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3d. The reports of Columbia Encampment, at Washington City; of Wildey Encampment, at Cincinnati, Ohio, while they show that the members have either been suspended or expelled, do not give the names of those members, and have no seals appended, otherwise, they are conformably to law.

The committee in presenting this report, would call the attention of state Grand Lodges, subordinate lodges, and subordinate Encampments, to the form prescribed by the Grand Lodge of the United States, for their reports, and enforce upon those lodges, the necessity which exists for conforming strictly to those forms. Any other course, besides being contrary to law, must always give the committee unnecessary trouble, and occasion much waste of time, in making their report to the Grand Lodge of the United States. These forms will be found in the printed proceedings of this body, for the year 1835.


Rep. Ridgely, of Ohio, moved that the above report be re-considered, which was concurred in.

On motion, the report was laid on the table.

Rep. Glazier, of Delaware, offered the following, which was unanimously adopted.

Resolved, That the next Annual Communication of this Grand Lodge, be held at the city of Philadelphia.

P G. Sire Wildey, presented his bill as Travelling Agent, which, on motion, was referred to the Committee of Finance.

On motion of Rep. Pearce, of Pennsylvania, the report of the Committee on Reports, laid on the table, was taken up for consideration. Whereupon, on motion, the report was adopted.

Rep. Kennedy, of New York, offered the following, which was adopted.

Resolved, That it is irregular to admit any brother into a subordinate lodge, from a lodge under the jurisdiction of another Grand Lodge, as member or visitor, unless he presents a certificate under the signature of the officers, and the seal of the lodge, and the counter signature of the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of the state in which he was a member; and prove himself in the T. P. W. and the degree in which the lodge, is open.

Resolved, That each of the Grand Lodges be notified hereof, in order that measures be taken to carry the intention of the above resolution into immediate effect.

Rep. Ridgely, of Ohio, called up the report from the special committee, presented by him this morning.

The question recurred upon the following resolution, as submitted by the committee, viz:

"Resolved, by the Grand Lodge of the United States, That no brother can at the same time hold office or membership in two distinct state Grand Lodges, or subordinate lodges under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge.”

Which was unanimously adopted.

A question arose, whether the adoption of the resolution included the acceptance of the report of the committee.

The Chair decided that the report was not included, and that it was not subject to be entered on the journal as part of the proceedings, unless ordered by the subsequent action of the Grand Lodge.

Whereupon, Rep. Ridgely, of Ohio, appealed from the decision of the Chair, and called for the vote by states, which was as follows:

YEAS-Rep's Kennedy, of New York; Pearce, of Pennsylvania, 2 votes; Borrows, of District of Columbia; McCulley, of New Jersey; and P. G. Sire Wildey-6.

NAYS-Rep's Glazier, of Delaware; Ridgely, of Ohio; Sanderson, of Kentucky; Towers, of Virginia; and P. G. Sire Gettys-5.

So the decision of the Chair was sustained.

The question then recurred on the acceptance of the report, and adoption of the preamble submitted by the committee.

The yeas and nays being ordered, were as follows:

YEAS-Rep's Glazier, Ridgely, Sanderson, Towers, and P. G. Sire Gettys-5.

NAYS-Rep's Kennedy, Pearce, 2 votes; Borrows, McCulley, and P. G. Sire Wildey-6.

So the report was not accepted.

Rep. Pearce, of Pennsylvania, offered the following, which was decided in the affirmative.

Resolved, That the Diploma be filled up in the English, French, and German languages.

Rep. Pearce, of Pennsylvania, moved that all the emblems be placed on the Diploma, and that the eagle and shield be at the head of the same, together with the motto of the Order, which motion prevailed.

On motion of Rep. Towers, of Virginia, the Grand Lodge adjourned until to-morrow morning, at nine o'clock.

FRIDAY, October 5th, 9 o'clock, A. M.

The Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment: Present, the Officers and a due representation.

Rep. Pearce, of Pennsylvania, offered the following, which was decided in the affirmative.

Resolved, That it shall be the duty of the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of the United States, to keep his books and accounts at all times written and posted up. Rep. Neilson, of Maryland, from the special committee, to whom was referred the subject of Uniform prices for initiation, &c., presented the following report, which was accepted.

