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notice, of his ex

this Statute shall

and to give public ing Bridges according to or upon the principles of the faid inventions or models fo clufive privilege. depofited with the faid Secretary of this Province, or if the faid models fhall be found Cafes in which to be an improvement only upon the principles of any fuch Bridge or Bridges fo be abfolutely null heretofore built, or of any fuch plan or plans fo heretofore published, then and in any fuch case this prefent Statute, and every claufe, matter and thing therein contained, fhall ceafe and determine and become abfolutely null and void, any thing herein before contained to the contrary hereof in any wife notwithstanding.

and void,

Specification. Specification of the models referred to in an Act of the Provincial Parliament granting to Jean Baptifte Bedard the exclufive right of building Bridges according to the faid models depofited in the office of the Secretary of this

Model No. 1.


The model No. 1. is formed by three arches, each of which is compofed of three fegments of a circle and of fix or a greater or lefs number of arches, compofed of two segments of a circle, each arch formed of three fegments of a circle is tied by the means of Radii or Spokes into which are inferted, by tennons of two or three inches, the pieces of timber that form the fegments of circles, and alfo by other pieces of wood in form of crofs braces, each end whereof is alfo let in by tennons of two or three inches into the Radii or Spokes.-Each arch formed of two fegments of circles is bound in the fame manner. One arch compofed of three fegments of circles is to be placed at each fide of the bridge and the other in the middle, and the arches compofed of two fegments of circles are to occupy the intermediate spaces; all these arches are bound together by diagonal and horizontal ties. The floor is laid upon the middle fegment of thofe arches that have three fegments, and upon the upper fegment of thofe arches that have only two fegments, fo that the upper fegments of the arches that have three fegments will ferve as fenders or garde-corps.

Model No. 2. The model No. 2. is formed of three arches, each of which is composed of two fegments of circles bound and fubtended by a ftretcher, and of four or a greater or less number of arches formed by one fegment of a circle bound and fubtended by ftretchers. Each arch compofed of two fegments of circles is tied by the means of Radii or Spokes of different lengths, into which is let, by tennons of two or three inches, the pieces of timber which form the fegments and bound together by means of other pieces in the form of cross braces, each end whereof is alfo let in by tennons of two or three inches, into the parts of the Radii or Spokes between the two fegments and by the means of the ftretcher which is tied by iron collars at the abuttments of the arch, and at the lower end of the Radii or Spokes the pieces of timber which form each stretcher are bound together at their ends by means of teeth bound and confolidated by iron collars. Each arch compofed of one fegment of a circle and of one stretcher is tied in the manner as aforefaid, except the cross braces.


découvert ou fait connoitre le mode, la manière ou l'art de conftruire des ponts conformément aux ou fur les principes des dits inventions ou modèles ainfi déposés dans l'office du Sécrétaire de cette Province, ou fi les dits modèles font trouvés être feulement une amélioration aux principes de tous tels pont ou ponts qui auront été ainfi conftruits auparavant, ou d'aucun tel plan ou plans qui auront été ainfi publiés auparavant, alors et dans tout cas femblable ce préfent ftatut, et chaque claufe, matière et chofe y contenues cefleront et deviendront abfolument nulles et fans effet, nonobftant aucune chofe contenue dans ce préfent Acte en aucune manière à ce contraire.

Spécification des modèles mentionnés dans l'Acte qui donne à Jean Baptifte Bedard le privilege exclufif de bâtir des Ponts fuivant les dits modeles dépofés au Sécrétariat de la Province.

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Le modèle No. 1, eft formé de trois cintres, dont chacun eft compofé de trois arcs et de fix ou d'un plus grand ou moindre nombre de cintres compofés de deux arcs, chaque cintre formé de trois arcs eft lié par le moyen des parties de rayons dans lesquelles entrent, en tenons de deux ou trois pouces, les pieces de bois dont font formés les arcs, et par le moyen d'autres pieces de bois jointes en forme de croix de Saint André dont les extrémités entrent auffi en tenons de deux ou trois pouces dans les parties de rayons, chaque cintre formé de deux arcs eft lié de la même manière. Il doit être placé un cintre compofé de trois arcs à chaque côté du pont, et l'autre dans le milieu, et les cintres compofés de deux arcs occupent les elpaces. intermédiaires; tous ces cintres font liés entr'eux par des liernes diagonales et horizontales. Le pavé eft appuyé fur l'arc du milieu des cintres à trois arcs, et fur l'arc fupérieur des cintres à deux arcs, enforte que les arcs fupérieurs des cintres à trois arcs fervent de garde-corps.

