.

Art. 7. The Golden Rule or fourth degree shall be read every quarter, when none but such as have taken it, or do then receive it, shall be present; and every P. G. who shall receive it, shall pay one dollar towards the support of the funds.

Art. 8. P. G's entering the Grand Lodge must work their way by the P. G. sign and password. Art. 9. No P. G. shall leave the Lodge without permission from the G. M. or presiding officer, and password from the G. W.

Art. 10. Every member of the Grand Lodge summoned to attend at an annual or quarterly meeting, and neglecting to attend such meeting, without sending a written apology, shall be fined fifty cents; and on neglect of a summons to attend a committee, without a sufficient apology in writing, shall be fined twenty-five cents.

Art. 11. No refreshments shall be allowed in the lodge room during its session.

Art. 12. The constitution and by-laws shall be read on the annual session, and the brothers of the third degree shall be admitted to hear it, after the previous business is transacted.

Art. 13. The Grand Lodge may enact by-laws for the government of the meetings, and for the regulations necessary to the pecuniary affairs, provided they do not interfere with the constitution.

Sec. 2.-On the Election and Situation of Officers.

Art. 14. The officers of the Grand Lodge are-the Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, Grand Warden, Grand Secretary, Grand Guardian, and the Grand Conductor. The candidates for G. M. may be nominated by any member of the Grand Lodge, and on being seconded, after three times calling, the nominated candidates shall be put to the ballot; and the G. M. shall be elected by a majority of tickets. The G. M. elect shall then proceed to nominate three P. G's as candidates for the office of D. G. M., one of whom shall be elected by a majority of tickets. The G. W. shall be elected in the same manner as the G. M. The G. S. shall be elected also in like manner. The G. G. and G. C. shall be appointed by the G. M.

Art. 15. The G. M. shall hold his office four years. and shall be eligible as a candidate for three years longer, after the expiration of which, he shall not be eligible as a candidate till the expiration of four years, if there are sufficient members to fill all the offices; but it shall be at the option of the G. M. to resign at the expiration of two years, on notice given to the Grand Lodge at least one quarter before the annual meeting. The D. G. M. shall hold his office two years, and shall be eligible as a candidate for re-election as long as the G. M. shall remain in office; but it shall be at the option of the D. G. M. to resign at the expiration of one year, on notice given to the Grand Lodge at least one quarter before the annual meeting. The G. W. shall hold his office one year, and shall not be eligible to re-election to that office for two clear years, if there are a sufficient number of P. G's in the Lodge to fill all offices. The G. S. shall hold his office two years, and shall be eligible to re-election to that office without limited time; but it shall be at his option to resign, on notice given to the Grand Lodge one quarter before the annual meeting. The G. G. and G. C. shall hold their offices one year, and shall not be eligible to re-appointments to the same offices for two clear years, provided there be a sufficient number of P. G's.

Art. 16. The duty of the G. M. is to preside during the session, preserving order and due observ. ance of the laws; impartially to put to the vote all propositions, and in case of equal votes, to give a casting vote; to administer the obligation to P. G.'s on their admittance as members of the Grand Lodge; and occasionally to visit the working lodges in the state.

The duty of the D. G. M. is to examine every P. G. in the Grand Lodge; to open and close the meetings; to support the G. M. by his assistance, and to take his place in his absence. The D. G. M. must read all petitions, propositions, reports, proceedings and communications brought to the Grand Lodge; and on all elections or votes, correctly to report the statement thereof to the G. S.

The G. W. is to act as Vice President. He must cause the commands of the G. M. to be respected, taking charge of the order and decorum of the meeting when the G. M. may be engaged in the business before the Grand Lodge, and to give the signs, etc. of the Grand Lodge, to newly entered P. G's.

The G. S. must record a just and true account of the proceedings of the Grand Lodge, as well as communications from all lodges in the state, and to transact the writing business of the Grand Lodge. The G. G. is to prove every P. G. before he admits him; to allow none to depart or enter without a password, and to prevent the admission or departure of any during actual transaction of business, without permission of the G. M.

The G. C. is to examine and conduct new P. G's into the Lodge; to assist the G. W. in explaining the signs, etc. to them; and to attend to the comfort and convenience of the Grand Lodge during


In case of occasional absence of the G. M., when the D. G. M. takes the higher situation, he shall immediately appoint a Deputy pro tem., as that important office must never be left vacant.

In case of the death of the G. M., or his removal so as to be unable to attend, the D. G. M. shall fill his chair until the ensuing annual meeting, and shall nominate three for the office of D. G. M., who shall be voted for as usual, and shall serve until the annual meeting; but neither one nor the other shall be entitled to the honor of P. G. M. or of P. D. G. M. in consequence thereof.

The titles shall be M. W. G. M., R. W. D. G. M., R. W. G. W., R. W. G. S., W. G. G., W. G. C., and W. P. G.

The W. G. Guardian moved, that the address delivered by the Grand Master, be recorded in the proceedings. Which motion prevailed.


The committee appointed to draft a Constitution, reported thirteen additional articles. Which, on motion, were unanimously adopted.

