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The Grand Sire appointed Rep's Neilson, of Maryland; Towers, of Virginia; and Borrows, of District of Columbia, the committee.

Rep. Neilson, of Maryland, asked leave to be excused from serving on the Committee on Reports, which was granted.

The Grand Sire appointed Rep. Glazier, of Delaware, as a member of the Committee on Reports, in place of Rep. Neilson, of Maryland, ex


Rep. Ridgely, of Ohio, from the special committee, to whom was referred the resolution offered by him this morning, submitted a report.

Rep. Borrows, of District of Columbia, moved that the same be laid on the table, which was determined in the negative.

Rep. Neilson, of Maryland, moved that the report be re-committed, with instructions to report a general law on the subject to which it relates, which motion did not prevail.

Rep. Glazier, of Delaware, moved that the Grand Lodge do now proceed to the consideration of the report of the special committee.

The yeas

and nays being called, were as follows:

YEAS-Rep's Kennedy, Pearce, 2 votes; McCulley, and Glazier-5. NAYS-Rep's Neilson, 2 votes; Borrows, Ridgely, Lucas, Sanderson, Towers, and P. G. Sires Wildey and Gettys-9.

The Grand Lodge then received further nominations for Grand Sire, viz:

By Rep. Sanderson, of Kentucky, P. G. M. Zenas B. Glazier, of Del


The Grand Lodge then, on motion of Rep. Sanderson, of Kentucky, proceeded to the election of Grand Officers.

The Grand Sire appointed as tellers, Rep's Kennedy, of New York, and Sanderson, of Kentucky.

The tellers reported that P. G. M. Zenas B. Glazier, had received a majority of all the votes cast for Grand Sire; P. G. M. A. Mondelli had received a majority of the votes for D. Grand Sire; P. D. G. M. William G. Gook, had in like manner received a majority of the votes for Grand Secretary; and that P. G. Andrew E. Warner had received all the votes for Grand Treasurer.

Whereupon, the Grand Sire declared the following named brothers duly elected, viz:

P. G. M. ZENAS B. GLAZIER, of Delaware, M. W. G. Sire.

P. G. M. A. MONDELLI, of Louisiana, R. W. D. G. Sire.

P. D. G. M. WILLIAM G. COOK, of Maryland, R. W. G. Secretary, and

P. G. ANDREW E. WARNER, of Maryland, R. W. G. Treasurer.

On motion, the Grand Lodge adjourned until ten o'clock, to-morrow morning.

WEDNESDAY, October 3d, 10 o'clock, A. M.

The Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment: Present, the Officers and a due representation.

The Grand Secretary presented the credentials of P. G. Sire Thomas Wildey, as Proxy Rep. of Mississippi, together with the report of the Grand Lodge of Mississippi, and Wildey Encampment, No. 1, Mississippi; and, On motion, were referred to a special committee.*

The Grand Sire appointed Rep. Neilson, of Maryland, and



The Grand Secretary presented a communication from R. Hazlewood, of Richmond, Virginia, which was referred to the Committee of Correspondence.

Rep. Towers, of Virginia, offered the following resolution.

Resolved, That the resolution reported at the last session of the Grand Lodge of the United States by the committee to whom was referred "the subject of inquiring into the propriety of the use of the Encampment Regalia," and adopted by the Grand Lodge, be, and the same is hereby repealed.

Rep. Pearce, of Pennsylvania, moved that the resolution be referred to a special committee of five, which motion prevailed.

The Grand Sire appointed as the committee, Rep's Towers, of Virginia; Glazier, of Delaware; Kennedy, of New York; Borrows, of District of Columbia; and P. G. Sire Wildey.

Rep. Neilson, of Maryland, offered the following resolution, which was adopted.

Resolved, That the price paid for Initiation and the several Degrees, of subordinate Lodges and Encampments, by the several Grand Lodges, Grand Encampments, and subordinate Lodges and Encampments working under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, be referred to a special committee, and that they be directed to take into consideration the propriety of making the same uniform and distinct throughout the United States.

