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thing connected with the operations of his school, or in anywise affecting its interests or character.

To deliver papers, &c.

Fifthly. To keep carefully, and at the time of his leaving a school, to deliver up to the order of the Trustees, the registers and Visitors' book, appertaining to the school: Provided always, that he shall, at all times, when desired by them, give Trustees or Visitors access to such registersand Visitors' book.



- of teachers in case

of dismissal.

Mode of settling any difference in financial matters between Trustees and Teachers.

XVII. And be it enacted, That any Teacher shall be entitled to be paid at the same rate mentioned in his agreement with the Trustees, even at the expiration of the period of his agreement, until the Trustees shall have paid him the whole of his salary, as Teacher of the school, according to their engagement with him: Provided always, that in case of any difference between Trustees and a Teacher in regard to his salary, the sum due to him, or any other matter in dispute between them, it shall be lawful to submit such matter in dispute to arbitation, and each party shall choose one Arbitrator, and in case either party in the first instance shall neglect or refuse to name and appoint an Arbitrator on his behalf, it shall be lawful for the party requiring such arbitration, by a notice in writing to be served upon the party so neglecting or refusing to make such appointment, to require the opposite party within three days, inclusive of the day of the service of such notice, to name and appoint an Arbitrator on his behalf, which notice shall name the Arbitrator of the party serving such notice; and in case the party upon whom such notice is served shall not, within the three days mentioned in such notice, name and appoint such arbitrator, then the party requiring such arbitration shall and may nominate and appoint the second arbitrator, and the two Arbitrators in either way chosen, and the Local Superintendent, or any person chosen by him to act on his behalf, in case he cannot attend, or any two of them, shall have full authority to make an award between them, and such award shall be final: Provided always, that, so often as any such submission shall fall through, it shall be lawful to re-submit the matters in dispute until a final award shall be made between them.


Duties of Town

XVIII. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the Municipality of each Township in Upper ship Councils. Canada:

To levy assessments for common school purposes, as desired

by trustees.

Firstly. To levy such sum, by assessment, upon the taxable property in any school section, for the purchase of a school-site, the erection, repairs, renting and furnishing of a school-house, the purchase of apparatus and text-books for the school, books for the library, salary of the Teacher, as shall be desired by the Trustees of such schoolsection, on behalf of the majority of the freeholders or householders at a public meeting called for such purpose or purposes, as provided for by the twelfth section of this Act: Provided always, that such Municipality may, if it shall judge expedient, grant to the Trustees of any school section, on their application, authority to borrow any sum or sums of money which may be necessary for the purposes herein mentioned, in respect to school-sites, schoolhouses and their appendages, or for the purchase or erection of a Teacher's residence, and cause to be levied upon the taxable property in such section, such sum in each year as shall be necessary for the payment of the interest thereon, and as shall be sufficient to pay off the principal within ten years.

To authorize a loan, at its discretion, for the purchase and erection of school buildings.


To establish Township Model School, at its discretion. Library, unlaw: Provided

Members of the

Township Coun

Secondly. To levy, at its discretion, such sum or sums as it shall judge expedient for procuring the site and for the erection and support of a Township Model School, and for purchasing books for a Township der such regulations as shall be provided according to always, that the members of the Township Municipality shall be the Trustees of such Model School, and shall possess the powers of Common School Trustees in respect to all matters affecting such Model School; Provided also, that the Trustees of any one or more Common Schools shall have authority, at their discretion, and with the consent of such Council, to merge their school or schools, into such and provided likewise, that tuition to student-teachers in such Model School shall be free.

cils to be Trus tees of such Motidel School

One or more Common Schols may be merged into the Model School.

Model School;

To form new school sections.

Thirdly. To form portions of the Township, where no schools have been established, into school sections; to appoint a person in each new school section to call the first school section meeting; and to cause such person to be notified in the manner prescribed in the fourth section of this Act.

To alter and unite sebool sec

tions under certain conditions.

First meeting for the election of Trustees in an united section.

Alterations in school sections not to go into effect before the 25th December, after alteration.

All parties concerned to be apprized of intended alterations in school sections.

