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mated cost of lands, easements, and rights-of-way under provisions. of section 1 of the Flood Control Act approved August 28, 1937. Rights-of-way are being furnished as needed.

Operations and results during fiscal year.-Operations during the fiscal year consisted of the completion of Island Creek barrier dam and the preparation of plans and specifications for the remaining pumping plants, all movable closures, and pumps, motors and accessories for pumping plants. The flood of March 1945 necessitated closures of gates and openings and temporary installations of 17 temporary pumps for disposal of interior run-off. By this work the city was saved from inundation, and considerable damage.

The costs during the fiscal year were $299,353.74 from regular funds for new work. The expenditures were $419,617.35.

Condition at end of fiscal year.-At the end of the fiscal year, the construction of sections A, B and C, and seven pumping plants, exclusive of pumps and motors, was substantially complete. Federal participation in rights-of-way costs was 59 percent complete. Plans and specifications for the remaining part of the project were 59 percent complete.

The work remaining to be done consists of the construction of five pumping plants and installation of pumps and gates in the completed pumping plants; construction of power distribution facilities for pumping plants; completion of Federal participation in rights-of-way costs; purchase and installation of movable closures; preservation and repair prior to turning over to local interests, and formal assignment of the project to local interests for operation and maintenance.

The total costs to the end of the fiscal year were $3,463,789.46 from regular funds and $4,623.12 from Emergency Relief funds, a total of $3,468,412.58 all for new work. The expenditures were $3,459,199.93 from regular funds and $4,623.12 from Emergency Relief funds, a total of $3,463,823.05.

Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended on June 30, 1945, amounting to $100,090.07, plus an allotment of $550,000 made in July 1945, will be applied as follows:

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No additional funds can be profitably expended during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1947, as the project will be completed with available funds.

Cost and financial summary


Cost of new work to June 30, 1945
Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1945

Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1945 Minus accounts payable June 30, 1945

Net total expenditures

Unexpended balance June 30, 1945

Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1945

1 $3, 468, 412.58

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Location.-Brookport is located in Massac County, Ill., on the right bank of the Ohio River, 937.4 miles below Pittsburgh, Pa. Existing project. The plan of improvement provides for the construction of a system of levees and concrete flood walls, consisting of 18,900 feet of new earth levee, 760 feet of roadway levee, and 3,530 feet of concrete wall, extending south from high ground about 1 mile northeast of the city to the bank of the Ohio River, then along the bank of the Ohio River downstream to and across


Davis Bayou, then in a general northerly direction to high ground about 1.2 miles northwest of the city and 1,000 feet west of U. S. Highway No. 45; three pumping plants for the disposal of interior drainage; and appurtenant structures.

The project will provide protection for Brookport, Ill., and will afford a freeboard of 3 feet above a flood equal to the maximum flood of record, which occurred in 1937.

The existing project has been selected for construction under the general authorization for the Ohio River Basin contained in the Flood Control Act approved August 28, 1937.

The estimated cost of new work, made in 1938, is $588,000 for construction and $13,800 for lands and damages, of which not more than $4,500 will be borne by the United States.

Local cooperation.-See page 5 for requirements. On October 13, 1938, the President approved a waiver of 32.6 percent of the estimated costs of lands, easements, and rights-of-way, under the provisions of section 1 of the Flood Control Act approved August 28, 1937. The rights-of-way for the project were approved on June 7, 1940, and July 16, 1940.

Operations and results during fiscal year.-Operations during the fiscal year consisted of preservation and repair prior to turning over to local interests and preparation of plans and specifications for movable closure parts. The flood of March 1945 necessitated closure of the three openings and operation of the pumping plants. By this work the city was saved from inundation, and considerable damage was prevented.

The costs during the fiscal year were $2,160.88 from regular funds for new work. The expenditures were $2,189.03.

Condition at end of fiscal year.-At the end of the fiscal year, the project was complete except for purchase and installation of movable closure parts. Furnishing of these closures has been deferred for the duration of the present national emergency.

The work remaining to be done consists of the purchase and installation of movable closures, preservation and repair prior to turning over to local interests, and the formal assignment of the project to local interests for operation and maintenance.

The total costs to the end of the fiscal year were $561,063.02 from regular funds and $402.07 from Emergency Relief funds, a total of $561,465.09, all for new work. The expenditures were $561,022.70 from regular funds and $402.07 from Emergency Relief funds, a total of $561,424.77.

