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mittee of the progress, condition and prospects of the school.


In order to give a definite idea of what is required of a pupil of the graduating class while in the experimental department, we append a copy of a form of report which every student is expected to fill up, and leave in the hands of the permanent teacher. We have here given a form as actually filled by one of the students of the present term. The form is printed in roman letter, and the filling up in italic letter. EXPERIMENTAL DEPARTMENT OF STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. of

A class. Ment. Arith. commenced 5th ex. 116th p. Ended 64th ex. 120 page.

B class. Writ'n Arith. com. Dec. Frac. p. 52, End. Mul. of Dec. p. 56.

A class. Writ'n Arith. com. prob. 3d p. 167, End. Discount p. 169.

A class. Gram. com. Tenses p. 35, End. Conjugation of the verb see p. 42.

D class. Oral instruction in Notation, Addition and Substraction.

B class. Geography, com. Conn. p. 20, End. Counties of N. Y. p. 22.

Suggestions and Remarks. Report of county, I would repectfully suggest that the "Teachers" made on the twentieth day of November 1847. Age should more clearly define the duties of their "Obtwenty-two years. No. of months taught before enter- servers," that they may the better know their sphere ing Normal School forty-five. Entered the upper room of action. For this purpose, I would suggest that the as "Observer," the eighth day of November 1847.-"Teachers" meet their "Observers" before entering Hours of entering and leaving at each session, as fol- and inform them of the condition of the school, and lows: their plans for the ensuing week.


A. M. P. M.A. M. P. M A. M. P M.A. M. P. M. A. M. P M

Many circumstances are against the School, but if Normal pupils will exert themselves as they are in h. m. h. in. hm. h. m. honor and duty bound to do, it may be, by the assist

En. as Obs'er: 9 20

18 30

18 30

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Abstract of duties performed as Observer.


2 35

ance of the permanent teacher, not only an ornament
but a useful appendage to the Normal School.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
Regulations of Experimental School.

I spent my time while "Observer" in answering the The care of this School has been placed under a questions of the pupils in regard to their lessons, in preserv-permanent teacher, whose duty it shall be to govern, ing order, and in learning the name and attainments of classify, and arrange it according to his best judgeach pupil, that I might be better prepared for the duties of ment.

the second week.

He is to be aided in the woof instruction and carEntered as teacher the fifteenth day of November, rying out of his plans by two "teachers" and two "ob1847. Left the nineteenth day of November. No. of servers," each week; it being understood that the "oboccasional absences during session hours. None.-server" of one week shall become the "teacher" for No. of pupils corrected or reported for delinquencies. the next. Twelve. No. of times the school room and furniture In order to make the school as useful as possible, have been thoroughly inspected with reference to both to the teacher and taught, the following sugges cleanliness and general condition. Daily. Whole tions are submitted to those who may be called upon No. of Recitations heard. Forty-five. Do. without to take part in its instructions, in the hope that they preparation. None. No. of good recitations heard. may be rigidly observed: Thirty-six. No. of poor do. Nine. No. of general exercises given. One. On what subjects. On the growth of trees. The same subject was brought up and discussed two days in succession.

How conducted. On a previous day the following questions were given out: Do trees grow by a succession of layers on the outside. or is matter deposited on the inside forcing the layers outwardly? When and how does sap ascend and descend in perennial plants? For consideration next day, the similarity of the circulation of sap to the circulation of blood in animals. Various opinions were given by the pupils which were followed by an explanation of the true theory by the teacher.

With what success. From the interest manifested by the pupils during the discussion, I think many of them will be led to examine the subject more fully.

I. That you be in the school room promptly 20 minutes before the hour of opening every day during your stay in the School in readiness to attend to any duties that may be assigned to you.

II. That you thoroughly prepare yourselves for the work while here; examine every lesson before you meet your classes, and thus be enabled to conduct the exercises with animation and interest.

III. That you take special pains to interest yourself in behalf of the school; that you study to promote its welfare, as if its prosperity and usefulness depended entirely upon your own exertions.

IV. That you be prepared during the week of service to present at least one "topic exercise" of not less than five minutes in length.

V. That you be rigidly thorough in every thing you Means adopted for conveying moral instruction.-teach, bearing in mind our motto "not how much By encouraging the pupil to act from principle, asking but how well." themselves this question: Is this right or wrong? First by example, then by precept.

What bad habits are prevalent, and what means adopted for correcting them. Tale telling and disregard of truth. I endeavored to correct the first by showing the baseness and dishonor of the tale bearer. The second, by salutary advice, showing the necessity f order and by firmly enforcing the rules of the schl.