On motion of G. Guardian Boyd, it was unanimously

Resolved, That P. G. Richard P. Petherick be and is hereby expelled from the Grand Lodge.t

On motion of D. G. M. Entwisle, it was

Resolved, That the proceedings of the Grand Lodge be sent to Washington Lodge, No. 1, and Franklin Lodge, No. 2, and likewise to the Abercrombie Grand Lodge of Manchester.

The Grand Lodge then closed.

JOHN WELCH, Grand Secretary.


BALTIMORE, December 19th, 1821.

At a special meeting of the Grand Committee of the Grand Lodge of the I. O. F. of Maryland and of the United States of America, was held at the house of D. G. M. Entwisle. Present:

Sec. 3.-On Dispensations.

Art. 17. On application in writing from five brothers of the Independent Order of Odd Fellowship, to obtain a dispensation, the G. M. or his Deputy shall appoint a committee to consider of the same, and if the report of the committee shall be favorable, the G. M. shall take the sense of the Lodge on the same, which the majority decide; but if unfavorable, the G. M. shall, if a motion is made and seconded to that effect, refer the petition to the committee again for a revision, and afterwards put it to the vote again, and decide accordingly.

Art. 18. The dispensation, with the charges and the lectures of the first or white, the second or blue, the third or scarlet, together with the covenant and remembrance degrees, shall be charged at thirty dollars, to defray the expenses thereof. The money to be paid, or security given on the deliv ery of the dispensation.

Art. 19. When a dispensation is granted, a member of the Grand Lodge shall be deputed to deliver the same; to open the lodge and give instructions such as he finds them prepared to receive, and are necessary to have.

Art. 20. Every lodge acting under the Grand Lodge, shall pay to the funds thereof, ten per centum on the amount of their quarterly receipts, which must be sent by a P. G. at the quarterly meeting of the Grand Lodge, together with a statement of expulsions or suspensions, (if any,) the names and reasons thereof, and any other circumstances of general importance, which the Grand Lodge will cause to be circulated to all other lodges in the state.

Art. 21. The Grand Lodge shall forward a quarterly password and explanation to each lodge in the


Art. 22. Every lodge must give a proof impression of their seal, to be deposited in the Grand Lodge, and all communications must be sealed therewith. JOHN P. ENTWISLE, G. S."

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[L. S.]

Be recorded, &c.-Notwithstanding this imperative order, the address of the Grand Master, which would seem to be the first official one delivered to the Grand Lodge, is neither recorded nor to be discovered among the archives. The following copy, which may not be strictly correct, has been obtained from a private source:

"Right Worthy Deputy Grand Master, Grand Officers, and Past Grands—

"On the present occasion we meet on most important business. On the decision of this meeting "depends the welfare and success of our honorable Order. At this meeting we must lay down rules "for our future conduct; and if our deliberations are directed by the Great Patron of our Order, the "God in whom we put our trust, we have nothing to fear for our future welfare. I look upon you as "the pillars and supports of the Order. Your example and precepts are revered by all good Odd Fellows, when deserving reverence; otherwise you disgrace yourselves, injure the Order and injure "society in general. From your opportunities you can judge well of your duties, and I solemnly call "on you this day to give me your assistance in my endeavours to form such plans as may be pro"ductive of the great objects of all our services to the institution, Brotherly Love, Unity, and Benev "olence."

↑ Be and is hereby expelled, &c.-The summary mode of expulsion here presented, was not unusual in the subordinates, as well as the Grand Lodge at the time. It was liable to great abuse, and fortunately was corrected at an early day; but not until several instances of severe hardship had occurred. P. G. Petherick does not appear by the minutes to have been a member of the Grand Lodge at the time, nor are we in the remotest degree capable of judging of the propriety of this proceeding, destitute as it is, of all charge of offence or form of trial. He subsequently became a valuable accession to the Order in another place.


R. W. D. G. Master.
R. W. G. Secretary.
W. G. Guardian, and



P. G's Wilson, Winchester and Larkam.

The committee to draft the Dispensations, reported a form, which was adopted.

The form of a Seal for the Grand Lodge was also presented and adopted. Frederick G. Schaffer was elected to print the dispensations.

On motion, it was

Resolved, That D. G. M. Entwisle, G. Sec'y Welch and P. G. Wilson, be a committee to revise the Degrees and Charges.

No other business being before the Grand Committee, it adjourned to 1st proximo.

JOHN WELCH, Grand Secretary.

BALTIMORE, January 1st, 1822.

The Grand Committee met pursuant to adjournment. Present:






P. G's Winchester and Wilson.

M. W. G. Master.

R. W. D. G. Master.

R. W. G. Warden.

R. W. G. Secretary.
W. G. Guardian, p. t., and

G. M. Wildey, seconded by D. G. M. Entwisle, moved that each member be allowed five dollars toward defraying the expenses of the regalia to be worn by each member thereof, except P. G's Wilson and Winchester, who shall be allowed two dollars and fifty cents each. Provided, however, that this proposition is not to be taken as a precedent on any future occasion. Adopted unanimously.

