Selkirk's interest with his king, and esteeming, as I do, his private character, I wished to make him the happy instrument of alleviating the horrors of hopeless captivity, when the brave are overpowered and made prisoners of war. It was, perhaps, fortunate... The Atlantic Magazine - Page 3191824Full view - About this book
| Art - 1708 - 586 pages
...alleviating the horrors of hop'elefs captivity, when the brave are overpowered, and made prifoners of war. It was, perhaps, fortunate for you, Madam,...through his means, a general and fair exchange of prifoners, as well in Europe as in America, had been effected. " When I was informed by fome men whom... | |
| 1798 - 584 pages
...alleviating the horrors of bope.lefs captrvitj, when thc brave are overpowered, ami made pri. foners of war. It was, perhaps, fortunate for you, Madam,...the Ranger, and to have detained him, until, through hie means, a general and fair exchange of prilbners, as well in Europe as in America, had been effened.... | |
| British periodicals - 1798 - 576 pages
...of alleviating the horrors of hopelefi captvviiy, when the brave are overpowered, and made prifoners of war. It was, perhaps, fortunate for you, Madam,...intention to have taken him on board the Ranger, and to hare detained him, until, through his means, a general and fair exchange of prifoners, as well in Europe... | |
| English literature - 1817 - 526 pages
...happy instrument •f alleviating the horrors of hopeless captivity, wnen the brave are overpowered and made prisoners of war. It was, perhaps, fortunate...taken him on board the Ranger, and to have detained h'm until, through his means, a general and fair exchange of prisoners, as well in Europe as in America,... | |
| English literature - 1817 - 526 pages
...the happy instrument of alleviating the horrors of hopeless captivity, when the brave are overpowered and made prisoners of war It was, perhaps, fortunate for you, Madam, that he was from home, for ttwasmy intention to have taken him on board the Hanger, and to have detained him until, through his... | |
| 1818 - 588 pages
...the happy instrument of alleviating the horrors of hopeless captivity, when the brave are overpowered and made prisoners of war. It was perhaps, fortunate...through his means, a general and fair exchange of prisoners, as well in Europe as in America, had been effected. When I was informed by some men whom... | |
| Hezekiah Niles - United States - 1822 - 518 pages
...happy instrument of alleviating tfce horrors of hopeless captivity, when the brave are overpowered and made prisoners of war. It was perhaps fortunate for you, madam, that he wu from home, for it was my intention to have taken him on board the Ranger, and to have detained him,... | |
| John Henry Sherburne - Biography & Autobiography - 1825 - 374 pages
...the happy instrument of alleviating the horrors of hopeless captivity, when the brave are overpowered and made prisoners of war. It was, perhaps, fortunate...through his means, a general and fair exchange of prisoners, as well in Europe as in America, had been effected. When I was informed, by some men whom... | |
| Amos Blanchard (of Cincinnati.), Amos Blanchard - United States - 1825 - 464 pages
...the happy instrument of alleviating the horrors of hopeless captivity, when the brave are overpowered and made prisoners of war. It was perhaps fortunate...through his means, a general and fair exchange of prisoners, as well in Europe as in America, had becn effected. " When I was informed, by some men whom... | |
| John Henry Sherburne - United States - 1825 - 402 pages
...the happy instrument of alleviating the horrors of hopeless captivity, when the brave are overpowered and made prisoners of war. It was, perhaps, fortunate...through his means, a general and fair exchange of prisoners, as well in Europe as in America, had been effected. When I was informed, by some men whom... | |
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