VI. That your intercourse with the pupils be characterised by kindness and calmness, and at the same time by firmness and decision.

VII. That you punctually attend every meeting ap pointed for the purpose of conferring on matters relating to the school.

VIII. That while the general direction and government of the School is left with the permanent teacher, you consider yourself responsible for the deportment of pupils during class exercises, as well as for their scholarship and progress while under your charge; "Russell's and

Classes heard, where commenced and where ended: B class. Promiscuous exercises in the "Analytical Reader." C class. do do


Primary Reader."

IX. That all cases of disobedience or misconduc:

of any kind be promptly reported to the permanent teacher.

X. That you keep in mind constantly the object for which this School was established; and that your own fitness for the duties of the teacher's responsible office, may, in a great measure, be determined by your course of proceeding while here.

The observers are expected to keep a faithful record of the recitations and deportment of each pupil in the classes they attend; and thus endeavor during the week to learn the name and attainments of each scholar. They should strive to make themselves quite familliar with all the operations of the school, that they may be the better prepared for the duties of the second week.

It is also the duty of observers to regard the deportment of the pupils at recess. To this end it is desirable that they should be among the scholars most of the time at recess, in order to direct their sports, or to restrain any noise or disorder that would be improper or inconvenient to the Normal School.

Special Suggestions.

the class previous to leaving their seats for recitation, that all be done "decently and in order." The position of pupils during class exercises should also be regarded, they should be reminded that they are forming characters, and that their good name requires them to be dignified, manly and resqectful. All forwardness should be checked in such a manner as to be felt and remembered. Talking during recitation should be strictly prohibited unless called for by the teacher.

III. The personal appearance of the pupils and the neatness of the school room are also matters deserving of particular attention. Pupils should not be justified in eating in the room and scattering the refuse about the floor, or in strewing paper and other filth around their desks. The rooms with their furniture should be carefully and daily inspected with reference to their neatness and order. No ink spots or scratches should be tolerated about the seats or other fixtures. The black-boards should not be disfigured with useless and unmeaning writing. Everything which relates to the neatness, comfort and convenience of the school should be vigilantly regarded.

All experience has shown that the success of any IV. Special preparation for the recitation will do school depends, in a great degree, upon the attention much towards securing the attention of pupils, creadevoted to many of the minutiae appertaining to its ting an interest in their studies and thereby diminishpractical operations; and in one of this description, ings the desire for mischief, and their disposition to be where there is constant change of instructors, it must otherwise troublesome. A thrilling narrative or an be apparent that very particular pains are necessary interesting fact occasionally introduced into the exerin this respect, to insure a tolerable degree of pro-cise, will give the teacher great power over his class, gress. The teacher's duty ends not with the mere and greatly diminish the labor of disciplining the imparting of intellectual instruction. He is the pre-school. rogative to cultivate and bring into healthy action the higher powers of the young mind-to educate the moral nature-to implant a reverence for all that is just, true and god-like in man. His is the task to demonstrate by precept and example the beauty of the social virtues, and the nobleness of correct personal habits. In short, he is to watch over and guard with untiring vigilance the whole nature of childhood, and to aid, as far as possible, in the formation of such habits as shall make the intelligent, useful, conscientious citizen-the honest man-"the noblest work of God.d

To secure results so desirable, therefore, it has been found necessary to present the following "special suggestions," that the attention of our teachers may be called to these important matters; and it is earnestly requested that, as far as possible, they should endeavor to carry them into effect.

1. Previous to the commencement of each session, at recess and at other times of relaxation, the conduct of the pupil should be an object of close observation. Rude and boisterous behavior, contentions, quarrels, and all indecorous and disrespectful deportment, should be kindly, yet firmly checked and reproved. Much may be done by our Observers and Teachers towards breaking up such habits, and it is hoped that their unwearied attention will be devoted

to it.

V. Finally, promptitude, patience, earnestness and industry will almost conquer impossibilities. Let these, then, be the watch words here, and your labors will be fraught with interest and satisfaction to yourself, and profit to the deathless minds for whose welfare you labor.


Memorandum of Permanent Teacher.

possesses in an eminent degree, the true spirit of a teacher; he has earnestly and conscientiously sought to discharge his whole duty, and his efforts have been crowned with success. Mild, though firm as a disciplinarian, accurate as a scholar and apt to communicate as an instructor, he has happily succeeded in the preservation of order, and in gaining the confidence and securing the attention of his pupils. His services have been alike creditable to himself, profitable to the school, and satisfactory to those in charge. (Signed.)


