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... 34,800



88 225 365 687 4,333 886,000,000 10,759

Uranus 1,781,900,000 30,687 Neptune 2,791,600,000 60,181 The sun's surface is 12,000 and its volume 1,300,000 times that of the earth, but the mass is only 332,000 times as great and its density about one-quarter that of the earth. The force of gravity at the surface of the sun is twentyseven times greater than that at the surface of the earth. The sun rotates on its axis once in 25.3 days at the equator, but the time is longer at the higher latitudes, from which fact it is presumed that the sun is not solid, at least as to its surface.

THE EARTH AND THE MOON. Earth-The equatorial diameter of the earth is

7,926.5 miles and the polar diameter 7,899.5 miles; equatorial circumference, 25,000. The linear ve locity of the rotation of the earth on its axis at the equator is 24,840 miles a day, or 1,440 feet a second; its velocity in its orbit around the sun is approximately nineteen miles per second, the length of the orbit being about 560,000,000 miles. The superficial area of the earth according to Encke, the astronomer, is 197,108,580 square miles, of which two-thirds is water and onethird land. The planetary mass is about 256,000,000 cubic miles.

Moon-The moon has a diameter of 2,162 miles, a circumference of about 6,800 miles and a sur. face area of 14,685,000 square miles. Her mean distance from the earth is 238.840 miles. The volume of the moon is about 1-49th that of the earth and the density about 3 2-5 that of water. The time from new moon to new moon is 29 days 12 hours 44.05 minutes. The moon has no atmosphere and no water.

VELOCITY OF LIGHT. Light travels at the rate of 186,300 miles per second. It requires 8 minutes and 8 seconds for light to come from the sun to the earth.


According to the best astronomers the number of stars that can be seen by a person of average eyesight is only about 7,000. The number vis

ible through the telescope has been estimated by J. E. Gore at 70,000,000 and by Profs. Newcomb and Young at 100,000,000.


Various kinds of time are in use in this country:

1. Astronomical Time or Mean Solar TimeThis is reckoned from noon through the twentyfour hours of the day and is used mainly by astronomical observatories and in official astronomical publications. It is the legal time of the Dominion of Canada, though "standard" and "mean" time are in general use there as in this country.

2. Mean Local Time-This is the kind that was in almost universal use prior to the introduction of standard time. This time is based upon the time when the mean sun* crosses the meridian and the day begins at midnight. When divided into civil divisions-years, months, weeks, days, etc.-it is sometimes called civil time.

3. Standard Time-For the convenience of the railroads and business in general a standard of time was established by mutual agreement in 1883 and by this calculation trains are now run and local time is regulated. By this system the United States, extending from 65° to 125° west longitude, is divided into four time sections, each of 15 of longitude, exactly equivalent to one hour (72 or 30m. on each side of a meridian), commencing with the 75th meridian. The first or eastern section includes all territory between the Atlantic coast and an irregular line drawn from Buffalo to Charleston, S. C., the latter city

being its southernmost point. The second or central section includes all the territory between this eastern line and another irregular line extending from Bismarck, N. D., to the mouth of the Rio Grande. The third or mountain section includes all the territory between the last-named line and nearly the western borders of Idaho, Nevada and Arizona. The fourth or Pacific section includes all the territory of the United States between the boundary of the mountain section and the Pacific coast. Inside of each of these sections standard time is uniform and the time of each section differs from that next to it by exactly one hour, as shown on the map.

*Owing to the eccentricity of the earth's orbit and the inclination of the equator to the ecliptic, the apparent motion of the sun is retarded or accelerated according to the earth's place in its orbit. Hence, to take the actual sun as a guide would necessitate years, days and their subdivisions of unequal length. Therefore an imaginary or "mean sun" was invented. The difference between apparent and mean time is called the "equation of time" and may amount to a quarter of an hour in twenty-four hours. It is the difference between the figures in "Sun at noon mark" column in calendar and twelve hours. The figures on a correct sun dial give the apparent time.


