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Authorized and required by the third clause of the Thirty-fifth section of said Act.



In conformity with the Common School Act, 13th and 14th Vict., chap. 48, Section 4-14.

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SECTION 1. Form of Notice of a FIRST School Section Meeting.


The undersigned inform the Freeholders and Householders concerned, that the Municipal Council of this Township has formed a part of the Township into a School Section, to be designated School Section, No.


to be limited and known as follows:-[Here insert the Description of the Section.]

The undersigned having been authorized and required by the Municipal Council to appoint the time and place of holding the first meeting, for the election of Trustees for the School Section above described, hereby notifies the Freeholders and Householders of said School Section, that a Public Meeting will be held at on- day, the at the hour of 10 o'clock, in the forenoon, for the purpose of electing three fit and proper persons as School Trustees of the said Section, as required by the School Act, 13th and 14th Vict. chap. 48, sect. 4.


Given under my hand, this day of, 18—.


REMARKS. Should the person authorized and appointed by the Municipal Council to call the first School Section Meeting refuse or neglect to do so, he subjects himself to a penalty of one pound five shillings, recoverable for the purposes of such School Section; and, then, any two Householders are authorized, within twenty days, on giving six days' notice, to call a meeting for the election of Trustees. The form of their noticeto be posted in, at least, three public places in the School Section concerned, and at least, six days before the time of holding such meeting-should be as follows:


In conformity with the 9th section of the Common School Act, 13th and 14th Vict., chap. 48, the undersigned, Householders of School Section, No. in the Township of, hereby give notice to the Freeholders and Householders of said School Section, that a Public Meeting will be held at the hour of 10 o'clock, in the forenoon, for the purpose of electing School Trustees for the said Section. Dated this


on day, the

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- day of



A. B.

C. D. Householders.

SECTION 2. Form of Notice, signed by the Chairman and Secretary of a School Section Meeting, to be transmitted by the Secretary to the Local Superintendent of Schools intimating the election of one or more persons as Trustee or Trustees.


SIR,-In conformity with the Common School Act. 13th and 14th Vict., chap. 48, sect. 5, we have the honor to inform you, that, at a meeting of the Freeholders and Householders of School Section, No.-, in the Township of held according to law, on the day of [Here insert the name or names or address of the person or persons elected] School [Trustee or Trustees] of said Section.


We have the honor to be, SIR,

Your obedient Servants,

D. E.,


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F. A.,


SECTION 3. Form of a Notice of an ordinary ANNUAL SCHOOL Section Meeting, pursuant to the 12th clause of the 12th section of the School Act, 13th and 14th Vict., chap. 48.


The undersigned Trustees of School Section, No.

in the Township of hereby give notice to the Freeholders and Householders of said

School Section, that a Public Meeting will be held at ---, on the second Wednesday in January, 18, at the hour of Ten of the clock, in the forenoon, for the purpose of electing a fit and proper person as a School Trustee for said Section.

Dated this

day of ——, 18-.

A. B.,
C. D.,
E. F.,)

Trustees of School Section,


REMARKS. The above notice should be signed by a majority of the existing or surviving Trustees, and posted in, at least, three public places of the School Section, at least six days before the bolding of the meeting. The manner of proceeding at the Annual Meeting is prescribed in the 6th section of the Act.

Should the Trustees neglect to give the prescribed notice of the Annual Section Meeting, they forfeit, each, the sum of one pound five shillings, recoverable for the purposes of the School Section, and then any two Householders of the School Section are authorized within twenty days' notice, to call such meeting. Their form of notice should be as follows:

SECTION 4. Form of Notice of an ANNUAL School Section Meeting to be given by two Householders. SCHOOL NOTICE.

The Trustees of School Section, No.-, in the Township of having neglected to give notice of the Annual School Section Meeting, as prescribed by the 12th clause of the 12th section of the Common School Act, the undersigned hereby give notice to the Freeholders and Householders of the said School Section, that a Public Meeting will be held at , on —— the day of, at 10 of the clock in the forenoon, for the purpose of electing a fit and proper person as Trustee, as directed by law. Dated this day of --, 18-.

A. B., Householders, C. D., School Section, No.REMARK. The mode of proceeding, at a School Meeting thus called, is prescribed in the 6th section of the Act.