Proposed operations.-The balance unexpended on June 30, 1945, amounting to $2,596.96, will be applied as follows:

Accounts payable June 30, 1945

New work (regular funds):

Preparation of construction plans and specifications for movable closures (hired labor, July 1, 1945 to June 30, 1946)

Preservation and repair prior to turning over to local interests (hired labor, July 1, 1945 to June 30, 1946)

Total, new work


1, 556. 64


2, 556. 64

Total for all work


The additional sum of $28,500 can be profitably expended during the fiscal year 1946 or 1947 for purchase and installation of movable closure parts which will complete the project.

Cost and financial summary

Cost of new work to June 30, 1945
Cost of maintenance to June 30, 1945

Total cost of permanent work to June 30, 1945

Minus accounts payable June 30, 1945

Net total expenditures

Unexpended balance June 30, 1945

Total amount appropriated to June 30, 1945

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Amount (estimated) required to be appropriated for completion of existing project 2

Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year 1946 or 1947 for new work


1 Includes $402.07 Emergency Relief Funds.

2, 556. 64

28, 500.00

28, 500. 00

2 Exclusive of available funds.

22. MOUNDS AND MOUND CITY, OHIO RIVER BASIN, ILL. Location. This project is located in Pulaski County, Ill., on the right bank of the Ohio River about 8 miles above the mouth.

Existing project. The plan of improvement provides for the construction of a system of levees and concrete flood walls and channel diversion, consisting of the following features: The Ohio River section, including 4,860 feet of new earth levee, 20,120 feet of levee enlargement, and 785 feet of concrete wall, extending from high ground about 3 miles north of Mound City along the riverside of State Highway No. 37 and the right bank of the Ohio River to a point about 2,000 feet northwest of the mouth of Cache River; the Cache River diversion, section 1, including the excavation of 3,890 feet of channel and the construction of 4,830 feet of new earth levee, and section 2, including the excavation of 1,370 feet of channel and the construction of 600 feet of new earth levee, both sections of the channel to extend from the abandoned Illinois

Central Railroad bridge location over the Cache River near Cache, Ill., to the Mississippi River near the Beechridge gage, and both sections of the new earth levee to extend from high ground just east of the upstream end of the diversion channel to the northwest corner of the existing Cairo drainage district levee. Section 2 of the Cache River diversion also includes the construction of 2,450 feet of new earth levee extending downstream along the Ohio River from the lower end of the Ohio River section, across the old bed of the Cache River to the northeast corner of the Cairo drainage district levee. Two pumping plants for the disposal of interior drainage and other appurtenant structures are included in the project.

The project will provide protection for Mounds and Mound City, Ill., and about 8,600 acres of agricultural land and will afford a freeboard of 3 feet above a flood equal to the maximum flood of record, which occurred in 1937.

The existing project was authorized by the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938.

The estimated cost of new work, revised in 1945, is $1,758,400 for construction and $495,100 for lands and damages, of which $485,800 will be borne by the United States.

Local cooperation.-Provisions of section 2 of the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938, apply to the diversion of the Cache River; whereas the provisions of section 3 of the Flood Control Act approved June 22, 1936, apply to levees and flood walls. Rights-ofway for the levee and flood wall were approved on June 7, 1940 and July 25, 1940.

Operations and results during fiscal year.-Operations during the fiscal year consisted of the conduct of negotiations and condemnations for rights-of-way necessary for diversion; continuation of work on plans and specifications for deferred work, and preservation and repair prior to turning over to local interests for maintenance. The flood of March 1945 necessitated building a temporary mud box levee 60 feet long to prevent entrance of flocdwaters into the protected zone. The costs during the fiscal year were $23,486.18 from regular funds for new work. The expenditures were $24,556.08.

Condition at end of fiscal year.-At the end of the fiscal year the construction of the Ohio River section was complete; contract construction of Cache River diversion, unit I, was terminated when 46 percent complete; rights-of-way for the Cache River diversion were in possession of the United States; contracts were in effect for construction of bridges and relccations, and plans and specifications for the remaining features of work were well advanced. Work under all contracts requiring the use of critical material in construction has been deferred for the duration of the war emergency.

The work remaining to be done consists of the completion of plans and specifications, completion of construction of unit I of the Cache River diversion, the construction of bridges and relocation for the Cache River diversion, the construction of unit II of Cache River diversion and pumping plants, preservation and repair prior

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