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UNDER the general designation of METHODISTS are included all those religious bodies which owe their existence, directly or indirectly, to the efforts of the Revds. John and Charles Wesley. The most numerous and influential of them


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Wesleyan Methodists, the original body founded in 1739 by these two brothers. While students at Oxford, in 1729, they gathered a number of young men together for purposes of study and devotion, who were nicknamed, first, "The Holy Club," and afterwards "The Methodists.' In 1739 John Wesley founded the "Religious Societies," in which the first beginnings of Methodism are to be found. The number of members rapidly increased, until a more definite and extensive organization than Wesley at first gave them was imperatively demanded. The first Conference, consisting of six persons, all clergymen, was held in 1744. The Conference is now composed of 240 ministers and 240 laymen, with a ministerial president and secretary at its head, elected year by year; by semi-annual meetings of the ministers in each district, over which a chairman is appointed by the conference; and by quarterly meeting of the ministers and lay officers of each circuit. The authority of both these last meetings is subordinate to the Conference, which has the supreme legislative and judicial power in Methodism. When Wesley died the number of members was 76,968, and since then the increase has been so great that above 15,000,000 people are said to be now receiving Methodist instruction in various parts of the world. President, Rev. R. N. Young, D.D.; Sec., Rev. D. J. Waller.

Various distinct bodies of Methodists have been formed, the most important being these:

1. The Methodist New Connexion, which was formed in 1797, by the Rev. Alexander Kilham; the original difference between it and the parent

The number of Members is for the United Kingdom; of Chapels and Scholars, Great Britain only.

body being the different degrees of power allowed to the laity.-President, Rev. W. J. Townend. 2. The Primitive Methodists, who sprang up in Staffordshire, in 1810, under the leadership of Hugh Bourne. Next to the Wesleyans they are the most numerous of all the denominations which have arisen out of the Methodist movement.-President, Rev. J. Atkinson.

3. The Bible Christians, founded in 1815 by William O'Bryan, a Wesleyan lay preacher in Cornwall. They exist principally in the West of England. President, Rev. A. Trengrove.

4. The United Methodist Free Churches, which are an amalgamation of three different secessions the Protestant Methodist, formed in 1828; the Wesleyan-Methodist Association, which sprang out of a controversy in 1834. concerning the training of ministers; and the Wesleyan Reform Association, founded in 1849, during a great agitation in the Wesleyan societies. The union was effected in 1857. President, Rev.T.Sherwood.

The following table does not include the Methodists of America, Canada, Australia, the West Indies, and other British colonies.

Finances.--The amount raised for sustentation by the Methodist bodies can only be approximately estimated. The Wesleyans raised in 1885-86 £138,165 to sustain their very extensive missionary operations. At the same time their Home missionary income was £37,789; £21,832 were expended on the education of ministers' children at the Connexional schools; £289,301 were contributed in Great Britain for chapelbuilding; and 11,321 for the training of candidates for the ministry, of whom there are 180 in the four theological colleges. By the Methodist New Connexion the following sums were raised: For chapel fund, £660; for missions, £6,004; for Home Missions, £921. The Primitive Methodists raised £26,062 for new chapels, and the United Methodist Free Churches £21,248 fortheir missions.

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Wesleyan Methodists



Methodist New Connexion


Primitive Methodists...

Bible Christians


1,217 28,544 16,120 191,641




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23,614 525


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Keligious Sects-Places of Worship.


PLACES OF MEETING FOR RELIGIOUS WORSHIP IN ENGLAND AND WALES have been certified to the Registrar-General on behalf of persons described as follows :

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cal Society


Israel, New and Latter Refuge Methodists
Israelites [House of Rescue and Evangeli-

King Jesus' Army
King's Own Army
Latter Day Saints

zation Mission


Revival Band

Roman Catholics

Latter Day Saints (Anti- Royal Gospel Army

Lodging House Mission Salem Society
Lutherans [Assoc. Salvation Army


Members of the Church Salvation Navy
of England
Methodist Army
Methodist Reform Union
Mission Army

Episcopalian Dissenters Missionaries
Evangelical Free Church Modern Methodists
Evangelical Mission

Evangelical Unionists



Scotch Baptists

Second Advent Brethren

Separatists (Protestant)
Seventh Day Baptists
Soc. of the New Church

Blackburn Psychologi- Exeter Free Spiritual New Church [Baptists Spiritual Church

