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What I have already said concerning the genealogical tables of horses is correct. The Arabs of the desert know nothing of it; but the origin and breed of each horse is as well known as that of every individual. In travelling along the mountains of Sherar, south of the dead sea, alone with my guide, we were repeatedly met by horsemen. My guide always distinguished the mare from afar, before he could clearly see the rider. "It is the grey Hadeba of such a one," said he, "therefore do not mind the horsemen, for we are friends."

The enumeration of one mare or horse to every six or eight tents, which I was led to adopt by repeated visits in the Aeneze encampments, is likewise applicable to the Arabs el Kebly; and the latter, taken altogether, might perhaps be found to have only one horseman among ten tents.

Among different Bedouin tribes, in number from 250 to 300, who wander about in the desert,-included in the triangle, of which Syria is one side, the course of the Euphrates the second, and a line drawn from Anah on the Euphrates to the northern extremity of the Red Sea, as the basis,--there is no tribe that possesses finer horses, and in greater quantity, than the Rowalla, one of the four principal branches of the Aenezes; who pass their winter months in the Hedjed and the mountains of Shemmar, and approach, in summer, the frontiers of Syria and Mesopotamia. Of the Bedouins nearest to Syria, the Ehhsenne, another branch of Aenezes, who live in summer to the east of Damascus, Homs and Hamah, and in the environs of Palmyra, and principally the Beni Szakher, to the east of the dead sea, excel in the noble breeds of their horses.

If any quantity of fine Arab horses were wanted to be bought up in Syria, I would recommend two places as most proper for making the purchase. Hassia, a village on the Caravan road, from Damascus to Homs, about eight hours distant from Homs; and Aera, a village of Druzes in the Hauran, two hours north of Bosra. A Frank, of whatever na⚫tion he may be, with letters of recommendation from the Pasha of Damascus, would find himself in perfect security in these places. It is almost impossible to purchase fine horses in the Syrian towns, and that for several reasons. The Turk

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ish governors are generally passionately fond of horses. They buy up, or ask in presents, or take away by force, whatever fine horse is in the town; and in order to get possession of a horse in the stable of a grandee, a present of double its value must be made; for he would think it a shame to have it said he stole a horse. Besides, horses that have been only one

year in the hands of a Turkish horseman, are no more fit for any European market; because the playing of the Derid, and the exercises of Turkish horsemanship soon spoil their legs, and throw the strongest horse upon his haunches. It is also a rule among the Bedouins, never to bring their horses to market into a town, without the certainty of selling them; for should they return without having effected a sale, a horse, whatever its breed may be, greatly diminishes in value. The Bedouins believe it has some bad marks; and its master finds it very difficult to dispose of it afterwards. It is, therefore, necessary to be stationed at a place where the Bedouins are continually passing to and fro, and where their best horses can be daily seen. The cheapest way of getting fine horses from the Arabs, is to buy up in Syria some blood mares, which may be got from the village chiefs at from 1000 to 1500 piastres; and afterwards to exchange them for the stud horses of the Bedouins. A mare worth in town 1000 piastres, may be exchanged against a horse from the Bedouins, which will fetch, in the same town, double that price. The Syrians neglect the commerce of Bedouin horses, because they are extremely shy of having any dealing with the Bedouins, whose name alone inspires them with terror. What I have seen of Egyptian horses has convinced me that the breed of this country is infinitely below that of the desert.

Camels. The Arabs el Kebly, and all the Arabs of the Hedjar have not only noted breeds of horses, but distinguish likewise particular breeds of camels, of that species which they call Hedjeen; by which appellation those camels are designated which are destined merely for riding, and not for carrying any burthen. I am not sure whether the Arabs of Syria make any like difference in the breed of their camels. I never heard it It seems

mentioned; and rather believe it is not the case. that the camel acquires an additional degree of swiftness and strength, the more the country in which it is bred approaches the tropical climes. The breeds of camels are traced to the remotest origin by the Arabs el Kebly, in the same manner as are those of their mares; but neither of them are recorded by written genealogies.

(The writer here gives the names and values of the different species.)

I have heard in the desert of camels performing journeys of six, eight and ten days, in one day. Towns-people relate such stories; but the Arabs contradict them. 1 know instances where camels have walked for five days and as many nights running, and have thus performed a journey of from twelve to

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fifteen days caravan travelling. This is the utmost which the camels in Northern Arabia can perform. Among the Howeytat, who pride themselves upon the breed of their camels, I saw one which had gone or trotted in one day over a space of three and a half common days' journeys; and it was looked upon as an extraordinary performance. I venture to say that there is no Hedjeen in Egypt able to go from Cairo to Suez, (a distance of 28 hours march,) in ten hours; which would be at the rate of about eight miles per hour. Mohamed Aly Pasha, who is very fond of travelling on camels, and, of course, has the best of them in his possession, in his frequent excursions to Suez, has never been able to perform the journey, in less than fourteen hours. The despatches sent over land from Yembo, where the Pasha's son is at present in garrison, to Cairo, (a journey of about 30 days,) generally arrives here on the thirteenth day.


