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Resolved, That the Grand Lodge do now proceed to nominate Grand Officers for the succeeding term.

Whereupon, the following nominations were made for Grand Sire: By Rep. Sanderson, of Maryland, P. G. M. George Keyser, of Maryland.

By Rep. Mowatt, of New York, P. G. M. Daniel P. Marshall, of New York.

By Rep. Hopkins, of Pennsylvania, P. G M. John Pearce, of New Jersey.

By Rep. Stelle, of District of Columbia, P. G. M. William Skinner, of Pennsylvania.

On motion, the Grand Lodge adjourned to eight o'clock this evening.

THURSDAY, 8 o'clock, P. M.

The Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment: Present, the same Officers and Representatives as in the afternoon.

On motion, it was

Resolved, That the Grand Lodge do now proceed to the election of Grand Officers. The Grand Sire declared the poll open, and appointed as tellers, Rep's Ridgely, of Ohio, and Wildey, of Delaware.

The tellers reported that P. G. M. George Keyser, had received a majority of all the votes cast.

Whereupon, the Grand Sire declared P. G. M. GEORGE KEYSER, of Maryland, duly elected Grand Sire for the next term.

Rep. Sanderson, of Maryland, nominated P. G. M. Daniel P. Marshall, of New York, for Deputy Grand Sire.

The poll was then opened, and the tellers reported that all the votes were cast for P. G. M. Marshall.

Whereupon, the Grand Sire declared P. G. M. DANIEL P. MARSHALL, of New York, duly elected Deputy Grand Sire for the next term.

Rep. Mowatt, of New York, presented a statement of the account now due this Grand Lodge, by the Grand Lodge of New York, and asked a remission of the same to 1833.

On motion, the subject was referred to a special committee.

The Grand Sire appointed as the committee, Rep's Keyser, of Maryland; Ridgely, of Ohio; and Lucas, of Louisiana.

Rep. Keyser, of Maryland, from the special committee to whom was referred the subject of the remission of account due from the Grand Lodge of New York, presented the following report.

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

The committee to whom was referred the application of the Representative of New York, for the remission of amount due this body from the Grand Lodge of New York, report, that they have considered the subject referred, and recommend the adoption of the accompanying resolution.


Resolved, That the amount due the Grand Lodge of the United States, by the Grand Lodge of New York, up to September, 1833, be remitted.*

On motion, the report was accepted, and the resolution adopted.

In consequence of the Grand Lodge of New York being in arrears more than two years for dues, and not entitled to vote at the election of Grand Sire, the Grand Sire elect offered his resignation.

The question was taken on accepting the resignation, and decided in the negative, by the casting vote of the Grand Sire.

The Grand Lodge then proceeded in the election.

The following nominations were made:

For Grand Secretary, D. G. Sire Robert Neilson, of Maryland. For Grand Treasurer, P. G. Charles Mowatt, of New York.

The poll was then opened, and the tellers reported that D. G. Sire Neilson had received all the votes for Grand Secretary; and P. G. Charles Mowatt, all the votes for Grand Treasurer.

Whereupon, the Grand Sire declared D. G. Sire ROBERT NEILSON, of Maryland, duly elected Grand Secretary; and P. G. CHARLES MOWATT, of New York, duly elected Grand Treasurer, for the coming term.

P. G. M. George Keyser, of Maryland, Grand Sire elect, tendered his resignation, which was accepted.

On motion, the Grand Lodge proceeded to the election of Grand Sire. P. G. M. George Keyser, of Maryland, was nominated.

The poll was opened, and the tellers reported that all the votes were cast for P. G. M. Keyser.

Whereupon, the Grand Sire declared P. G. M. GEORGE KEYSER, of Maryland, unanimously elected Grand Sire for the coming term.

On motion, the Grand Lodge adjourned to meet at three o'clock tomorrow afternoon.

FRIDAY, October 10th, 3 o'clock, P. M.

The Grand Lodge met pursuant to adjournment: Present, the same Officers and Representatives as yesterday.

Rep. Wildey, of Delaware, from the Committee of Finance, presented the following report.

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

The Committee of Finance, to whom was referred sundry bills for travelling expenses, report that a less amount should be charged, and cannot recommend their payment.



Whereupon, on motion, the following was adopted:

Be remitted.-This was the first case in which the dues of a Grand Lodge were absolutely re mitted; although at the January session, 1834, a resolution was adopted of the nature of a remission, in granting to the Grand Lodge of New Jersey the arrearages of the subordinate lodges in that state, due to the Grand Lodge of the United States. We are much gratified in being enabled to announce, in connection with this precedent, that at a recent session of the Grand Lodge of New York, an order was made to pay into the treasury of the Grand Lodge of the United States, immediately, the amount so remitted, with legal interest.

Resolved, That the report be re-committed, with instructions to report the whole amount of such bills as ought to be paid by the Grand Lodge.

On motion, it was


Resolved, That P. G. M. Pearce, formerly Representative of New York, and G. M. Ridgely, Representative of Ohio, be discharged from the committee on funeral obsequies.

The Grand Sire then appointed Rep. Keyser, of Maryland; Ridgely, of Ohio; and Lucas, of Louisiana, the committee on funeral obsequies. Rep. Wildey, of Delaware, from the Committee on Finance, presented the following report.

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

The Committee appointed te examine the accounts of the Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary, report:

That the Grand Secretary has received,

And has paid to the Grand Treasurer,

For sundry small expenses,

[merged small][ocr errors]

$204 56

$149 00

7 93

156 93

847 63

$308 49

127 00

8181 49

Also, that the Grand Treasurer has received,
And has paid out,

Leaving a balance in his hands of

The above accounts being for the past year.
All of which is respectfully submitted.

