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teacher, possesses the fullest confidence and respect of the pupils. In his school work no little patience and tact has had to be exercised in order to secure the good results attained and now that a very comfortable dwelling-house has been erected for him, I hope that his occupancy of the position may be so much more permanent as to enable him to follow up the good results attained with still better.

D. McCaig, Esq., Inspector, District of Algoma.

Indian Schools.

Along the Rainy River, from its mouth to Fort Francis, a distance of about ninety miles, four Indian Schools are situated, in the following order: First, Hungry Hall School, near the mouth of the river where it enters the Lake of the Woods. This school is built about a mile in from the bank of the river, and is surrounded by the forest, with no clearing whatever around the school house. The second is located about forty miles up the river, and is known as the Long Sault Indian School. The third is about eight miles farther up the river, and is known as the Manitou Rapids School, and the last is about twenty miles still farther up the river, and is called the Little Forks Indian School. It is also about eighteen miles from Fort Francis, the end of Rainy River navigation.


The school houses at all these points are exactly similar in size and structure, all of them being about 18 x 20 feet in ground dimensions, and about eight or nine feet in height of walls, the walls being built of hewn logs, and all of them roofed with bark, and none of them rain-proof. None of them have ceilings between the floor and rafters, and are consequently very cold in winter. The openings between the logs of the walls are plastered with a light, friable soil (not clay), which crumbles and falls down with every shower, and the frosts and thaws of fall and spring, so that both within and without the building may sometimes be seen a ridge of this fallen plaster three or four inches in thickness, which has been allowed to accumulate for weeks, perhaps for months. Cleanliness is, of course, impossible under these conditions.

The furnishing of these schools is also bad throughout. A few long, rough tables and long, backless benches, being all that is supplied in the way of furniture. None of the schools have any enclosed yard around them, nor are there any closets or outhouses of any kind in connection with them. This is not, perhaps, a serious want in summer, as all the schools are either surrounded by the forest or placed on the open common, but in winter it must be found a great inconvenience if young children are in attendance.

Educational Progress.

I do not think that under present conditions any satisfactory educational progress is possible. Teachers have no control whatever over Indian children in the way of promoting regularity of attendance, and parents simply do not care, and make little or no effort to assist the teacher in any way whatever. On June 7th, when I visited the school, on Manitou Rapids, I found in attendance only five small children about five years of age, who had scarcely made a beginning in school work, while playing around the tents and dwellings of the Indians, within sight of the school, none of them more than half a mile distant, I counted from twenty to thirty children who had not attended school for weeks together; and this is the general experience all along the river.

Government money is simply thrown away under the present system To begin with, the teachers generally employed in Indian schools know nothing whatever about teaching, while to be successful in an Indian school, the very highest teaching ability and a knowledge of the principles of teaching is absolutely necessary to insure any degree of success, but the absence of all these is often the rule as regards the management of an Indian

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school. Along Rainy River especially, those who become financially stranded, find refuge and relief for a time in an Indian school, and in a few months move on to some other haven.

One of the teachers I met in my last visit to the Rainy River Indian schools had been employed for twenty years in the Hudson Bay service at Apuk Factory, and had never taught a day till he took charge of his present school a few months ago; another had been an iron turner, but had just lately turned to be Indian teacher at Hungry Hall. Many of this class of teachers remain only till they get money enough to move elsewhere, and many of them simply put in time while they do remain.

I may say here that the only Indian schools that I have found making satisfactory progress in the District of Algoma, are those conducted on the Industrial plan. Under this system it is possible to teach habits of order, cleanliness, regularity and industry, with some of the arts and occupations of civilized life. As it is, there is an utter absence of all these in the ordinary Indian school, where children are wholly under the control of their parents.

On the four reserves where schools are established along Rainy River, I judge there are about 200 children of school age. In the four visits which I have now paid to the district, and during which three schools have been visited, the aggregate attendance of all the visits to the four schools would not make up an average of three pupils per school.

This year the attendance at the time of my visit was as follows:

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June is potato-planting and fishing time and may account to some extent for small attendance, but results at the best are not at all an equivalent for the money spent.

Remedy. One good Industrial School for the whole Rainy River district, under a skilful Second Class trained teacher, with a trained assistant and a good matron, to improve the habits and tastes of the children and accomplish something more than teaching words without (to them) any meaning.

Protestant Indian School.

Feb. 5th-Visited the school at Garden River, taught by Miss Lena Brown, who held a Third Class district certificate. I found in attendance 20 Indian children, and 24 names on the school register. Found order very good, and classes ranging over first four books of authorized series, and work fairly well done in all the classes.

Examined classes in reading, spelling, arithmetic, history and grammar, and found good work and intelligent answers throughout.

