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drafts approximate the controlling depths of the project or locality, and when a report thereon is deemed to be of importance to the project or locality. reports of "incidental cargoes in transit" should be supported by the footnote "Requiring controlling depths."

(d) Form 5-Summary.-This form has been discontinued. Forms on hand may be used for "Remarks."

(e) Forms 6 and 6-a-Trips and drafts of vessels.-(1) Form 6, long form, will be used unless it is necessary to use Form 6-a because of numerous types of vessels.

(2) In the blank spaces above the types of vessels will be entered the nature of the vessel movements, whether "Inbound" or "Outbound" for ports, and "Upbound” or “Downbound” for rivers, canals, or connecting channels. If the latter terms are not applicable, compass directions or other suitable designations may be used.

(3) The types of vessels as printed may be changed to suit conditions, and all headings not used will be stricken out. When vessels of foreign registry are included in the enumeration, the number of each type should be explained by footnotes and the net registered tonnage thereof should be stated if practicable. (4) The tables will show the number of trips made by vessels of various types during the year, together with their drafts. The drafts will ordinarily be the actual drafts of the vessels at the time they used the waterway. If any other figures are used, such as the standard full-load drafts, in the absence of more definite data, notation will be made to that effect by footnotes. All Government vessels will be included under the several types of vessels and footnotes will show the number of such.

(5) For ports or waterways where the controlling depths are greater than 30 feet, the tables will begin with the greatest draft using the waterway, followed by integers and decrements of 1 foot to and including 30 feet; thereafter in even integers and decrements of 2 feet. Example: 35, 34, 33, 32, 31, 30, 28-30, 26-28, 24-26, 22-24, 20-22, 18-20, less than 18 feet.

(6) For ports or waterways where the controlling depths are less than 30 feet but greater than 12 feet, the tables will begin with the greatest draft using the waterway, followed by integers and decrements of 2 feet. Example: 29, 26-28, 24-26, 22-24, 20-22, 18-20, 16-18, 14-16, 12-14, less than 12 feet.

(7) For ports or waterways where the controlling depths are 12 feet or less, the tables will begin with the greatest draft, followed by integers and decrements of 1 foot. Example: 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, etc.

(8) The above tabulations will be made for every port or waterway reported upon, from the best available information. If it is no more than an approximation, that fact will be stated in a note.

(9) The total net registered tonnage for each type of vessel will be given. If these are lacking for certain types of vessels, the carrying capacity in tons of 2,000 pounds, at maximum draft, will be used.

(10) The number of passengers both arriving and departing will be given, separating excursion, regular, and ferry passengers. (Ferry passengers will include foot passengers and those in cars.) When separation cannot be made, enter total figure on dotted lines following kinds of passengers. The total number of arrivals and departures of passengers in foreign travel will be shown in footnotes, segregated into ferry and all others. When this is impracticable and a single figure is given, proper explanation will be made so it may be understood what the figure represents.

275.4. Recreational boating and/or fishing activities.-(a) While the River and Harbor Act approved June 13, 1902, as amended February 10, 1932, appears to require the reporting of commerce for waterways including their use by

"Seasonal passenger craft, yachts, houseboats, fishing boats, motorboats, and other similar water craft, whether or not operated for hire", it is obvious that the collection and compilation of data with respect to recreational boating and fishing activities, other than commercial, would require an undue amount of work and cost, and unless segregated as to particular localities on waterways or in harbors, will not provide usable information.

(b) Statistics for waterways or localities involving recreational boating and fishing activities, will be reported annually under the following circumstances: (1) In cases where vessels listed in paragraph (a) above, require the depths, jetty, or lock facilities provided by projects, such as the Waterway from Norfolk, Va., to the Sounds of North Carolina, having locks, and Manasquan River, N. J., having jetties, and for such other projects whose depths or other features are required for the harboring of small craft, although such projects were originally authorized upon consideration of traffic of a commercial nature.

(2) In cases where projects are designated or known as small boat harbors and are not used commercially.

(c) A separate report should be made for each harbor, using long Form 6 with heading "Recreational boating and/or fishing activities", which should not be included in the regular Trips and Drafts of Vessel statement. When it is impracticable to obtain the detailed information desired at reasonable cost, a statement will be furnished in paragraph form as to the number of small craft permanently based at the locality and the number of craft visiting the locality during the year, segregated as to class and draft.