The following is the table of times, based upon the meridians used by the United States and Canada:

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It is obvious that to express the time of rising continent (see note at bottom of February cal-
and setting of the sun and moon in standard time endar), and persons having obtained the mean
would limit the usefulness of such data to the time by the rising or setting of the sun or moon
single point or place for which it was computed, may easily ascertain the correct standard time
while in mean time it is practically correct for of any event by making use of the following ta-
places as widely separated as the width of the ble and map:

To obtain standard time, add or subtract the figures given to local time.
Standard Correc-

or tion, division. Min.

City. Albany, N. Y.-Eastern..Sub. 5 Austin, Texas-Central... Add 31 Baltimore, Md.-Eastern. Add 6 Baton Rouge, La.-Cent.. Add 4 Bismarck, N. D.-Cent.. Add 43 Boston, Mass.-Eastern..Sub. 16 Buffalo, N. Y.-Eastern.. Add 16 Burlington, Iowa-Cent.. Add 5 Cairo, Ill.-Central. ..Sub. 3 Charleston, S. C.-East.. Add 20 Chicago, Ill.-Central.... Sub. 10 Cincinnati, O.-Central..Sub. 22 Cleveland, O.-Central...Sub. 33 Columbia, S. C.-Eastern. Add 24 Columbus, O.-Central...Sub. 28 Dayton, O.-Central......Sub. 23 Denver, Col.-Mountain..Add 0 Des Moines, Ia.-Central. Add 14 Detroit, Mich.-Central..Sub. 28 Dubuque, Iowa-Central..Add 3 Duluth, Minn.-Central.. Add 9 Erie, Pa.-Central..... .Sub. 39 Evansville, Ind.-Central.Sub. 10 Ft. Gibson, Ch. N.-Cent. Add 21 Fort Smith, Ark.-Cent.. Add 19 Fort Wayne, Ind.-Cent. Sub. 20 Galena, Ill.-Central..... Add 2 Galveston, Tex.-Central. Add 19 Gr. Haven, Mich.-Cent.Sub. 15

Standard Correc-
division. Min.

Harrisburg, Pa.-Eastern. Add 7
Houston, Tex.-Central.. Add 21
Huntsville. Ala.-Cent...Sub. 12
Indianapolis, Ind.-Cent..Sub. 16
Jackson, Miss.-Central.. Add 1
Jacksonville. Fla.-Cent. Sub. 33
Janesville, Wis.-Cent...Sub. 4
Jefferson City, Mo.-Cent. Add 9
Kansas City, Mo.-Cent.. Add 19
Keokuk, Iowa-Central...Add 5
Knoxville, Tenn.-Cent. . Sub. 24
LaCrosse, Wis.-Central..Add 5
Lawrence, Kas.-Central. Add 21
Lexington, Ky.-Central..Sub. 23
Little Rock, Ark.-Cent.. Add 9
Louisville, Ky.-Central..Sub. 18
Lynchburg, Va.-Eastern. Add 17
Memphis, Tenn.-Cent... Sub. 0
Milwaukee, Wis.-Cent...Sub.
Mobile, Ala.-Central....Sub. S
Montgomery, Ala.-Cent..Sub. 15
Nashville, Tenn.-Cent...Sub. 13
N. Haven, Conn.-East..Sub. 8
New Orleans, La.-Cent.. Add 0
New York, N. Y.-East. Sub. 4
Norfolk, Va.-Eastern....Add 5
Ogdensburg, N. Y.-East. Add 2
Omaha, Neb.-Central.... Add 24



Standard Correcor division.

tion, Min.

Pensacola, Fla.-Central. Sub. 11
Philadelphia, Pa.-East.. Add 1
Pittsburg, Pa.-Eastern..Add 20
Portland, Me.-Eastern.. Sub. 19
Providence, R. I.-East..Sub. 11
Quincy, Ill.-Central.....Add 6
Raleigh, N. C.-Eastern..Add 15
Richmond, Va.-Eastern. Add 10
Rochester, N. Y.-East..Add 11
Rock Island, Ill.-Cent...Add 3
S. Francisco, Cal.-Pac. Add 10
Santa Fe, N.M.-Mountain. Add 4
Savannah, Ga.-Central..Sub. 36
Shreveport, La.-Central. Add 15
Springfield, Ill.-Central..Sub.
St. Joseph, Mo.-Cent.... Add 19
St. Louis, Mo.-Central.. Add 1
St. Paul, Minn.-Cent... Add 12
Superior City, Wis.-Cent. Add 8
Syracuse, N. Y.-East... Add 5
Toledo, O.-Central......Sub. 26
Trenton, N. J.-Eastern. Sub. 1
Utica, N. Y.-Eastern.... Add 1
Washington, D. C.-East. Add 8
Wheeling, W. Va.-East.. Add 23
Wilmington, Del.-East.. Add 2
Wilmington, N. C.-East. Add 13
Yankton, S. D.-Central. Add 29


