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markably sonorous croak, it is termed "The Cambridge Nightingale." It seems to live entirely in the water, not being amphibious as is the common frog.

stantial account appeared in the public | has been captured in the fens of our newspapers, of the discovery, by some Eastern Counties, where, from its requarryman, of a colony of these creatures, which, after the rock had been split away, were found huddled together, and speedily scampered away to fresh hiding-places. It is surely needless to say that a full explanation of this socalled discovery may be found in the fact, that the stone contained natural fissures, into which at the approach of winter the animals had crawled, to repose in their usual state of torpidity. Perhaps the most audacious attempt of this nature upon the credulity of mankind was made at the Great Exhibition held in 1862, where a frog was exhibited in the midst of a block of coal, within which we were asked to believe that the animal had been found alive! This would have indicated on the part of froggy such a sleep that in comparison with it, the doze of Rip Van Winkle in the sleepy hollow would have been but a forty-wink nap after dinner. The indignant comments of those who knew better, compelled the managers of that department of the Exhibition to withdraw the manufactured wonder. The simple truth is, that none of these stories will bear that close sifting of evidence which truth demands, and experiments carried out both in England and France prove, that although frogs and toads can exist for some time in a dormant condition, yet the period is very limited, and by no means sufficient to warrant belief in the idle tales to which we have referred.

On the continent of Europe the frog is more esteemed than it is with us, the hind quarters of a species of the animal being there dressed and served up as a recherché dish: the edible frog is largely cultivated for the purposes of the table, and it is not impossible that the common animal is made use of for the same purpose. Should any of my readers desire to partake of this delicacy, they may be pleased to know that the parts usually eaten are prepared in France, packed in small, hermetically-sealed cases, and sold in this country, although at a price which places them beyond the reach of all but the wealthy. As a scientific fact, it is interesting to know that the Edible Frog (Rana Esculenta)

This interesting little animal whose history displays so much of the loving care of the Divine Father, quietly pursues its course of usefulness, often, indeed, receiving cruelty from man, while it deserves to be treated with gentle kindness; but harmless and useful as it is to us, it was once made to fulfil the terrible power of God's wrath. In the waters of Egypt the frog is to be found now, as when Moses encountered the haughty pride of Pharaoh on the banks of the Nile; then it was one of the numerous consecrated animals of the Egyptian people, being, it is believed, dedicated to the sun; but at the command of God frogs issued forth from the river, the canals, and reservoirs, insomuch that they overspread the land, and filled every house, from the peasant's hut, to the monarch's palace; a punishment to the rulers and people of Egypt which not only showed the futility of their resistance, but proved that in the hands of a mightier One, even the very emblems and objects of their worship might be used against them; the sacred river itself becoming to them a fertile source of misery and annoyance, while one of the sacred animals appeared in such incredible numbers that, so far from any feeling of reverence remaining, the most unmitigated loathing must have resulted from seeing them crawling through every apartment, leaping upon all articles of furniture and food, finding their way upon the couches, and filling even the kneading-troughs with their wet and cold trail. Every effort to remove them being unavailing, this insignificant animal sufficed to humble the pride of the greatest nation and proudest ruler of ancient times. In the hands of God common blessings to the rebellious may become great curses, while to the humble and obedient, apparent evils may be productive of much good.


From England to Italy.



I channel, uraversed France, penetrated the heart of Switzerland,

N a few days we have left our white-cliffed island, crossed the

passed the Alps, and entered sunny Italy; we have seen a thousand things and mused upon ten thousand more, and our thoughts, like the fishes in the blue lake which sparkles at our feet, are very many and very restless, and we have no net at hand in which to bring them to shore. A bird of prey was hovering just now over the shelving bank where the rippling flood bathes the foot of the verdant mountains; poising himself in mid-air upon quivering wing; for a moment he looked eagerly for his prey, saw it, darted upon it, and doubtless held it with iron grasp; we must in the same fashion seize some flitting thought, or we shall starve in the land of plenty. Swift and sudden, without waiting to plume our wings by long consideration, we descend upon our theme.

