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They have obtained, and submitted in their report, much information of the state of the Order in England, the knowledge of which is of great importance to the Order here, as the report of the deputies has been by the Grand Sire submitted to this Grand Lodge, and will be printed for the use of the members, your committee do not think it necessary for them to enter into the details thereof, but refer the same to the careful consideration of every member of this Grand Lodge.

Your committee regret that the determination of the Annual Moveable Committee, as expressed in the resolutions adopted by them, on the report of their sub-committee, is of such a character, as to prohibit the idea that a continuance of the former friendly intercourse can be expected, between the members of the Order in the two countries. By the final determination of the Annual Moveable Committee, upon the subject of the mission, appears, that unless this Grand Lodge yield implicit obedience to what is required by the resolution of the Annual Moveable Committee, the connection between the Grand Lodge of the United States and that body shall cease, and that they will establish lodges to act under their authority in the United States.


Your committee agree with the opinion expressed by the deputies in their report, that this Grand Lodge will not assent to the requisition of the Annual Moveable Committee, and that it would be injurious to the Order as known and established in the United States, to submit to the change in its organization, required by the Annual Moveable Committee, and as it appears by the resolution of the Annual Moveable Committee, that unless the Grand Lodge yield obedience to their requisition on this subject, they will not consent to adopt an uniform Work for the Order, your committee are of opinion that it is not consistent with the honor and dignity of the Grand Lodge to yield obedience to the requisition of the Annual Moveable Committee, they therefore offer the following resolutions.

Resolved, That the thanks of this Grand Lodge be given to brothers Ridgely and Williamson for the able manner in which they have conducted the negotiation with the Annual Moveable Committee of England.

Resolved, That until the Annual Moveable Committee shall restore the work of the Order to its ancient form, as known and used in the United States, or until the resolution passed at the Isle of Man Annual Moveable Committee, and reiterated at the Wigan Annual Moveable Committee, proposing to establish lodges in America be rescinded, all intercourse shall cease between the two bodies.

Resolved, That all Grand and subordinate Lodges and Encampments working under a charter from this Grand Lodge, be instructed by a circular, to be addressed to them by the Grand Corresponding Secretary, that they are hereafter required to refuse admission into their lodges, to all persons who claim admission, by virtue of a card granted by a lodge in connexion with the Manchester Unity.


On motion of Rep. Case, of South Carolina, the report was unanimously accepted.

On motion of Rep. Guild, of Massachusetts, the resolutions were considered, seriatum, and unanimously adopted.

Rep. Hopkins, of Ohio, and Leidy, of Delaware, asked and obtained leave of absence for the remainder of the session.

On motion the Grand Lodge adjourned until nine o'clock, to-morrow morning.

FRIDAY, September 23d, 9 o'clock, A. M.

The Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment: Present, all the Grand Officers and the same Representatives as of the session of yesterday. The journal of yesterday was read and approved.

The Grand Secretary presented the credentials of Rep. P. G. M. Robert B. McDonnell, of Delaware, which were referred to the committee on credentials.

On motion of Rep. Small, of New York, it was

Ordered, That 500 copies of the report of the committee on the Foreign mission, in printed for the use of the representatives.

Rep. Neilson, of Maryland, from the committee on credentials, submit ted the following report and resolution.

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

The committee on credentials, to whom has been referred the certificate of P. G. M. Robert B. McDonnell, as the Grand Representative of the Grand Lodge of the state of Delaware, have taken the same into consideration, and beg leave to report, that your committee have already passed upon a representation from Delaware, during the present session, but inasmuch as said state has been represented by Proxy, and the present applicant is the regularly constituted organ of the Grand Lodge of Delaware, they therefore offer the following resolution.

All which is respectfully submitted.


Resolved, That the Proxy heretofore granted to brother N. B. Leidy, of Delaware, be and the same is hereby declared null and void, from this date, and that P. G. M. Robert B. McDonnell, is acknowledged as the regular Representative of the Grand Lodge of the state of Delaware, in the Grand Lodge of the United States, for and during the full end and term of his appointment.