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3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31


The domestic letter rate is 2 cents an ounce or fraction thereof, and it applies to the island possessions of the United States. Cuba, Canada, Mexico, Shanghai, the Canal Zone and Republic of Panama. The foreign letter rate is 5 cents an ounce or fraction thereof, and it applies to all other foreign countries in the universal postal union.


FIRST CLASS.-Letters and all written or partly written matter, whether sealed or unsealed, and all other matter sealed or otherwise closed against inspection, 2 cents per ounce or fraction thereof. Postal cards issued by the government sold at 1 cent each; double, or reply cards, 2 cents each. Cards must not be changed or mutilated in any way and no printing or writing other than the address is allowable on the address side. "Private mailing cards" (post cards) require 1 cent postage. These cards must conform in shape and quality and weight of paper used to the cards issued by the government. Each card must be an unfolded piece of cardboard not exceeding 3 9-16 by 5 9-16 inches, not less than 2 15-16 by 45% inches, and must bear at the top of the address side the words "Post card." Advertisements and illustrations may be printed on either side provided they do not interfere with the distinctness of the address or postmark.

Among the articles requiring first-class postage are blank forms filled out in writing; certificates, checks and receipts filled out in writing; copy (manuscript or typewritten) unaccompanied by proof sheets; plans and drawings containing written words, letters or figures; price lists containing written figures changing individual items; old letters sent singly or in bulk; typewritten matter and manifold copies thereof, and stenographic notes.

SECOND CLASS.-All regular newspapers, magazines and other periodicals issued at stated intervals not less frequently than four times a year, when mailed by publishers or news agents, 1 cent a pound or fraction thereof; when mailed by others, 1 cent for each four ounces or fractional part thereof.

THIRD CLASS.-Books, circulars, pamphlets and other matter wholly in print (not included in second-class matter), 1 cent for each two ounces or fractional part thereof. The following named articles are among those subject to third-class rate of postage: Almanacs, architectural designs, blue prints, bulbs, seeds, roots, scions and plants, calendars, cards, press clippings with name and date of papers stamped or written in, engravings, samples of grain in its natural condition, imitation of hand or type written matter when mailed at postoffice window in a minimum number of twenty identical copies separately addressed; insurance applications and other blank forms mainly in print; printed labels, lithographs, maps, music books, photographs, tags, proof sheets, periodicals having the character of books. and publications which depend for their circulation upon offers of premiums.

FOURTH CLASS.-All matter not in the first, second or third class, which is not in its form or nature liable to destroy, deface or otherwise damage the contents of the mailbag or harm the person of any one engaged in the postal service, 1 cent an ounce or fraction thereof. Included in fourth-class mail matter are the following articles: Blank books, blank cards or paper, blotters, playing 'cards, celluloid, coin, crayon pictures, cut flowers. metal or wood cuts, drawings, dried fruit, dried plants. electrotype plates, framed engravings, envelopes, geological specimens, letterheads, cloth maps, samples of merchandise, metals, minerals, napkins, oil paintings, paper bags or wrapping paper, photograph albums, printed matter on other material than paper, queen bees properly packed, stationery, tintypes, wall paper and wooden rulers bearing printed advertisements.

UNMAILABLE MATTER.-Includes that which is prohibited by law, regulation or treaty stipulation and that which by reason of illegible or insufficient address cannot be forwarded to destination. Among the articles prohibited are poisons, explosives or

inflammable articles, articles exhaling bad odors, vinous, spirituous and malt liquors, specimens of disease germs, lottery letters and circulars, indecent and scurrilous matter.

