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in the beginning relating to the time of king Edward the Confessor, this led some to a false opinion that domesday-book was composed in the reign of king Edward.

In 1767, in consequence of an address from the House of Lords, his late Majesty gave directions for the publication of domesday-book, among other records. An engraved fac-simile was at first contemplated; but the great expense of such an undertaking caused it to be laid aside: and a tolerably exact fac-simile metal type having at length been obtained, the editing of the work was confided to Mr. Abraham Farley, Deputy Keeper of the Records in the Chapter-house, at Westminster, a gentleman of singular learning and experience in this department of literature, who had had almost daily recourse to the book for more than forty years. The work was commenced in 1770, and was completed early in 1783, at the press of Mr. John Nichols-the type with which it was executed, was destroyed in the fire which consumed his printing-office in February, 1808. Accurately as Mr. Farley accomplished the task which had been assigned to him, the printed Domesday was comparatively of little value for want of minute indexes. This deficiency has been supplied under the direction of the Record Commission, in a folio volume, containing indexes of names of persons, of places, and things, so minute, (and from frequent reference, we can state, so accurate,) that the object of enquiry, if in the work, may be readily ascertained. These indexes have been compiled

That is:


by the clerks in the Record Office of the Chapterhouse, under the superintendence of the late Right Hon. George Rose, the principal keeper of that repository of our national muniments: and to them is prefixed a very elaborate Introduction to Domesday, by Mr. Ellis, one of the librarians of the British Museum, containing dissertations on the formation and execution of the Record, the principal matters therein contained, its original uses, conservation, and authority in courts of law. From these disquisitions, which are comprised in eighty-eight well-filled folio pages, the preceding particulars have been chiefly abridged. In further illustration of this ancient and important record, the Commissioners have thought it their duty to print a supplemental volume of similar surveys, of nearly coeval date, for Exeter, Ely, and Winton or Winchester, which appear to have been the original inquisitions whence the general survey was compiled, so far as relates to those districts: and, as the county palatine of Durham was not comprised within the Conqueror's survey, they have deemed it expedient to add the contents of a similar survey for that county, denominated the Boldon Book, though its date is somewhat later. This supplement to Domesday forms a large volume in folio, and is enriched with a critical and historical dissertation on the records there printed, together with appropriate indexes, by its editor, Mr. Ellis.

The following extract will give our readers an idea of the nature of this venerable Record:


Rex ten BERMUNDESYE. herald tenuit. To se defà

p. xiii. hið. m° p. xii. hid. Tra, ẽ. viii. car. In dñio. ẽ una

car. 7 xxv. villi 7 xxxii. bord cũ. un. car.

Ibi nova 7 pulchra eccta. 7 xx. ač pati. Silva v. porc

de pasnag: In Lundonia. xiii. burgses de xliiii. der.

T. R. E. 7 m vat. xv. lib 7 vicecom ht. xx. sot. ·

Comes morit ten. i. hidā que T. R. E. 7 post fuit in hoe


Rex tenet BERMUNDESYE. Heraldus comes tenuit. Tunc se defendebat pro xiii hidis, mođo pro xii hidis. Terra est viii carrucatarum. In dominio est una carrucata et xxv villani et xxxiii bordarü cum una carrucata. Ibi nova et pulchra ecclesia, et xx acræ prati. Silva v porcis de pasnagio. In Lundonia xiii burgenses de xliiii denariis. Tempore Regis Edwardi et modo valet xv libras et vicecomes habet xx solidos. Comes Moritoniensis tenet i hidam quae Tempore Regis Edwardi et post fuit in hoc Manerio.

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'The king holds BERMUNDESYE. Earl HERALD held it [before]. At that time it was rated at thirteen hides; now, at twelve. The arable land is eight carrucates [or plough-lands]. There is one carrucate in demesne; and twenty-five villans, and thirty-three bordars, with one carrucate. There is a new and handsome church, with twenty acres of meadow, and woodland for five hogs in pasnage [pasturage] time. In LONDON are thirteen burgesses at forty-four pence. In the time of king Edward it was valued, as it now is, at fifteen pounds; and the sheriff has twenty shillings. The Earl of Moriton holds one hide, which, in the time of King Edward, and afterwards, was in this manor.'

Independently of the immediate uses of this survey to the Conqueror, it is to this day a record of no small importance to the historian and to the antiquary, for the light it throws on the different classes of persons into which the English people were divided—the different denominations of lands, their culture and measurement-the different denominations of money, and the persons and places that enjoyed the liberty of coinage-territorial jurisdictions and franchises tenures and services-criminal and civil jurisdictions ecclesiastical and historical matters therein noticed, besides many curious illustrations of ancient manners, which we have not room to detail.

