John Wheelwright: His Writings, Including His Fast-day Sermon, 1637 ; and His Mercurius Americanus, 1645 ; with a Paper Upon the Genuineness of the Indian Deed of 1629, and a Memoir |
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aforef againſt alfo amongſt Antinomian becauſe Boſton cafe caufe cauſe cenfure church colony confideration Cotton Mather courſe Court Covenant defired doctrine doth England Engliſh errours eſtabliſhed evidence Exeter faft faid faith fame fayd faynts fecond fedition feems fenfe fermon fettled fettlement fettlers fhall fhould fhow figned firft firſt fome fpeech fpirits fubject fuch fuppofe furely giue Gofpell Governor grace grant Hampſhire hath haue Hift Hiftory himſelf hiſtorical Hutchinfon iffued Indian inftrument John Wheelwright JOHN WINGATE THORNTON Laconia land leaſt Lord Jefus Chrift Maffachuſetts Maffachuſetts Bay Mafs Maſs minifter moſt muft muſt occafion Oldham p'fent paffed paftor patent perfons poffeffed poffeffion pofition prefent purchaſe purpoſe queſtion reafon refpecting Sagamore Samuel Samuel Sharp Savage's Winthrop ſeems ſhall Squamfcot ſtatement thefe themſelves theſe thofe thoſe tion unleffe uſed Vane vnto vpon Waldron WARD DEAN wayes Wheel Wheelwright deed William wright
Popular passages
Page 40 - I reflected any dishonor upon your worships, the reverend elders, or any of contrary judgment to myself. It repents me that I did so much adhere to persons of corrupt judgment, to the countenancing of them in any of their errors or evil practices, though I intended no such thing...
Page 41 - I am bound to use, may it be permitted, my just defence so far as I apprehend myself to be innocent, as to make my confession where I am convinced of any delinquency...
Page 43 - Libertines, that infected the churches of New England: And how they were confuted by the assembly of ministers there, as also of the Magistrates...
Page 235 - JOHN DUNTON'S LETTERS FROM NEW ENGLAND. Letters written from New England AD 1686. By John Dunton, in which are defcribed his voyages by Sea, his travels on land, and the characters of his friends and acquaintances. Now firft publifhed from the Original Manufcript in the Bodleian Library, Oxford.
Page 232 - Jr., AM Cambridge, Mafs. The Hon. Francis B. Hayes, AM Bofton, Mafs. Francis S. Hoffman, Efq Philadelphia, Pa. James F. Hunnewell, Efq Charleftown, Mafs. Theodore Irwin, Efq Ofwego, NY William Porter Jarvis, AM Bofton, Mafs. John S. Jennefs, AB New York, NY Edward F.
Page 234 - Bofton, Mafs. State Library of New York Albany, NY State Library of Rhode Ifland Providence, RI State Library of Vermont Montpelier, Vt. Williams College Library Williamftown, Mafs. Yale College Library New Haven, Ct.
Page 41 - I should very willingly, upon letters received, express by word of mouth openly in court, that which I did by writing, might I, without offence, explain my true intent and meaning more fully to this effect: that notwithstanding my failings, for which I humbly crave pardon, yet I cannot with a good conscience condemn myself for such...
Page 54 - I have lately been at London, about five weeks. My Lord Protector was pleased to send one of his guard for me, with whom I had discourse in private about the space of an hour. All his speeches seemed to me very orthodox and gracious ; no way favoring sectaries. He...
Page 54 - Lord, and you fhall fee that thefe notions will vanim into nothing," or to that effect. Many men, efpecially the fectaries, exclaim againft him, with open mouths ; but I hope he is a gracious man. I faw the Lord Mayor and Sheriff with their officers carry fundry of the fifth monarchy men to prifon, as Mr. Cam, Mr. Day, with others who ufed to meet together in Colman ftreet to preach and pray againft the Lord Protector and the prefent power. The people of Wells and the adjoining places had occafion,...
Page 13 - Peter did, rashly, neither have we rescued our innocent brother, as sometimes the Israelites did Jonathan, and yet they did not seditiously.