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

The committee to whom was referred the consideration of the propriety of making uniformity in the prices required to be paid for initiation, and the several degrees of subordinate lodges and Encampments, by the several Grand Lodges, Grand Encampments, and subordinate lodges and Encampments, working under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, respectfully report:

That at the Annual Communication, in October, 1835, the whole subject was brought before this Grand Lodge, by a resolution offered by P. G. Sire Wildey; and by the action of the Grand Lodge of the United

States, was submitted to the several state Grand Lodges. Your commit tee are informed by the Grand Secretary, that but one state Grand Lodge concurred in the resolution. Those more immediately interested, having so recently declined to approve of a uniform price, you committee are of opinion that any action by the Grand Lodge of the United States is inexpedient. They, therefore ask to be dis harged.

All of which is respectfully submitted.


Rep. Pearce, of Pennsylvania, offered the following, which was adopted.

Resolved, That the committee on the Diploma of the Order, be, and the same are hereby discharged.


Rep. Pearce, of Pennsylvania, offered the following, which was agreed

Resolved, That the Grand Lodge appoint a committee of two, whose duty it shall be to procure a suitable Diploma; and that said committee have power to draw on the Grand Treasurer to the amount of four hundred dollars, on account, as the same shall from time to time, be required to pay the expenses.

On motion, the Grand Lodge proceeded to elect the committee by ballot. Whereupon, P. G. Sire Wildey, and D. G. Sire Pearce, were declared duly elected.

Rep. Sanderson, of Kentucky, offered the following, which were adopted.

Resolved, That the Grand Lodge now appoint a Corresponding Secretary for the ensuing twelve months.

Resolved, That P. D. G. Sire Robert Neilson be the Corresponding Secretary, under the above resolution.

P. G. Sire Wildey called attention to the subject of the services of the Travelling Agent, when, on motion, it was referred to a special committee of three.

The Chair appointed as the committee, Rep's Glazier, of Delaware; Neilson, of Maryland; and Kennedy, of New York.

The Grand Secretary presented the bill of John E. Chamberlain, for services as Grand Messenger, amounting to $10.

On motion, the bill was referred to the Committee of Finance.

Rep. Neilson, of Maryland, from the special committee, to whom was referred the report of the Travelling Agent, presented the following report. which was accepted.

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

The committee to whom was referred the report of the acts and doings of the Travelling Agent of this Grand Lodge for the past year, beg leave to report,

That they have had the same under consideration, and beg leave to ask the confirmation of the following charters for Grand and subordinate Lodges, and Encampments, established by him during his recent tour.


Washington Lodge, No. 2, Natchez, Mississippi.
Mobile Lodge, No. 2, Mobile, Alabama.

Wildey Lodge, No. 2, St. Louis, Missouri.*
Alton Lodge, No. 2, Alton, Illinois.
Clark Lodge, No. 3, Greenville, Illinois.
Illinois Lodge, No. 4, Jackson, Illinois.
Wildey Lodge, No. 5, Galena, Illinois.

Lafayette Lodge, No. 2, Mineral Point, Iowa Terrritory.
Grand Lodge of Mississippi, Natchez, Mississippi.t
Grand Lodge of Missouri, St. Louis, Missouri.f
Grand Lodge of Illinois, Alton, Illinois. ||

Mount Ararat Encampment, No. 1, Mobile, Alabama.
Wildey Encampment, No. 1, Natchez, Mississippi.



[blocks in formation]

1, St. Louis, Missouri.

1, Alton, Illinois,

1, Mineral Point, Iowa Territory.
2, Madison, Indiana.

2, Dayton, Ohio.

Rep. Borrows, of District of Columbia, offered the following, which was decided in the affirmative.

Resolved, That the Grand Sire be requested to select and appoint a qualified Past Grand in each state, district and territory, whose duty it shall be to visit each Lodge, working under the warrant of this Grand Lodge in said district and territory, and communicate all information and instructions which may be by this Grand Lodge directed to be made. And when a charter for a Grand or subordinate lodge or Encampment shall be granted, the Past Grand so appointed shall attend and perform the ceremony of opening and installation-he shall bear the title of District Deputy Grand Sire of the United States of the I. O. of O. F., his expenses whilst so engaged, shall be charged to the lodge he may be required to visit.

