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Statement Of The Ownership, Management, Circulation, Etc.,

of JUVENILE COURT RECORD, published monthly at Chicago, Illinois, required by the Act of August 24, 1912.

NOTE. This statement is to be made in duplicate, both copies to be delivered by the publisher to the postmaster, who will send one copy to the Third Assistant Postmaster General (Division of Classification), Washington, D. C., and retain the other in the files of the post office.

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Owners: (If a corporation, give names and addresses of stockholders holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of stock.)

P. D. Herwitz, 925 Lake Ave., Wilmette, Ill.
M. Mesirow, 1238 N. Western Ave., Chicago, Ill.

C. C. Stahmann, 4427 Margaretta Ave., St. Louis, Mo.
H. H. Hart, 105 E. 22nd St., New York City.

Mrs. R. T. Newhall, 727 Upper Dowe, Portland, Oregon.
Dr. M. S. Schoenbrod, 3044 Logan Blvd., Chicago, Ill.

Known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders,
holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mort-
gages, or other securities:

Average number of copies of each issue of this publication sold or distributed, through the mails or otherwise, to paid subscribers during the six months preceding the date of this statements. (This information is required from daily newspapers only.)


P. D. Herwitz, Pres. Sworn to and subscribed before me this thirtyfirst day of March, 1913.

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To keep boys decent, give them a decent place to play

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Published in the Interest of Handicapped, Dependent and Delinquent Children

By Children's Charities, Inc.

tered as Second-class Matter April 12, 1907, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under Act of March 3, 1879


This paper is published to disseminate news and ideas helpful to such Handicapped, Dependent and Delinquent

Children as come before the

Juvenile Courts

During the past few years CHILDREN'S CHARITIES and the JUVENILE COURT RECORD have been issued as two separate and distinct publications. Inasmuch as both magazines were engaged in similar work and contained the same editorial matter, the publishers believe it best to discontinue one of the two-thus eliminating a certain amount of unnecessary confliction.

¶ Hereafter, those who have in the past subscribed to CHILDREN'S CHARITIES will receive the JUVENILE COURT RECORD, the former being discontinued.

¶THE JUVENILE COURT RECORD is published by Children's Charities, Incorporated, which is a business enterprise, supported by subscriptions and sales of single copies of its magazines. Agents who sell this paper are allowed to state to persons whose patronage they solicit that the paper is published in the interests of homeless and neglected children and to help in finding homes for homeless children; but they are not allowed to state or represent that said paper is published in the interest of, or for the benefit of any society, institution or particular work for children in the state in which the paper is sold. It will be a favor to the managers of the paper if purchasers will report any violation of this rule, as we do not intend to allow any misrepresentations on the part of any employe of this magazine.

134 East 25th Street, New York City.
220 Devonshire Street, Boston.

Published Monthly by Children's Charities,
326 W. Madison St., Chicago, Ill.
Price $1.00 per Year :: Ten Cents the Copy.
M. Mesirow, Secretary.

D. R. Blyth, Editor.



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