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pathy has, of such adherents, twenty-three state counsellors, and nine medical counsellors.

Many physicians and surgeons in Europe, whose success in the practice of the healing art, through the agency of homoeopathy, has been undeniable, have been rewarded by places of honour which allopathic practitioners have always struggled to secure.

From such we are enabled to record,

Dr. Ægidi, appointed physician to the Princess Frederica, of Prussia.

Dr. Muhlenbein, physician to the Duke of Brunswick. Dr. Kurtz, physician to the Dutchess of Anhalt Dessau. Dr. Cramer, physician to the Grand Duke Charles, of Carlsruhe.

Dr. Romani, physician to the Queen of Naples.
Dr. Necker, physician to the Duke of Luques.

Dr. Luebert, physician to Count Holberg and Hohenthal Koningsbrook.

Dr. Griesselich, surgeon to the Grand Duke of Baden. Dr. Attmiller, court surgeon at Cassel.

Dr. Horatiis, President of the Academy of Medicine, was selected physician to Francis I., late King of Naples. Dr. Stapf was called to attend the dowager Queen of England, but the high position he holds in Germany compelled him to decline the honor.

Buogioanni is physician to the Hospital of Invalids of Naples.

Baldi is surgeon in chief to the Neapolitan army..

La Raga is physician to the Military Hospital of Cotronne. Sanniocola is chief director of the civil and military hospital of the kingdom of Naples.

COLLATERAL TESTIMONY derived from sources not homœo-. pathic. We offer it as it is: it needs no comment.

Le Moniteur, the official organ of the French govern、 ment, thus refers to the distinction conferred on Dr. Mabet in consequence of his successful homoeopathic treatment of cholera at Bordeaux, and also for having founded a homoeopathic hospital, the results of which were sufficiently striking to command the attention of the French Sovereign. Dr. Mabet has been created Knight of the legion of Honor; a recompense rendered to his devotion and exertions on the appearance of the Asiatic cholera, as well as to his steadfast zeal and continued researches for the interest of humanity and progress of medicine.

WILIAM LEO-WOLF M. D., an allopathic physician, who has published a large volume entitled "Remarks on the Abracadabra of the Nineteenth Century; or on Dr. J. Hahnemann's homoeopathic medicine composed in the most rabid and virulent temper against Hahnemann and his system, admits thus as to the condition of homoeopathia in Germany: "The last accounts from thence state, that the cham.. ber of deputies of Baden have resolved almost unanimously, to have a special chair of homoeopathy in the Heidelberg University; the same, we are told, was resolved by the Ba-varian government for the University of Munich." And.

again: "We are told, also, by men upon whose veracity we can rely, that new trials of homœopathia are contemplated in some other capitals of Germany, in consequence of the wishes expressed by many distinguished individuals in the armies and in official stations, who have said they were cured by homœopathists after they had been long and unsuccessfully treated by other physicians: perhaps alsó, because Dr. Kopp, known as the learned and experi enced physician, and author on legal and practical medicine, has seemingly joined the homœopathic ranks."

In the Journal De Medicine Practique de Bordaux, (an allopathic journal), the subjoined confession, from an allopathic correspondent to its editor, is recorded: "In my recent communication to you, in which I stated that the new German doctrine has made but slight progress at Bordeaux, I uttered the truth; but what a difference has been accomplished in one month! Many of our most distinguished citizens, to the astonishment of the envious, have displayed the most absolute confidence in the mild and agreeable rules of homœopathia; and men of serious reflection, learned and illustrious-men in every respect exempt from the blind credulity of the vulgar, have not disdained to depend upon its regular therapeutics."

Professorship of Homœopathia.

During the past year, at one of the sittings of the diet of Hesse-Darmstadt, the subject of homoeopathia was publicly discussed. Wolff, counsellor of state, thus remarked:

"Facts speak louder than words; and, as colleague Glaubrich has justly observed, one single fact is worth more than a ship load of proofs, a priori, hypotheses, etc. On this account, I have confined myself exclusively to facts. I state further, as a fact, that about fifteen universities and academies allow lectures on homœopathy; and of these professorsship, eight or ten of the most celebrated are recognized in Germany." According to this recent communication of counsellor Wolff, five foreign and two German professorsship, whose names we have not yet obtained, have been established within the past three years, bosides 1. At Heidelberg, a profossorship has been created, and Dr. Arnold has been chosen professor.

2. The government of Hanover has decreed the forma. tion of a professorship at the University of Gottingen.

3. At Erlangen, professor Leupoldt occupies the chair of homoeopathia with flattering success.

4. At the University of Munich, the professorship of homoeopathia has been conferred upon Dr. Roth.

5. At the University Jena, the homoeopathy professorship is held by N. Martin.

6. A professorship has been created at Leipzig. 7. Another at Freiburg.

8. A professorship has been recently formed in the Duchy of Darmstadt, to which Dr. Rau will probably be.


Homœopathic Literature.

The litterature of homoeopathia has been as little known, and has encountered as much misrepresentation as any one of its departments. It can be scarcely credited even among the friends of Homoeopathia, except by its physicians, that about seven hundred volumes have been issued from the press developping the peculiarities of the system.

Twenty periodicals of the system have been established in different parts of the world. The most prominent of which are, Archiv fuer die Homœopathishe Heilkunst ; Allgemeine Homœopathische Zeitung, Hygea, by a society of homœopathic physicians, at Baden; Bibliotheque Homœopathique, edited by Dr. Peschier at Geneva; and Archives de la Medicine Homœopathique, published by Dr. Simon and Dr. Lieber, of Paris.

Homœopathic Hospitals, Infirmaries, and Societies. Leipzig. This city has the honor of establishing the first homoeopathic hospital in Europe. It has had a successful existence of six years up to the present time, deriving its support from voluntary contributions, and an annual grant from the Saxon government, whose warm approval it has obtained.

Munich. A hospital has been formed in this city, under the sanction of the government of Bavaria. Charles, Prince of Ettingen, and Wallenstein, one of the ablest

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