Visited this school a second time Sept. 26th, and found 27 names on the register and 15 in attendance. Found also that a change of teachers had taken place at midsummer. The lately employed teacher is an old man recently out from England, holding certificate from English training schools, but not likely to do as good work among the Indian children as their late teacher. Found classes much as formerly, but not so well arranged, nor work so satisfactory.

Wawanosh Girls' Home.

Feb. 5th-Visited Wawanosh Home for Indian Girls, situated about three miles from Sault Ste. Marie. Found in attendance 15 pupils, and 23 names on the school register. The small attendance is due to the fact that the school is conducted on the Industrial system. About half the pupils, only, are therefore in attendance during any half day. This school has been taught for about two years by a Miss Champion, who has had considerable experience in private school work, and who manages well among her Indian girls. Found order good, and pupils clean and well dressed. Writing and spelling very good, reading fair. Classes in first four books of authorized series. Arithmetic up to bills of parcels and easy problems in fractions. School doing satisfactory work. Visited this school again on Sept. 26th. Found in attendance 22 pupils and 24 names on the school register. State of progress much as above stated, with some late additions to classes lowering the standing somewhat.

Shingwauk Boys Home.

Visited this school on Feb. 6th, and found in attendance 26 pupils with 37 names on the register. Found also that there had been another change of teachers, a Mr. W. H. Bean, holding a Second Class non-professional certificate, being in charge of the school. He had, however made up his mind to leave shortly. This school is now in a kind of transition state. The difficulty of maintaining it as an industrial school with present means of support seems to be the problem to be solved by the Board of Management.

With the changes above noted, and the uncertainty hanging over it, this school is not in as satisfactory a condition as two years ago. Classes were examined from First to Fourth Book inclusive. Found reading and spelling fair, arithmetic and geography low, which must be attributed in part to the frequent change of teachers which had lately taken place.

Visited this school again on Sept. 27th, and found that another change of teachers had taken place, and that the general manager, Rev. E. F. Wilson, had tendered his resignation, former financial difficulties therefore more pronounced. At the time of my visit the new teacher, Mr. A. H. Tyner, had been in charge only a few weeks, with 22 pupils in attendance and 24 enrolled on the school register. Found a new summer school room had been built, large, well seited and lightel, but heating too expensive to be used in winter; pupils will therefore return to the old school room in the main building for that season. Found also that a number of the old pupils had left, and classes were made up largely of new recruits. Believe present teacher will do fair work if he is left long enough in charge of the school. Classes are still kept up in the first four books of the authorized series, but the standing is generally lower than when the school was at its best two years ago.

Sheguiandah Indian School.

Visited this school Feb. 17th. Found the teacher, Mr. James Keatley, presiding over an attendance of six pupils, attempting to read in First and Part Second of First Book. This, with a little writing, spelling and arithmetic up to simple addition, covered the school programme, with work poorly done at that. No progress appears possible in this school, because of irregular attendance and the utter carelessness of Indian parents. I have visited the English Church clergyman who resides close by the school, and has charge of the mission, but no change for the better has taken place as yet.

Visited this school again on Sept. 17th. Found 14 names on register and 5 pupils in attendance, all in First Book. Interior furnishing of school all bal, have reported the need of desks again and again, but none on hand as yet. This school is the most unsatis factory in the whole district east of Rainy River.

Sucker Creek Indian School.

Visited this school on Feb. 17th. Teacher, Miss Alice Keatley, holding only an entrance certificate. Found school building much improved since last visit in 1891. Inside all well lined with dressed and matched lumber, and school room very clean. Out of 12 pupils enrolled found 6 in attendance, 2 in Third Book, 2 in Second and 2 in First. Reading, writing and spelling fair, but other subjects low. School on the whole somewhat improved.

Visited this school again on Sept. 7th. Found 9 pupils present out of 14 enrolled. Classes as formerly ranging over first three books. Arithmetic up to long division in highest class, but work slow and uncertain.

School room was, however, much improved by a supply of new desks of modern pattern. This, with improved cleanliness, merits a favorable report for the year.

Spanish River Indian School.

Found Miss Carrie Morley

Visited this school for the first time on March 3rd. in charge, an active and lady-like teacher, with considerable experience in private schools. School warm, neat and clean. Pupils well dressed and orderly. 17 enrolled and 10 in attendance. Classes in First and Second Books, Reading, writing and spelling good. Think this school will do well under present teacher. Can at least report favorably for my first visit.

Rev. Geo. Grant, Inspector, Districts of Nipissing and Parry Sound.

Indian Schools.

With one exception the staff of teachers remains the same as at the time of my last report. All the schools of both districts were open during the whole of the school year, and fairly good work has been done in all of them.

Nipissing District.