Blue Ribbon Gospl.Army

British Israelites

Calvinistic Baptists

Research Society New Connexion General Spiritualists
Followers of the Lord New Connex. Wesleyans Stockton Hebrew Congn.
Jesus Christ [Church New Hebrew Congregtn. Strict Baptists
Free Catholic Christian New Jerusalem Church Swedenborgians
Free Christian Assocn. New Methodist

Calvinistic Indepndnts. Free Christians
Calvinists and Welsh Free Church

Canonbury Hall Mission
Catholic Apostolic Ch.
'Catholics of Newport
Children's Special Ser-
vice Association
Christian Army
Christian Believers
Christian Brethren
Christian Disciples
Christian Eliasites
Christian Evangelists
Christian Israelites
Christian Lay Church
Christian Mission
Christian Pioneers

Christian Soldiers

Christian Teetotalers

Chrstn Temperance Men
Christian Unionists
Christian Workers

New Spiritual Church
Newcastle Sailors' Soc.

Free Church (Episcopal) Old Baptists
Free Church of England Open Baptists
Free Evangelical Chrns. Open Brethren
Free Gospel and Chris- Orthodox Eastern Chrch.
tian Brethren
Free Gospel Church
Free Gospellers

Free Grace Gospel Chris-
Free Methodists [tians
Free Salvation Army
Free Union Church
Full Salvationalists
General Baptist

Particular Baptists
Peculiar People
Pilgrim Band
Plymouth Brethren
Polish Jews
Polish Society
Portsmouth Mission

Presbyterian Baptists

General Baptist New Presbyterian Church in
Connection [munity


Primitive Free Church
Primitive Methodists

German Evangelcl.Com- Primitive Congregation
German Lutherans
German Roman Cathles.
German Wesleyans
Glazebrook Army
Glory Band

Christians owning no Gospel Army Mission name but the Lord Gospel Band


Christians who object to
be otherwise designtd.
Church Army

Church of Christ
Church of England
Church of England (un-

Church of Progress
Church of Scotland

Gospel Temperance Blue
Ribbon Army

Greek Catholic

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Protestant Members of Unsectarian

[blocks in formation]

the Church of England Welsh Calvinistic Me-
Protestant Trinitarians thodists
Protestant Union
Protestants adhering to
Articles 1 to 18, but
rejecting Ritual

Hackney Juvenile Miss.
Halifax Psychological Ranters
Hallelujah Band

Holiness Army

Hope Mission

Hosanna Army

Church of the People Humanitarians
"Congregation of the Indep. Ch. of England
Son of the Covenant Independent Methodists
Congregational Baptists Indep. Religious Refmrs.
Congregational Temper- Independent Unionists
ance Free Church Independents


Wesleyan Reform Glory


Wesleyan Reformers

White Ribbon Gospel

Rational Christians
Recreative Religionists
Red Ribbon Army
Redeemed Army
Reform Free Church Working Man's Evange-
Wesleyan Methodists listic Mission Chapels
Reformed Ch. of Englnd. Worshippers of God
Reformed Episcopal Ch. Young Men's Christian
Reformed Presbyterians Association
Reformed Presbyterians Young Women's Chris-
or Covenanters
tian Association

The number of places of meeting for Religious Worship, certified, recorded, and on the register on the 4th November, 1886, was 24.597, an increase of 618 in the year. Those marked (*) appear in the list this year for the first time. These descriptions are taken from the original certificates sent to the Registrar-General for procuring the registration of the room or building; and it will be observed that the same sect is in some instances variously described.