SPECIAL DELIVERY.-Any article of mailable matter bearing a 10-cent special delivery stamp in addition to the regular postage is entitled to immediate delivery on its arrival at the office of address between the hours of 7 a. m. and 11 p. m., if the office be of the free-delivery class, and between the hours of 7 a. m. and 7 p. m., if the office be other than a free-delivery office.

REGISTRATION.-All mailable matter may be registered at the rate of 8 cents for each package in addition to the regular postage, which must be prepaid. An indemnity not to exceed $10 for any one piece, or the actual value if less than $10, will be paid for the loss of first-class registered matter. LIMITS OF WEIGHT.-No package of third or fourth class matter weighing more than four pounds, except single books, will be received for conveyance by mail. The limit of weight does not apply to second-class matter mailed at the secondclass rate of postage, or at the rate of 1 cent for each four ounces, nor is it enforced against matter fully prepaid with postage stamps affixed at the first-class or letter rate of postage.

POST CARDS.-A post card must be an unfolded piece of cardboard not exceeding 3 9-16 by 5 9-16 inches, nor less than 24 by 4 inches in size; it must be in form and quality and weight of paper substantially like the government postal cards; it may be of any color not interfering with the legibility of the address; the face of the card may be divided by a vertical line, the right half to be used for the address only and the left for the message, etc.; very thin sheets of paper may be attached to the card, and such sheets may bear both writing and printing; advertisements may appear on the back of the card and on the left half of the face. Cards bearing particles of glass, metal, mica, sand, tinsel or similar substances are unmailable except in envelopes.

MONEY-ORDER FEES.-For domestic money orders in denominations of $100 or less the following fees are charged:

For orders for sums not exceeding $2.50..
For over $2.50 and not exceeding $5.
For over $5 and not exceeding $10..
For over $10 and not exceeding $20.
For over $20 and not exceeding $30.
For over $30 and not exceeding $40.
For over $40 and not exceeding $50.
For over $50 and not exceeding $60.
For over $60 and not exceeding $75.
For over $75 and not exceeding $100.










SUGGESTIONS.-Direct your mail matter to a postoffice, writing the name of the state plainly, and if to a city, add the street and number or postoffice box of the person addressed. Write or print your name and address, and the contents, if a package, upon the upper left-hand corner of all mail matter. This will insure the immediate return of all firstclass matter to you for correction, if improperly addressed or insufficiently paid; and if it is not called for at destination it can be returned to you. without going to the dead-letter office. If a letter, it will be returned free. Undelivered second, third and fourth class matter will not be forwarded or returned without a new prepayment of postage. When a return card a nears on this matter either the sender or addressee is requested to send the postage. Register all valuable letters and packages.


Mail matter may be sent to any foreign country subject to the following rates and conditions: REGISTRATION.-Eight cents additional to ordinary postage on all articles to foreign countries.

ON LETTERS.-Five cents for each ounce or fraction thereof and 3 cents for each additional ounce. Double rates are collected on delivery of unpaid or short-paid letters.

POST CARDS.-Single, 2 cents each; with paid reply. 4 cents each.

"PRIVATE MAILING CARDS" (Post Cards).-Two cents each, subject to conditions governing domestic post cards.

On newspapers, books, pamphlets, photographs, sheet music, maps, engravings and similar printed matter, 1 cent for each two ounces or fraction thereof. Prepayment required at least in part.

TO CANADA (including Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Manitoba and Prince Edward Island).—Letters, 2 cents for each ounce or fraction thereof; postal cards, 1 cent each; books, circulars and similar printed matter, 1 cent for each two ounces or fraction thereof; second-class matter, same as in the United States; samples of merchandise, 1 cent for each two ounces. Minimum postage, 2 cents. Merchandise, 1 cent for each ounce or fraction. Packages must not exceed four pounds in weight-prepayment compulsory.

CUBA.-Rates of postage same as to the United


TO MEXICO.-Letters, postal cards and printed matter, same rates as in the United States; samples, 1 cent for each two ounces; 2 cents the least postage on a single package; merchandise other than samples can be sent only by parcels post.

To SHANGHAI, CHINA.-Letters, 2 cents an ounce or fraction thereof.

