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Book Binding.

A. G. M'GLASHAN & Co., ESPECTFULLY announce to their friends patrons and the public generally, that they have removed their Book Bindery into the GRANGER BLOCK. They have greatly enlarged and improved their establishment, and are now prepared to exeoute Book Binding in all ITS VARIED BRANCHES, incluing

Turkey Morocco, superior Gilt edge, Cloth Work, etc., etc.

Also, constantly on hand at their rooms No. 19, 21 and 23, Granger Block, BLANKS, BOOKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Orders faithfully executed on short notice, and all work warranted to be durable.

N. B. Particular attention paid to the re-binding of private and public Libraries. Music, &c., with neatners and despatch. Syracuse, July 1, 1848.




THIS is one of the best books ever published, being well calculated to correct the evils of society, and to promote the best interests of the human family. Purchasers will not only exercise their benevolence, but will find a rich remuneration in the acquisition of this valuable work, which should be in the hands of every reader. JOHN CHAMBERS,

Pastor of the Independent Church, Philadelphia, Pa. It gives me pleasure to join with the Rev. Mr. Chambers in commending both Mr. Judson and his excellent work. J. P. DURBIN, Pastor of the M. E. Trinity Church, Philadelphia, Pa. Extracts from Recommendations of The Moral Probe. ALBANY, May 15, 1848.

I have examined a work entitled "THE MORAL PROBE," by L. Carroll Judson, with great pleasure and profit. It evinces a thoroughly discriminating mind, and a deep insight into the principles and workings of human nature. It is full of moral and religious truth, brought out with great perspieuity, precision, and independence; and yet in a manner wholly unexceptionable and inoffensive. It is pervaded by great condensation of thought and transparency of style, and is fitted to be an admirable auxiliary to parents and teachers, in the responsible office of forming the youthful character. It would be good service done if it should be adopted as a school book all over the country.

W. B. SPRAGUE, D. D., Pastor of 2d Presbyterian Church.

It has been with much pleasure I have examined "THE MORAL PROBE." It presents one of the most successful ef farts I have seen, of avoiding sectarianism without rejecting religion. E. M. P. WELLS, Rector of St. Stephen's, Boston.} { Were the benign principles inculcated by the Moral Probe universally practised, jails and penitentiaries would be blot ted from the list of institutions.



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I have examined the "THE MORAL PROBE." It contains well written specimens of original composition, calculated to please, improve, and Interest youth or age. I cheerfully recommend it as a book fully equal, if not superior to any found in our School Lr braries. W. 41. DIMMICK,

Chairman of Com. on Education-Senate of Pa.

I have perused" THE MORAL PROBE," and consider it a very interesting and instructi work, enleuated to do much goost. It is

pure in sentiment, spirit stirring in style, and so pointed in its moral tendency, that I shall do good service to my elder pupils, by making them acquainted with its contents, and shall introduce, it into my school as a reading exercise for my first class.


Prin. of Chapman Hall School, Boston. I cheerfully concur in the above statement of Mr. Baker. CHARLES WARREN,

Teacher of Languages, Chap. Hall School. THE MORAL PROBE.This is a work of great truth and merit, just published by the author, L. Carrol Judson, It contains over one hundred essays on as many different subjects, which, for point, wit and sarcasm, we have never seen equalled. We hope this work will have a great sale among the working classes, who will be much benefitted by its many home truths.--Mechanics' Advocate, Albany.

THE MORAL PROBE-Contains 102 essays on the Nature of Men orable vices are probed to the quick in this work. and l'hings, by L. C. Judson, Esq. Various fashionable and hopWe commend it as a useful, pointed. moral book The author lost his all in the great fire at Putsburgh, and deserves patronage.-Baptist Kecord, Philadelphia.

THE MORAL PROBE contains 336 pages-102 original essays. with an appendix, containing the Declaration of Independence, Constitution of the United States, Washington's Farewell Address. a short notice of the Life of Washington, the fifty-six siguers and the Life of Patrick flenry.

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The price in plain binding is $1,25. but when the teachers of several districts in a town will join, and send fe five or more copies they will be put at $1 per copy, and sent at the risk of the author. Orders, postpaid, addressed to me New York city, will be prompt ly attended to,-the money to be forwarded on the receipt of the books. L. C. JUDSON, Author and Publisher.

New York, June 22nd, 1848


Agassiz's New Work.