DOMESTIC, n. s. & adj.- Fr.domestique; DOMESTICAL, adj. Span. Portug. DOMESTICALLY, adv. and Ital. domes DOMESTICATE, v. a. tico; Lat. domesticus, from domus, a house. See DOMINION. Perhaps the adjective domestic, of or belonging to the house, is here the root; it means also private, and tame. To domesticate is to make as a domestic, to familiarize.

Domestical evils, for that we think we can master them at all times, are often permitted to run on for ward, till it be too late to recall them,

Hooker. Dedication.

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A servant dwells remote from all knowledge of his lord's purposes: he lives as a kind of foreigner under the same roof; a domestick, and yet a stranger too. South.

Beholding thus, O happy as a queen!
We cry; but shift the gaudy, flattering scene,
View her at home in her domestick light,
For thither she must come, at least at night.


In both senses it is explained by Rousseau as follows:

DOMINANT, adj. The dominant or sensible chord, is that which is practised upon the dominant of the tone, and which introduces a perfect cadence. Every perfect major chord becomes a dominant chord, as soon as the seventh minor is added to it.

DOMINANT, n. s. Of the three notes essential to the tone, it is that which is a fifth from the tonic. The tonic and the dominant fix the tone; in it they are each of them the fundamental sound of a particular chord: whereas the mediant, which constitutes the mode, has no chord peculiar to itself, and only makes a part of the chord of the tonic. Rameau gives the name of dominant in general to every note which carries a chord of the seventh, and distinguishes that which carries the sensible chord by the name of a tonic dominant; but on account of the length of the word, this addition to the name has not been adopted by artists: they continue simply to call that note a dominant which is a fifth from the tonic; and they do not call the other notes, which carry a chord of the seventh, dominants, but fundamentals; which is sufficient to render their meaning plain, and prevents confusion.

A DOMINANT, in that species of church music which is called plain chant, is that note which is most frequently repeated or beaten, in whatever degree it may be from the tonic. In this species of music there are dominants and tonics, but no mediant.


Fr. domain; Span. Portug. and Ital. dominio; Lat. dominium, from domus; Gr. doμoc, a DOMINION, n. s. house, à deuw, to build. To prevail over: domination and dominion both signify supreme authority, power, as over a man's own house or territory: a dominator is he who thus rules.

Settynge him on his right half in heuenli thingis aboue ech principat and potestat and vertu and dominacioun, and (above) ech name that is named, not oonli in this world, but also in the world to comyng. Wiclif. Effesies i.

By him were all things created, visible and invisiThe practical knowledge of the domestick duties is ble, whether they be thrones or dominions, or princi

the principal glory of a woman.


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palities or powers.

Col. i. 16.

Thou and thine usurp The domination, royalties, and rights Of this oppressed boy. Shakspeare. King John. Jupiter and Mars are dominators for this northwest part of the world, which maketh the people impatient of servitude, lovers of liberty, martial,

and courageous.

Camden's Remains.

Conquest and good husbandry both enlarge the king's dominions: the one by the sword, making the acres more in number, the other by the plough, making the same acres more in value. Fuller.

The Law of Works is that empire and dominion which God exercised over man, using his utinost right, and obliging man to the rigorous observation of all that law he should impose upon him.

Bp. Taylor.

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found it known at Cuba as Hayti, signifying, it appears, a highland country; thus the natives also called it, and the name has been revived of late years by the independent black governments who have revolutionised the French portion of the island. This great navigator himself called it, according to Dr. Robertson, Espagnola, or Little Spain; or at first, as other writers say, Isabella, in honor of the queen of Spain. It is.

He could not have private dominion over that which however, best known to European geographers was under the private dominion of another. Locke.

Maximinus traded with the Goths in the product of his own estate in Thracia, the place of his nativity; whither he retired, to withdraw from the unjust domination of Opilius Macrinus. Arbuthnot on Coins. Blest use of power, O virtuous pride in kings! And like his bounty whence dominion springs.

Tickell. Of all the enemies of idleness, want is the most formidable. Fame is soon found to be a sound, and love a dream. Avarice and ambition may be justly suspected of being privy confederacies with idleness,

for when they have, for a while, protected their votaries, they often deliver them up, to end their lives

under her dominion.


[blocks in formation]

Go to the feast, revel, and domineer, Carouse full measure.

Shakspeare. Taming of the Shrew. The voice of conscience now is low and weak,

as St. Domingo, the name of the capital of the Spanish part of the island.

