The Young Student's Companion: Or, Elementary Lessons and Exercises in Translating from English Into French

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Eldredge & Brother, 1867 - French language - 180 pages

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Page 34 - seventy-six. seventy-seven. seventy-eight seventy-nine. eighty. eighty-one. eighty-two. eighty-three. eighty-four. eighty-five. eighty-six. eighty-seven. eighty-eight. eighty-nine. ninety. ninety-one. ninety-two. ninety-three. ninety-four. ninety-five. ninety-six. ninety-seven. ninety-eight. ninety-nine. one hundred. one hundred and one. one hundred and two. one hundred and three. one hundred and four. one hundred and five.
Page 27 - 1.—Every adjective must agree in gender and number with the noun or pronoun to which it refers. RULE 2.—If an adjective is used to qualify two or more nouns in the singular number of the same gender, it must be put in the plural, and agree with them in gender; as, The father and uncle are pleased. Le
Page 108 - PRETERIT. J'eus eu, / had had. Tu eus eu, thou hadst had. 11 or elle eut eu, he or she had had Nous eûmes eu, we had had. Vous eûtes eu, you had had. Us or elles they had had. eurent eu, FUTURE ABSOLUTE. J'aurai, / shall have. Tu auras, thou wilt have.
Page 42 - Cardinal Numbers used with the word time. once. twice. thrice or three times, four times. five times, six times. seven times. eight times. nine times. ten times. eleven times. twelve times. thirteen times. fourteen times. fifteen times. sixteen times. seventeen times. eighteen times. nineteen times. twenty times. twenty-one times. twenty-two times, &c.
Page 118 - que nous priions, que vous priiez. 8. Verbs ending in the present participle by yant, as payer, the present participle of which is payant, take y and i in the first and second persons plural of the imperfect of the indicative, and the present of the subjunctive ; as, nous payions, vous payiez, que nous payions, que vous payiez.
Page 118 - Except acheter. 7. Verbs ending in the present participle by iant, as prier, the present participle of which is priant, take double i in the first and second persons plural of the imperfect of the indicative, and present of the subjunctive ; as, nous priions, vous
Page 112 - have been. thou hast been. he has been. we have been. you have been. they have been. PLUPERFECT OT COMPOUND OF THE IMPERFECT. PRETERIT ANTERIOR, Or COMPOUND OF THE PRETERIT. J'eus été, Tu eus été, II eut été,
Page 112 - had beenthou hadst been. he had been. we had been. you had been, they had been. FUTURE ABSOLUTE. Je serai, Tu seras, 11 sera, Nous serons, Vous serez, Ils seront, Je serais, Tu serais,
Page 112 - I was. thou wast, he was. we were, you were, they were. J'avais été, Tu avais été, II avait été, Nous avions été, Vous aviez été,
Page 112 - PRETERITE INDEFINITE, Or COMPOUND OF THE PRESENT. J'ai été, Tu as été, II a été, Nous avons été, Vous avez été, Ils ont été, / have been. thou hast been. he has been. we have been. you have been. they have been. PLUPERFECT

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