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I do not think there is likely to be any very considerable loss of the principal fund. In some of the counties in the remote western part of the state, where villages were organized and schoolhouses built, the people have moved away, and there is not much left excepting the schoolhouses, with no one to pay the interest on the bonds. We may find that it will be some years before we shall be able to collect the principal. In the meantime compromises have been made on a very low rate of interest, with the hope that we may keep the bonds good until such time as they will be able to pay them. These investments were all made some years ago, after the Topeka meeting in 1886, and the subsequent meeting at Chicago in 1887, when there was quite a large sum of money to be invested. No member of the present Board of Trustees was a trustee at that time; but we have every reason to believe that those who were trustees used what they considered due care in these investments. They were advised by the Kansas school people at the time that these bonds were substantial securities. That was before the panic of 1893. Since that time there has been such a continued failure of crops that these western counties have defaulted. I believe that covers substantially all that can be said. I will simply say in reference to the recent investments, which you will see noted on another page of the report, that they have been made with great care, at a lower rate of interest -5 per cent.— where the land alone, without the buildings, is equal in value to the amount of the loan. The Board of Trustees is exercising the utmost care to see that every new loan is made on a conservative basis and without incurring any risk. I shall be glad to answer any other questions that may be asked.

On motion of W. A. Bell, of Indiana, the report was adopted without dissent.

President LytE: Before calling for the report of the Committee on Nominations,

is there any other miscellaneous business to be presented?

DR. NICHOLAS MURRAY BUTLER, of New York: I wish to offer for the consideration of the active members the following resolution, which was passed at the meeting of the Board of Directors on Tuesday, and at the suggestion of my friend, Dr. White, of Ohio, is again offered here:

Resolved, That the President of the National Educational Association be requested to send the following telegram of congratulation on behalf of the association to the American delegates to the peace conference now in session at The Hague:


Chairman American Delegation to Peace Conference, The Hague, Holland:

"The National Educational Association, in convention assembled, tenders American delegation to peace conference heartiest congratulations on success which has attended their noble efforts in behalf of principle of arbitration."

I move the adoption of the resolution.

The resolution was duly seconded and unanimously adopted.

PRESIDENT LYTE: Is there any other business to be brought before the association before calling for the report of the Committee on Nominations, which will be the last order of business for the morning? The chair hears none. It is then in order to call for the report of the Committee on Nominations. Is the committee ready to report? Superintendent Gove, of Colorado, chairman of the Committee on Nominations, read the following


The Committee on Nominations, pursuant to call, met in the Directors' Room, Board of Trade Building, and was called to order at 4 P. M., July 12, by the chairman, Aaron Gove.

On motion, A. S. Downing, of New York, was made secretary of the committee.

Upon motion, nominations were made for the office of President. John A. Heizer, of Ohio, placed in nomination O. T. Corson, of Columbus, O.; Mr. Bruce, of Wisconsin, and Mr. Powers, of Alabama, seconded the nomination. By unanimous vote Mr. Corson was nominated as President.

Upon motion, the following were chosen by ballot as Vice-Presidents:

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Upon motion, the committee proceeded to ballot for a nominee for the position of Treasurer, and the result of such ballot was the nomination of C. G. Pearse, of Omaha.

The following persons were nominated as directors for the ensuing year:

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On motion, it was ordered that the chairman be permitted to fill the vacancy in nomination for the directorship of any state upon request of the member of the nominating committee representing such state, provided such request were made prior to the report of this committee.



Secretary. MR. BARNARD, of Seattle, Wash.: I wish to ask whether anyone is named as director for Hawaii.

CHAIRMAN GOVE: Your committee was not authorized to nominate a director for Hawaii, because it is not even a territory, and there are no provisions for colonies.

MR. BARNARD: I wish to say that I am emphatically a believer in expansion, and believe that expansion should be followed in the matter of directors. I move, if it is in order, that the report of the committee be amended by adding the name of Professor M. M. Scott, of Honolulu, to the list of directors, as director for Hawaii.

DR. E. E. WHITE, of Ohio: I like expansion-in order. Our constitution and by-laws determine who shall constitute the Board of Directors. As you are aware, Congress has taken no action as yet on the report organizing a government for Hawaii, and I think under our constitution we could not fill that place until a government is authorized by Congress and the status of Hawaii determined. Let us wait a year, and then we can expand intelligently.

