Automotive Handbook

H. Bauer (Dipl.-Ing.)
Bentley Publishers, 1996 - 892 pages
Bosch literature sets the standard for concise explanations of the function and engineering of automotive systems and components: from Fuel Injection, to Anti-lock Braking Systems, to Alarm Systems.

These books are a great resource for anyone who wants quick access to advanced automotive engineering information. The vocational or technical school instructor faced with tough questions from inquiring students will find welcome answers in their pages. Advanced enthusiasts who want to understand what goes on under the skin of today's sophisticated automobiles will find the explanations they seek. And motivated technicians who want to cultivate a confident expertise will find the technical information they need.

Both handbooks are fully stitched, case bound and covered with strong but flexible "shop-proof" vinyl for long life. Each of these exhaustive reference manuals includes application-specific material gathered from the engineers of leading European auto companies and other original equipment manufacturers, as well as input from leading authorities at universities throughout the world. Each book is edited by the same Bosch technical experts who design and build the world's finest automotive and diesel systems and components.

In every field there's a single, indispensable reference work that rises above the rest. In the automotive world that reference is the blue Automotive Handbook from Bosch. Now in its brand new 4th edition and expanded to over 840 pages. With more than 1,000 cut-away illustrations, diagrams, tables and sectional drawings, this definitive encyclopedia of automotive engineering information is both exhaustive and accessible, making even sophisticated automotiveconcepts easy to visualize and understand.

The 4th edition includes an all-new, comprehensive section on Vehicle Dynamics Control (VDC), that covers traction control system design and operation. 19 other subject areas have been expanded and updated.

Section headings in the new 4th edition include:
-- Vehicle Dynamics Control (NEW!)
-- Sensors
-- Reliability
-- Lighting
-- Air supply
-- Mathematics
-- Navigation systems
-- Braking equipment
-- Power transmission
-- Chassis
-- Starting and ignition
-- Comfort and safety
-- General technical knowledge
-- Motor-vehicle dynamics
-- Vehicle bodies, passenger and commercial
-- Symbols used in vehicle electrical systems
-- Vehicle windows and window cleaning
-- Heating and air conditioning
-- Communication and information systems
-- Vehicle hydraulics and pneumatics
-- Environmental effects of vehicle equipment
-- Actuators
-- Quality
-- Vehicle drives
-- Fuel metering
-- Physics
-- Driver information
-- Materials science
-- Road-vehicle systems
-- Alarm & signaling systems
-- Engine exhaust gases
-- Road traffic legislation

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