On motion, the following were adopted.

Resolved, That no member shall receive a degree in any lodge but the lodge of which he is a member.

Resolved, That the members of the Grand Lodge, do meet at the Washington Lodge, No. 1, and the Franklin Lodge, No. 2, on the 10th inst., to instruct the present and past officers of each Lodge on their special duties relative to the Degrees, Charges &c., and to prevent copies of lectures, &c. from being made.

On motion, the Grand Committee adjourned to 9th inst.

JOHN WELCH, Grand Secretary.

BALTIMORE, January 9th, 1822.

The Grand Committee met pursuant to adjournment, Present:







P. G's Wilson and Winchester.

M. W. G. Master.

R. W. D. G. Master.
R. W. G. Warden.
R. W. G. Secretary.
W. G. Conductor.
W. G. Guardian, and

The Grand Committee then proceeded to fill up and sign the dispensations for Washington Lodge, No. 1, dated February 22d, 1821, and Franklin Lodge, No. 2, dated September 5th, 1821.

The Grand Committee then adjourned.

JOHN WELCH, Grand Secretary.


Of the R. W. Grand Lodge of Maryland and of the United States.

BALTIMORE, February 22, 1822.

The R. W. Grand Lodge convened this day, being the Annual Session, and opened in regular form. Present:



P. G. Winchester.

M. W. G. Master.
R. W. D. G. Master.
R. W. G. Warden.
R. W. G. Secretary.
W. G. Guardian, and

The Grand Lodge being regularly opened, proceeded to business. The proceedings of the several meetings of the Grand Committee of December 14th, January 1st, and 9th, having been read, were approved.

G. Guardian Boyd presented two-eights of tickets of the Washington Monument Lottery, purchased for the use of the Grand Lodge. The numbers were 12,594 and 15.

A bill was presented by G. M. Wildey, amounting to $76 37, which was approved. Also, one from D. G. M. Entwisle, for $8 50, approved. Also, one from G. Sec'y Welch, for $10 00, approved. Also, one from G. Guar. Boyd, for $ 10 50, approved.

P. G's McKormick and Seeds were elected and admitted, when the fourth (G. R.) degree was conferred on them.

On motion, it was

Ordered, That letters be written to New York and Boston and every endeavour be made to open a correspondence with the same.

The present Grand Officers were proposed to fill their situations for the ensuing year, and unanimously agreed to.

D. G. M. Entwisle proposed that Washington Lodge, No. 1, be recom. mended to send some of its members to Franklin Lodge, No. 2, to render assistance. Which was adopted.

On motion, the following were adopted.

Resolved, That any member of the Grand Lodge having been regularly summoned to attend a meeting, and neglecting to attend said meeting without sending an apology in writing, shall be fined 50 cents; and at a Grand Committee meeting, 25 cents; and that any brother leaving the room at any meeting without the consent of the Grand Master, or presiding officer, shall be fined one dollar.

To render assistance.—A very usual practice during the incipiency of the Order, and has proved of essential service in advancing its prosperity. In Europe, as well as this country, it was resorted to with like success in sustaining the feeble. P. G. S. Wildey, while holding the supreme office, was among those who withdrew from Washington Lodge, No. 1, to sustain William Tell Lodge, No. 4, where his membership still continues.

Resolved, That every member of the Grand Lodge not being present within fifteen minutes after the specified time, shall be subject to the fine affixed to such offence. Ordered, That a communication be sent to the Subordinate Lodges informing them of the suspension of P. G. Wilson for twelve months and a day. The Grand Lodge then adjourned in F. L. & T.

JOHN WELCH, Grand Secretary.

Annual Report of the Subordinate Lodges to the R. W. Grand Lodge of Maryland and of the United States, I. O. O. F., commencing February, 1821, and ending February, 1822.

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The R. W. Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment, and opened in regular form, THOMAS WILDEY, M. W. G. Master, presiding.

P. G. Mitchell was elected and admitted, and the fourth (G. R.) degree was conferred on him.

G. M. Wildey, D. G. M. Entwisle, G. G. Boyd, and P. G's Winchester, McKormick and Seeds, were each fined 50 cents for not attending within the time limited by a By-Law, passed at the last Quarterly Session of the Grand Lodge.

Letters were presented by the G. M. from P. G. Crowder, Preston, England; and P. G. Petherick, recently expelled, which were read.

A communication was received from Franklin Lodge, No. 2, respecting the expulsion of P. G. Wilson,* which was sanctioned by the Grand Lodge. On motion, the Grand Lodge, approved of the expulsion of P. G. Humphreys, for attempting to defraud the Treasury of his Lodge.

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Balance in G. Treasurer's hands previous to present quarter,

G. Treasurer, Cr. By bills paid,

Balance in G. Treasurer's hands,

The Grand Lodge then adjourned.


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115 08

100 37

$ 14 71

JOHN WELCH, Grand Secretary.

P. G. Wilson.-This brother was subsequently reinstated, and became the Grand Master of Maryland.

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