The Great Master Author has sent forth several volumes; among the rest is one called the "Book of Revelation," and another styled the "Volume of Creation." We have been reading the Word-volume and expounding it for years, we are now perusing the Work-volume, and are engrossed in some of its most glowing pages. Our love for the sacred book of letters and words has not diminished but increased our admiration for the hieroglyphics of the flood and field. That man perversely mistakes folly for wisdom who persists in undervaluing one glorious poem by a famous author, in order to show his zeal for a second epic from the same fertile pen. It is the mark of a feeble mind to despise the wonders of nature because we prize the treasures of salvation. He who built the lofty skies is as much our Father as he who hath spoken to us by his own Son, and we should reverently adore HIM who in creation decketh himself with majesty and excellency, even as in revelation HE arrayeth himself in glory and beauty. Modern fanatics who profess to be so absorbed in heavenly things that they are blind to the most marvellous of Jehovah's handiwork, should go to school, with David as the schoolmaster, and learn to "consider the heavens," and should sit with Job upon the dunghill of their pride, while the Lord rehearses the thundering stanzas of creation's greatness, until they cry with the patriarch, "I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear, but now mine eye seeth thee; wherefore, I abhor myself and repent in dust and ashes." For our part, we feel that what was worth the Lord's making, richly deserves the attention of the most cultivated and purified intellect; and we think it blasphemy against God himself to speak slightingly of his universe, as if, forsooth, we poor puny mortals were too spiritual to be interested in that matchless architecture which made the morning stars sing together and caused the sons of God to shout for joy.

Our hasty perusal of one short chapter of the book of nature has sufficed to assure us that its author most certainly wrote the Holy Scriptures. Writers have their own idiomatic expressions and modes of thought; kings of literature set their image and superscription upon the coinage of their minds; and therefore you can detect a literary

sided, and addresses were given by Mr. | J. B. Burt, Mr. D. Jennings, Mr. W. Densham, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Field, Mr. Ness, and Mr. Kerr. The prospect of a revival of the Church and congregation in this place was cheering to all parties. On the following Wednesday, the recognition of Mr. Grant as the pastor of the Church at Spaldwick, in Huntingdonshire, was held. An afternoon service was commenced by Mr. King, of Thrapston, who read the Scriptures and prayed. Mr. Manning, of Gamlingay, asked the usual questions, to which full and appropriate replies were given by Mr. Grant. Mr. Rogers, of the Metropolitan Tabernacle College, gave the charge to the minister, and Mr. Gange, of Portsmouth, addressed the Church. After a public tea-meeting in a tent, a second meeting was held in the chapel, at which addresses were given by Mr. King, Mr. Ewing, Mr. Stote, Mr. Gange, Mr. Rogers, Mr. Ashton, one of the deacons, and Mr. Grant. The services were well attended, and were of a very interesting and hopeful character.

gregations in the morning and evening. A public dinner was provided by the liberality of Mr. John Neal, of Edgeware Road, London; after which a statement of the building fund was read, from which it appeared that the cost of the chapel had been £638 19s. 4d., of which £275 4s. 2d. remained to be procured. The proceeds of the day amounted to £86 6s. 3d. Towards this sum £50 was raised at the dinner-table by Mr. Spurgeon promising to give £5 if ten others would do the same. This being accomplished; Mr. Spurgeon promised another £5, if four other such donations could be obtained. There is every probability of this too being speedily accomplished; which will reduce the whole debt to about £160. This well deserves the notice of those who are inclined to help those who do their utmost to help themselves.

On the 10th of last month a meeting was held in the lecture-hall of the Metropolitan Tabernacle to inaugurate the Band of Hope in union with the Sundayschool, and many friends connected with the Church and congregation. Mr. Sel

The first_anniversary of the founda-way presided. Prayer was offered by Mr. tion stone of a new Baptist Chapel being | Ness, and addresses were given by Mr. laid at Winslow, in Buckinghamshire, Ness, Mr. M'Cree, Mr. Hawkins, and was held on the third of last month. Judge Payne. The hall was filled, and Mr. Spurgeon preached to crowded con- many could not gain admission.

Pastor's College, Metropolitan Tabernacle.

PRESIDENT-C. H. SPURGEON.-NUMBER OF STUDENTS, 91. Amount required for Students during the year, about £5000; the rest will be devoted to building Places of Worship.

Statement of Receipts from April 19th, to May 18th, 1865.

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Subscriptions will be thankfully received by C. H. Spurgeon, Metropolitan

Tabernacle, Newington.



JULY, 1865.

Fragrant Spices from the Mountains of Myrrh.



"Thou art all fair, my love; there is no spot in thee."-Solomon's Song iv. 7.