PRINCIPLES OF ZOOLOGY, OUCHING the Structure, Development, Distribution, and Va teral Arrangement of the RACES OF ANIMALS, living and extinct; with numerous illustrations. For the use of Schools and Colleges. Part I, COMPARATIVE PHYSIOLOGY, Ey Louis Agassiz, and Agustus A. Gould.

EXTRACT FROM THE PREFACE. "The design of this work is to furnish an epitome of the leading principles of the science of Zoology, as deduced from the pre sent state of knowledge, so illustrated as to be intelligible to the begining student No similar treatise now exis's in this country, and indeed, some of the topics have not been touched upon in the language, unless in a strictly technical form, and in scattered ar ticles."

"Being designed for American students, the illustrations have been drawn, as far as possible, from American objects **** Pop· ular names have been employed as far as possible, and to the scientific names an English termination has generally been given. The first part is devoted to Comparative Physiology, as the basis of Classification; the second, to Systematic Zoology, in which the principles of Classification will be applied, and the principal groups

of Animals briefly characterized."

Just published by GOULD, KENDALL, & LINCOLN, BOSTON. July.


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B. S. & C. have also, completed their arrangement to keep on "hand, a constant supply of Printing Materials of every description. embracing NEWS, BOOK and Plain and Fancy JOB (metal) TYPE, from Pearl to four line Pica; WOOD TYPE; BRASS RULES of all kinds; LEADS, COMPOSING STICKS, Furniture, Quoins, HOE'S IMPROVED PRESSES,-in short, every article necessary so a complete Printing Office-all of which they will furnish to Printers, or others, as low as can be bought in New York. The atronage of the craft is respectfully solicited-ons CARDS, of every variety of quality, color and size, supplied at the lowest New York wholesale prices.


Executed in the neatest style, and at short notice, on Adam's superior Presses.

Syracuse, April 1, 1848.



HE WORK on TEACHER'S INSTITUTES including their origin and progress, modes of conducting them, instructions rom the State Superintendent, and practical hints to Teachers, by one of the Authors, S. R. Sweet, is now offered for sale on the Most reasonable terms.

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Adams's New Arithmetic,


MIE PUBLISHERS give notice that this valuable School Book is now in the market. The work has undergone a thorough revision. It contains the characteristics of the former edition, in a greatly improved form with such corrections and additions as the wants of the times demand.

Adams's New Arithmetic is almost the only work on Arithmetic used in extensive sections of New England. It has been adapted to the currency of, and republished in Canada. It has also been traslated and re published in Greece. It is used in every part of the United States; and in the State of New York, is the Text Book in ninety-three of the one hundred and fifty five Academies which reported to the Regents of the University in 1847. Notwithstanding the multiplication of Arithmetics, made up, many of them, of the material of Adrins' New Arithmetic, the work has steadily increased in the public favor and demand

Teachers, Superintendents and Committees are respectfully inviled to examine the revised edition, every facility for which wi Le furnished by the Publishers.



Announce as in Press for the Fall Trade,

MHE YOUNG DECLAIMER, a Book of Prose and Dialogues. for the use of Schools, by CHARLES NORTHEND, Principal o the Epes Grammar School, Salem, Massachusetts. THE BOOK OF DIALOGUES, by CHARLES NORTHEND. IF Orders respectfully solicited.


HAWLEY & Co., UTICA, D. M. DEWEY, ROCHESTER, E. H. PEASE &Co. ALBANY. A twenty-five cent piece may be enclosed in a half cheetof paper, and addressed post paid to S. R. SWEET, SARATOGA SPINGS, when the Work will be sent by Mail, or 5 copies for June 1, 1848.


THE following Books which are adapted for School Libraries,
can be obtained of Booksellers generally throughout the


THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF TEACHING by D. P. PAGE, late Principal of the New York State Normal School, price One Dollar. FREMONT'S HISTORY OF OREGON. This is an exceedingly inter esting work, and is got up in neat attractive style, price One Dollar.

JULIUS MELBOURN, containing sketches of the Lives of Jolin Quincy Adams, James Madison, John Randolph, and others. This Book contains a vast amount of useful information price 75c. HAMMONDS POLITICAL HISTORY OF NEW YORK, Third Volume. This volume contains the Life of the Hon. Silas Wright, and is embellished with handsome Steel Engravings of Governors Bouck, Wright and Young, price Two Dollars.


This chart is a splendid ornament for the School Room, is about the size of Mitchells Map of the United States, and it is so useful that no good School should be without it. Price Two Dollars and Twenty-five cents.

Adams's Series of School Books.