On motion, it was

Ordered, That the committee consist of three, of whom the Grand Sire shall be one, and Chairman thereof.

The Grand Sire appointed in conjunction, Rep's Neilson, of Maryland; and Pearce, of Pennsylvania.

Rep. Sanderson, of Kentucky, offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That the Grand Secretary have procured thirty copies of the Constitution, By-Laws, and General Rules of the Order, bound in pamphlet form, for the use of the members of this Grand Lodge.

Rep. Neilson, of Maryland, presented two resolutions, passed by the Grand Lodge of Maryland, relative to membership and office in the Grand Lodge of the United States, and moved to refer the same to a special committee of three, which was concurred in.

The Chair named Rep's Neilson, of Maryland; Glazier, of Delaware; and Sanderson, of Kentucky, as the committee.

P. G. Sire Wildey submitted the following amendment to the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of the United States, which was referred to the next Annual Communication.

That the Constitution be so altered as to allow the Grand Lodge of the United States to hold its meeting on the fourth Monday in October, in lieu of the first Monday in October.

P. G. Sire Wildey offered the following, which was determined in the negative.

Special Committee.-There is no record of the persons composing this committee. The reports are signed by the Chairman only.

Resolved, That the amount of dues sent to the Grand Lodge of the United States, either for charter or per centage, must be in money current where the Grand Lodge of the United States is located.

P. G. Sire Wildey offered the following, which was read and decided in the affirmative.

Resolved, That each state Grand Lodge shall furnish their Representative with all documents and papers belonging to him, instead of sending them to the Grand Secretary of this Grand Lodge.

On motion, the Grand Lodge adjourned until this afternoon, at four o'clock.

WEDNESDAY, 4 o'clock, P. M.

The Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment: Present, the Officers, and a due representation.

Rep. Sanderson, of Kentucky, from the Committee on Petitions, presented the following report.

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

The Committeee on Petitions, to whom was referred the Petition of J. B. Campbell and others, praying for a charter for an Encampment of Patriarchs to be located at Winchester, Virginia, and hailed by the title of "Widows' Friend Encampment, No. 5," beg leave to report favorably, and recommend the adoption of the following resolution.

Resolved, That the prayer of the petitioners be granted.



On motion, the report was accepted and the resolution adopted. Rep. Sanderson, of Kentucky, from the Committee on Petitions, presented the following report.

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

The Committee on Petitions, to whom was referred the petition of the Officers and members of Mt. Hebron Encampment, No. 2. of New York, requesting a new charter for said Encampment in lieu of the dispensation under which it now works, beg leave to report the following resolution: Resolved, That the prayer of the petitioners* be granted without fee.


On motion the report was accepted and the resolution adopted.

• The prayer of the petitioners.-The persons composing this Encampment were the same who applied to the Grand Lodge of the United States for a charter, at the August Session of 1834, and were refused. They subsequently applied to the Encampment indicated by the Grand Lodge, and received the dispensation here surrendered; since which time the whole of the members composing the mother Encampment had seceded by acknowledging the authority and superintendence of a body claiming to be a Grand Lodge, unauthorized by the Grand Lodge of the United States-thus vitiating any powers of superintendence it might be supposed to possess. The powers relative to Encampments, in the state of New York, had reverted again to the Grand Lodge of the United States, by the recall of the original charter of the Grand Lodge of that state, in May of 1837, and had been retained by the Grand Lodge of the United States.

Rep. Sanderson, of Kentucky, from the Committee on Petitions, presented the following report.

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

The Committee on Petitions, to whom was referred the application for a charter to open a Lodge at Mobile, Alabama, from P. G. Levi Kellum, and others; and, also, the protest against the granting said charter, from certain brethren in Mobile, ask leave to report, that from all the facts which they have been able to learn in connexion with the subject, they are of the opinion that the welfare of the Order, will not be advanced by granting the application of the petitioners. They, therefore, recommend the adoption of the following resolution.