Le modèle No. 2. eft formé de trois cintres dont chacun eft composé de deux arcs fous-tendus par une corde et de quatre ou d'un plus grand ou moindre nombre de cintres, formé d'un arc fous-tendu par une corde. Chaque cintre compofé de deux arcs, eft lié par le moyen de parties inégales de rayons dans lefquelles entrent, en tenons de deux ou trois pouces, les pieces de bois dont font formés les arcs, par le moyen d'autres pieces de bois jointes en forme de croix de Saint André, dont les extrémités entrent auffi en tenons de deux ou trois pouces dans les parties de rayons entre les deux arcs, et par le moyen de la corde qui eft liée par des liens de fer aux extrémités des cintres, et aux extrémités inférieurs des parties de rayons. Les pieces de bois dont eft formée chaque corde font liées entr'elles à leurs extrémités par le moyen de dents ou d'épaulements liés et confolidés par des liens de fer. Chaque cintre compofé d'un feul arc et d'une corde eft lié de la même manière ci deffus,

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Modèle No. 1

Modèle No. &

One of the arches composed of two fegments of circles, must be placed at each. fide of the bridge, and the other in the middle, the other arches are fixed in the intermediate spaces. All thofe arches are bound together by diagonal or inclined ties. The floor is laid on the lower fegment of the arches formed of two fegments and on the fegments of the other arches, fo that the upper fegments of the arches composed of two fegments will ferve as fenders or garde-corps.

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Сар. 1.

A& 43d Geo. III.
Cap. 5

AN ACT to provide Returning Officers for the Election of Knights, Citi zens and Burgeffes to ferve in the House of Affembly, and to regulate: Elections to be held for that purpose..


(16th. April, 1807.)

HEREAS an A&t was paffed in the fortieth year of His Majefty's Reign, intituled, "An Act to provide Returning Officers for Knights, Citizens and: A&t 40th Geo.III" Burgeffes to ferve in Affembly, and regulating Elections to be held for that purpofe;" and another Act was pafled in the forty third year of His Majefty's Reign, intituled, "An Act to continue, for a limited time, and amend an Act paffed in the fortieth year of "His Majefty's Reign, intituled, " An Act to provide Returning Officers for Knights, "Citizens and Burgeffes to ferve in Affembly, and regulating Elections to be held for "that purpofe;" which faid Acts will both expire at the end of the prefent Seffion of the Provincial Parliament; and Whereas it is expedient and neceffary to make further and more ample provifion refpecting Returning Officers, and for regulating theElections of Knights, Citizens and Burgeffes to serve in Affembly: Be it therefore enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the advice and confent of the Legislative Council and Affembly of the Province of Lower Canada, conftituted and affembled by virtue of and under the authority of an A& paffed in the Parliament of Great Britain, intituled, " An Act to repeal certain parts of an A&t "paffed in the fourteenth year of his Majesty's reign, intituled," An Act for "making more effectual provision for the Government of the Province of Quebec in North "America;" And to make further provifion for the Government of the faid Province;" And it is hereby enacted by the authority of the fame, that the Governor, Lieutenant Governor or Perfon adminiftering the Government of the Province for the time being, fhall have power and authority to name and appoint, whenever it shall be neceffary, fit and proper perfons to act and officiate as Returning Officers in the res pective Counties, Cities and Boroughs in this Province.


ered to appoint Returning Offi


ci-deffus, excepté qu'il n'y entre point de croix de Saint André. Il doit être placé un des cintres compofé de deux arcs à chaque coté du pont et un au milieu; et les autres cintres occupent les espaces intermédiaires. Tous ces cintres font liés entr'eux par des liernes diagonales ou inclinées. Le pavé est appuyé sur les arcs inférieurs des cintres formés de deux arcs, et fur les arcs des autres cintres, enforte que les arcs fupérieurs des cintres à deux arcs fervent de garde-corps.


ACTE qui pourvoit des Officiers Rapporteurs pour l'Election des Cheva liers, Citoyens et Bourgeois pour fervir en Affemblée, et qui règle les Elections à être tenues en conféquence.