A Practical Grammar, in which WORDS, PHRASES AND SENTENCES are classified according to their offices and their relations to each other, illustrated by a complete system of Diagrams; by S. W. Clark, A. M.

"This is a new work which strikes us very favorably. Its deviations from older books of the kind are generally judicious and often important."-N. Y. Tribune.

"We are convinced it has points of very decided superi ority over any of the elementary works in common use."-N, Y. Courier and Enquirer.

"Mr. Clark's Grammar is a work of merit and originality" -Geneva Courier.

"Clark's Grammar I have never seen equalled for practicability, which is of the utmost importance in all School Books." S. B. CLARK,

January, 1848. Principal Scarboro Academy, Me. "The brevity, perspicuity and comprehensiveness of the work are certainly rare merits and alone would commend it to the favorable consideration of Teachers and Learners."— Ontario Messenger

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"This Grammar is just such a Book as I wanted, and I shall make it THE text book in my school."

Feb. 1848.

WILLIAM BRICKLEY, Teacher, Canastota, N. Y. "I believe it only requires a careful examination by Teach ers, and those who have the supervision of our educational interest, to secure for this work a speedy introduction into N. BRITTAN,

The Publishers have in preparation, and will publish, early in all our schools." the season, the following series of Arithmetical Works, viz:

1-Primary Arithmetic, or Mental Operations in Numbers; giving... introduction to Adams' New Arithmetic, revised edition

-Adams's New Arithmetic, Revised Edition; being a revision of Adams's New Arithmetic, first published in 1827. III.-Key to the Revised Edition of Adams's New Arith metic.

AV.-Mensuration, Mechanical Powers, and Machinery. The principles of mensuration analytically explained, and practically applied to the measurement of lines, superfices, and solids, aiso, a philosoplucal explanation of the simple mechanical powers;

Feb. 1818.

Principal of Lyons Union Schoos. "I do not hesitate to pronounce it superior to any work with which I am acquainted. I shall introduce it into the the Mount Morris Union School at the first opportunity." 4t2 H. G. WINSLOW, Principal.



and their application to machinery. Designed to follow Adams's THE THEORY & PRACTICE OF TEACHING.

New Arithmetic.

V.-Book keeping. This work contains a lucid explanation of the science of accounts, a new concise and common sense method of BooK KEEPING BY SINGLE ENTRY, and various forms.


of the New York St: te Normal School




N ONE VOLUME crown Quarto. Containing all the matter of Dr. Webster's original work, his improvements up to the time of his death, and now thorougly revised and greatly improved by




In the language of an eminent critic, "in its Definitions— he object for which nine-tenths of our references to such a work are inade-it stands without a rival in the annals of English lexicography." These definitions, without abridg

M. A. Deihl, N. A. Gieger, Professors in do.
Benjamin Larabee, D. D., President Middlebury Coellge,
and other distinguished Gentlemen.
Published by
Springfield, Mass.

And for sale by M. H. Newman & Co., Cady & Burgess, A.
S. Barnes & Co., Huntington & Savage, Pratt, Woodford &
Co.. Appleton & Co..Jno. Willey, New York, "nd by Booksel
lers generally throughout the country.
May 1.



ment or condensation, are only given in this, Dr. Webster's Elementary Sounds of the English Language.

larger work-and are not found in any mere abridgments, or works on a more limited plan. It contains THREE TIMES the amount of matter found in any other English Dictionary compiled in this country, or any Abridgment of this work, yet it is sold at a trifling advance above the price of any other

and limited works.

This Chart was arranged and prepared by D. P. PAGE. Príncipat of the New York State Normal School, and has received the unqua lified approbation of hundreds of Teachers, who have it in daily use in their schools. Mr. Page has been long known to the public as an experienced Educator, and it is believed that in no department have his efforts been crowned with greater success that of Elocution The Chart embodies the results of many years [From George M. Dallas, Vice President of the United States.] experience and a 'tention to the subject, and it is confidently expect The crown Quarto edition ought to receive universal fa-ed that it will soon become to be regarded as the Standard, on the vor, as a monument of American intellect and erudition, matters of which it teaches, in all our schools. No work of so great equally brilliant and solid-more copious, precise and satisfac-importance, has probably ever been before the public, that has inse tory than any other work of the kind.-March, 1848.


[From Pres. Olin, of the Wesleyan University.] Webster's American Dictionary may now be recommen. ded, without reserve or qualification, as the best extant.Dec., 1817.

