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petuities, always inconvenient; and, in this Country, serving only to impoverish the present Possessor: And no doubt, when these Things shall be remembred hereafter, it will be the Honour of your Administration, that They were passed by You, and received a Lasting Duration, from Your good Offices.

We are very sensible how much this Colony owes to Your good Conduct in the Government; and that all Your Actions are directed to a faithful Discharge of Your Duty to His Majesty, and to promote our Common Good: and should we distrust so just and upright a Magistrate, it would be discountenancing a virtuous Administration, and making no Difference between That and the greatest Enormities, Tyranny and Oppression; or should we with-hold our Confidence from a Person, who for so many Years has never once abused it, we might justly be reckoned an unworthy Representative of a grateful People.

Permit us, therefore, to give You the strongest Assurances, that You can propose no Measures to us, that will not have all possible Weight; relying upon You as our Common Friend, always disposed to hear and redress every Thing that may happen amiss among us, and worthy of the Applause of all wise Men.


GENTLEMEN,-This is a very kind Address: And as I persuade myself, it expresses the real Sentiments of the whole House, it gives me great Satisfaction, and confirms the Hopes I had entertained, that all Matters which shall fall under the Consideration of this Representative of the good People of Virginia, will be happily concluded, with the same Disinterestedness, Moderation, and good Temper,

I have hitherto experienced in former Sessions. And therefore, with my hearty Thanks, I give you this faithful Assurance, that in all things proper for me to do, you shall not want my Concurrence and Assistance.


WILLIAMSBUTG, August 13th, 1736.

The following is a List of the Burgesses returned to serve in this present General Assembly.

Accomack. Mr. Henry Scarburg, Mr. Sacker Parker.
Amelia. Mr. Edward Booker, Mr. Richard Jones.
Brunswick. Mr. Henry Embry, Mr. John Wall.
Charles City County. Mr. W. Acrill, Mr. B. Harrison.
Caroline. Mr. Robert Fleming, Mr. Jonathan Gibson.
Elizabeth City County. Mr. W. Westwood, Mr. Merit

Essex. Mr Tho. Waring, Mr. Salvator Muscoe.

Gloucester. Mr. Fran. Willis, Mr. Lawrence Smith.

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Mr. Edw. Scott, Mr. James Holman.
None Elected.

Henrico. Mr. Rich. Randolph, Mr. William Kennon.
James City County. Mr. W. Marable, Mr. J. Eaton.
James-Town. Mr. Lewis Burwell.

Isle of Wight. Mr. Joseph Grey

King- George. Mr. Charles Carter, Mr. Tho. Turner. King-William. Mr. Cornel. Lyde, Mr. Leon. Claiborne. King and Queen. Mr. J. Robinson, Mr. Gawin Corbin. Lancaster. Mr. Edwin Conway, Mr. James Ball. Middlesex. Mr. Tho. Price, Mr. Edmund Berkeley. Nansemond. Mr. Daniel Pugh, Mr. Lemuel Reddick. New-Kent. Mr. William Macon.

Norfolk. Mr. William Craford, Mr. Samuel Boush.

Northampton. Mr. Matth. Harmanson, Mr. P. Bowdoin.
Northumberland. Mr. Peter Presly, Mr. Geo. Ball.
Orange. Mr. Robert Green, Mr. William Beverley.
Princess-Anne. Mr. Anth. Walke, Mr. Jacob Elligood.
Prince-George. Mr. Fran. Eppes, Mr. Rob. Munford.
Prince-William. Mr. Tho. Osborn, Mr. Val. Peyton.
Richmond. Mr. J. Woodbridge, Mr. William Fantleroy.
Spotsylvania. Mr. William Johnson, Mr. Rice Curtis.
Stafford. Mr. Henry Fitzhugh, Mr. John Peyton.
Surry. Mr. Thomas Edmunds.

Warwick. Mr. William Rascow, Mr. Thomas Haynes.
Westmoreland. Mr. William Aylett, Mr. Dan. McCarty.
Williamsburg. Mr. John Blair.