UNIVERSITIES is the name given to those institutions which agree in being close corporate bodies for the promotion of the higher branches of learning, and in possessing the right of granting degrees in several faculties, such as arts, science, law, medicine, theology, and philology. As a general rule the corporation includes also a body of lecturers or teachers for the instruction of the students, but the University of London shows that such is not a necessary part of the institution. In the common acceptance of the term, universities are of comparatively modern origin, no degrees having been granted earlier t an the twelfth century; while the term University itself, in its present sense, is of still more recent date. In a document of the year 1201 the following phrase is to be found applied to Ox. ford Universitas magistrorum et auditorun (the whole body of masters and listeners"), but even here the peculiar technical meaning of the word University is not to be understood. The university, as we now use the term, is simply a conglomeration of colleges, originally entirely distinct, and still only linked together by reason of their being in the same city and incorporated under the same charter. The early history of the colleges themselves is obscure; probably they were founded by charitable persons for the furtherance of religion and learning. The student life of the university has passed through four distinct stages of growth. First, the common bonds holding them together were those of study and discipline, and the students lodged wherever they could; afterwards hostels or boarding-houses were founded by the several religious fraternities, each for the members of its own order--where some kind of superintendence over the scholars was exercised. After a time, these hostels began to be endowed by rich donors, so that poor scholars might enjoy free lodgings; and, lastly, when further sums of money were left for the payment of a certain definite number of students, they were gathered together into one group of buildings, and the foundation of the college was complete. When various colleges in the same town or city came to gain renown as a seat of great learning, they often became imperceptibly welded into one nominal whole, and were known as the University of the city in which they were situated. In this way, almost simultaneously, grew up the three oldest universities of Europe, viz., those of Bologna, Paris, and Oxford. At first they were entirely independent of both Church and State, and were absolutely free and self-governing corporations; however, as the ecclesiastical influence increased, their individual power waned; the Pope granted bulls of confirmation to such as already existed, and granted or refused permission for the formation of new ones. With the Reformation the Pope naturally lost in Protestant countries the power, formerly his, of regulating the universities. The colleges form ing the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge are academical institutions, often richly endowed with revenues, and whose fellows, lecturers, and students live and work together in their own set of buildings and under their own head. The president of each college (who is known variously is Warden, Master or Provost, Principal or Rector) forms, together with the rest of the governing body, the teachers, and the students, a corporation independent, not only of the other colleges, but also of the university. Certain

graduates who are maintained by the bequests of particular founders are known as fellows, and postmasters, scholars, exhibitioners, and prizemen are the names of classes partly supported by the college funds; while most of the colleges include chaplains, choristers, and clerks or sextons. Each college is ordinarily administered, according to the statutes of the foundation, by the Head and his fellow-officers, while disputed cases are decided by the visitor, who is a bishop or lord. The income attaching to a fellowship has in general to be given up when the holder is ap pointed to a living, or inherits any estate of larger revenue, or upon marriage-this last being explicable by the fact that all those colleges which were of Roman Catholic origin were founded in order to supply the Church with ministers.

The Universities of the United Kingdom may be broadly divided into three classes, viz.: (1) the residential universities, in which attendance st particular lectures is necessary to the taking of a degree, as Oxford and Cambridge; (2) the non-residential universities, which also demate attendance during certain terins, as the Scottis Universities; and (3) those which are simply examining bodies, as London University.

The University of Oxford is a corporate body, and has been known for some centuries by the style and title of "The Chancellor, Masters, and Scholars of the University of Oxford," a title which was confirmed by the chartet granted by Queen Elizabeth in 1570, though it has be urged that the university received an earlier royal recognition at the hands of Henry III. Ia 1604 the elective franchise was conferred upon it, since which time it has enjoyed the privilege of sending two members to Parliament. The number of colleges and halls forming the uni versity has fluctuated considerably in the course of years; for example, early in the 14th century there were only three colleges and 300 halls 200 years later there were twelve colleges and fifty-five halls; while at the present day there are twenty-one colleges, three halls, and two private halls. The university has always been governed by statutes of its own making, which for centuries were simply a confused chaotic mass; but, since the chancellorship of Archbishop Laud, by a digested code under the name of " Corpus Statutorum Universitatis Oxoniensis," which, after being carefully compiled by special delegates, was solemnly ratified in Convocation, A New Code of Statutes, however, was approved by Queen Victoria in Council in 1882. The whole business of the university in its corporate capacity is transacted by the Hebdomadal Council, and two distinct assemblies, known technically as the House of Congregation and the House of Convocation. Congregation includes all those professors, resident doctors, heads of colleges ar halls (or their deputies, and deans, and censors), of colleges who are members of Convocation, together with all doctors and all masters of arts for two years from the term in which they are admitted; while Convocation is made up of all! those who have been admitted to regency, provided their names have been constantly ke on the books. The functions of Congregation are to grant ordinary degrees, and to ratify the nomination of examiners by the Nominating boards; while Convocation confers all honorary degrees, elects to nearly all the offices in the gift of the university, gives the final sane

The Universities.

tion to all new statutes, and transacts the greater part of the formal business of the university in its corporate capacity. The students at Oxford are classified thus:-Scholars, Exhibitioners, Postmasters, Demies, Bible Clerks, and Commoners; in each college they dine together in one large hall, but take their other meals in their own rooms. The average annual expense of a fairly economical student at Oxford may be put down at £200. The degrees conferred by the University are those of Bachelor and Master of Arts, and Bachelor and Doctor of Music, Medicine, Civil Law, and Divinity. Twelve terms of actual residence are necessary for the degree of B.A.; no further examination is required for the M.A. degree, and no residence whatever is required for a degree in Music. Among the celebrated institutions connected with the university are the Bodleian Library, the Radcliffe Library and Observatory, the Schools, the Clarendon Press, and the Taylor Institution. In 1885, the students who matriculated amounted to 749, while 522 took their B.A. and 343 their M.A.; and the total number of members on the books of the university was