[From Pres. Hitchcock of the Amherst College.] "I have been in the habit of using Dr. Webster's Dictionary for several years past, in preference to all others, because it far exceeds them all, so far as I know, in giving and defining

scientific terms."

From Rev. Dr. Wayland, Pres Brown University, Providence, R. I.] "I have always considered Dr. Webster's work in Lexicography as surpassed in fulness and accuracy by none in our language."

"The new Edition of Webster's Dictionary, in crown Quarto, seems to us deserving of general patronage for the following reasons:

In the exhibition of the Etymology of the language, it is superior to any other dictionary.

[Here follow specifications of its excellence, in its Definitions, Orthography, ronunciation extent of Vocabulary. tables of Geographical, Scripture. and Classical Proper names.] We recommend it to all who desire to possess THE MOST COMPLETE, ACCURATE AND RELIABLE DICTIONARY OF THE LANGUAGE.

March, 1848.

short a time been received with so many marked tokens of favor
from Teachers of the highest distinction. Though there are other
Charts before the public, of merit, yet it is believed that the Normal
Chart, by the pecullar excellence of its analysis, definitions, direc-
tions, and general arrangement, will commend itself to the atten-
tion of all who have in view the best interests of their schools-
The Chart is got up in superior style, is 56 inches long and 45 wide.
mounted on rollers, cloth backs, and portions of it are distinctly le-
gible at the distance of fifty feet Price Two Dollars

The Chart can be obtained of A S. Barnes & Co, and Hunting
ton & Savage, New-Yerk city; Wm. J. Reynolds, Boston; G. &
Merriamn, Springfield, Mass.; E. II. Pease, Albany; Young & Han
Troy,; S. Hamilton, Rochester; Oliver Steele, Buffalo; F. Ba
Elmira; D. D.Spencer & Co., Ithaca; J. C. Derby & Co, Aubura
Bennett, Backus & Hawley, and G. Tracy, Utica; C. Younglove
Cleveland, Ohio; J. J, Herrick, Detroit, Michigan; and of Booksel-
lers generally. Agents who wish to purchase the Chart, supplied
on liberal terms, by
July, 1847.
Publishers, Syracuse, N. Y.

Department of Common Schools,

Albany, Jan. 25, 1846.
Mr. L. W. HALL, Dear Sir:- have examined the "Normal
Chart of the Elementary Sounds of the English language, arranged
and prepared by David P. Puge, Principal of the State Normal
School, and have no hesitation in cordially recommending its in-
It may wherever deemed ad-
troduction into our District Schools.
visable be procured under the authority conferred by the latter

Theodore Frelinghuysen, Chancellor of University of New
William H. Campbell, late editor N. Y. District School Jour-clause of the 16th section of the Act of 1843, as a portion of the

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"Scientific Apparatus for the use of Schools," under the conditions
specified in that section.
Yours, respectfully,
Deputy Superintendent of Common Echools.


Principal of the Syracuse Academy.

Syracuse, March 4, 1846.

Mr. HALL Dear Sir: I have examined with pleasure the Normal Chart, and am satisfied that it is superior to any thing of the kind with which I am acquainted.

I have introduced it into my school, and shall recommend it to the attention os Teachers everywhere.

Yours &c.,


NEW-YORK, Aug. 19, 1846. Messrs. HALL & DICKSON: Sirs-The Elementary Chart of Nor mai sounds, prepared by D. D. Page, Esq., Principal of the State Normat School, is in my opinion, calculated to supply a deficiency that has long been felt in our schools. Students who are exercised upon it, canno. fail to acquire habits of distinct utterance and correct enunciation. The table of the Elementary sounds appears to be arranged on philosophical and correct principles, and the Chart taken as a whole is eminently deserving a place in all our schoole. T W. FIELD, Teacher Ward School No. 3, N. Y, City, *


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obedience, becomes in after life a man of calm and

is published monthly, and is devoted exclusively to the promotion of steady self-control, commanding the respect of others,

Popular Education.


TERMS.-Single copies 50 cents; seven copies $3 00; twelve copies
$5 00, twenty-five copies $10 00, payable always in advance.
All letters and communications intended for the District School Jour-
al, should he directed to the Editor, Syracuse, N. Y., Post Puid.
Printed on the Power Press of


At the Office of the Daily and Westorn State Journal.


Delivered before the American Institute of Instruction.


and enjoying the approval of his own heart.