On motion of Rep. Stokes, of Pennsylvania, the report was accepted. P. G. Sire Glazier moved as a substitute for the resolution accompanying the report of the committee, the following, which was adopted.

Resolved, That Robert B. McDonnell, be and he is hereby acknowledged as the Representative of the Grand Lodge of Delaware.

On motion of Rep. Hinman, of Connecticut, it was

Resolved, That upon the representative proper taking his seat, the proxy, if any, from the Grand Lodge of the same state, becomes null and void.

Rep. Hinman, of Connecticut, from the special committee, to whom was referred the appeal of E. Le Fort, presented the following report, which was read and unanimously concurred in.

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

The committee to whom was referred a communication from Edward Le Fort, upon the subject of his expulsion from Mt. Ararat Encampment, No. 1, of Alabama, respectfully report:

That said communication is not a regular appeal from the decision of aid Encampment, and that from all the information the committee can

gather, they see no reason for the Grand Lodge to take any further action on the subject, they therefore ask to be discharged from the further consideration thereof.

Respectfully submitted.



Rep. Guild, of Massachusetts, submitted the following resolution, which was concurred in.

Resolved, That the Grand Lodge of the United States, approve of the re-printing of the Journal from the commencement, in case any responsible member of the Order, should feel disposed to do it on his own account, in which event the Grand Lodge will subscribe for 100 copies.

Rep. Stokes, of Pennsylvania, presented a written proposal from the Agent elect of the "Covenant and Official Magazine," P. G. William Curtis, of Pennsylvania, for the re-printing of the Journal of the Grand Lodge of the United States, which was read, and ordered to lie on the table.

Rep. McGowan, of New York, offered the following, which was unanimously adopted.

Resolved, That the Grand Secretary be, and is hereby appointed to revise and cause to be published a correct journal of the proceedings of this Grand Lodge from its formation, provided that the same be no expense to this body.

Rep. Guild, of Massachusetts, submitted an order providing for the preservation of the **** in an uniform state, by causing a correct original to be deposited in the archives of the Order for reference, which was not agreed to.

The Chair announced the following special committee, provided for by the resolution adopted Tuesday morning, viz:

On Translation of the Work-Rep's Case, of South Carolina; Hinman, of Connecticut; and Bucher, of Indiana.

The Chair also named Rep. Hull, of Virginia, on the Committee of Finance, vice Rep. Hopkins, of Ohio, absent on leave.

Rep. Tyler, of Kentucky, offered the following resolution, which was dissented from.

Resolved, That this Grand Lodge proceed to establish an uniform practice of giving the S. and A. in the state Grand Lodge degree, also the P. W. in the G. R. and R. P. degrees of the Encampment.

Rep. Thomas, of Ohio, offered the following preamble and resolution, which was agreed to.

Whereas, The question of admitting Grand Encampments to a representation in this Grand Lodge, was involved in uncertainty, and owing to the location of the Grand Encampment of Ohio, it is unrepresented at the present session, not deeming it prudent to incur the expense of sending a representative in the unsettled state of the question.

Therefore Resolved, That this Grand Lodge exempt the Grand Encampment of Ohio, from the payment of twenty dollars, being the amount due this Grand Lodge, for the privilege of a representation.

Rep. Moore, of District of Columbia, from the Committee on the State of the Order, submitted the following report, which was accepted, and the resolutions accompanying the same were unanimously adopted.

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

The Committee on the State of the Order, having deliberately considered the communications addressed to this Grand Lodge, by sundry officers and brethren of foreign lodges, respectfully submit the following resolutions as embodying the views of the committee respecting the proper course to be pursued by this Grand Lodge, in relation to the contents of said communications.

All of which is respectfully submitted.


Resolved, That in reply to the requests contained in the petitions of foreign brethren for admission into our Order, the Grand Corresponding Secretary be instructed to address them, informing them of the following facts:

That this Grand Lodge has been constrained to dissolve the ties which have heretofore connected the Order in America, with the Manchester Unity of Great Britain. That it is the usual custom of this Grand Lodge, upon the petition of five members who have received the five degrees known to this Order, to grant charters authorizing the opening of subordinate lodges to work under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge.