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St. Domingo, as it existed before the revolution of 1789, is described by the abbé Raynal as abounding in delightful vales, where all the sweets of spring are enjoyed, without either winter or summer. There are but two seasons,' he continues, in the year, and they are both equally fine. The ground always laden with fruit, and covered with flowers, realises the delights and riches of poetical descriptions. Wherever we of objects, colored and reflected by the clearest turn our eyes, we are enchanted with a variety light. The air is temperate in the day-time, and the nights are constantly cool.' The Spaniards and French were the European masters of this island, until a very recent period; the line of demarcation, between their respective territories, commencing at the river Massacre on the north side, at the head of the bay of Mancenille, and extending to the river Pedernates south. All the country east of this line, being about threefourths of the island, was claimed by Spain; and all to the westward by France. The French part of the island, of a very irregular figure, comprehended 2,500,000 acres, of which 1,500,000 were in high cultivation previous to 1789.

The coast of St. Domingo is abrupt and

chastising the passions, as old Eli did his lustful domi- rocky, and the navigation of the neighbourhood neering sons.

Both would their little ends secure ; He sighs for freedom, she for power: His wishes tend abroad to roam, And hers to domineer at home.



DOMINGO (St.), HISPANIOLA, or HAYTI, one of the largest and most fertile of the West India islands, and the second in point of size, is situated between Porto Rico on the east, and Jamaica and Cuba on the west. It is approached on its northern side by the southern part of the Bahama chain, while southward the Caribbean sea runs between it and Terra Firma. The extreme length of St. Domingo is generally stated at about 400 miles; Rainsford, however, extends it to 490 miles, and its utmost breadth 150; but a considerable peninsula projects for nearly 140 miles towards the west, and, with a large promontory on the north, forms a spacious bay opposite the island of Cuba. Its medium length may therefore be computed at 300 miles, and its breadth at 100, which gives a superficial area of about 30,000 square miles, equal therefore to that of Ireland. Its most northerly point is in 19° 46'; and its most southerly in 17° 37′ N. lat.; westward its extreme point (Cape Tiberon) is in 74° 15'; and eastward, Cape Engano, its extreme point in this direction, is 67° 35′ W. long. Columbus, who discovered it in his first voyage to the New World,

dangerous: in his course from Cuba to Cape François, Columbus, it is well known, lost the vessel in which he originally sailed from Europe. None of its harbours will admit vessels of considerable burden. On the south side are the bays of St. Domingo, Neyba and Acon, or Acoa. The first has become, of late years, very shallow and full of reefs. The bay of Neyba receives vessels of thirty tons burden; but a river of this name flowing into it, divides itself, before entering the ocean, into various channels, which, changing in the rainy season, perplex the pilot. Acoa Bay has also several small rivers falling into it. The entrance is two leagues across, and it widens inwards to nearly six leagues. On the east side is the capacious port of Caldera, one of the best and safest of the island. On the northeast coast is the Bay of Samana, extending from its southern point, Cape Rafael, to the opposite side or peninsula of Samana, eighteen miles, and enclosed by a bulwark of rocks and sands, the entrance only being left clear, but having a safe and deep channel between the shore of Samana and some detached islands: it receives the rivers Yuna and Cambu after their junction. The former has a course of about 100 miles. This bay is about sixty miles deep, and is surrounded on every side by a fertile country. In Puerto Plata is Balsama Bay, which has only fourteen feet depth of water, and is of difficult navigation,

the entrance being very narrow: the neighbourhood is rich in valuable woods. Batia Ecossaise, or Scots' Bay, is in this direction, but is a dangerous, rocky inlet; and there are several other small harbours and bays on this side of the island. None of the rivers are practicable, even for boats, in the dry season. Eleven leagues east of Port-au-Prince is a salt lake, named Henriquelle, twenty-two leagues in circuit; its water is deep, clear, and bitter, and it abounds in alligators and tortoises of a large size; in it is an island, two leagues long, abounding with wild goats, and having a spring of fresh water.

The independent portion of St. Domingo (the former French part), is mountainous and wellwooded, containing mines of silver and iron. Much of the central part of the Spanish territories is also composed of elevated mountains, many of them capable of cultivation, and having a soil extremely rich. They also have yielded gold and silver. From the city of St. Domingo several wide plains, from twenty to twenty-five miles in breadth, stretch for about eighty miles to the east. They are called the Los Llanos, and are adapted to the growth of every tropical production. A beautiful valley to the north of these, through which the river Cotu flows, is said to be still more productive. The mountains are principally composed of two parallel chains, running from east to west, with several collateral branches. Excellent timber abounds throughout the mountains. In those of Cibao originate the principal streams of the island; and the influence of these lofty ranges, in mitigating the winds and cooling the atmosphere, is most important in this climate. Some of them rise to the height of 6000 feet above the level of the sea.