E return to the delightful topic with which we opened last month's number of our Magazine.



Our Lord's admiration is sweetened by love. He addresses the spouse as "My love." The virgins called her "the fairest among women;" they saw and admired, but it was reserved for her Lord to love her. Who can fully tell the excellence of his love? O how his heart goeth forth after his redeemed! As for the love of David and Jonathan, it is far exceeded in Christ. No tender husband was ever so fond as he. No figures can completely set his heart's affection forth, for it surpasses all the love that man or woman hath heard or thought of. Our blessed Lord, himself, when he would declare the greatness of it, was compelled to compare one inconceivable thing with another, in order to express his own thoughts. "As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you." (John xv. All the eternity, fervency, immutability, and infinity which are to be found in the love of Jehovah the Father, towards Jehovah-Jesus the Son, are copied to the letter in the love of the Lord Jesus towards his chosen ones. Before the foundation of the world he loved his people, in all their wanderings he loved them, and "unto the end he will abide in his love." (John xiii. 1.) He has given them the best proof of his affection, in that he gave himself to die for their sins, and hath revealed to them complete pardon as the result of his death. The willing manner of his death is further confirmation of his boundless love. How did Christ delight in the work of our redemption! "Lo, I come: in the volume of the book it is written of me, I delight to do thy will, O my God." (Psalm xl. 7, 8.) When he came into the world to sacrifice his life for us, it was a freewill offering. "I have a baptism to be baptized with." (Luke xii. 50.) Christ was to be, as it were, baptized in his own blood, and how did he thirst for that time! "How


am I straitened till it be accomplished." There was no hesitation, no desire to be quit of his engagement. He went to his crucifixion without once halting by the way to deliberate whether he should complete his sacrifice. The stupendous mass of our fearful debt he paid at once, asking neither delay nor diminution. From the moment when he said, "Not my will, but thine, be done," (Luke xxii. 42,) his course was swift and unswerving; as if he had been hastening to a crown rather than to a cross. The fulness of time was his only remembrancer; he was not driven by bailiffs to discharge the obligations of his Church, but joyously even when full of sorrow, he met the law, answered its demands, and cried, "It is finished."

How hard it is to talk of love so as to convey our meaning with it! How often have our eyes been full of tears when we have realized the thought that Jesus loves us! How has our spirit been melted within us at the assurance that he thinks of us and bears us on his heart! But we cannot kindle the like emotion in others, nor can we give, by word of mouth, so much as a faint idea of the bliss which coucheth in that exclamation, "O how he loves!" Come, reader, canst thou say of thyself, "He loved me?" (Gal. ii. 20.) Then look down into this sea of love, and endeavour to guess its depth. Doth it not stagger thy faith, that he should love thee? Or, if thou hast strong confidence, say, does it not enfold thy spirit in a flame of admiring and adoring gratitude? O ye angels! such love as this ye never knew. Jesus doth not bear your names upon his hands, or call you his bride. No! this highest fellowship he reserves for worms whose only return is tearful, hearty thanksgiving and love.

Let us note that Christ delights to think upon his Church, and to look upon her beauty. As the bird returneth often to its nest, and as the wayfarer hastens to his home, so doth the mind continually pursue the object of its choice. We cannot look too often upon that face which we love; we desire always to have our precious things in our sight. It is even so with our Lord Jesus. From all eternity"his delights were with the sons of men;" his thoughts rolled onward to the time when his elect should be born into the world; he viewed them in the mirror of his fore-knowledge. "In thy book he says all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them." (Ps. cxxxix. 16.) When the world was set upon its pillars, he was there, and he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel. Many a time before his incarnation, he descended to this lower earth in the similitude of a man; on the plains of Mamre, (Gen. xviii,) by the brook of Jabbok, (Gen. xxxii. 24-30,) beneath the walls of Jericho, (Josh. v. 13,) and in the fiery furnace of Babylon, (Dan. iii. 19-25,) the Son of man did visit his people. Because his soul delighted in them, he could not rest away from them, for his heart longed after them. Never were they absent from his heart, for he had written their names upon his hands, and graven them upon his side. As the breast-plate containing the names of the tribes of Israel was the most brilliant ornament worn by the high priest, so the names of Christ's elect were his most precious jewels, which he ever hung nearest his heart. We may often forget to meditate upon the perfections of our Lord, but He never ceases to remember us. He cares not one half so

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