P. G. Sire Gettys offered the following resolution:

Resolved, That the Grand Treasurer be authorized to pay to the order of P. G. Sire Gettys, the amount received for the charter of Adrianus Encampment, No. 2, D. C., on the delivery to the Grand Secretary of the books and charter, this Encampment having never been in operation.

On motion, the resolution was referred to a special committee of three. The Grand Sire appointed Rep's Sanderson, of Kentucky; Pearce, of Pennsylvania; and Borrows, of District of Columbia, the committee.

Wildey Lodge, No, 2.-There would seem to be an error in the report of the Travelling Agent, as well as of the committee, relative to this lodge. Application was made in due form and granted, at the. May Session, 1837, for the establishment of "Lodge, No. 2, at St. Louis, Missouri;" so that it may more properly be considered as having been opened by the Travelling Agent, which act did not need confirmation.

+ Grand Lodge of Mississippi.-This Grand Lodge was instituted at Natchez, on the 4th May, 1838, when the following Grand Officers were installed, i. e.-M. Ruffner, M. W. G. M.; William Dale, R. W. D. G. M.; E. P. Pollard, R. W. G. W.; J. S. Goddard, R. W. G. Sec'y; Joseph B. Robinson, R. W. G. Treas.

Grand Lodge of Missouri.-The institution of this body took place at St. Louis, on June 12th, 1838, when were installed the following Grand Officers, víz: John Dawson, M. W. G. M.; William Blackburn, R. W. D. G. M.; Henry M. Brown, R. W. G. W.; William S. Stewart, R. W. G. Sec'y; G. D. Darlington, R. W. G. Treas.; Robert Cathcart, W. G. Con.; and William Metcalfe, Jr., W. G. Guardian.

Grand Lodge of Illinois.-This body was constituted at Alton, on the 22d day of August, 1838 The following Grand Officers were then installed, viz: S. C. Peirce, M. W. G. M.; A. Botkin, R. W. D. G. M.; D. P. Berry, R. W. G. W.; S. L. Miller, R. W. G. Sec'y; John M. Krum, R. W. G. Treas.; J. B. Woods, W. G. Con.; Dart Ward, W. G. Guar.

$ Resolved-This resolution is literally a re-enactment of one adopted at the October Session, 1835, which was still in full force. (see page 157.)

Rep. Pearce, of Pennsylvania, from the special committee to whom was referred the resolution of P. G. Sire Gettys, presented the following report.

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

The committee to whom was referred the resolution of P. G. Sire Gettys, viz: "That the Grand Treasurer be authorized to pay to the order of P. G. Sire Gettys, the amount received for the charter of Adrianus Encampment, No. 2, District of Columbia, on the delivery to the Grand Secretary of the books and charter, this Encampment having never been in operation.," respectfully report the accompanying resolution for adoption. Respectfully submitted,


Resolved, That the Grand Treasurer comply with the requisition of the above resolution, whenever he shall receive the charter and books of the said Encampment. On motion, the report was accepted and the resolution adopted. The Grand Sire announced the following appointments of District Deputy Grand Sires of the I. O. of O. F., of the United States of America. P. G. NATHANIEL MCGONNEGLE, for the state of Alabama,

P. G. M. JOHN G. POTTS, for the territory of Iowa.

Rep. Pearce, of Pennsylvania, from the Committee of Finance, presented the following report.

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

The Committee of Finance beg leave to report, in part, that they have examined the following bills presented to this Grand Lodge, and find them correct, and recommend them to be paid.

A. E. Warner, balance on Service of Plate,

811 72

Expense of Newburg Committee,

50 00

G. Sire Samuel H. Perkins for expenses to Baltimore, 1837,

25 00





25 00

Robert Neilson for postage,

do Box hire in Post-office,

Matchett and Neilson's bill for printing,

Hickman's two bills for stationary,

D. G. Sire Frederick Leise's bill for expenses to Baltimore and

6 00

4 25

72 50


back to New York,

35 25

Bill for decorations,

5 00

$238 47

Respectfully submitted,




On motion, the report was accepted and the bills ordered to be paid. Rep. Pearce, of Pennsylvania, from the Committee of Finance, presented the following report.

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