I have seen those, who in childhood were subjected to the unreasonable commands, and the cruel and harsh treatment of intemperate parents, and who were trained in this unfortunate way to habits of obedience, who in after life became men of influence in the community, manifesting great power of self control, and enjoying the respect of their fellow men. And I have attributed the character of manhood the power of self-control, acquired while forming, in early life, and under severe and objectionable disci pline, the habit of ready obedience On the other hand, I have seen those, who, in childhood, were surrounded with means of improvement, and placed amid influences which would be regarded as favorable There is still another consideration, which appeals to correctness of character, but who seldom, if ever, lirectly to the yarning affections of the parental had their inclinations checked, or their desires thwart heart in behalf of strenuous efforts to establish, in ed, and who never formed habits of obedience to early life, the fixed habit of prompt and cheerful obe- parental commands. And these persons be ame in dience. It is that by so doing they will be conferring manhood the mere tools of their own changing the greatest possible benefit upon their children, in whims, or the slaves of their own appetites and pasregard to their future characters and happiness. If sions. And I have queried whether this said result there is any one trait, which is more immediately may not be attributed to their want of the power of connected than another with respectability of charac-self-control, which should have been acquired while ter and with the happiness of life, it is the possession forming habits of obedience in childhood. of the power of self-control. The world is full of Again, I have heard men attribute all they were in vexations, disappointments and provocations, as well character, and all their success in life, to the floggings as of temptations and allurements. He, who would they had received in childhood. And I have no doub: command respect, or enjoy happiness, must bear that for much of character and success they were incalmly the one, and withstand firmly the other. In-debted to the power of self-control. acquired while deed, the man who has no power of self-control, who forming in childhood the habit of obedience, even lies at the mercy of his wayward inclinations, his though that obedience was secured by what we deem craving appetites, or his turbulent passions, can extremely objectionable means And instances of this neither command the respect of others, nor enjoy the kind show the importance of the habit, and teach approval of his own heart On the contrary, he who us that while we are endeavoring to remove from our has full command of himself, who can control his processes of education and modes of early training appetites and inclinations, and curb his passions a, these justly obnoxious means, we should insist with will, ever commands the respect of his fellow ment greater earnestness upon the formation of the habit of while he enjoys much inward peace and calm com- prompt and cheerful obedience, by instrumentalities posure of mind. But this power of self-control, so of a purer and holier character. Then, too, there important in its bearings upon character and happi- have been those, who, after a child hood of unlimit ness, is to be acquired in early years, by specific acts ed indulgence, have acquired by vigorous efforts in of self-government. And every act of obedience, after life this power of self-control. But it has been which the child may render to the voice of authority, only by the severest struggle with inclinations and is an act of self-government The child, for example, habits which had acquired in the indulgences of who ceases crying, wipes up his tears, and goes childhood, an almost unconquerable power. Could cheerfully to his play or to his assigned duty at the such, from the midst of their struggles, appeal to command of parental authority, has performed an parents on this subject, they would say with much t of self-control, and has acquired, thereby, an in- earnestness, if you would show yourselves friends creased power of self-command. The boy who checks to the future happiness of your children, form them his crying appetites, and abstains from desired in- to habits of ready, cheerful obedience while young, dulgences, under the influences of an affectionate and so save them from the almost death-strugge regard for parental prohibition, has in that act exer- through which we are called to pass." The first cised the power of self-government, and has done item, then, of home preparation for school, will con something to train his appetites to an habitual and sist of efforts to train the young, during the earlies promp acquiescence in the decisions of the will. In years of childhood, to habits of ready, cheerful obethis way, he who in childhood is trained to habits of dience. If this be done by the parent, and this alone,

much will be accomplished towards rendering the la-And, if the latter are kept back to accommodate the bors of the teacher pleasant, securing the rapid progress of the scholars, and elevating the school to a high rank of efficiency.

former, there will be danger that they will loose the interest they feel, while the others from the very fact of their irregularity have already become utterly indifferent to their studies. I have sometimes thought that a teacher would be justified in making a different classification of his pupils from what is customary, in classifying them according to the regularity of their attendance, placing in one division those who might attend regularly and punctually, and to whom, therefore, regular and efficient instruction could be given, and in another, those who are irregular in their attendance, and to whom, in consequence, only desultory and occasional attention could be rendered.