SECTION 5. Form of Notice of a School Meeting, to FILL UP A VACANCY created by the death, permament absence, incapacity from sickness, refusal to serve, resignation, &c., on the part of a Trustee.


Notice is hereby given to the Freeholders and Householders of School Section, No. -, in the Township of , that a Public Meeting will be held at, on the day of, at the hour of Ten of the clock, in the forenoon, for the purpose of electing a fit and proper person as School Trustee, in the place of --, [deceased, removed, incapatiated from sickness, absent, resignation, or who has refused to serve, as the case may


Dated this day of --- 18

A. B., Surviving Trustees, or Trustee,
C. D.,
(as the case may be.)

REMARKS. A Trustee who refuses to serve when elected, forfeits the sum of one pound five shillings, but having accepted office, if he shall at any time refuse or neglect to perform the duties of that office he shall forfeit the sum of five pounds, recoverable for the purposes of the School Section; but a Trustee cannot be re-elected without his own consent. (See 8th section of the Act;) The mode of proceeding at a meeting called as above is the same as at an ordinary Annual School Section Meeting, and is prescribed in the 6th section of the Act.

SECTION 6. Form for Trustees calling SPECIAL Meetings.

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day of


Notice is hereby given to the Freeholders and Householders of School Section No.-, in the Township of, that a Public Meeting will be held at -, on the at the hour of of the clock in the purpose [Here state the object or objects of the meeting.] Dated this day of

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A B.
C. D.


E. F.

REMARKS It belongs to the office of Trustees to estimate and determine the amount of the Teacher's salary and all expeuses connected with the school; but it appertains to the majority of the Freeholders and Householders of each School Section, at a public meeting called for the purpose, to decide as to the manner in which such expenses shall be provided for, whether by voluntary subscription, by rate-bill on parents or guardians sending children to the school, or by rate on all the Freeholders and Householders of the School Section according to property. But should not a sufficient sum be thus provided to meet the expenses incurred for School purposes, the Trustees are authorized by the latter part of the 7th clause of the 12th section, to provide the balance in such manner as they may think proper. But for all the money received and expended by them, the Trustees must account annually to their constituents as prescribed in the 18th clause of the 12th section. Besides calling Annual School Section Meetings, Trustees are authorized to call Special Meetings to consider the site and erection of a school-house, the mode of raising a teacher's salary, or for any school purpose whatever. The object or objects of each school meeting should be invariably stated in the notices calling it; and the notices calling any school meeting, should in all cases be put up six days before holding such meeting. One form is sufficient for calling a special school section meeting of any kind.

SECTION 7. Form of Agreement between Trustees and Teacher. WE, the undersigned, Trustees of School Section, No.-, in the Township of by virtue of the authority vested in us by the 5th clause of the 12th section of the School Act, 13th and 14th Vict., chap. 48, have chosen (Here insert the Teacher's name) who holds a certificate of qualification, to be a Teacher in said School Section; and WE do hereby contract with and employ him, at the rate of (here insert the sum in words, in currency,) per annum, from and after the day hereof; and we further bind and oblige ourselves, and our successors in office, faithfully to employ the powers with which we are legally invested by the said section of said Act, to collect and pay the said Teacher, during the continuance of this agreement,

the sum for which we hereby become bound-the said sum to be paid to the said Teacher [quarterly, &c., as the case may be,] And the said Teacher hereby contracts and binds himself to teach and conduct the School, in said School Section, according to the regulations provided for by the said School Act. This agreement to continue there insert the period of agreement] from the date thereof.

Dated this

day of O. K.


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A. B.
C. D.


E. F

G. H., Teacher.

REMARKS. This agreement should be signed by, at least, two of the Trustees, and the Teacher, and should be entered in the Trustees' book, and a copy of it given to the Teacher. The Trustees being a Corporation, their agreement with their Teacher is binding on their Successors in office; and should they refuse or wilfully neglect to exercise the corporate powers vested on them, they would be personally liable for the amount due a Teacher-see 16th clause of the 12th Section. As to the mode of settling disputes between Trustees and a Teacher, see the 17th Section. And, on the other hand, the Teacher is equally bound to faithfulness in the performance of his duties according to law. See section 16; and clause 8, of section 31.