Nipissing Reserve, Beaucage Bay.

First visit, 29th March. Teacher, Mrs. Isabella Johnston; holds a 3rd Class District Certificate. The daily register showed a total on roll of 12 pupils-classified as follows: Book IV., 3; Book III, 3; Book I., Part 2nd, 3; Book I., Part 1st, 3. Average attendance, 9. Present at time of visit, 11. Classes, No. IV., lately promoted; Arithmetic-well up in the simple rules, just entering upon the compound. Readingvery good, enunciation distinct and emphasis with proper regard to sense. Dictation and spelling fairly good. Writing and drawing fair. No. III.-Arithmetic, fairly well up in multiplication. Reading, distinct and intelligent. Dictation and spelling, fair. No. II. No second class in school at present. No. I., Parts 2nd and 1st-have made a fair beginning. Nos. IV. and III.-Grammar, can name parts of speech and divide sentences into subject and predicate. Practically very little has yet been done in grammar or geography. The writing and drawing are not up to the standard of work done in the other Indian schools.

Second visit, 20th October. On roll, 14, classified: Book IV., 3; Book III., 2; Book II., 2; Book I., Part 2nd, 1; Part 1st, 6. Average attendance, 11. Present, 12. Class IV. Reading, lesson "The Conquest of Bengal," very good, clear and expressive. Arithmetic, class now at reduction, understand the work fairly well. Writing, drawing, dictation and spelling, much the same as on previous visit. Class III.-Reading, fairly good. Arithmetic, now at division and have a good understanding of the subject. Dictation, spelling, writing and drawing, very similar to what was reported on last visit. No. II. Two have been promoted into this class since my last visit but they are quite backward in reading, spelling, dictation and the other branches. The junior classes do very well considering that they are struggling to read in a foreign tongue. Altogether, the impression made upon me as to the work of this school is favorable.

Parry Sound District.

No. 1, Shawanaga.-First visit, 2nd March. Teacher, Miss C. Harrison, 3rd Class District Certificate. On roll, 25; classified: Book III., 2; Book II., 6; Book I., Part 2nd, 6; Part 1st, 11. Average attendance, 16. Present on day of visit, 14. Clases.-Third Book Class, one present, reads fairly well, but room for much improvement in the matter of purity of enunciation and emphasis of expression. Dictation, six lines taken from reading lesson, only one trifling mistake. Arithmetic, at long division, can work the simple rules correctly. Second Book-three present. Reading, pronounce words clearly and appear to read with considerable ease. Arithmetic, working in simple multiplication and can do any reasonable question in this rule. Dictation, fairly good. Part 2nd, 2 present. Part 1st, 7 present, work up to the average usually found in these This school was closed for four weeks, two in January and two in February, on account of the illness of the teacher.



Second visit, 8th December. On roll, 31. Present 20. There have been no promotions since my last visit. Additions to the roll have all been in the primary classes. consequence of the school being closed for 11 weeks during the half year, very little progress has been made in any of the classes since my last visit. The teacher was at her post at the proper time and remained there, but the Indians were absent fishing and berry-picking. These inroads upon the school time are a serious hindrance to the progress of this school. It is a matter of surprise that under the circumstances the pupils are as well advanced as they are.

No. 1, Parry Island.—First visit, 11th March, in company with Dr. Walton, Indian Superintendent. Found on roll, 20. Classified: Book IV., 3; Book III., 3; Book II., 2; Book I., Part 2nd, 4; Book I., Part 1st, 7. Average attendance, 13. Present 12. The day was cold and stormy, and the arrangements for the heating of the school house so carelessly attended to that the pupils were nearly perished with the cold. The examination of the classes was conducted partly by the Indian Superintendent and partly by myself. Reading in the senior classes was fairly good but in too low a tone of voice, in the junior and primary classes, indistinct and monotonous. Arithmetic, fairly good. Dictation and spelling, somewhat inferior. Writing, very good in all the classes. General impression, there was a sad lack of neatness and push in the whole management of the school.

Second visit, 1st September. The teacher was allowed to resign at midsummer, and Miss M. Pace was transferred from No. 2 Parry Island to fill the vacant place. Found on roll for the term, 16. Average attendance 4. Present, 6-as follows: Book III., 1; Book II., 2; Book I., Part 1st, 3. The teacher having been in charge for only two or three weeks and the attendance of pupils so small, no satisfactory opinion could be formed as to the character of the work done. The management was apparently good and the school room itself clean and tidy.

No. 2, Parry Island. First visit, 4th March, in company with Dr. Walton, Indian Superintendent. Teacher, Miss Mary Pace, Certificate, 3rd Class District. Found on roli, 6. Average attendance, 4. Present, 4. Classified, Book IV., 3., 2 present; Book

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