MR. EDITOR-An old friend, with whom I usually spend a few weeks every summer, showed me, during a visit I made him last July, a letter which he had lately received from one of his foreign correspondents-no less a personage than the celebrated Dr. KITCHINER. By his permission, I took a copy of the letter, and herewith send it to you, "to do with as seemeth best in your eyes." I hope the Doctor's notes will, to use his own words, "prove not unamusing."

Yours, &c.



My Dear Friend--I am truly indebted to you for the specimens of Kous-kous, from the Columbia river, and, also, the Gombeau, from Louisiana. The first excels any caviare I have ever tasted; but I think the latter will not, at first, suit the palates of our gourmands. The flavour of the sassafras is too piquant for an unpractised palate.







Knowing your gout for antiquarian lore, as well as for the delicacies of the gastromomic art, I am happy to send you a copy of an old ballad, which will gratify both tastes. I copied it from an ancient and time-worn Cambrian manuscript, which was lent me, during a visit to the river Taafe, which I lately made, to obtain the secret of cooking the celebrated trout of that river. The manuscript contained the original Welsh, as well as the version, but as I believe that language is, to you, 'a

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sealed scroll,' I will not fash ma thum' to transcribe it. In the copy, I have retained all the original contractions, and give it to you literatim,' but not 'punctuatim,' for it exhibits a noble defiance of punctuation. As it throws great light on the gastrology of the 'olden people' of this island, I have ventured to add a few observations by way of illustration, which I hope will not prove unamusing. Farewell. In the Swedish manner I wish you 'bonne digestion. Yours,






KYNGE ARTHure's puden.

1. When gode Kynge Arthure whylome reigned
O'er all ys English londe

He had Knyghtes errante 24

Under hys commande

2. Ys Kynge for Sonday mornenge bade
Hys cooke withoute delaie

To have a greate bagge-puden made
For to dyne upon yt daie

3. Ye cooke yn toke hys byggeste potte
Yt 90 Hhds helde

And soone he made ye water hotte
Wyth which yt potte was fyllede

4. Hys knedynge troughe was 50 yds
In lengthe & 20 wyde

And 80 kytchen wenches stode
In ordere bye its syde

5. Fulle 60 sakes of wheatene floure
They emptyed in a tryse

And 15 Bbls of melases

& 7 casks of Ryse

6. For every pounde of floure they toke
Att leaste 2 poundes of plums

Ye lumps of suete in it were
As bygge as my two thumbes

7. Ye puden bagge was of toe-clothe
Ech yd was worthe a groate,
Beinge too small they peeced it wyth
Ye Queene's stuffe pettykote.

8. From 4 o'clock before sunryse

They boyled it untylle noone

When ye cooke he swore if it boyled anie more
It wd turne to poyson soone

9. Att length they gott ye puden oute
Wyth much adoe and clatter
& yn wyth iron crowe-bars roiled
It on a puter platter

10. It toke 200 Servynge men
To lyft it on ye table

& everie knyghte sat down to eate
As much as he was able

11. Ye kynge yn drew hys shynynge bronde
& swore by gode saint Toddy
Yt he wd eate a peece of itt.
As bygge as his owne bodie

12. Eache valorouse knyght swore bye ye rood
Yt he wd doe soe too

& eate as much as anie kynge

In Chrystendome could doe

13. Grayse beinge saide ye graycious kynge
Bowed rounde to everie manne

& thrust his sworde upp to ye bylte
& oute ye gravie ranne

14. It was so gode yt everie knighte
Stuffed tylle hee almost dyed
what they cd not eate y daie
They had ye next daie fryed

15. Ande nowe God blesse y noble Kynge
Hys knyghtes & table rounde

& when he nexte suche a puden boyls
O! may wee there bee founde.


Stanza 1st. Knyghtes errantes 24. THE "ROUNDE TABLE," or collection of knights errant attached to King Arthur's court was the most celebrated institution in the annals of chivalry, and was the model which succeeding monarchs followed. The name is derived, says Selden, from the form of the table at which the court was accustomed to dine during the Christmas holidays, at which time all the knights were bound to be present, and renew their fealty. The architect who erected it was a resident of Merchwyr Tydwyll, and was nephew of the celebrated Merlin. His grave is yet to be seen with the following inscription:

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