On motion, the report was accepted.



Rep. Wildey, of Delaware, from the Committee of Finance, presented the following report.

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

The Committee of Finance report, that they have examined the bills referred to them, and find them correct, according to their judgment.


Rep. Hopkins, of Pennsylvania, offered the following:

Resolved, That that part of the report, requiring the bill of P. G. Sire Wildey to be paid, for travelling expenses, be rejected.

The question was taken by yeas and nays, as follows:

YEAS-Rep's Keyser, Hopkins, 2 votes, and Pearce-4.
NAYS-Rep's Mowatt, Stelle, Wildey and Ridgely-4.


There being an equality of votes, the Grand Sire gave the casting vote in the negative.

The report of the committee was then adopted, and orders drawn on the Grand Treasurer for the several amounts.

The Representative of Pennsylvania made the following protest.

The Representative of Pennsylvania doth hereby solemnly protest against the vote of this Grand Lodge, directing payment of the expenses of P. G. Sire Wildey, amounting to sixty-two dollars, on his tour to Washington and New York, during the sittings of this Grand Lodge in said cities; the Representative being firmly convinced, that such an appropriation of the funds of this Grand Lodge is not warranted by the Constitution, By-Laws or rules of this Grand Lodge.

The following resolution was presented:


Resolved, That the Grand Lodge of the state of New York be, and they are hereby authorized to open the said Grand Lodge in the city of New York, for the purpose of admitting as members of the Grand Lodge, such Past Grands as are members of the lodges in the city of New York, and are regularly qualified to become such members. The question was taken by yeas and nays, and decided in the affirmative. Yeas 5-Nays 2.

Rep. Keyser, of Maryland, from a majority of the special committee to whom was referred the printed communication and accompanying documents, from the Grand Lodge of Ohio, presented the following report.

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

The majority of the committee to whom was referred the Constitution and By-Laws of the Grand Lodge of Ohio, annexed to which is accompanied a printed Constitution, purporting to be the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of the United States, ask leave to report:

That they have carefully examined the documents, and find nothing contained in the Constitution and By-Laws of the Grand Lodge of Ohio, requiring the attention of this Grand Lodge. They beg leave, however, to call the attention of the Grand Lodge of Ohio to an error which they have fallen into, in printing the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of the United States, to wit: in transposing the name, style and title of this Grand Lodge, by substituting the title, Order of Independent Odd Fellows, instead of Independent Order of Odd Fellows, as it is styled and known by the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of the United States. Your committee believe it to have been an error, and as such ask leave to present the following order.

Ordered, by the Grand Lodge of the United States, That the Grand Secretary notify the Grand Lodge of Ohio, that they have erroneously printed the name, style and title of this Grand Lodge, in the pamphlet containing their own Constitution and ByLaws; and that they are hereby directed to rectify the same.

All of which is respectfully submitted.


Rep. Hopkins, of Pennsylvania, from the minority of the special committee to whom was referred the printed communication and accompanying documents, from the Grand Lodge of Ohio, presented the following report.

To the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States:

The minority of the committee to whom was referred a pamphlet, purporting to be the Constitution and By-Laws of the Grand Lodge of Ohio; also the Constitution of this Grand Lodge, printed by order of the Grand Lodge of Ohio, report:

That they have carefully examined the same, and find the title page incorrect; the words "Order of Independent Odd Fellows," are used in place of the title adopted in the Constitution of this Grand Lodge.

In article 1st, sections 1 and 2, the same title is inserted.

Your committee also find that the same title is printed in the preamble and first article of the Constitution of this Grand Lodge; which appear to your committee to be a perversion of the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of the United States.

The Grand Lodge of Ohio having undertaken to print, for the use of their members, the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of the United States, ought not to have made the slightest alteration therein; they have, however, undertaken to change the style and title of this Grand Lodge, which your committee think highly censurable.

Your committee are inclined to believe, that the alteration of the title, as before mentioned, did not arise from any design to interfere with the acts and decisions of this Grand Lodge, but from an error which they may have been led into by the title page of the charge books delivered to them.

Resolved, That the Grand Lodge of Ohio be directed to change the style and title, so as to conform to the style and title of the Grand Lodge of the United Sates, to whom they are subordinate; so that it appear in all their proceedings that the style and title is the Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. And that they be instructed, that whenever they find it expedient to print any paper or document, purporting to come from the Grand Lodge of the United States, it must be printed without alteration.

On motion, the following was adopted.


Resolved, That the reports of the majority and minority of the committee be debated at the same time.

The question was taken on adopting the report of the majority, and decided in the negative.

The question was then taken on adopting the report of the minority, and decided by yeas and nays in the affirmative.

YEAS-Rep's Hopkins, 2 votes, Stelle, Wildey, Pearce and P. G. Sire Wildey-6.

NAYS-Rep's Keyser, Mowatt and Ridgely-3.

The Representative of Ohio then offered the following protest:

I, James L. Ridgely, Representative of the Grand Lodge of Ohio, to the Grand Lodge of the United States, do solemnly protest against the right of the Grand Lodge of the United States to interfere with the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of the state of Ohio, of the Order of Independent Odd Fellows-because, there is nothing therein contained in opposition to the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of the United States, or in violation of the ancient usages or landmarks of the Order.


On motion, the Grand Lodge closed the Annual Session.

SAMUEL PRYOR, Grand Secretary.

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