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From 9 to 9.30 min. A. M. Opening exercises. Lecture Room.
Senior, No. 1, Natural Philosophy,
do 2. Geometry,

II. The deportment of pupils during session hours should be carefully guarded-not in the spirit which From 9.30 to 10.15 min. prompts to fretfulness at their little delinquencies-not in such a manner as will lead them to distrust our confidence in their virtue-but in the true spirit of From 10.15 to 10 20 min. kindness. With dignity should the pupil ever be approached; he should be corrected in such a manner as will lead him to respect and obey his instructor, and fear again to incur his disapprobation. Particular attention is invited to the changing of classes, that From 11.5 to 11.15 min. it be done quietly, respectfully and thoughtfully. To this end let the directions be given in a subdued quiet tone, and occasionally a kind suggestion be made to

From 10.20 to 11.5 min.

From 11,15 to 12


Mr. Clark.

do Eaton.

do S. T. Bowen

Middle, No. 1, Grammar,


2, Higher Arithmetic,

do Webb.


3, Algebra,


4, Drawing,

Junior, No. 1, Grammar,

[blocks in formation]

Prof. Perkins.

Miss Ostrom.

Mr. T. H. Bowen.

Miss Hance.

Mr. T. S. Bowen.
Mr. Clark.


Mr. T. H. Bowen.

Mr. Webb.

Miss Hance.

do Ostrom.

Mr. Eaton,
do S T Bowen
Prof Perkins

Miss Hance

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From 3,15 to 4,15 min

Miss Hance

Mr Eaton

Miss Ostrom

[blocks in formation]

Prof Perkins

Land Surveying,

do S T Bowen

Junior No 1 Elementary Arithmetic Mr Webb

do 2 Grammar

Change of class.

Senior No 1 and 2 Chemistry
Middle No 1 Algebra

do 2 Grammar

do 3 Higher Arithmetic Middle No 4 Grammar

Junior No 1 Drawing

do 2 Writing


do Clark
do Eaton

do S T Bowen



do T H Bowen

Miss Ostrom

do Hance

{Mr T H Bowen

A class Mon'ys and Th'days, Vo. mu. B do Tuesdays and Fridays, do do Whole school, We'day, Gen- Lecture Principal or Prof P NOTE. The School is divided into three grand divisions, viz: The Senior or Graduating Class; the Middle Class, consisting of those who are expecting to form the graduating class of next term; and the Junior Class, or those who expect to remain at least two terms more. These classes are subivided for recitation-the Senior into two, the Middle into four, and the Junior ino two divisions. These divisions number from twenty to thirty pupils. For some exercises two or more divisions are united. Each division has five recitations. The exercises are begun and ended with the strictest punctuality.

STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. SECRETARY'S OFFICE, Department of Common Schools, Albany, Feb. 28, 1848. SIR: The next term of the NORMAL SCHOOL will begin on the 8th of May, and as a number of vacancies will occur, which it will be necessary for the Town Superintendent to fill, I have prepared the following statement that you may have the necessary information to guide you in the selection of proper persons.

The Normal School for the State of New York, was established by an act of the Legislature in 1844, "for the instruction and practice of Teachers of Common Schools, in the science of Education, and the art of Teaching." Its sole object is to improve the Teachers of Common Schools; and the course of study and conditions of admission have been adopted with reference to that object.

Each County in the State is entitled to send to the School a number of pupils, (either male or female,) equal to twice the number of Members of the Assembly in such County. The pupils are appointed by the Town Superintendents at a meeting called for that pur


COURSE OF STUDY.-The following is the course of study for the School; and a thorough acquaintance with the whole of it, on the part of the male pupils, is made a condition for graduating:


The following is the course of study for the school; and a thorough acquaintance with the whole of it, on the part of the male pupils, is made a condition for graduating: Orthography,.

.Normal Chart.

Analysis of derivative words,. ....Town's.
Reading and Elocution,.


Natural Philosophy,

Chemistry, (with experimental lec-

Intellectual Philosophy,.

Moral Philosophy,.

Constitutional Law, with select parts


. Olmstead's.

. Silliman's.


of the Statutes of this State, mostYoung's Science intimately connected with the of Gov. rights and duties of citizens,. . Revised Statutes. Rhetoric, Lectures. .Lectures, Theo

Art of Teaching,.

ry and Practice of Teaching, and Experimental school.
Mathematical Geography, use of
globes and Elements of Astrono-

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Lessons in drawing and vocal music, to be given to

The same course of study, omitting the Higher Al-
gebra, Plane Trigonometry and Surveying. must be
attained by females as a condition of graduating.

