And lift my foul to heav'n. Lead on a God's name. If ever any malice in your heart 'Gainst me, I can't take peace with: no black envy Lov. To th' water-side I must conduct your Grace, Vaux. Prepare there, The Duke is coming: see the barge be ready, The greatness of his person. Buck. Nay, Sir Nicholas, Let it alone; my state now will but mock me. That never knew what truth meant; I now seal it; B3 Henry Henry the Eight, a name, honour, life, and all Farewel; and when you would say something sad, Speak how I fell I've done; and God forgive me. [Exeunt Buckingham and Traine 1 Gen. O, this is full of pity; Sir, it calls, I fear, too many curses on their heads, 2 Gen. If the Duke be guiltless, 'Tis full of woe; yet I can give you inkling. Of an ensuing evil, if it fall, Greater than this. 1 Gen. Good angels keep it from us: What may it be; you do not doubt my faith, Sir? 2 Gen. This fecret is so weighty, 'twill require A ftrong faith to conceal it. 1 Gen. Let me have it; I do not talk much. 2 Gen. I am confident; You shall, Sir; did you not of late days hear A buzzing of a feparation Between the King and Kath'rine? 1 Gen. Yes, but it held not; • life, honour, name, and all. For For when the King once heard it, out of anger 2. Gen. But that slander, Sir, 1 Gen. 'Tis the Cardinal; 2 Gen. I think you have hit the mark; but is't not cruel, That she should feel the smart of this? the Cardinal Will have his will, and the must fall. Gen. 'Tis woful, We are too open here to argue this : the SCENE III. [Exeunt: Enter Lord Chamberlain, reading a letter. M3 Y lord, the horses your lordship sent for, with all care I had 1 faw well chosen, ridden, and furnish'd. They were young and handsome, and of the best breed in the North. When they were ready to set out for London, a man of my lord Cardinal's, by commission and main power took 'em from me, with this reason; his master would be feru'd before a subject, if not before the King, which stopp'd our mouths, Sir. I fear he will indeed; well, let him have them; he will have all, I think. Enter to the Lord Chamberlain the Dukes of Norfolk and Nor. Well met, my Lord Chamberlain. Suf. How is the King employ'd? Cham. I left him private, Full of fad thoughts and troubles. Nor. What's the cause ? Cham. It seems the marriage with his brother's wife Has crept too near his confcience. Suf. No, his confcience Has crept too near another lady. Nor. 'Tis so; This is the Cardinal's doing; the King-Cardinal : Cham. Heav'n keep me from such counsel! 'tis most true, These news are ev'ry where, ev'ry tongue speaks 'em, And ev'ry true heart weeps for't. All that dare Look into these affairs, see his main end, The French King's sister. Heaven will one day open The King's Eyes, that so long have slept upon This bold, bad man. Suf. Suf. And free us from his slavery. Nor. We had need pray, and heartily, for deliv'rance Or this imperious man will work us all From Princes into pages; all mens honours Lie like one lump before him, to be fashion'd Into what pitch he please. Suf. For me, my lords, I love him not, nor fear him, there's my creed Nor. Let's in; And with some other business, put the King My lord, you'll bear us company? Cham. Excuse me, The King hath sent me other-where: befides You'll find a most unfit time to disturb him: Health to your lordships. [Exit Lord Chamberlain Nor. Thanks, my good Lord Chamberlain. The Scene draws, and discovers the King sitting and reading pensively. Suf. How sad he looks! sure he is much afflicted. King. Who's there? ha? Nor. Pray God he be not angry. King. Who's there, I say? how dare you thruft your selves Into my private meditations? Who am I? ha? Nor. A gracious King, that pardons all offences, Malice ne'er meant, our breach of duty this way, Is business of estate; in which we come To know your royal pleasure. King. Ye are too bold: Go to; I'll make ye know your times of business: Is this an hour for temporal affairs? ha? |