LIMITS OF SIZE AND WEIGHT.-Packages of samples of merchandise to foreign countries must not exceed twelve ounces, nor measure more than twelve inches in length, eight in breadth and four in depth; and packages of printed matter must not exceed four pounds six ounces.

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Except that parcels for Colombia, Costa Rica and Mexico must not measure more than two feet in length or more than four feet in girth.

A parcel must not be posted in a letter box, but must be taken to the post office window and presented to the person in charge, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 5 p. m., where a record will be made and a receipt given therefor.

INTERNATIONAL MONEY ORDERS. International money orders are issued payable in Africa, Algeria, Apia (Samoa), Arabia, Australia, Austria, Azores, Bahamas, Belgium, Beloochistan, Bermuda, Beirut, Bolivia, Borneo, Bosnia, British Bechuanaland, British Honduras, Bulgaria, Cape Colony, Caroline Islands, Cayman Islands, Ceylon, Chile, China, Cook Islands, Costa Rica, Crete, Cyprus. Danish West Indies, Denmark, Dutch East Indies, Egypt, Falkland Islands, Faroe Islands, Fiji Islands, Finland. Formosa, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Great Britain and Ireland, Helgoland. Hervey Archipelago. Herzegovina, Holland. Honduras, Hongkong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Italy, Jaffa, Japan, Jask (Persia), Java,

Jerusalem, Korea, Liberia, Luxemburg,


deira, Malacca, Malta, Mauritius, Mexico, Montenegro, Morocco, Mukho (Korea), Netherlands, New Guinea, New South Wales, New Zealand, North Borneo, Northern Nigeria, Norway, Orange River Colony, Palestine, Panama, Penrhyn Island, Persia, Peru, Pescadores Islands, Portugal, Queensland, Rhodes, Rhodesia, Roumania, Russia, St. Helena, Salvador, Samos Island, Savage Island, Servia, Seychelle Islands, Siam, Smyrna, South Australia, Spice Islands, Straits Settlements, Sumatra, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tasmania, Tobago, Transvaal, Trinidad, Tripoli, Tunis, Turkey, Turks Island, Victoria, Wales, Western Australia, West Indies, Zambesia, Zanzibar and Zululand (South Africa).

Rates of fees for money orders payable inAustria, Bahamas, belgium, Bermuda, Bolivia, Chile, Costa Rica, Denmark, Egypt, Hungary, Japan, Liberia, Luxemburg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway. Orange River Colony, Peru, Sweden, Switzerland, Transvaal, Trinidad: Orders for $10 or less..

Over $10 and not exceeding $20. Over $20 and not exceeding $30. Over $30 and not exceeding $40. Over $40 and not exceeding $50. Over $50 and not exceeding $60. Over $60 and not exceeding $70.. Over $70 and not exceeding $80. Over $80 and not exceeding $90.. Over $90 and not exceeding $100..











Fees collected on all other international money orders (see exceptions under head of domestic money order rates):

Not exceeding $10..$0.10 Not exceeding $60..$0.60 Not exceeding $20.. .20 Not exceeding $70.. .70 Not exceeding $30.. .30 Not exceeding $80.. .90 Not exceeding $40.. .40 Not exceeding $90.. .90 Not exceeding $50.. .50 Not exceeding $100. 1.00 The maximum amount for which a single international money order may be drawn is, for orders payable in

United Kingdom of Great Britain

and Ireland. Cape Colony.

New Zealand..


France, Algeria and Tunis. Belgium


The Netherlands.



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The colony of Trinidad and Tobago..£20 10s 8d 100




South Australia

Luxemburg, Grand Duchy of.. Salvador

Hongkong Egypt Chile

British Honduras.






Costa Rica.. Liberia Transvaal Peru

Francs 515= 100 .Francs 515= 100 £20 10s 8d= 100 .£20 10s 8d= 100 Francs 515= 100





£20 10s 8d 100


..194 rubles 33 kopecks= 100

.418.41 marks= 100 ..Francs 515= 100






The value of the British pound sterling in United States money is fixed by convention at $4.87; the German mark at 23.9 cents; French and Swiss frane and Italian lire at 19.42 cents; Swedish and Norwegian kroner at 27 cents; Netherland florin at 40% cents; Portugal milreis at $1.09; Russian ruble at 51.46 cents.

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