Any of the pupils who desire further to pursue mathematics, can be allowed to do so after completing the above course of study.

Pupils on entering the School are subjected to a thorough examination, and are classified according to their previous attainments. The time required to accomplish the course will depend upon the attainments and talents of the pupil.

All the pupils receive their tuition free. They are also furnished with the use of text books without charge. Besides this each student receives four cents a mile on the distance from his county town to Albany. This money is paid to the student at the close of the term.

TERMS AND VACATIONS.-The year is divided into two terms, so as to bring the vacations into April and October, the months for holding the Teachers' Insti tutes. This also enables the pupils to take advantage of the cheapness of traveling by the various means of water communication in the State, in going to and from the School.

THE SUMMER TERM commences on the SECOND MONDAY IN MAY, and continues TWENTY WEEKS, with an intermission of one week from the first of July.

THE WINTER TERM commences on the FIRST MON

DAY IN NOVEMBER, and continues TWENTY-TWO WEEKS, with an intermission from Christmas to New-Years day inclusive.

PROMPT ATTENDANCE.-As the School will open on Monday, it would be for the advantage of the pupils, if they should reach Albany by the Thursday or Friday preceding the day of opening. The Faculty can then aid them in securing suitable places for boarding.

As the examination of the pupils preparatory for classification will commence on the first day of the term, it is exceedingly important that all the pupils .National W.Book. should report themselves on the first morning. Those who arrive a day after the time, will subject not only the Teachers to much trouble, but themselves also to the rigors of a private examination. After the first week, no student, except for the strongest reasons, shall be allowed to enter the School.

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The ladies and gentlemen are not allowed to board in the same families' Particular care is taken to be assured of the respectability of the families who propose to take boarders, before they are recommended to the pupils.

The following table will show the vacancies in each County at the close of the present term of the School, which the Town Superintendents will be expected to fill as soon as possible after the first of April. The table also shows the amount of money which each student will receive per term.



No of Vacan Am't. paid to
each pupil.


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In the selection of pupils, the Superintendents will please observe the following directions:

1. That the appointments in each County shall be made at a meeting of the Town Superintendents, called by the Town Superintendent of the County town for that purpose.

2. Females sent to the school must be sixteen years of age, and males eighteen.

3. The Superintendents in making their appointments, are to pay no regard to the political opinions of the applicants. The selection should be made with reference to the moral worth and abilities of the candidates. Decided preference ought to be given to those who, in the judgment of the Superintendents, give the highest promise of becoming the most efficient teachers of common schools. It is also desirable that those only should be appointed who have already a good knowledge of the common branches of study, and who intend to remain in the school until they graduate.

4. As the pupils on entering the school are required to sign a declaration, that, "it is their intention to devote themselves to the business of teaching district schools, and that their sole object in resorting to the Normal School, is the better to prepare themselves for this important duty," therefore, it is expected of the Superintendents that they shall seleet such as will faithfully fulfil their engagements in this particular.

5. Pupils once admitted to the school will have the right to remain until they graduate, unless they forfeit that right by voluntarily vacating their place, or by improper conduct.

6. As the objection is often urged against the school, that the pupils will not fulfill their engagements by teaching district schools, it is hoped that the Superintendents will select persons in whose integrity they can confide.

7. In the selection of pupils, preference is always to be given to those who reside in your own County; but if there are no suitable persons within your County who wish to avail themselves of the advantages of the school, the Superintendents may then select the residents of other Counties of this State who may apply: provided, they bring satisfactory evidence that they are suitable candidates.

Immediately upon the receipt of this circular, the Town Superintendent of the County Town is requested to fill the blanks in the notice which is here subjoined, calling a meeting of the Superintendents, for the purpose of filling the vacancies in his County, and to forward it to each Town Superintendent in his county without delay. )

Respectfully Yours, CHRISTOPHER MORGAN, Supt. Com. Schools. P. S. You will observe, that the above directions differ in one respect from those which have been sent to you before. Since the abolishment of the office of County Superintendent, the State Department has no organ of direct communication with the Town Superintendents. I have therefore appointed the Town Superintendent of the County Town, in each County, the chairman of the meeting of Superintendents. This is done as a means of facilitating business, and I would respectfully beg this officer to attend to the duty entrusted to him.

To the Superintendent of the Town of County of

It will be seen by the circular of the State Superintendent of Common Schools, that there will be vacancies in the State Normal School, at Albany, to be filled, if practicable, by persons residing in this county. Will you please inquire if there are any suitable persons in your town who would wish to be appointed?