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whom every university grace or decree must be approved before it is offered to the Senate. A residence of nine terms is required from each student before taking the B.A. degree, and "honours may be obtained in any of the following:-Mathematics, classics, moral sciences, natural sciences, law, history, theoiogy, Semitic, Indian, and modern languages. The university possesses a library of more than 200,000 printed volumes besides MSS., the Fitzwilliam Museum, the Observatory, the Botanical Garden, and the Anatomical School. James I. granted to the university the privilege of sending two members to Parliament, which it has ever since enjoyed. In 1886, the number of students who matriculated was 950, while the members on the boards amounted in 1885 to 12,290. Scotland possesses four universities, namely, those of St. Andrews, Aberdeen, Edinburgh, and Glasgow, and the general regulations as to graduation are common to all. The University of Edinburgh was founded in 1582 by a charter granted by James VI. of Scotland, and in 1621 the Scottish Parliament ratified to it all the privileges enjoyed by other universities in the kingdom. This ratification was confirmed in the The University of Cambridge is said to date Treaty of Union between England and Scotland, from the seventh century, though it was not and again in the Act of Security. The constitn until the thirteenth century that it received an tion was, however, modified by the Act (1858) authentic charter, and its first college was relating to the Scottish Universities, and the founded in the reign of Henry III. Some im- University of Edinburgh is at the present time portant rights were granted to it by Edward a corporation consisting of a chancellor, rector, III. in 1333, and in 1430 the Pope (Martin V.) principal, professors, registered graduates, invested it with exclusive jurisdiction over alumni, and matriculated students. The students its own scholars. In 1565, Queen Elizabeth be- matriculating each year now amount to more stowed additional privileges; all preceding than 2,000. The essential qualification to graduagrants were confirmed, and the university tion at a Scottish university is attendance at was declared to be incorporated under the certain special series of lectures or classes. The title of "The Chancellor, Masters, and course for the Arts degree extends over four Scholars of the University of Cambridge." winter sessions, each lasting from the beginning It is an incorporation of students in all and of November till about the middle of April; and every of the liberal arts and sciences, and con- the degree of M.A. is conferred on all who have tains seventeen colleges and two public hostels, completed their course and passed the ordinary founded "for the study of learning and know- examinations in Latin and Greek, mathematics ledge, and for the better service of Church and natural philosophy, logic and metaphysics, and State." The whole of these are maintained moral philosophy, rhetoric, and English literaby the endowments of their several founders ture. The faculties of this university are arts, and benefactors; each of them is a corporate laws, medicine, divinity, and science. The buildbody, and is bound by its own statutes, but is ings were until recently very deficient in the likewise controlled by the laws of the univer- necessary accommodation, but much has been sity, which are paramount. A new Code of done of late years, and is still being done, in the Statutes for the University was approved by way of improvement. The library contains Queen Victoria in Council in 1882. In each of nearly 140,000 volumes and 700 MSS., and there the colleges there are eight separate orders: is also a theological library of 10,000 volumes. these are (1) Head; (2) Fellows; (3) Noblemen In connection with the various faculties there graduates, doctors in the several faculties, are different bursaries, scholarships, and fellow. bachelors of divinity, masters of arts and mas-ships, tenable from one to four years, and ranging ters of law, who are not upon the foundation; in value from £2 108. to £160. The University (4) Bachelors of Arts, Physic, and Law; (5) Fellow-commoners; (6) Scholars; (7) Pensioners, forming the great bulk of the students; and (8) Sizars, students of narrow means, and in receipt of various emoluments. The head of each college has supreme disciplinary authority in educational matters; and he, together with the foundation fellows, form the governing body. The great legislative assembly of the university is called the Senate; it is composed of all those who have obtained the degree of Doctor or Master, and whose names are still on the register, and the high executive officers of the university. There is a council of the senate (consisting of the vice-chancellor and sixteen members of the Senate, of whom eight vacate their office every year, the office being held for two years), by

of St. Andrews was founded by Henry Wardlaw, Bishop of the diocese, in 1411, and was confirmed by a Papal Bull of Benedict XIII. in 1413. During the 15th and 16th centuries three colleges were established in connection with it, viz., St. Salvator (1455), St. Leonard (1512), and St. Mary (1537). All the colleges had criginally teachers both in philosophy (or arts) and i theology, but in 1579 the two older of them were confined to philosophy, and that of St. Mary to theology. In the year 1747, St. Leonard and St. Salvator were united by Act of Parliament. The Universities of Edinburgh and St. Andrews unite in sending a representative to Parliament.