275.5. Summary of traffic conditions.-A brief statement under the heading "Remarks" following "Trips and Drafts of Vessels" will be prepared for each of the Federal projects for which statistics are submitted, giving the usual limits of draft for loaded boats carrying the principal items of traffic, with approximate estimates when possible, of the total tonnage of each item. This will be on a separate legal size sheet marked with the name of the port or waterway and name of district submitting same. If a large part of the commerce is carried over a certain limited section only of the entire improved channel this fact will be so stated, with an estimate of what percentage of the total is thus restricted to a particular section or sections. When possible the statement will clearly show the portion of the commerce for which the full project is necessary. Any change in the nature of the commerce as a consequence of the improvement will be stated. The establishment or abandonment of lines of transportation will be noted and any marked changes, either increase or decrease, in the amount of the commerce within the period covered by the tabulation will be briefly explained.

275.6. Water transportation lines. To meet the demand for information concerning transportation lines operated on inland waterways and between ports of the United States, a statement will be submitted to the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors as soon as practicable after the close of each calendar year, giving the data required by mimeographed Form 38/988 relative to water transportation lines whose headquarters are within the limits of the district, excluding vessels which are operated solely within the harbor such as ferry boats, lighters, etc.


276. Regulations.-(a) For regulations governing reports on floating plant and boat yards, see Cost Accounting Manual.

(b) In order that a current record of the location of dredges may be maintained, District Engineers of seacoast and lake districts shall report by telegraph, direct to the Chief of Engineers, each departure of a dredge leaving the district

for duty in another district, or each arrival of a dredge from another district. District Engineers in the Ohio, Upper and Lower Mississippi Valley, Southwestern, and Missouri River Division shall report by telegraph, direct to the Chief of Engineers, departures and arrivals of dredges to and from districts outside of their divisions.


277. Estimate data. (a) Estimate data for funds and appropriations required for the ensuing fiscal year by Engineer Supply Officers and Corps Area and Department Engineers will be submitted in compliance with letter of instructions issued annually by the Chief of Engineers.

(b) As to the submission of estimate data sheets for fortification work, see Chap. IV.

(c) As to submission of estimate data for appropriations pertaining to maintenance and improvement of rivers and harbors, and flood control works, see Chap. VIII.


278. Papers for publication.-(a) District Engineers should arrange from time to time for the preparation and submission to the Chief of Engineers of reports by themselves or their assistants on important technical details of methods and designs employed on river and harbor flood control, and fortification works. (See also Chap. I.)

(b) Full descriptions of new methods of construction or repair, designs of plant, results of investigations and experiments, exceptional successes and failures in carrying on work, and other matters which would be of interest to others in the Engineer Department are desired. Illustrations suitable for reproduction by ordinary methods should accompany the reports if practicable. In the reports reference should be made to earlier reports on the same or related subjects. If the report is prepared by an assistant it should be accompanied by a discussion or other evidence of thorough consideration by the District Engineer in which shall be set forth his views where they differ from those of the author, explanatory notes, additions, and other pertinent matter necessary for a complete exposition of the subject.

(c) The reports should be in shape for immediate publication. This requires that they be complete, clear, and accurate; that the illustrations be distinct, be furnished with suitable title and have their location in the text indicated. One copy of each report submitted in accordance with the above provisions will be forwarded direct to the U. S. Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Miss. (C. L., R. & H. No. 8, 1939.)

(d) Each District Engineer will report as early as practicable after the beginning of each fiscal year and not later than September 1 what subjects will be reported on from his district during that year, the names of the authors, and the probable dates of submission of the reports.


279. General instructions.-The primary inauguration of a preliminary examination of any locality requires authorization by Congress. After submission of the preliminary examination report, decision as to whether a survey will be ordered rests with the Chief of Engineers, except that preliminary examination reports on flood control directed by Congress solely under the provisions of Section 3 of the Flood Control Act approved March 1, 1917, must be submitted to

Congress. A survey in such cases cannot be undertaken until so directed by Congress. A review of a report previously submitted to Congress may be authorized by resolution by the Committee on Commerce of the Senate, the Committee on Rivers and Harbors of the House of Representatives, or the Flood Control Committee of the House of Representatives. The field survey should if practicable be tied in with one or more stations of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, or of the Lake Survey. Also whenever practicable the survey should be referenced to the plane coordinate system of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey if such a system has been established for the locality. The following instructions cover the preparation of: report by the District Engineer; an original report by the Division Engineer where the proposed project lies in two or more districts in his division, (in such case the favored procedure is for the Division Engineer to appoint a board for the preparation of the report); and report by a special board of officers appointed by the Chief of Engineers.

279.1. Cost to be paid from.-The cost of examinations, surveys, and reviews, for which there may be no special appropriation, will be paid in the case of navigation items from the allotments for examinations, surveys, and contingencies (general), and in the case of flood control items from allotments for examinations and surveys, flood control general, and not from the appropriations for improvement of the specific localities.