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SECTION 8. Form of Warrant for the Collection of School Fees. WE, the undersigned, Trustees of School Section, No. in the Township of in the County of by virtue of the authority vested in us by the 8th clause of the 12th sect. of the Act, 13th and 14th Vict., chap. 48, hereby authorize and require you (here insert the name and residence of the person appointed to collect the Rate Bill,) after ten days from the date hereof, to collect from the several individuals in the annexed Rate Bill, for the period therein mentioned, the sum of money opposite their respective names, and to pay, within thirty days from the date hereof, the amount so collected, after retaining your own fees, to the Secretary-Treasurer, whose discharge shall be your acquittance for the sum so paid. And in default of payment on demand by any person so rated, you are hereby authorized and required to levy the amount by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the person or persons making default. A. B.

Given under our hands this

day of, 18-.

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C. D. Trustees,
E. F.

To the Collector of the School Section No., Township of

Form of Rate Bill, as authorized by the second and eighth clauses of the 12th section of the Act to be annexed to the foregoing Warrant.

RATE BILL of persons liable for School Fees, in School Section, No.-, in the Township of, for the [Month or Quarter, &c.,] commencing the

day of

day of


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and ending the

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Given under our hands, this —
day of


A. B.,
W. D.,
E. F.,



SECTION 9. Form of Receipt to be given by the Collector, on receiving the amount named in the Rate Bill.

RECEIVED from [here insert the person's name,] the sum of [here write the sum in words,] being the amount of his [or her] Rate Bill, for the [Month or Quarter, &c.,Jending on the 18-. A. B., Collector.

Dated this

day of


day of

EXPLANATORY REMARKS on the Imposition and Collection of Rate Bills, &c.— 1. The Collector should take a Receipt from the Secretary-treasurer, for all moneys paid him. The Secretary-treasurer should also take a Receipt from the Teacher for all moneys paid him. The taking and giving receipts for money paid and received will prevent errors and misunderstandings.

2. The Trustees can raise the School fees by voluntary subscriptions, if they please. They can also appoint the School Teacher to act as Collector, if he chooses to accept of the appointment, and to give the required security. The Trustees can also, if they judge it expedient, impose any Rate Bill which they may think necessary for renting, and repairing and furnishing a School-house, or for the Teacher's salary, upon the inhabitants of their School Section, or they can apply to the Municipality of their Township to impose and collect such rate for those purposes.

3. As the School Accounts of each year must be kept separate by the Chief Superintendent of Schools, so must the Rate Bills. The Rate Bills and the Warrants can be made out for a month, or for one or more Quarters of a year, at the same time, as the Trustees may think expedient.

4. Those parents and guardians who pay the Rate Bills to the Secretary-treasurer, or Collector, within ten days from the date of such Rate Bill, and without being called upon for it, will be exempt from paying the Collector's Fees.

5. The Collector, by virtue of the Warrant from the Trustees, can enforce payment of the Rate Bill by distress and the sale of goods, from any person who resides, or has goods and chattels within the limits of the School Section. For the mode of proceeding by the Trustees in case of persons rated, who may not at the time of collecting the Rate Bill reside or have goods and chattels within the limits of the School Section, see eleventh division of the 12th Section of the Act.

6. The Trustees should make the apportionment for Fuel in money, as one item in the Rate Bill, and then exercise their own discretion as to whether the item for fuel should be paid in money or wood-fixing the price per cord, to be allowed for the wood, describing the kind of wood, and the manner in which it should be prepared for the School. In case any person should fail to pay the amount of his wood-bill, in the manner and at the time prescribed by the Trustees, the payment should, of course, be enforced in the same manner as that of the School Teacher's wages, and the amount, thus collected, paid for the purchase of wood.

SECTION 10. Form of Trustees' Order upon the Local Superintendent.

To the Local Superintendent of Schools for the Township or County of PAY to [here insert the Teacher's name] or Order, out of the School Fund apportioned to School Section, No.-, in the Township of of [here write the sum in words]

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A. B.,

, the sum

C. D., Trustees.
E. F..

REMARKS. No part of the School Fund is allowed to be paid for any other purpose than for the salary of the Teacher; and the Local Superintendent is not authorized to give a cheque upon the County Treasurer or Sub-treasurer to pay the School Fund moiety of a Teacher's salary to any other than the Teacher interested, or to some person authorized by the Teacher to receive it.

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