Every one will admit that the evil to which I have now alluded is a very serious evil, exerting an injurious influence upon the progress of individual pupils and upon the general character of the school. To what is this serious evil owing? It is to be attributed,

The second item of home preparation, which I would notice, relates to the importance of efforts, on the part of parents, to secure the regular and punetual attendance of their children at all the sessions and upon all the exercises of the school. One of the greatest hindrances to the progress of individual pupils and the high standing of our schools, arises from the want of regularity and punctuality in the attendance of the pupils. Some are absent one, two, or three days in the week, and others, who are more regularly present, often miss the exercises of their class by the lateness of their attendance, or hurry over their studies in view of an early dismission, which parents have authorized. And what is the effect of this upon the scholar and upon the school? Upon the scholar himself it exerts a most deleteri-I answer, to the fact that parents do not estimate ous influence. Every teacher knows that the con- aright the comparative value of a good education. tinued and permanent interest of the scholar in his They do not feel, that, in giving their children this studies will depend upon his passing regularly along treasure, they are bestowing upon them the most in them step by step, with the feeling that he has valuable and enduring wealth. Parents are apt to mastered all that he has met with, and is prepared to feel that certain chores must be attended to, and cergrapple with good hope of success with whatevertain errands run, that the haying must not be negmay present itself. The gratification arising from lected, and that the boys must be kept at home. But past success, and the thought that he is master as far what if some little pecuniary loss should be incurred, as he has gone, together with the hope of future vic-or some little money expended in procuring extra tories, will inspire an earnest zeal and keep alive a help? What is that, in comparison with the boy's permanent interest. But on the other hand, every education? You must bear it in mind that it is not teacher knows that the omission of a single step, or the mere loss of a day or a week, it is not the mere the failure to understand fully the steps passed over, loss of time, invaluable as that possession is. It is will do much to destroy whatever interest may have the bad influence exerted upon the feelings and the been felt in the studies pursued. Suppose that your character of the boy. It is the loss of interest in child enters school and becomes interested in his study which is experienced, and the indifference to studies, and then is kept at home for a day at one the value and importance of a good education, and time, and a half a day at another-some weeks two to all mental improvement which is generated. If days, and some three. He falls behind his class, or if, the boy sees that, in his father's estimation, there are for the sake of convenience, he is kept along with it, many things which must be attended to in preference he feels his deficiency and inferiority, becomes dis-to the school, many things for which the school must couraged, and loses his interest. From want of in-be neglected, it will be the natural and almost inevi terest in his studies springs that listlessness and pro- table result, that he will himself regard the school, pensity for mischief, which are so annoying to teach- the teacher and the advantages of a good education ers and so destructive to the best interests of the with feelings of indifference. He will manifest but school. In some instances the very brightest boys in little interest in regular and punctual a endance at the school become the dullest scholars in the class, in school, and still less interest in the studies to which consequence of the irregularity of their attendance. his attention may there be directed. And the inIndeed, so deleterious is the influence of irregularity fluence of this state of the feelings does not cease in attendance upo. the pupil himself, that I verily with the years of childhood and youth. There folbelieve that five months schooling in the year, where lows from it a paralyzing indifference to all efforts for the attendance is regular and punctual, is far more enlightening the mind, and elevating the character valuable than seven months of irregular attendance, by reading, or otherwise, in after life. In this way scattered over a period of nine months' duration. a parent, by compelling his son to attend school so And the effect of this irregularity of attendance irregularly as to lose his interest in the studies there upon the general character and success of the school pursued, may inflict upon him an injury for which is most disastrous. This may be perceived at a sin- money can never remunerate him. It will be said gle glance. Here, for example, is a class of ten or that there are some parents so situated that they need twelve in Arithmetic or Grammar. On some days the assistance of their children; that the father needs there are six scholars present, on some, five, on the labor of the boys in the shop, or on the farm, and some eight. A series of lessons has been assigned the mother, the assistance of the girls in the cares of and passed over, and a course of familiar oral expla- the household. This may be true in some cases nations has been given. But on no two successive But there are very few parents, who could not make days has the class consisted of the same members. some arrangement, if they estimated aright the viue Upon questioning them upon the studies they have of a good education and the importance of school passed over, the answer of one is, "I was absent privileges, by which, if their children could attend when the class were upon that lesson." The answer only a part of the time, they might be regular and of a second is, "I was not present when those prin- punctual while they professed to attend. These are ciples were explained." And so it is through the the parents who most frequently say, we can leave whole class. Consequently, much time must be our children no other inheritance than a good educa spent, with those who have been irregular in their tion." Will they be so cruel as to diminish by their attendance, upon lessons and explanations already own negligence, as far as possible, the value of even familiar to those who have been regularly present. that, when opportunities for securing it are afforded at

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