Such, according to Edwards, is the unrivalled fertility of the plains of this island, that they are alone capable of producing more sugar and other valuable commodities than all the British West Indies put together. Common attention to their decided advantages was alone wanting in the Spanish colonists to render this one of the most important possessions of that crown. But when, by the arts of cruelty and oppression, they had extirpated the aboriginal inhabitants, many of them became speculators in adventures to South America; while those who remained sunk into such wretched indolence, as to suffer this beautiful part of the country to become a luxuriant wilderness. The Savannahs, and fine plains in the interior, became, in consequence, entirely occupied by wild animals, such as swine, horses, and horned cattle; and herds of domestic animals ran wild in every direction. The export of those animals to the French settlements of the neighbourhood, formed an important branch of commerce to the Spaniards; and it was in exchange for them chiefly that they received the manufactures of Europe.

The climate is moist, hot, and unhealthy to Europeans; the thegmometer in the plains rising as high as 99°; and in the higher parts to 720 and 77°. But these heats are moderated by the regular sea-breeze, which sets in about ten in the morning, and which is succeeded, towards the evening, by a land breeze. The heaviest rains of the wet season fall in May and June;

and so impregnated with moisture is the atmosphere at this season, that the brightest metallic polish becomes tarnished; the brooks now swell into torrents, and not seldom overwhelm the adjacent plantations. From time immemorial the inhabitants of the dryer parts of the island have reserved a portion of these copious streams by an artificial irrigation. The sea-coast is said to be more unfavorable to European constitutions than the interior. On the northern coast severe gales are felt, but the violent hurricanes of other parts of the West Indies seldom blow here; when they occur, it is chiefly on the southern coast, where they are denominated southern gales.

St. Domingo is chiefly valuable for its vegetable productions. The useful and elegant mahogany-tree here grows to a noble size and is of very superior grain. The largest of its plants is the cotton-tree, whose stem often furnishes the entire body of the Indian canoes: the pine is also abundant; and here is a species of oak, resembling the American, which yields planks of from sixty to seventy feet long. Brasil, satin, and various hard and ornamental woods are also found. Sugar, coffee, and cotton, of a fine quality, are produced in abundance. Indigo was once cultivated, but it has been long since abandoned. Vanilla grows spontaneously in the woods, and the plantain, also, is abundant. Flowers are numerous, and are distinguished both by their beauty and fragrance: all the tropical fruits are produced in high perfection.

The only indigenous quadruped remaining is the agouti cat, called by the natives heetia. But the stock of horned cattle, horses, mules, asses, sheep, and goats, is prodigious. Many of the cattle, as we have stated, run wild, and are the prey of any one who will pursue them: some farmers of the interior own 10,000 or 12,000, worth from six to eight dollars a head: the horse is here very sure-footed, and useful, but of small size and inferior paces. The whole number of horses, mules, and asses, both the latter being valuable breeds, is estimated at 150,000; the horned cattle at 300,000.

Birds are numerous, particularly wild fowl; but the Jamaica nightingale, or mocking-bird, and the banana, are the only songsters. The flesh of the wild pigeon is particularly savory, though somewhat bitter; the parrot is also eaten, and ortolans are numerous. The best fish of the rivers are the mullet, snook, calapever, pargo, grooper, baracooter, craw and rock-fish, and particularly the land-crab. Turtle abounds on the coast, and immense quantities of tarapins, together with a small species of amphibious tortoise, which is a very delicate and luxurious food.

The serpent tribes, though numerous, are not venomous, but the centipede is very annoying. A venomous crab-spider is also found here; the destructive white-ant, and abundant swarms of insects. This ant will eat through any kind of packing box, from side to side, and penetrate every fold of goods.

