The Runaway Midwife: A NovelIn a contemporary novel “full of hope and heart,” a midwife in need of reinvention escapes to a remote island—and takes on a new identity (Booklist). West Virginia midwife Clara Perry is accustomed to comforting her patients. But when her life takes a nosedive, she realizes she hasn’t been tending to her own needs. She decides to take drastic action, running away to a place where no one knows her or the mess she’s left behind. On Canada’s remote Sea Gull Island, she starts calling herself Sara Livingston, a writer seeking solitude. But there’s no avoiding the outside world. The residents are friendly, and draw “Sara” into their lives. She volunteers at the local medical clinic, using her midwifery skills, and forms a tentative relationship with a local police officer. But as her new life takes shape, a lesson becomes clear: no matter how far you run, you can never really hide from your past. |
2 | |
Chapter | 3 |
Chapter | 3 |
Chapter | 5 |
Chapter | 5 |
Chapter | 7 |
Chapter | 8 |
Chapter | 9 |
Chapter 32 | |
Chapter 33 | |
Chapter 34 | |
Chapter 35 | |
Fall | |
Chapter 36 | |
Chapter 37 | |
Chapter 38 | |
Chapter | 10 |
Chapter 11 | |
Chapter 12 | |
Chapter 13 | |
Spring | |
Chapter 14 | |
Chapter 15 | |
Chapter 16 | |
Chapter 17 | |
Chapter 18 | |
Chapter 19 | |
Chapter 20 | |
Chapter 21 | |
Chapter 22 | |
Chapter 23 | |
Chapter 24 | |
Chapter 25 | |
Chapter 26 | |
Summer | |
Chapter 27 | |
Chapter 28 | |
Chapter 29 | |
Chapter 30 | |
Chapter 31 | |
Chapter 39 | |
Chapter 40 | |
Chapter 41 | |
Chapter 42 | |
Chapter 43 | |
Chapter 44 | |
Chapter 45 | |
Winter Again | |
Chapter 46 | |
Chapter 47 | |
Chapter 48 | |
Chapter 49 | |
Chapter 50 | |
Chapter 51 | |
Chapter 52 | |
Chapter 53 | |
Chapter 54 | |
Chapter 55 | |
Chapter 56 | |
Acknowledgments | |
P S Insights Interviews More | |
About the author | |
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Common terms and phrases
baby beach bike bird blue border collie breakwall breath Canada casino Charlene Cider comes cottage dark door doula eyes face feel ferry front give glass gray Grays Road Gull Point hair hand head hear Helen hippies home birth Jake Jessie Karen kids kitchen Lake Erie Lenny living Lloyd Lloyd Nelson look midwife minutes Molly Lou Nature Conservancy Nelsons never nice night Nita Nita's Officer Dolman okay parking patient Pelee Island Peter Dolman porch pull quilt Rainbow Richard road Robyn Sara Livingston says Seagull Haven Seagull Island sheep sheepdog trials smile snow snowmobile someone stand stare sure tell Terry there's thing Tiger tonight Torrington turn voice Wade walk watch waves wearing West Virginia What's Whip-poor-will wind window woman Yeah