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When you are call'd, return. Now the Lord help,
They vex me past my patience-pray pass on;
I will not tarry; no, nor ever more

Upon this business my appearance make

In any of their courts.

[Exeunt Queen and her Attendants.


King. Go thy ways, Kate,


That man i'th' world, who shall report he has
A better wife, let him in nought be trusted,
For speaking false in that. Thou art alone,
(If thy rare qualities, sweet gentleness,
Thy meekness saint-like, wife-like government,
Obeying in commanding, and thy parts
Sovereign and pious, could but speak thee out)
The Queen of earthly Queens. She's noble born;
And like her true nobility, she has
Carried her self tow'rds me.

Wol. Moft gracious Sir,

In humblest manner I require your Highness
That it shall please you to declare, in hearing
Of all these ears (for where I'm robb'd and bound,
There must I be unloos'd, although not there
At once, and fully fatisfy'd) if I

Did broach this business to your Highness, or
Laid any fcruple in your way, which might
Induce you to the question on't; or ever
Have to you, but with thanks to God for such
A royal lady, spake one the least word,
That might be prejudice of her present state,
Or touch of her good person?

King. My lord Cardinal,
I do excuse you; yea, upon mine honour,
I free you from't: you are not to be taught,
That you have many enemies, that know not
Why they are so, but like the village curs,
Bark when their fellows do. By some of these
The Queen is put in anger; y'are excus'd:

> Bust

But will you be more justify'd? you ever
Have wish'd the sleeping of this business, never
Defir'd it to be stirr'd; but oft have hindred
The passages made tow'rdsit: on my honour
I speak, my good lord Cardinal, to this point;
And thus far clear him. Now, what mov'd me to't.
I will be bold with time and your attention:
Then mark th' inducement. Thus it came; give heed to't
My confcience first receiv'd a tenderness,
Scruple, and prick'd, on certain speeches utter'd
- By th' bishop of Bayon, then French Ambaffador,
who had been hither sent on the debating
A marriage 'twixt the Duke of Orleans and
Our daughter Mary: I'th' progress of this business,
Ere a determinate resolution, he

(I mean the bishop) did require a respite,
Wherein he might the King his lord advertise,
Whether our daughter were legitimate;
Respecting this our marriage with the Dowager,
Sometime our brother's wife. This respite shook
The bosom of my confcience, enter'd me,
Yea with a splitting power; and made to tremble
The region of my breast, which forc'd such way,
That many maz'd considerings did throng
And prest it with this caution. First, methought
I stood not in the smile of heav'n, which had
Commanded nature, that my lady's womb
(If it conceiv'd a male-child by me) should
Do no more offices of life to't, than
The grave does to the dead; for her male-issue,
Or died where they were made, or shortly after
This world had air'd them. Hence I took a thought,
This was a judgment on me, that my kingdom
(Well worthy the best heir o'th' world) should not
Be glad in one by me. Then follows, that
I weigh'd the danger which my realms stood in
By this my issue's fail, and that gave to me
Many a groaning throe: thus hulling in
The wild fea of my confcience, I did steer
Towards this remedy, whereon we are



Now present here together; that's to say;
I meant to rectifie my confcience, (which
I then did feel full sick, and yet not well)
By all the rev'rend fathers of the land
And doctors learn'd. First, I began in private
With you my lord of Lincoln; you remember
How under my oppression I did reel,
When I first mov'd you.

Lin. Very well, my liege.

King. I have spoke long; be pleas'd your self to fay

How far you fatisfy'd me.

Lin. Please your Highness,

The question did at first so stagger me,
Bearing a state of mighty moment in't,
And confequence of dread; that I committed
The daring'st counsel which I had to doubt:
And did intreat your Highness to this course
Which you are running here

King. I then mov'd you
My lord of Canterbury, and got your leave
To make this present summons unfollicited.
I left no rev'rend person in this court,
But by particular consent proceeded
Under your hands and feals. Therefore go on;
For no dislike i'th' world against the person
Of our good Queen, but the sharp thorny points
Of my alledged reasons drive this forward.
Prove but our marriage lawful, by my life
And kingly dignity, we are contented
To wear our mortal state to come, with her.
(Katherine our Queen) before the primest creature
That's paragon'd i'th' world.

Cam. So please your Highness

The Queen being absent, 'tis a needful fitness
That we adjourn this court to further day;
Mean while must be an earnest motion
Made to the Queen, to call back her appeal
She intends to his Holiness.

King. I may perceive

These Cardinals trifle with me: I abhor



This dilatory floth, and tricks of Rome.
My learn'd and well-beloved servant Cranmer,
Pr'ythee return; with thy approach, I know,
My comfort comes along. Break up the court:
I say, fet on.

[Exeunt, in manner as they enter'd..


Enter Queen and her Women, as at work..


AKE thy lute, wench, my foul grows sad with troubles:

Sing and disperse 'em if thou canft: leave working.


Orpheus, with his lute, made trees,
And the mountain tops that freeze,
Bow themselves when he did fing.
To his musick, plants and flowers
Ever rose, as fun and showers

There had made a lasting spring.
Ev'ry thing that heard him play,
Ev'n the billows of the fea,

Hung their heads, and thenlay by..

In fweet musick is such art,
Killing care and grief of heart,

Fall afteep, or hearing die.

Enter a Gentleman.

Queen. How now ?

Gent. And't please your Grace, the two great Cardinals

Wait in the prefence.


Queen. Would they speak with me?
Gent. They will'd me say so, Madam.
Queen. Pray their Graces

To come near; what can be their business
With me a poor weak woman, fall'n from favour
I do not like their coming. Now I think on't,
They should be good men, their affairs are righteous,
But all hoods make not monks.

Enter the Cardinals Wolfey and Campeius.

Wol. Peace to your Highness. Queen. Your Graces find me here part of a House-wife, (I would be all) against the worst may happen : What are your pleasures with me, rev'rend lords? Wol. May't please you, noble Madam, to withdraw Into your private chamber; we shall give you The full cause of our coming.

Queen. Speak it here.

There's nothing I have done yet, o'my confcience,
Deserves a corner; would all other woinen
Could speak this with as free a foul as I do!
My lords, I care not (so much I am happy
Above a number) if my actions

Were try'd by ev'ry tongue, ev'ry eye saw 'em,
Envy and base opinion set against 'em :
I know my life so even. If your business
Do seek me out, and that way I am wise in;
Out with it boldly: truth loves open dealing.

Wol. Tanta est erga te mentis integritas, Regina Sere


Queen. Good my lord, no Latin;

I am not such a truant since my coming,

As not to know the language I have liv'd in.

A range tongue makes my cause more strange, suf

picious :

Pray speak in English, here are some will thank you If you speak truth for their poor mistress' fake Believe me she has had much wrong. Lord Cardinal, The willing'st sin I ever yet committed

May be absoly'd in English.

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