279.2. Consultation with interested parties.—(a) When the act ordering an examination or survey does not specify the nature, or the limiting points of the improvement contemplated, parties known to be interested in the proposed improvement should be consulted for the purpose of ascertaining the ground to be covered in the report. The Senator or Representative responsible for the item authorizing the report should be consulted concerning the character and extent of the improvement desired, and for the purpose of obtaining the names of the parties at whose instigation the item was introduced. The data thus obtained relative to the scope of the desired improvement should be incorporated and discussed in the report. In all cases persons known to be interested in the improvement, and those whose local knowledge renders their opinion of value, should be consulted and should be given full opportunity to express their views. A public hearing will be held in all cases, except for river and harbor items where the reporting officer is satisfied such procedure is not desirable. Notice of hearings will be made as general as possible. Records of hearings (reported fully in important cases and by digest in ordinary cases) and data of material importance secured by correspondence, but not embodied in the report, should accompany the report.

(b) Whenever it is proposed to hold a public hearing in connection with any investigation in the interests of navigation or flood control, whether called for in a river and harbor act, flood control act, a resolution of a Committee of Congress, or a review of a "308" report, four copies of the notice thereof will be mailed direct to the Chairman, Federal Power Commission, Washington, D. C. Seven copies of all notices of hearings on flood control will be sent direct to the Chairman of the Flood Control Coordinating Committee, 357 Administration Building, Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C.; also notices of hearings issued in connection with investigations in any of the States west of the 98th Meridian will be furnished the Bureau of Reclamation at Washington, D. C., and at Denver, Colorado.

(c) The Chief of Engineers has agreed to the participation of representatives of the Bureau of Reclamation in any public hearing on proposed multiple purpose projects in which the Bureau believes it has an interest. However, it was pointed


out in this agreement that it will be necessary for the War Department representative to conduct the meetings and to be responsible for the arrangements and procedure, and that if the Bureau's interest requires an extension of the hearing, beyond the limits considered sufficient for the purposes of the Department, the additional expense of such extensions, or possibly separate hearings, should rest upon the Bureau. If the Bureau of Reclamation desires to participate in the hearings, the Washington or Denver Office will notify the District Engineer concerned and designate a representative who will be selected with careful attention to his knowledge of the project as well as its general aspects. It is desired that District Engineers provide the Bureau's representatives with an opportunity to take an active part in the proceedings. (C. L., R. & H., No. 62, 1939.)

(d) In any preliminary examination and survey or review report on proposed river and harbor improvements, full consideration must be given to the present or prospective development of suitable seaplane bases and seaplane navigation and anchorage areas. Four copies of public notices of all hearings held to consider improvements which might affect air commerce will be forwarded promptly to the Chairman, Civil Aeronautics Authority, Washington, D. C.

(e) Under provisions of the Flood Control Act approved March 1, 1917, the Secretary of War may call upon the heads of the several departments of the Government to detail representatives to assist in the study and examination of watersheds of rivers on which reports have been authorized. Many studies on various aspects of rivers have been made by certain departments, not all of which have been published. It is desirable to utilize any such material available. When it is necessary to apply to another department or bureau in Washington to obtain information, or when in the opinion of the reporting officer such department or bureau should detail representatives to assist in the work, request or recommendation therefor should be submitted to the Chief of Engineers.

(f) Data supplied on the "Information Card of Proposed Flood or Flood Control Investigation," as submitted by Division and District Engineers, are transmitted to the National Resources Planning Board, and published from time to time in a pamphlet entitled "Reports on Flood or Flood Control Investigations." The reports are then referred to other Federal agencies with the request that the National Resources Planning Board be advised whether the other agencies have any interest in the areas to be covered by the investigations. Upon receipt of replies the National Resources Planning Board advises this Department what investigations are of interest to other agencies together with a short statement describing those interests. Such advice when received will be supplied Division Engineers, who shall see that due consideration is given to these other interests to the end that the reports may be complete and that the recommendations of this Department will not be in serious conflict with the interests of other Federal Departments (see C. L. R. & H. No. 10, 1938).

(g) General information regarding liaison with the Department of Agriculture in the carrying out of the provisions of law pertaining to flood control preliminary examinations and surveys is contained in Circular Letters R. & H. Nos. 2, 4 and 38, 1937.

(h) In matters relating to possible markets for hydroelectric power, the Federal Power Commission should be consulted; for irrigation, the Bureau of Reclamation, and for stream pollution and malaria control, the Public Health Service. In appropriate cases reports should show that the Federal agencies have been consulted and their written reports, if any, should be inclosed as appendices to the War Department reports. State planning boards and other state agencies charged with matters relating to the development of water resources, should

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