Resolved, That it is inexpedient to grant the prayer of the petitioners at present.


On motion, the report was accepted and the resolution adopted. Rep. Ridgely, of Ohio, from a majority of the special committee, to whom was referred the correspondence between Virginius Lodge, No. 3, Virginia, and Travellers' Rest Lodge, No. 1, Missouri, presented the following report.

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

The select committee to whom was referred the correspondence between Virginius Lodge, of Virginia; and Travellers' Rest Lodge, of St. Louis, Missouri; in reference to the admission of P. W. Kenaday to membership in Travellers' Rest Lodge, beg leave to report, that there is existing at this time state Grand Lodges in Virginia and Missouri, the subject is properly referable to them, and this Grand Lodge at this stage of the matter has no jurisdiction of the subject. They, therefore, ask leave respectfully to be discharged from the further consideration of it.


Rep. Glazier, of Delaware, from a minority of the special committee, to whom was referred the correspondence between Virginius Lodge, No. 3, Virginia, and Travellers' Rest Lodge, No. 1, Missouri, presented the following report.

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

The minority of the committee to whom was referred the correspondence between Virginius Lodge of Virginia, and Travellers' Rest Lodge, of Missouri, in reference to the admission of Peter W. Kenaday to membership in Travellers' Rest Lodge, beg leave to report: That the admission of said member by a lodge (at the time under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, and in the opinion of the said minority, still under its jurisdiction,) is a violation of its duty to this Grand Lodge; and a want of proper respect to the Grand Lodge of Virginia, and to Virginius Lodge under

the jurisdiction of said Grand Lodge. The minority considering it the right and duty of any subordinate lodge, (whether under the government of a state Grand Lodge or not) to notice and report to this Grand Lodge, any infringements of the regulations of the Order by lodges under the direction of this Grand Lodge, recommend the adoption of the following resolution.


Resolved, That Travellers' Rest Lodge, in Missouri, be informed by the Grand Secretary, of the charges preferred against it by Virginius Lodge, in the state of Virginia, through the Grand Representative of Virginia, and be instructed, if the same charges be correctly reported, that this Grand Lodge requires that the grievance complained of by Virginius Lodge be corrected.

On motion, the reports were laid on the table.

On motion, the Grand Lodge adjourned to meet at eight o'clock, this eve ning.

WEDNESDAY, 8 o'clock, P. M.

The Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment; Present, the Officers and a due representation.

On motion, the reports, as submitted, relative to the correspondence between Virginius Lodge No. 3, Virginia, and Travellers' Rest Lodge No. 1, St. Louis, Missouri, were taken up for consideration.

Rep. Towers, of Virginia, moved that the report of the majority, be postponed, in order to first consider the report of the minority. The yeas and nays on that question being called, were as follows:

YEAS-Rep's Borrows, Glazier, McCulley and Towers-4.

NAYS-Rep's Kennedy, Pearce, 2 votes; and P. G. Sire Wildey-4. There being an equality of votes, the Grand Sire gave the casting vote in the negative.

So the motion was lost.

The question then recurring on the acceptance of the report, offered by the majority of the committee. The yeas and nays being called, were as follows:

YEAS-Rep's Kennedy, Pearce, 2 votes; and P. G. Sire Wildey-4. NAYS-Rep's Borrows, Glazier, McCulley and Towers-4.

There being a tie, the Grand Sire gave the casting vote in the affirmative.

The report of the majority was therefore adopted.

On motion of Rep. Pearce, of Pennsylvania, the Grand Secretary was instructed to inform the Grand Lodges of Virginia and Missouri, of the action of this body in the premises.

Rep. Pearce, of Pennsylvania, from the Committee of Finance, presented the following report.

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

The Committee of Finance to whom was referred the claims of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky, respectfully report:

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