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BEDLAM BEGGARS, continued.

Pins, wooden pricks, nails, sprigs of rosemary;
And with this horrible object, from low farms,
Poor pelting villages, sheep cotes, and mills,
Sometimes with lunatic bans, sometimes with
Inforce their charity.


So work the honey bees;


K. L. ii. 3.

Creatures, that by a rule in nature teach
The art of order to a peopled kingdom.
They have a king, and officers of sorts;
Where some, like magistrates, correct at home;
Others, like merchants, venture trade abroad;
Others, like soldiers, armed in their stings,
Make boot upon the summer's velvet buds;
Which pillage they with merry march bring home,
To the tent-royal of their emperor;
Who, busied in his majesty, surveys

The singing masons building roofs of gold;
The civil citizens kneading up the honey;
The poor mechanic porters crowding in
Their heavy burdens at his narrow gate;
The sad-ey'd justice, with his surly hum,
Delivering o'er to executors pale

The lazy yawning drone.

H. V i. 2.


The adage must be verified,

That beggars mounted, run their horse to death.

H. VI. PT. III. i. 4.

Well, whiles I am a beggar, I will rail,
And say, there is no sin, but to be rich;
And being rich, my virtue then shall be,
To say, there is no vice but beggary.

K. J. ii. 2.

What! a young knave, and beg! Is there not wars? is
there not employment? Doth not the king lack subjects?
Do not the rebels need soldiers? Though it be a shame to
be on any side but one, it is worse shame to beg than to be
on the worst side, were it worse than the name of rebellion
can tell how to make it.
H. IV. PT. 11. і. 2.

Speak with me, pity me, open the door,
A beggar begs that never begg'd before.

You taught me first to beg; and now, methinks,
You teach me how a beggar should be answer'd.

R. II. v. 3.

M. V. iv. 1. BEGONE.

Rogues, hence, avaunt! vanish like hailstones, go!
Trudge, plod, away, o' th' hoof; seek shelter, pack!

Hag-seed, hence!


The benediction of these covering heavens
Fall on their heads like dew!

May he live!
Longer than I have time to tell his years!
Ever belov'd, and loving may his rule be!
And when old Time shall lead him to his end,
Goodness and he fill up one monument!

Bless thy five wits.


And make me die a good old man!
That is the butt end of a mother's blessing;
I marvel that her grace did leave it out.

M. W. i. 3.
T. i. 2.

Сут. v. 5.

H. VIII. ii. 1.
K. L. iii. 4.

R. III. ii. 2.


Now the fair goddess, Fortune,

Fall deep in love with thee; and her great charms

Misguide thy opposers' swords! Bold gentleman,

Prosperity be thy page!

C. i. 5.

All the gods go with you! upon your sword

Sit laurell'd victory! and smooth success

Be strew'd before your feet.

A.C. 1.3.

Mars dote on you for his novices.

A. W. ii. 1.


Where thou didst vent thy groans

As fast as mill-wheels strike.

T. i. 2.


What care these roarers for the name of king?

T. i. 1.


I long

To hear the story of your life, which must

Take the ear strangely.

Τ. v. 1.


Such a pleasure as incaged birds

Conceive, when, after many moody thoughts,

At last, by notes of household harmony,

They quite forget their loss of liberty.

H. VI. FY. 111. iv. 6.


Black, forsooth, coal black as jet.

Coal black is better than another hue,
In that it scorns to bear another hue.

All the water in the ocean

H.VI. PT. II. ii. 1.

Can never turn a swan's black legs to white,

Tit. And. iv. 2.

Although she lave them hourly in the flood. Tit. And. iv. 2.

Black is the badge of hell,

The hue of dungeons, and the scowl of night.


L. L. iv. 3.

You shall not sin,

T. C. ii. 3.

If you do say, we think him over proud,
And under honest.


In nature, there's no blemish but the mind;
None can be called deformed but the unkind:

Virtue is beauty; but the beauteous-evil

Are empty trunks, o'er-flourished by the devil. T. N. iii. 4.

Read not my blemishes in the world's report:

I have not kept my square; but that to come

Shall all be done by the rule.

BLOT (See also STAIN).