PRESIDENT LYTE: Evidently the motion of Mr. Barnard is not in order.

DR. WHITE: Mr. President, I move that the report of the Committee on Nominations be accepted and approved, and that the Secretary be authorized to cast the ballot of the active members electing the persons named as officers of the association for the ensuing year.

The motion was seconded and carried unanimously. The Secretary cast the ballot, and the President declared the persons named by the nominating committee duly elected to the respective offices for which they were named.

President LyTE: With a modesty becoming to Ohio, I think the newly elected President has hidden himself away. The chair appoints Dr. White to find him and conduct him to the platform.

DR. WHITE: Mr. President, an Ohio man is easily found when wanted to fill an office (conducting the President-elect to the platform).

PRESIDENT LYTE: Ladies and gentlemen, I have great pleasure in presenting to you a representative of the Buckeye State, large in body and large in heart. I take pleasure in introducing your newly elected President, Hon. O. T. Corson, of Ohio.

O. T. CORSON: Mr. Chairman, and Members of the Association: I have no desire so early in my official career to show my absolute unfitness for the office to which you have elected me by attempting to make a speech. I therefore have nothing further to say at this moment, except to thank you for the courtesy of your call, and to pledge you my highest endeavor, with your aid, to further as best we may the important work of this great association.

On motion, the meeting adjourned. IRWIN SHEPARD,





The meeting was called to order in Hazard's Pavilion by President Lyte.
Music by the St. Cecilia Quartet.

An address on "The Outlook in Education" was delivered by Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, Columbia University, New York, N. Y.

Music by the St. Cecilia Quartet.

An address on "Progress in Public Education " was delivered by F. Louis Soldan, superintendent of schools, St. Louis, Mo.




The association met in Hazard's Pavilion, Vice-President Greenwood in the chair. Rev. A. C. Smithers, pastor of the First Christian Church, offered prayer.

Music by the choir of the Temple Bnai-Brith.

Aaron Gove, superintendent of schools, Denver, Colo., gave an address on "Usurpation of Home by School."



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- duet — by Mrs. Haralson and Mrs. Scarborough.

E. A. Bryan, president of State Agricultural College, Pullman, Wash., read an address on "The Economic Interpretation of History."

E. E. White, of Ohio, submitted the report of the Committee on Necrology, and moved that the report be accepted and the sketches included in the report be printed in the proceedings. Seconded and carried.


John MacDonald, editor of Western School Journal and president of the Educational Press Association, addressed the association on Educational Journalism - Its Tribulations and Triumphs."

George P. Brown, editor of School and Home Education, Bloomington, Ill., asked to have his paper on "The Function of Educational Journalism" printed in the annual volume without being read. By common consent the request was granted.

"Is the Educational Press Educational ?" was the subject of an address by William George Bruce, editor of American School Board Journal, Milwaukee, Wis.

Ossian H. Lang, editor of The School Journal, New York city, spoke on "Ideal and Practical Considerations in Educational Journalism."



The association met in Hazard's Pavilion, President Lyte presiding.

Music "O, Every Joy on Earth is Mine," Schnecker-by the Immanuel Church choir. David Starr Jordan, president of Leland Stanford Jr. University, delivered an address on "The Usefulness of the University."

Music-selections from "Robin Hood"-by the Immanuel Church choir.

An address on "The School in Relation to the Higher Life"

C. Schaeffer, state superintendent of Pennsylvania.

was given by Nathan

An address on "Professional Sentiment" was given by A. E. Winship, editor of Journal of Education, Boston, Mass.

Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, as chairman, read the report of the Committee on Resolutions, which was unanimously adopted, as follows:


The National Educational Association, assembled in its thirty-eighth annual convention and representing in the largest sense the teachers of the United States, makes the following declaration of principles:

We reaffirm our belief that the course of education, despite difficulties, doubts, and discouragements, is steadily upward and onward. The year which has passed has been one of genuine progress. Sound educational ideals are more firmly established, the benefits of school and college education are more widely diffused, the work of teaching is more intelligent and successful, the teachers themselves constantly grow more earnest and more studious. The one dark page in the history of the year is that which records interference with the work of public education and attacks, successful and unsuccessful, made upon it by political traders and spoils-seekers. We appeal to the public and to the press to resist, to resent, and to punish these attacks, and we pledge our best efforts to the absolutely non-political and non-sectarian conduct of the work intrusted to us.

