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Then Rashness strikes the ball away,
And there is oversight.
'A bandy ho!' the people cry;
And so the ball takes flight.

Now, at the length, Good-Liking proves
Content to be their gain.
Thus, in the Tennis Court, Love is
A pleasure mixed with pain.


CARE! Care! go, pack! thou art no mate for me!
Thy thorny thoughts my heart, to death doth wound!
Thou mak'st the Fair seem like a blasted tree!
Thou bring'st ripe years and hoary age to th' ground!
Which makes me sing, to solace my annoy,
'Care! Care! adieu! My heart doth hope for Joy!'

Care! Care! adieu! Thou rival of Delight,
Return unto the cave of dead Despair!
Thou art no guest to harbour in my sprite;
Whose poisoned sighs infect the very air!

Therefore I sing, to solace my annoy, &c.

Care! Care! adieu! and welcome Pleasure now,
Thou, fruit of Joy and ease of Pleasure both,
I wear thy weed! I make a solemn vow;
Let Time, or Chance, be pleased, or be wroth!
I therefore sing, to solace my annoy, &c.

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2 STEт stroke nes selge iis side shall wound; Sue Sazz thou hast broke, depended on his sound:

Our Colege Gates did cry,

sare not stat since Tom did die!'

surge bis to the City,

swer by Carmix bell!

& without time, or pity.
Says Erides not well
o datsun must give o'er

We all in haste drink off our wine,
As if we never should drink more;
So that the reck'ning after nine

Is larger now than that before.

Release this tongue! which erst could say,
'Home, Scholars! Drawer! What's to pay?'

So thou, of Order shalt be Founder;
Making a Ruler for the people :
One that shalt ring thy praises' wonder,
Than t' other six bells in the steeple.
Wherefore, think, when Tom is running,
Our manners wait upon thy cunning!

Then let him raisèd be from ground,
The same in number, weight, and sound!
So may thy conscience rule thy gain;
Or would thy theft might be thy bane!



I CHARGE thee, by those eyes of thine, Give me my heart!

These eyes that stole it out of mine; I felt the smart!

And lest the theft you should deny: Lock, where you keep it in your Eye!

And now I have espied it there.
Thinking to catch it:

You chain and wind it in your Hair!
Fut still I watch it!

And so, get loose from thence, it flies,
And sports again upon your eyes.

Though now to cozen me you seek,
Thinking to hide:

Yet in the dimple of your Cheek
I have descried!

How now! Discovered; it doth skip
Twixt the soft prison of each Lip.

Yes! Yes! I see it, stealing, go
(Lest I should find it!)

Through the long gallery of snow;
And still I mind it!

How! You have shuffled it between
Your breasts! not thinking it is seen.

See! See! I see it creeping in

(Near you,

I fear!)

Through the small crannies of your skin,
To shelter there;

As if that veil could cozen me!
Alas, I know things I not see!

But if not eye, nor hair, nor cheeks,
Nor lip, nor breast, nor heart, it keeps;
Give me them all! for ev'ry part
Thou hast! has part of me, my heart.


AT Stool Ball, LUCIA, let us play
For sugar, cakes, and wine:

Or for a tansy let us pay;

The loss be thine, or mine!

If thou, my Dear! a winner be
At trundling of the ball;
The wager thou shalt have, and me,
And my misfortunes all!

But if, my Sweetest! I shall get,
Then I desire but this-

That likewise I may pay the bet;
And have, for all, a kiss!

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