A.C. ii. 3.

Mark'd with a blot, damn'd in the book of heaven.


R. II. iv. 1.

This is some fellow,

Who, having been prais'd for bluntness, doth affect
A saucy roughness; and constrains the garb
Quite from his nature. He can't flatter, he!-
An honest man and plain, he must speak truth:
An they will take it, so; if not, he's plain.
This kind of knaves I know, which in this plainness,
Harbour more craft, and more corrupter ends
Than twenty silly ducking observants,
That stretch their duties nicely.

I am no orator as Brutus is:

K. L. ii. 2.

But, as you know me all, a plain blunt man,
That love my friend; and that they know full well
That gave me public leave to speak of him.
For I have neither wit, nor words, nor worth,
Action, nor utterance, nor the power of speech,
To stir men's blood: I only speak right on.


The heart's meteors tilting in the face.

J.C. iii. 2.

C. E. iv. 2. BLUSHES, continued.

Now, if you can blush, and cry guilty, cardinal,

You'll show a little honesty.

And bid the cheek be ready with a blush,
Modest as morning when she coldly eyes

The youthful Phœbus.

H. VIII. iii. 2.

T.C. i. 3.

W.T. iv. 3.

Come, quench your blushes; and present yourself that

which you are, the mistress of the feast.


And topping all others in boasting.

O, Sir, to such as boasting show their scars,
A mock is due.

Why, Valentine, what Braggardism is this!


C. ii. 1.

T.C. iv. 5.

T. C. ii. 4.

What I think, I utter; and spend my malice in my breath.

C. ii. 1.

Think'st thou that duty shall have dread to speak,
When power to flattery bows? To plainness honour's bound,

When majesty stoops to folly.


We'll have a swashing and a martial outside;

As many other mannish cowards have,

That do outface it with their semblances.


These signs have mark'd me extraordinary,
And all the courses of my life do show
I am not in the roll of common men.


K. L. i. 1.

A.Y. i. 3.

H. IV. PT. 1. iii. 1.

I'll have my bond; speak not against my bond :
I have sworn an oath, that I will have my bond.


M. V. iii. 3.

Chapless, and knock'd about the mazzard with a sexton's spade: Here's a fine revolution, an' we had the trick to Η. v. 1.



Thou art bought and sold, among those of any wit, like a Barbarian slave.


Come, and take choice of all my library,

And so beguile thy sorrow.

T. C. ii. 1.

Tit. And. iv. 1. BOOK-COVERS.

That book, in many's eyes doth share the glory,
That in gold clasps, locks in the golden story.


Small have continual plodders ever won

Save base authority from others' books.


Timon is shrunk indeed;

R. J. i. 3.

L. L. i. 1.

And he, that's once denied, will hardly speed. T. A. iii. 2.

I can get no remedy against this consumption of the purse; borrowing only lingers and lingers it out, but the disease is incurable. H. IV. PT. п. і. 2.


'Tis pity bounty had not eyes behind;
That man might ne'er be wretched for his mind.

T. A. i. 2.

Magic of bounty! all these spirits thy power
Hath conjur'd to attend.

T. A. i. 1.

For his bounty,

There was no winter in't; an autumn 'twas,

That grew the more by reaping,

Α. C. v. 2.

No villainous bounty yet hath pass'd my heart;

Unwisely, not ignobly, have I given.

T. A. ii. 2.


Even so;

As with a man by his own alms empoison'd,

And with his charity slain.

C. v. 5.


A mad-cap ruffian, and a swearing Jack,

That thinks with oaths to face the matter out. T. S. ii. 1.

I know them, yea,

And what they weigh, even to the utmost scruple;
Scambling, out-facing, fashion-mong'ring boys,
That lie, and cog, and flout, deprave, and slander,
Go anticly, and show an outward hideousness,
And speak off half a dozen dangerous words,
How they might hurt their enemies if they durst;

And this is all.

Μ. Α. ν. 1.

He speaks plain cannon, fire, and smoke, and bounce;
He gives the bastinado with his tongue;

Our ears are cudgell'd; not a word of his,

But buffets better than a fist of France;

Zounds! I was never so bethump'd with words. K. J. ii. 2.

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