As to the Tower, I thought; I would have plaid Th' ufurper Richard, who being at Salisbury, Have put his knife into him. King. A giant traitor! Wol. Now, Madam, may his Highness live in freedom, And this man out of prifon? King. There's something more would out of thee; what say'st? Surv. After the Duke his father with the knife, King. There's his period, SCENE VI. [Exeunt Enter Lord Chamberlain, and Lord Sands. Chamb. S't poffible the spells of France should juggle Sands. New customs, Their 1 Their very nofses had been counsellors Sands. They've all new legs, and lame ones; one would take it. (That never faw 'em pace before) the spavin And fpring-halt reign'd among 'em. Cham. Death! nay lord, Their clothes are after such a pagan cut too, That sure they've worn out Christendom: how now! What news Sir Thomas Lovell? Enter Sir Thomas Lovell. Lov. 'Faith, my lord, I hear of none, but the new proclamation Lov. The reformation of our travell'd gallants, Cham. I'm glad 'tis there; now I would pray out Monfieurs To think an English courtier may be wife, Lov. They must either (For so run the conditions) leave those remnants The lag-end of their lewdness, and be laugh'd at. Sands. 'Tis time to give them physick, their diseases are grown so catching. Cham. What a loss our ladies Will have of these trim vanities? There There will be woe indeed, lords; the fly whoresons Sands. The devil fiddle 'em; I'm glad they're going, For sure there's no converting 'em: now Sirs, Cham. Well faid, lord Sands, Nor shall not, while I have a stump. Whither are you going? Lov. To the Cardinal's; This night he makes a supper, and a great one, Lov. The churchman bears a bounteous mind indeed; Cham. No doubt, he's noble; He had a black mouth that faid other of him. Sands. He may, my lord, h'as wherewithal in him; Sparing would shew a worse sin than ill doctrine. Men of his way should be most liberal, They're fet here for examples. Cham. True, they are fo; But few now give so great ones: my barge stays; Your lordship shall along: come, good Sir Thomas, We shall be late else, which I would not be, For I was spoke to, with Sir Henry Guilford, This night to be comptrollers. Sands. I'm your lordship's. Exeunt. SCENE SCENE VII. Hautboys. A small table under a state for the Cardinal, a longer table for the guests. Then enter Anne Bullen, and divers other ladies and gentlemen, as guests, at one door; at another door enter Sir Henry Guilford. Guil. Ladies, a general welcome from his grace To fair content and you: none here he hopes, 1 Enter Lord Chamberlain, Lord Sands and Lovell. O my lord, y'are tardy; Cham. You're young, Sir Harry Guilford. Lov. O that your lordship were but now confessor To one or two of these. Sands. I would I were, They should find easie penance. Sands. As easy as a down bed would afford it. Place you that side, I'll take the charge of this: Sands. By my faith, And thank your lordship. By your leave sweet ladies, If If I chance to talk a little wild, forgive me: Anne. Was he mad, Sir? Sands. O very mad, exceeding mad in love too; But he would bite none; just as I do now, Cham. Well faid, my lord: Sands. For my little cue, Let me alone. Hautboys. Enter Cardinal Wolfey, and takes his state. Wol. Y'are welcome, my fair guests; that noble lady Or gentleman that is not freely merry Isnot my friend. This to confirm my welcome, And to you all good health. Sands. Your Grace is noble: Let me have such a bowl may hold my thanks, Wol. My lord Sands, I am beholden to you; cheer your neighbour: Sands. The red Wine first must rife Anne. You're a merry gamester, My lord Sands. Sands. Yes, if I make my play, Here's to your ladyship, and pledge it, madam: Anne. You cannot shew me. Sands. I told your Grace that they would talk anon. [Drum and trumpets, chambers discharged. Wol. What's that? Cham. Look out there, some of ye. Wol. What warlike voice, And |