The aborigines of St. Domingo have been long since extirpated by the Spaniards. When it was discovered by Columbus, 9th of December, 1492, it formed five kingdoms, called Maqua,

Marien, Higuay, Maguana, and Xaraguay, each governed by its own cacique. The Spaniards had possession of the whole of it for 120 years. This island, their earliest settlement in the new world, was at first in high estimation for the quantity of gold it supplied. But its wealth diminished with the inhabitants of the country, whom they obliged to dig it out of the bowels of the earth; and the source of its wealth was entirely dried up, when they were extinct. Benzoni relates, that of 2,000,000 of inhabitants, contained in the island when discovered by Columbus in 1492, scarcely 153 were alive in 1545. Bishop Las Casas makes the extermination of the natives by his countrymen still greater and more rapid. He states the original number at 3,000,000, and says they were reduced to 60,000 within fifteen years. A vehement desire of opening again this source of wealth first inspired the thought of obtaining slaves from Africa; but, besides that these were found unfit for the labors they were destined to, the multitude of mines, then beginning to be wrought on the continent, made those of St. Domingo no longer of any importance. An idea now suggested itself, that the negroes, who were healthy, strong, and patient, might be usefully employed in husban dry. The produce of their industry was at first extremely small, because the laborers were few. Charles V. had granted an exclusive right of the slave trade to a Flemish nobleman, who made over his privilege to the Genoese. These avaricious republicans conducted this infamous commerce as all monopolies are conducted: they resolved to sell dear, and they sold but few. When time and competition had fixed the price of slaves, the number of them increased. It may easily be imagined that the Spaniards, who had been accustomed to treat the Indians as beasts, did not entertain a higher opinion of these unfortunate Africans, whom they substituted in their place. Degraded still farther in their eyes by the price they had paid for them, even religion could not restrain them from aggravating the weight of their servitude. They made frequent attempts, however, to recover the undeniable rights of mankind, and thus procured somewhat better treatment. The cultivation of the island was, at times, therefore, pursued with tolerable success About the middle of the sixteenth century, Spain drew annually from this colony 10,000,000 weight of sugar, a large quantity of wood for dyeing; tobacco, cocoa, cassia, ginger, cotton, and peltry in abundance. One might imagine, that such favorable beginnings would have given both the desire and the means of carrying them further; but a train of events, more fatal each than the other, ruined these hopes. The first misfortune arose from the depopulation of the island. The Spanish conquests on the continent should naturally have contributed to promote the success of an island, which seemed to have been formed to be the centre of that vast dominion arising around it. But it fell out quite otherwise: on a view of the immense fortunes raising in Mexico, and other parts, the richest inhabitants of Hispaniola began to despise their settlements, and the government endeavoured in vain to put a stop to emigration:

the laws were always either artfully eluded, or openly violated. The weakness, which was a necessary consequence of such conduct, leaving the coasts without defence, encouraged the enemies of Spain to ravage them. See our article BUCCANIERS. Even the capital of this island was taken and pillaged by Sir Francis Drake. Cruizers of less pretensions contented themselves with intercepting vessels in their passage through those latitudes, which were the best known at that time of any in the new world To add to these misfortunes, the Spaniards themselves commenced pirates. They attacked no ships but those of their own nation; which were more rich, worse provided, and worse defended, than any others. The custom they had of fitting out ships clandestinely, to procure slaves, prevented them from being known; and the assistance they purchased from the ships of war, commissioned to protect the trade, insured to them impunity. The foreign trade of the colony was its only resource in this distress; and that was illicit : but as it continued to be carried on, notwithstanding the vigilance of the governors, or, perhaps, by their connivance, the policy of an exasperated and short-sighted court exerted itself in demolishing most of the sea-ports, and driving the miserable inhabitants into the inland country. This act of violence threw them into a state of dejection, which the incursions and settlement of the French on the island afterwards carried to the utmost pitch. The latter, after having made some unsuccessful attempts to settle on the island, had part of it yielded to them, in 1697, by the Spaniards. The court of Spain, totally taken up with that vast empire which they had formed on the continent, used no pains to dissipate this lethargy. They, even refused to listen to the solicitations of their Flemish subjects, who earnestly pressed that they might have permission to clear the fertile parts of this island. Rather than run the risk of seeing them carry on a contraband trade on the coasts, they chose to bury in oblivion a settlement which had been of considerable consequence, and was likely again to become so. This colony, which had no longer any intercourse with the mother country but by a single ship, of no great burden, that arrived hence every third year, consisted, in 1717, of 18,410 inhabitants, including Spaniards, Mestees, Negroes, and Mulattoes. The complexion and character of this population differed according to the different proportions of American, European, and African blood they had received from that natural and transient union, which restores all races and conditions to the same level. Demi-savages, in fact, the greater part of them plunged into extreme sloth, lived upon fruits and roots, or dwelt in cottages without furniture, and most of them without clothes. The few among them, in whom indolence had not totally suppressed the sense of decency and taste for the conveniences of life, purchased clothes of their neighbours, the French, in return for their cattle, and the money sent to them for the maintenance of 200 soldiers, the priests, and the government. A century after its original settlement it was found necessary to remit annually from Mexico 300,000 dollars, for the sup

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