The University of Glasgow was founded by a bull of Pope Nicholas V. (1450-51), with the power

of creating doctors and masters, and enrolling readers and students, the whole of whom were to enjoy the same rights and privileges as the University of Bologna. At first it had neither property nor endowment, but in 1460, James, Lord Hamilton, bequeathed to the then Regent and his successors à tenement in the High Street, with four acres of land adjoining for the "use of the College of Arts." Between 1577-when a new charter was issued and the Restoration, the university flourished in every way, but the re-establishment of episcopacy detached from it a large part of its revenues, and many of its professorships were abandoned. In 1864 the old buildings were sold for £100,000, and a government grant of £120,000 was obtained; these amounts, together with public subscriptions and college funds, were laid out in the new buildings now to be seen at the west end of the city. The University of Glasgow includes four faculties, viz., arts, theology, law, medicine; it was reconstituted, as were its fellow universities, by the Act of 1858, and, conjointly with the University of Aberdeen, sends one member to Parliament.

The present University of Aberdeen derives its origin from two distinct foundations, viz., University and King's College of Aberdeen, founded in 1494 by William Elphinstone, Bishop of Aberdeen, under the authority of a Papal bull; and Marischal College and University of Aber deen, founded (1593) by George Keith, Earl Marischal, by a charter afterwards ratified by Act of Parliament. In 1860, by another Act of Parliament, the two foundations were united and incorporated into one university and college, under the title of the University of Aberdeen. The four faculties are arts, divinity, law, and medicine; and at the end of the arts curriculum scholarships and prizes are given of the annual value of about £1,000. The university library contains more than 80,000 volumes.

Of a different type altogether is the University of London, which was first incorporated by Royal Letters Patent dated December 5, 1837, the royal charter being issued in 1863, and a supplemental charter in 1878. So far as the functions of a university are concerned, this is simply an examining body which, by reason of its unquestionable integrity and its severely high standard, has gained an excellent reputation. The fees are moderate, ranging from £2 to £10, and there are no honorary degrees whatever. The various faculties are arts, science, medicine, law, and music; and the matriculation and the pass examinations in arts and in science are held at a large number of provincial colleges, while the

bi-annual matriculation examinations are also held at several colonial centres. The corporate body of the university includes the Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, fellows, and graduates; and the colleges forming the university are University College and King's College. In 1886 the number taking the B.A. degree was 176, and the M.A. degree, 11; while the number of those who passed either of the matriculation examinations was 1,067.

Of late years much has been done in the way of extending university teaching and advantages. Both Oxford and Cambridge now hold what are called "Local" Examinations, senior and junior, in many parts of the country, and the certificates granted to the successful candidates are accepted in different branches of business and the professions as equivalent to a guarantee of competency from an educational point of view. The University of London, too, not to be behind in the march of progress, has arranged a definite scheme, which is now in full working, for the inspection and examination of schools other than primary, to be conducted under the direc. tion of the Senate. More than this, however, the older universities have organized what is known as the "University Extension Lectures,” given in many parts of the kingdom by some of the most successful lecturers of Oxford and Cambridge, and which may be attended by students on the payment of a very small sum.

But the most noticeable feature in the progress of higher education is the growth of university colleges in all directions. The majority of our large towns have now each its own college or school of science, and, until the year 1880, it seemed to be only a question of years before the country would be covered with a too numerous body of young and unnecessary Universities. Fortunately for the status of the home degrees, in that year both Oxford and Cambridge passed statutes enabling them to affiliate colleges to themselves subject to certain well-defined conditions; and since that time, two well-known provincial institutions. St. David's College, Lampeter, and University College, Nottingham, have taken full advantage of the new regula tions. The movement was, however, too late to serve the cause as well as it deserved, for University College, Liverpool, and Owens College, Manchester, had already united and obtained for themselves a charter of incorporation under the style and title of Victoria University; and the university colleges of Wales, at Aberyst with and Bangor, are striving to attain a similar ¦ status.

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