We record with gratitude our sense of obligation to those noble men and women who have held out a generous hand to education north, south, east, and west, and who, by their gifts and endowments, have added so much to the strengthening and upbuilding of the various types of educational institutions, general and special, elementary and higher, thruout the land. The influence of their example is widespread, and the effectiveness of their gifts is incalculable.

We emphasize once more the function of the school, as a community center, to draw to itself the children and the parents for gatherings which reflect the life of the people and which give it inspiration. Particularly, in close association with the library, the school should make itself felt in shaping the thought of the people in ways and by methods which lie outside of the scope of formal instruction.

We support cordially every effort to elevate the profession of teaching by raising the standards for entrance to it, by promoting educational scholarship, and by providing for stability of tenure, and for adequate compensation. We are prepared to accept the complementary principle that inefficient and incompetent teachers must yield to the professional judgment which asks their retirement, and we deplore any and every attempt, organized or other, to protect such teachers in their posts by influence, whether personal or political.

We wish by every legitimate means to aid the invaluable work of the Bureau of Education, and we ask that it be given such support by Congress as will enable it to perform, with fullest efficiency, the tasks intrusted to it. We recognize, perhaps more fully than do others, the value of the statistics of education collected in the census of 1890, and we earnestly urge upon the director of the forthcoming census the desirability of carrying on anew the lines of inquiry then pursued, together with such additions and improvements as experience has shown to be needed.

This association has long insisted, and continues to insist, upon the full recognition of all educational agencies as essentially undertakings in the public interest, whether they are supported by public taxation or by other means. All alike are and should be in heartiest co-operation, and any attempt to array one institution, or one form of educational effort, against another is little short of treason to the nation's highest interests.

The past year has brought new and grave responsibilities to our common country, and has opened before it new and difficult opportunities. With a courage born of high hope and of confidence in democracy, the nation's schools and schoolmasters will assume their full share of the burden so suddenly imposed upon our citizenship, and will contribute by every means in their power to the wise, patriotic, and democratic solution of the problems which confront us as a people.

NICHOLAS MURRAY BUTLER, of New York, Chairman,

ROBERT B. FULTON, of Mississippi,

JOSEPH SWAIN, of Indiana,

JOHN S. LOCKE, of Maine,

WILLIAM E. WILSON, of Washington,

W. H. BARTHOLOMEW, of Kentucky,

Committee on Resolutions.


The following resolutions were offered by Dr. Butler, on behalf of the Committee on Resolutions, and, upon motion, were unanimously adopted:

Resolved, That the National Educational Association hereby tenders cordial and hearty thanks to those individuals, committees, and other agencies which have united to make the meeting at Los Angeles unsurpassed in comfort, in interest, and in size. In particular may be mentioned our obligations to F. Q. Story, Esq., chairman, and his associates upon the Local Executive Committee; to Superintendent J. A. Foshay, and the principals and teachers who have so warmly and so generously seconded his efforts for our entertain. ment and welfare; and to all who have co-operated with them.

To the citizens of Los Angeles for their sincere and heartfelt welcome; to the press for its unusually full and accurate reports of all our gatherings; to the various transportation companies for their generous co-operation in perfecting the plans for the meeting; and to Messrs. Wyckoff, Seamans & Benedict, proprietors of the Remington typewriter, and to their efficient representative, Miss Orr, for typewriter service freely placed at the disposal of the association and its officers, we are under obligations which will not be forgotten while the memories of this great meeting themselves last.

Dr. Butler then, on behalf of the Committee on Resolutions, offered the following resolution, which was, upon vote put by the Secretary, unanimously adopted :

Resolved, That to the retiring President, Dr. E. Oram Lyte, of Pennsylvania, and to the retiring Treasurer, Mr. I. C. McNeill, of Wisconsin, we make expression of our high personal regard and of our sincere appreciation of the ability, devotion, and unselfishness with which they have served the association.

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