[blocks in formation]

Our readers will excuse the want of variety in the present number of the Journal. The Report of the Normal School, notwithstanding its length, will be read with interest and profit by all who feel an interest in improving the methods of instructing our common schools. After this, we hope to present more brief articles with a view to add interest to the pages of the Journal.

Correspondents will please bear in mind the necessity of abridging their communications as much as may be consist

THE DISTRICT SCHOOL JOURNAL. The present number commences the ninth volume of this paper. For eight years it has been steadily and perseveringly devoted to the cause of Common School Education, fearlessly exposing the errors in our school system, and judicious-ent with perspicuity. ly advocating those reforms which have wrought out an incalculable amount of good to society. Public attention through its efforts, has been direted to our Common Schools and an active interest created which cannot fail to increase the blessings of education and virtue,

The Journal was commenced by the late FRANCIS DWIGHT, widely known and highly respected as an able advocate for popular Education. Under his skillful and judicious manage ment it grew in influence, and was a potent engine in promoting those reforms in our educational system that have justly made our schools the pride of the State. After several years of successful toil, just as the ripening harvests were to reward his labors and encourage him in his noble efforts, Death suddenly removed him from his sphere of usefulness. He was borne to the tomb amid the deep sorrows of thousands who had witnessed the good he done as an educator, and who will long cherish his memory with the respect and veneration due to a public benefactor.


The administration of the Common School Department has been placed by the people of this State in the hands of CHRISTOPHER MORGAN, a gentleman well known and highly respected as a scholar and statesman. His predecessor N. S. BENTON left the office on the first of January last, having discharged its duties for three years with fidelity to the public and satisfaction to his friends. His Deputy S. M. HOLMES, who succeded S. S. RANDALL was continued in the office until the first of March, laboring diligently and efficiently to promote the cause of common school education. His gentlemanly and courteous manner to all will long be remembered by those who have had occasion to do business with the Department.

Mr. MORGAN brings to the office a sound and discriminating judgment, enriched by large attainments and ripe experience. As a statesman and scholar he is only equalled by his prompt and correct business habits. The friends of education cannot but feel gratified that our common school

in terse and expressive language, and indicate an acquaintance with the school system that gives us ample assurance of a liberal and efficient administration of this department of the state government.

The hand which removed the first editor, provided an able and judicious successor in S. S. RANDALL, then State Deputy Superintendent of Schools. He safely guided the bark, sud-interests have fallen to his hands. His decisions are made denly bereft of its pilot, in an undeviating course. There was no change in the objects of the paper, or the measures recom. mended. It continued its useful mission under his direction until ill health, the consequence of his untiring devotion to the cause of education, compelled him to seek the restoration of exhausted energies in relaxation and a milder climate. The paper was again consigned to other hands, but without any change in its principles or devotion to the interests of Education. Rev. Dr. CAMPBELL brought to its columns the stores of a well cultivated mind, enriched by large experience and extensive erudition. As before, the Journal was conducted with ability and zeal in the noble cause to which it was devoted when first established.

In the appointment of Deputy Superintendent, Mr. MORGAN has manifested discrimination and wisdom. Mr. JOHNSON, the newly appointed Deputy, received his primary education in a common school, and subsequently graduated at one of our most valuable New England colleges. During his collegiate course, like many others whose main reliance is upon their own energies, he supported himself by teacing a common School. A considerable portion of his life has been spent in the service of the cause to which he has been wise

It now falls to our hands under circumstances that imposely called by the state Superintendent. Other pursuits have the greatest care in its management. We have the example of able and zealous predecessors to emulate us in the discharge of our duty, to guide us in our labors and encourage us in the hour of trial. It shall be our constant aim to make the Journal consistent with the preceding volumes, by advocating the claims of education and enforcing the obligations of society to attend to the interests of its Schools, and provide all the facilities for obtaining a thorough knowledge of those branches necessary to qualify the next generation for the duties created by their relations to each other, their country and their God.

As the organ of the School Department it will be found of great value to Teachers and School Officers. It is the me

equally tended to qualify him for the discharge of the various and oft-times difficult duties now entrusted to him. His experience as an Editor as well as in the practice of law is eminently well calculated to give him correctness and facility in transacting the business of his office. Acquainted with the toils and difficulties that crowd the Teacher's path, his sympathies will naturally direct him to make such efforts in behalf of this laborious and poorly requited profession as his prudence and good judgment may dictate. We know him to be a friend of the common school system of this State, and have no hesitation in promising that he will devote himself to giving efficiency and skill to its practical operations.

With such distinguished ability and zeal as we now find

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