Fourthly. To alter any school section already established, and to unite two or more school sections into one, at the request of the majority of the freeholders or householders in each of such sections, expressed at a public meeting called by the Trustees for that purpose: Provided always, that the first election of Trustees in such section, consisting of two or more sections united, shall be appointed and held in the same manner as is provided for in the fourth section of this act in respect to a new school section: Provided secondly, that any alteration in the boundaries of a school section shall not go into effect before the twenty-fifth day of December next after the time when it shall have been made; nor shall any step be taken towards the alteration of the boundaries of any school section, nor any application be entertained for that purpose, unless it shall clearly appear that all parties affected by such alteration have been duly notified of such intended step or application: Provided thirdly, that the several parts of such united or altered school sections shall have the same claim to a share of the Common School Fund, to which they would have been entitled, bad they not been altered or united provided fourthly, that any school site, or school-house, or other school property which shall not be required in consequence of such alterations or union of school sections, shall be disposed of, by sale or otherwise, in such a manner as a majority of the freeholders or householders in the altered or united school sections shall think proper, at a public meeting called for that purpose, and the proceeds shall be applied to the erection of a new school-house, or other Common School purposes of such united or altered sections; except that the inhabitants tranferred from one school section to another, shall be entitled, for the Common School purposes of the section to which they are attached, to such a propor

Privileges of altered sections secured.

Disposal and application of property of altered

school sections.


Union school sections formed and altered by Townreeves and local Superinten


tion of the proceeds of the disposal of such school house or other Common School property, as the assessed value of their property bears to that of the other inhabitants of the school section from which they shall have been separated: Provided fifthly, that Union school sections, consisting of parts of two or more Townships, may be formed and altered, (under the conditions prescribed in this clause in respect to alterations of other school sections,) by the Reeves and Local Superintendent or Superintendents of the Townships out of parts of which such sections are proposed to be formed, at a meeting appointed for that purpose by any two of such Town Reeves; of which meeting the other party or parties authorized to act with them shall be duly notified; Provided, sixthly, that each union school section composed of portions of adjoining Townships, shall, for all purposes of Trustée elections and control, be deemed one school section, and shall be considered, in respect to superintendence and taxing for the erection of a school house, as belonging to the Township in which the school house may be situated.

Copies of certain proceedings to be furnished.

Fifthly. To cause the Clerk of such Township, to furnish the Local Superintendent of Schools with a copy of all the proceedings of such Council relating to the formation or alteration of school sections, all School assessments and other educational matters.

May establish

separate schools

for Protestants

Roman Catholics and Coloured People.

XIX. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the Municipal Council of any Township, and of the Board of School Trustees of any City, Town, or incorporated Village, on the application in writing of twelve or more resident heads of families, to authorize the establishment of one or more separate schools for Protestants, Roman Catholics or coloured people, and, in such case, it shall prescribe the limits of the divisions or sections for such schools, and shall make the same provision for the holding of the first meeting for the election of Trustees of each such separate school or schools, as is provided in the fourth section of this Act for holding the first school meeting in a new school section: Provided always, that each such separate school shall go into operation at the same time with alterations in school sections, and shall be under the same regulations in respect to the persons for whom such school is permitted to be established, as are

Manner of electiug Trustees in such separate school sections.

And of apportioning school moneys to them.


Common Schools generally: Provided secondly, that none but coloured people shall be allowed to vote for the election of Trustees of the separate school for their children, and none but the parties petitioning for the establishment of, or sending children to a separate Protestant or Roman Catholic school, shall vote at the election of Trustees of such school: Provided thirdly, that each such separate Protestant, or Roman Catholic, or coloured school shall be entitled to share in the school fund according to the average attendance of pupils attending each such separate school, (the mean attendance of pupils for both summer and winter being taken,) as compared with the whole average attendance of pupils attending the Common Schools in such City, Town, Village or Township: Provided fourthly, that no Protestant separate school shall be allowed in any school division except when the Teacher of the Common School is a Roman Catholic, nor shall any Roman Catholic separate school be allowed except when the Teacher of the Common School is a Protestant. Provided fifthly, that the Trustees of the certain returns. Common School sections within the limits of which such separate school section or sections shall have been formed, shall not include the children attending such separate school or schools, in their return of children of school age residing in their school sections.

Proviso as 10

1 G

May unite all the school sections in a Township under the man

agement of one Board of Trusfees, at the request of a majorty of the sections concerned.

XX. And be it enacted, That whenever the majority of the resident householders of the several school sections of any Township, at public meetings called by Trustees for that purpose, shall desire to abolish local school section divisions, and have all their schools conducted under one system, and one

management, like the schools in Cities and Towns, the Municipality of such Township shall have authority to comply with their request thus expressed, by passing a By-law to that effect; and all the Common Schools of such Township shall be managed by one Board of Trustees, one of whom shall be chosen in and for each ward of the Township, if the Township be divided into wards, and if not then the whole number shall be chosen in and for the whole Township, and invested with the same powers, and subject to the same obligations, as are provided and required, in respect to Trustees in Cities and Towns, by the twenty-fourth section of this Act.

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