(16me. Avril, 1807.);

ATTENDU qu'un acte a été paffé dans la quarantième année du règne de Sa Majefté, intitulé, "Acte qui pourvoit des Officiers Rapporteurs pour les Cheva"liers, Citoyens et Bourgeois pour fervir en Affemblée, et qui règle les Elections à être tenues en conféquence," et qu'un autre Acte a été paffé dans la quarante-troisieme année du règne de Sa Majefté, intitulé," Acte qui continue, pour un tems limité, et amende un Acte paffé dans la quarantième année du règne de Sa Majefté, intitulé, “ Acte qui "pourvoit des Officiers Rapporteurs pour les Chevaliers, Citoyens et Bourgeois pour fer-" vir en Assemblée, et qui règle les Elections à être tenues en conféquence," lefquels dits Actes expireront tous deux à la fin de la préfente Seffion du Parlement Provin cial; et Attendu qu'il eft expédient et néceffaire de faire une provision plus ample et plus efficace touchant les Officiers Rapporteurs, et pour régler les Elections des Chevaliers, Citoyens et Bourgeois pour fervir en Affemblée: Qu'il foit donc ftatué par la très Excellente Majefte du Roi, par et de l'avis et confentement du Confeil. Législatif et de l'Affemblée de la Province du Bas-Canada, conftitués et affemblés en. vertu et fous l'autorité d'un Acte paflé dans le Parlement de la Grande Bretagne, intitulé," Acte qui rappelle certaines parties d'un Acte passé dans la quatorzième année du " règne de Sa Majesté, intitulé," Alle qui pourvoit plus efficacement pour le Gouvernement: ❝ de la Province de Québec dans l'Amérique Septentrionale; Et qui pourvoir plus ample-ment pour le Gouvernement de la dite Province" et il eft par le préfent ftatué par la mê me autorité, que le Gouverneur, Lieutenant Gouverneur ou la Perfonne ayant d'administration du Gouvernement de cette Province pour le tems d'alors, aura pouvoir et autorité de nommer et appointer, quand befoin fera, des perfonnes propres pour exécuter l'Office d'Officiers Rapporteurs dans les différents Comtés, Cités et Bourgs en cette Province.

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Returning Of.

ficer not to ferve

at more than one Election,


II. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, that no Returning Officer fo nominated and appointed, shall be ob iged to act and officiate as Returning Officer at more than one Election. Provided always, that no Member of the Legislative or Executive Council or of the Houfe of Affembly, or of any Religious Certain perfons Order, or Juftice of the Court of King's Bench or Provincial Judge or Phyfician, Surgeon, Miller or Maitre de Pofte, nor any perfon being fixty years of age or upwards, fhall be named or appointed Returning Officer, and that no perfon having ferved as a Member of the House of Affembly during the Provincial Parliament immediately preceding fhall be nominated or appointed a Returning Officer at the General Election next thereafter. Provided alfo, that no perfon having heretofore served as a Returning Officer fhall be again obliged to act or officiate as fuch.

Penalty on per

fons refufing to do

turning Officer.

III. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, that every perfon rethe duty of a Re. fufing to perform the duty of Returning Officer, after having been nominated and appointed thereto in manner aforefaid, and his receipt of a Writ of Election, fhall forfeit the fum of Twenty Five Pounds current money of this Province. Provided of Returning always, that every person named and appointed Returning Officer, be refident in and qual:hed as an Elector of the County, City or Borough for which he shall have been fo named and appointed.



Returuing Of ficer may be elect

ed a Member of the Affembly.

Returning Offi

cers allowed cer

tain fees.

Expences of the Huftings to be

IV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, that nothing contained in this Act, fhall extend or be conftrued to extend, to prevent or exclude any perfon who shall be nominated and appointed a Returning Officer, from being elected a Member of the Affembly, for any County, City or Borough, other than the County, City or Borough for which fuch perfons fhall have been nominated and appointed Returning Officer.

V. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, that henceforth each and every Returning Officer fhall be allowed tor his fees for attending at each Election, the fum of Three Pounds current money, and for drawing up notification, indentures and other neceffary writings Five Shillings each, and fhall moreover be allowed One Shilling per league for fending to fix up fuch notifications in each Parish, both going and returning, and when the Poll fhall last more than one day, he shall have a further allowance for every other day the Poll fhall be fo held of Twenty Shillings like money; and whenever there fhall be a Poll he fhall also be allowed the fum of Ten Shillings, like money, for each and every day the Poll fhall be fo held for a clerk; and when the Returning Officer does not refide in the place where the Poll fhall be fo held, he fhall be allowed the Poft charges of the journey, except when he shall be obliged to travel by water; and when the Returning Officer fhall be under the neceffity of travelling by water, a reasonable allowance for his expences fhall also be made. Provided always, that the expence of erecting Huftings, when the Poli is demanded

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