That accompanying such petitions, it is the custom to transmit the fee of thirty dollars, which will entitle the applicants to a charter and set of charge books.

That, when two or more subordinate lodges shall have been formed within the same state or territory, each working under a separate charter, duly granted by this Grand Lodge, they have the privilege of petitioning this Grand Lodge for a charter, to form a state or district Grand Lodge, to be located within their territory.

That the fee for a charter for such a Grand Lodge, is thirty dollars, and, when granted, will entitle the state or district Grand Lodge to grant charters for constituting subordinate lodges within its geographical limits, and will, besides, entitle it to representation in the Grand Lodge of the United States, in the same manner and upon the same terms, as other Grand Lodges are now represented therein; and the Grand Lodges thus authorized, also have power to regulate the Order within their prescribed jurisdictions, provided none of their regulations come in conflict with the general laws and regulations of the Grand Lodge of the United States.

And be it further Resolved, That the Grand Corresponding Secretary also inform the petitioning brethren in foreign countries, that this Grand Lodge does not deem it expedient to authorize the formation of Grand and subordinate Lodges and Encampments in Great Britain, and other European countries, unless the authorities of the Manchester Unity of Great Britain, persist in carrying into effect the powers conferred on them by the Annual Moveable Committee at the Isle of Man, in 1841, and reiterated at the Wigan Annual Moveable Committee of 1842, to establish lodges within the United States.

And be it further Resolved, That in the case the Manchester Unity shall persist in carrying into effect the powers above alluded to as having been conferred upon them, against the legality of which this Grand Lodge has formally protested, that then, and in that case only, the Grand Sire, the Deputy Grand Sire, and Corresponding Secretary be, and they are hereby authorized to grant dispensations on proper applications coming from brethren in Europe.

Rep. Case, of South Carolina, from the committee on the French Work, made the following report, which was accepted, and the resolution accompanying the same was adopted.

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

The committee to whom was referred the subject of the French translation of lectures, &c., authorized at a previous session, have given the same their deliberate attention, and beg leave to report:

That, in their opinion, much doubt exists whether or not the translation is correct, or sufficiently so to be of any use, and they therefore offer the following resolution.

Respectfully submitted.


Resolved, That the M. W. Grand Sire be authorized to employ competent brethren to examine the said translation, and if found to be correct, he order the bill paid. But if satisfied that the translation is unfit for use, then that he be authorized to effect a compromise with the translator, on the best terms he can-And further, That the Grand Sire be authorized to procure a correct translation and publication of the said lectures, &c., previous to the next meeting of this Grand Lodge, provided the expense will not exceed one hundred dollars.

Rep. Earnest, of Illinois, offered the following resolution, which was adopted:

Resolved, That the arrearages previous to this session due from the Grand Lodge of the state of Illinois, be and are hereby remitted.

Rep. Moore, of District of Columbia, from the committee on the property of the Grand Lodge, made the following report.

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

The committee on the property of this Grand Lodge, not having found leisure to examine in person the properties now stored in the room occupied for that purpose, respectfully recommend that a special committee, composed of members of this Grand Lodge, residing in Baltimore, be charged with the duty of inspecting and scheduling said property in the adjournment of this body, and that said schedule be properly certified and preserved among the papers of this Grand Lodge.

The committee further recommend, that the steps taken by the Grand Corresponding Secretary with a view to secure in the new hall now being erected by the Grand Lodge of Maryland, a suitable apartment for the use of this Grand Lodge, as an office for its Corresponding Secretary, with fire-proof vaults for the safety of the archives, &c., be approved by this Grand Lodge; and that the Corresponding Secretary be authorized to enter into a contract with the Grand Lodge of Maryland, for a lease of the said apartment for a term not exceeding ten years, upon such terms as may 'be considered reasonable and just between the parties.

All of which is respectfully submitted.


On motion, the report was accepted, and the recommendation of the committee concurred in.

Rep. Neilson, of Maryland, submitted the following amendment to the Constitution, which was ordered to lie on the table.

"Article XVIII. That no Grand Encampment shall be entitled to vote in the Grand Lodge while in arrears for dues, and that in all cases

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