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independent circumstances, and could well afford the time. He was advised not to suppress the eruption—that, in one of his age, apoplexy would be likely to ensue. Remonstrances were lost upon him—the remedy was used—and all went on well for a time. But the train was laid-the match had been applied—and an explosion was soon to follow. Numbness, and a pricking sensation, were first experienced in the foot of one side-then a weakness and loss of control over the foot when walking; and subsequently voluntary motion was lost-the one half of the body became paralytic; and the unfortunate man, on the fourth day of being unwell, died of apoplexy.*

Mercurial Ointment.

The external application of mercury in the form of ointment appears to affect the system much quicker than its internal use.

Daniel Cruger reports a case of twins, six months old, having been but once rubbed with mercurial salve. One of the little sufferers died on the same, the other the next day, in epileptic convulsions.

Reisel reports the case of a young man, who, on account of an eruption, rubbed himself with mercury.


The homoeopathie practice is decidedly more successful in eradicating inveterate cutaneous, diseases than the old practice. I can produce, in this city, the most authentic testimonies from gentlemen who tried all means in vain, and have been radically cured with homoeopathic remedies.

A gentleman, from New-Orleans, with an eruption on his face of fifteen years' standing, now under my care, is almost cured, having taken homoeopathic remedies scarcely three weeks.

next morning he felt himself indisposed; his arms and feet swelled; his breathing became difficult towards evening. He died under the greatest agonies.

Particularly remarkable is a case told by W. Fordyce. A person labouring under spasm of the stomach, wore a belt containing mercury. He experienced no difficulty until the third day. Then he complained of oppression in the region of the stomach. To these were added cold sweats, nausea, and headache. These symptoms increased in the night, in which he vomited several pounds of blood (Haematemesis mercurialis) he escaped the danger with difficulty.

Before closing this little volume, I would fain express a candid sentiment, which I trust will be received by the patient reader as a sufficient apology for the earnest zeal and enthusiasm that has, in a great measure, directed my pen. Convinced as I am, from the test of experience, that I have been alike actuated by a firm consciousness of the importance of the cause in which I am labouring, as well as the results of the doctrine of "Homoeopathy" in relieving the sufferings and in prolonging the lives of thousands of my fellow-beings; for we all know, that the short period allotted for human life is, at best, fraught with sufficient perplexities, from coming into contact with the storms and blasts of the external world, without dragging out a life of misery, with a broken-down constitution, the results of taking active remedies in considerable quantities in early life, which, although it may permit a temporary

bloom of health, for a season, leaves a canker-worm at the root, which is continually corroding, unseen, and rendering the once robust frame an easy prey to the first outward attack; and it yields, under the hand of the fell destroyer, to decomposition.

God deliver me from the wrecking torture of a convicted conscience, with fact upon fact, and glaring truths, which convinced me that I should be an object, in this work, of destruction, year after year, without distinction or mercy. If my boldness of expression at times, would seem to indicate, that I suffered my feelings to be roused to a higher tone than might be considered in that correct keeping with the smooth current of free discussion, it will, I trust, be attributed to a laudable enthusiasm, by the tranquil and reflecting reader, and that they originated in no malignant party prejudices of any sort whatever.

The promulgation of truths, without regard to favour or party, has been my only aim.


Opinions of eminent Allopathists of the present age, on the practice of Homœopathy.

Dr. G. HULL, from New York, who lately returned from Europe, gives the following statement of the progress of Homœopathy in that country.

Germany. Hufeland, the venerable patriarch of German allopathia, has conceded the existence of merit to the system of Hahnemann whose first essay on homœo-, pathy was published in his medical journal, and for whom, ho has acknowledged the highest personal respect. The success of a homoeopathist, Dr. Stapf, in curing Egyptian ophtalmia (inflammation of the eye) among the soldiery of the garrison of the Rhine, attracted the attention of the Russian minister of war, who selected him to visit Berlin, to take charge of its military hospitals, Lazareth and Lacharite. He accepted the invitation, and officiated to the

*Dr. G. Hull, from New York, lately returned from Europe, has written the above article, which I have copied from a newspaper. It will at least show that homoeopathy makes rapid progress on the continent of Europe, and not, as many erroneously assert, loosing ground there.-Edit.

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entire satisfaction of the minister. Hufeland, who intro duced Stapf to the assembled company of Lacharite, then paid him a deserved personal compliment, and at the same time expressed these impartial views respecting the homœopathic system:-"Homœopathy seems to me particularly valuable, in' two points of view: first, because it promises to lead the art of healing back to the only quiet path of quiet observation and experience, and gives new life to the too much neglected worth of symptomatology; and secondly, because it furnishes simplicity in the treatment of disease. The man whom I have the honor to present to you, is not a blind worshipper of his system. He is, as I have learned with joy, as well acquainted with the entire science of medicine, and as classically educated as he is well informed in the new science. I have dis

covered in him an amplitude of knowledge, clearness of mind, and a spirit of tolerance; which last is the more worthy of notice in him, as it is not to be found in all the homoeopathists.

France. BROUSSAIS is the founder and champion of the celebrated "doctrine physiologique" that has produced such a marked revolution in the practice of medicine, advised, in his public lectures, delivered in the Ecole de Medicine, at Paris, that impartial trials should be made before homœopathy was judged or condemned, concluding his address with words that are honorable to his candour and philanthropy. "Many distinguished persons are occu

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