York. Mr. Edw. Digges, Mr. John Buckner.

College of William and Mary. Sir John Randolph, Knt. Speaker.


[We copy the following notice of Norfolk Town, or Borough, as it was in 1736, (then freshly enjoying her newly-acquired privileges of incorporation, and the visit of her first Recorder Sir Joha Randolph, with lively satisfaction,) from the Virgin'a Gazette of November 26, of that year; which, we think, wili interest our readers in that city (as it now is) and perhaps some others elsewhere.]

WILLIAMSBURG, November 26, 1736.

The Inhabitants of Norfolk Town, in this Colony, having for several Years past, flourish'd in Trade, by their sending Vessels to Sea, loaden with the Commodities of this Country, which returned with those of other Countries, by which several of the Merchants are become very considerable; and the Number of their Inhabitants increasing,

they lately petitioned the Governor for a Charter, to incorporate them, which was accordingly granted; and an Act of Assembly pass'd the last Session, to confirm and strengthen the said Charter; by which they are incorporated by the Name of the Borough of Norfolk; and are to consist of a Maior, Recorder, and 8 Aldermen; who have Power to hold a Court of Hustings, &c. and to choose 16 Common Council Men; with several Privileges, Immunities, &c. granted by the said Charter; in which the following Gentlemen are nominated, viz. Samuel Boush, Gent. Maior, Sir John Randolph, Knt. Recorder, George Newton, Samuel Boush, Jun., John Hutchins, Robert Tucker, John Taylor, Samuel Smith, Jun., James Ivy, and Alexander Campbell, Gentlemen, Aldermen. The first Maior dying soon after the Grant of the said Charter, he is succeeded by G. Newton, Gent.


Sir John Randolph being so appointed Recorder of the said Borough, made a Visit to them, and was on Thursday the 18th Instant, sworn into that Office accordingly: And he being impowered to appoint a Deputy, to act in his Absence, did appoint David Osheall, Gent. Deputy-Recorder of the said Borough, who was accordingly qualified.

On this Occasion of Sir John's Visit, the Gentlemen of the said Town and Neighbourhood, shew'd him all imaginable Respect, by displaying the Colours, and firing the Guns of the Vessels lying there, and entertaining him at their Houses, in the most elegant Manner, for several Days; amply signalizing their great Respect, on this joyful Occasion.


[We copy the following obituary notice of this distinguished and accomplished gentleman, the first lawyer of our colony in his time, from the Virginia Gazette of March 11th, 1736, old style, or 1737, new. It is evidently written by no common hand, and well deserves a place in our pages.]

Williamsburg, March 11. On Monday last, the Hon. Sir John Randolph, Knt. Speaker of the House of Burgesses, Treasurer of this Colony, and Representative for William and Mary College, was interred in the Chapel of the said College. He was (according to his own Directions) carried from his House to the Place of Interment, by Six honest, industrious, poor House-keepers of Bruton Parish; who are to have Twenty Pounds divided among them: And the Rev. Mr. Dawson, one of the Professors of that College, pronounced a Funeral Oration, in Latin. His Corps was attended by a very numerous Assembly of Gentlemen and others, who paid the last Honours to him, with great Solemnity, Decency, and Respect. He was in the 44th Year of his Age.

He was a Gentleman of one of the best Families in this Country. Altho' what Livy says of the Romans, soon af ter the Foundation of their City, be very applicable to us here, (in novo populo, ubi omnis repentina nobilitas fit,) yet his Family was of no mean Figure in England, before it was transplanted hither. Sir THOMAS RANDOLPH was of a Collateral Branch, who had the Honour, in several important Embassies, to serve Q. ELIZABETH, one of the wisest Princes, that ever sat on the English Throne, very nice and difficult, and happy, even to a Proverb, in the Choice of her Ministers. Among these, Sir Thomas made no inconsiderable Figure, and is acknowledged to have

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